Pastor Ralph Posted March 30, 2015 Report Posted March 30, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Quote
SoiKosum Posted May 2, 2015 Report Posted May 2, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? In the wilderness, Jesus stood against all of Satan's temptations. On the cross, Jesus bore all of the sin and degradation of mankind, and was raised from the dead. He now reigns at the right hand of the Father and is interceding for us. We can overcome the world by not succumbing to its temptations and falling into sin. Jesus has already given us the victory. We can overcome satan by confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and that He is our Lord and Saviour, even unto death. Amen! Quote
JanMary Posted May 3, 2015 Report Posted May 3, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? Jesus conquered death, and stripped the Devil of his power to own us. In Him we are now the Father's children, and are joint heirs with Jesus, seated with Him at the right hand of the Father. We are now assured of His constant Presence with and in us and have instant access to the Father. We are promised that all things in life are working together for the believer's good, and for God's purposes to His glory. In what sense can we “overcome” the world? We can overcome the world by choosing to stand, and to choose to allow Him to work in us and to give us courage and help no matter what we face. By saying "No" to temptatation we overcome Satan. We have eternal matter what comes, and neither the world nor the devil can take that away from us. Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Yes, even in martyrdom, by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony even as Stephen overcame the world in the midst of being stoned to death, which Saul who became Paul never forgot! Quote
Jen Posted May 5, 2015 Report Posted May 5, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) In every sense Jesus has overcome this world. Even though there is still tribulation this world is in its death throes. We, through the work of Christ in His sinless life and HIs substitutionary death on the cross, have peace with God no matter what the world throws at us for we know that everything that comes to us has to go through God first who fashions it so that it's time is limited and will work out for our good and for His Glory. We have that peace with God, those of us who have accepted Jesus work on the cross as for us, whether we feel that peace or not. We have peace with God. Thank you Jesus! We can "overcome" the world by remaining (abiding) in Christ. I in Him and He with me, Oh how glorious it is with Thee. The more the world drifts from Christ and the Cross the more we who abide in Him overcome the world through His strength, work, and victory. "O victory in Jesus, my Savior forever! He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him-He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood." God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
blezed Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Jesus overcame the world because he stood against Satan's temptations, bore the sins of mankind and rose from the dead. We can "overcome" the world by being courageous, stand up for what is right and say no to temptations that may come our way. Jesus has given us the victory. We can overcome Satan by claiming Jesus as Lord and the sacrifices we make because of our faith in Jesus. Quote
Clarence Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) This is a very deep question. Believers in Christ are not of the world (John 17:6, Romans 12:2). Jesus overcame the world because he did not compromise. He achieved all he was sent for in the face of adversity (John 3:17, John 16:33). Jesus warned his disciples that their life would be in danger because of him, however, in the end, he did not spare them. But he had told them not to be afraid because he was with them and has overcome the world (John 16:33). Believers in Jesus have overcome the world (John 5:5). Quote
hanks Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? In what sense can we "overcome" the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Jesus has overcome the world by His defeat of death. He has conquered the world – the decisive battle has been waged and won, and all of us who are in Christ share this same victory. Although the evil in the world continues and even increases, believers cannot be harmed by this as they have overcome the world by their faith in our Lord and Saviour. At the same time, as believers we also have the Holy Spirit who gives us new powers of endurance and new courage to face all the temptations of the world. Most definitely, we have the victory over Satan. He cannot touch us since our victory is based on the death and resurrection of Christ. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 Jesus overcame the world through his victory over death (which was a martyrdom). He not only died for the sins of the world, past, present and future, but rose again in glory afterwards. As mere human beings we can’t do anything so spectacular and all embracing. We can do our best to overcome the world by moving away from worldly things and towards spiritual ones. Satan’s power is broken when we free ourselves from worldly temptations, but especially if we manage to follow Jesus to the extent of laying down our lives for our friends through martyrdom. This truly defeats the Devil. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 15, 2015 Report Posted May 15, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Jesus has over come the world because he withstood all of Satin's temptations in the wilderness and was restored to glory after his death on the cross. We can over come the world because Jesus has over come the world. We must remember "greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world". We still over come Satin even if we are martyred for our belief in Jesus, being the only Son of God. This we know, whether trails, persecution or martyrdom, "greater is he who is in us, then he who is in the world". Quote
haar Posted May 30, 2015 Report Posted May 30, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? Jesus overcame Satan in the wilderness, overcame death through the resurrection despite the scheme of the devil. In what sense can we "overcome" the world? We can overcome the world in the the sense that the power to fight and win our battles is available from God through the Lord Jesus and the Holy spirit who are with us and in us. They give us victory. Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Yes. We may loose our lives (flesh) but the evil one cannot take our spirit that only God can. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted June 14, 2015 Report Posted June 14, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) As Christians, we should expect continuing tension with an unbelieving world that is “out of sync” with Christ, his Good News, and his people. At the same time, we can expect our relationship with Christ to produce peace and comfort because we are “in sync” with him. Jesus summed up all he had told them that night, tying together themes from. With these words he told his disciples to take courage. In spite of the inevitable struggles we would face, we are not alone. Jesus does not abandon us to our struggles we will overcome the world in His name. If we remember that the ultimate victory has already been won, we can claim the peace of Christ in the most troublesome times. The critical blow to Satan came when the Lamb, Jesus Christ, shed his blood for our sins. The victory is won by sacrifice—Christ’s death in our place to pay the penalty for our sin, and the sacrifices we make because of our faith in him. As we face the battle with Satan, we should not fear it or try to escape from it, but we should loyally serve Christ, who alone brings victory Quote
royk Posted June 20, 2015 Report Posted June 20, 2015 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? In what sense can we "overcome" the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11)Jesus overcame voluntarily bearing the sins of the whole world, and died and was resurrected by the Father and Holy Spirit. His spirit never died, and by faith he was able to come back for the disciples to see that He had overcome the ways of the world. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. We can do nothing alone, Satan is too wise and powerful in his evil ways to destroy our lives, we need Jesus' blood. This is the victory, His sacrifice that allows us to remain in Him and overcome the world. It is a strong but fragile victory that must be renewed every day and sometimes every moment . So we must be martyred in Christ, die to Him that we may live now for His Glory only Quote
pickledilly Posted July 20, 2015 Report Posted July 20, 2015 Jesus has overcome the world because He has overcome sin with its consequences and judgment of death. He has overcome the powers and systems that govern and drive humanity. He has overcome the evil realm of darkness and satan’s authority over this fallen world. ALL has been defeated and judged for destruction. The only thing left is the moment when He comes back from heaven to implement His victory and reclaim all that is rightfully His! This is our great hope for all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1John 5:5). Believers also have this victory, and it’s employed in our lives by our faith in Jesus. We believe by faith that His blood on heaven’s mercy seat has atoned for our nature and practice of sin, that His righteousness cloaks us before the Father, that He indwells us with spiritual power to live with courage according to His character. We live in His victory through the work of the Holy Spirit within. And through Him we can overcome iniquities of our own flesh, the world’s ways and philosophies, and the destruction satan attempts. Jesus, with all His victorious power and strength residing in us, can defeat anything brought against us. Martyrdom in the natural realm has no impact on the victories of the spiritual realm! Death in this world is merely a transfer of life to eternity. By faith, we're to live this earthly life with an expectant confidence in our Overcomer and the certainty of His victory. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? In what sense can we "overcome" the world? When Jesus went to the cross, He saved us out of love and not because of anything we did to earn salvation. His death on the cross overcame the evil in a world ruled by Satan (the prince of this world). Satan’s power over us was taken away when Christ accepted God's will and willingly went to the cross to die for the sins of mankind. When He gave Himself up as the perfect sacrifice on that cross He not only overcame Satan, He gave all of us the strength to overcome the power of sin and death that he (Satan) holds over us as well. When Jesus gave up His earthly life, He showed us the way to eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom. As Christian men and women, we need to realize that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God is doing His earthly work through all of us. For us to “overcome” the world (Satan), we have to set a shining example for the world by committing ourselves to loving God, loving one another and doing good works. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said to, “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? As good and faithful servants of the Lord we’ve been taught that the only way to overcome Satan is to stay strong in the Lord and boldly face the evil in the world. That said, let’s face facts here, we are all human beings and the fear of extreme pain and death is prevalent in all of us so exactly how can we possibly be expected to boldly face evil? Well, all we can really do is to keep our faith strong and pray that, if and when the time comes, God will provide us with the strength to do whatever the situation requires of us rather than allow evil to win. If the recent murders in Oregon teach us anything at all it’s that if you give your life for Christ you will rise with Him as well. In John 10:10, Jesus told us that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” and then in Matthew 6:25, He said that “whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” I pray fervently every single day that none of us will ever have to face what those young people had to face because of their faith but… if we do, I really don’t believe we will overcome Satan’s evil “even though”… I believe we’ll overcome “because” our faith in Christ is stronger than the evil that we’re facing. I pray that none of us ever have to face torture or death because of our religious beliefs but if we do, remember John’s words; “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 25, 2018 Report Posted October 25, 2018 Jesus “overcome” the world when if followed God’s instructions and in doing so he died on the cross and was resurrected. We can overcome the world by knowing God’s words and doing what the words say. We can overcome Satan because nobody can take our faith away from us even if we are martyred in the process. Quote
Godswriter Posted June 22, 2019 Report Posted June 22, 2019 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus “overcome” the world? In what sense can we “overcome” the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11)He died on the cross and delivered us from death, hell and the grave. We are freed from the power of sin and penalty of sin. Yes because our testimony and the blood of Jesus defeat him. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted September 19, 2020 Report Posted September 19, 2020 Q4. (John 16:33) 1. In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? Jesus has “overcome” the world in the sense that in the wilderness, He, undoubtedly, completely and in a praise-worthy manner withstood all of Satan's temptations. Furthermore, on the cross, Jesus bore all of the sin and degradation of mankind. In spite of it all, He was raised from the dead, and He now reigns at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us. Hallelujah, glory be to God Almighty. 2. In what sense can we "overcome" the world? We can “overcome” the world in the sense that we can hold on steadfastly to our believing in Jesus, having faith in the Word of God that since Jesus has overcome we too can overcome particularly as we have the Helper, the Holy Spirit with us. 3. Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Even though we are martyred in the process we can overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony, spurred on by the promise of the prize, the glory of being seated with Christ on His throne. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted January 10, 2022 Report Posted January 10, 2022 Christ overcame the world as he set toward Calvary despite all odds: persecutions from the Pharisees, doubting disciples, those that deserted him after the Bread of Life discourse and knowing what was going to happen to him on Good Friday. Christ knew that he would have to bear all the sins and diseases of mankind. Christ knew beforehand the the agony of the Cross; though always with Father, he knew he would say, "My God my God why hast thou forsaken me". Christ became our Joshua ! He was risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of God the Father interceding for us constantly; we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, we can enter the Holiest of holies now. We have been baptized in Christ; we have put on Christ. We have renounced the world, the flesh and the devil. With God's grace, we make our election sure. Though martyred we have the victory! All the saints martyred in the Colosium; they won their victory crowns. Their shed blood was the seed of the Christain church. Quote
Irmela Posted October 2, 2022 Report Posted October 2, 2022 Q4. (John 16:33) In what sense has Jesus "overcome" the world? In what sense can we "overcome" the world? Can we overcome Satan even though we are martyred in the process? (see Revelation 12:11) Jesus did not give in to the evil one's temptations. He overcame them. Then on the cross, He took all the sins of the world upon Himself, and by rising again He conquered death and thus overcame the world. Because Jesus paid the price for our sin, we can repent of them and overcome the grip they have on us, and ultimately overcome them and not give in to temptation. So we can overcome satan by not giving in to his wiles, even if we are killed in the process. Quote
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