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Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

  • 1 month later...

(John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? 


God the Father sent His begotten Son Jesus to bring salvation to the peoples by preaching the Word of God, by taking our sins and nailing it to the cross and by giving us victory in His resurrection and ascension to sit at the right hand of the Father. Jesus glorified Father God on earth by making sure that the Father's plan for salvation was accomplished, finished and completed. Amen!


(John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? 

  • The "work" the Father gave Jesus was to bring salvation for all men.  It brought glory to the Father by completing the work the Father had sent him to do.  

Q2. (John 17:4) What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do?


His work was to complete His Father's mission for revealing the plan and means of Salvation for the world at the cross.


How did it bring glory to the Father?


Jesus is the revelation of our Heavenly Father on earth...which He accomplished perfectly by finishing the work of becoming the sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world. He is God's perfect love expressed at Calvary and through His sinless life.


What is the "work" the Father has given you to do?


The work, as John said when asked "is to believe." This leads to my desire to glorify God through a surrendered life, and to make Him known to others. I also believe it is to enjoy God and His creation.


In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?


He's asked me to write a book about all He as done in my life....I'm writing from the years of journals I've kept. As He leads in conversations, I share about Him and His love. I'm conscious that I'm His "ambassador" and representative in the world, and think about that privilege in how I deal with people and situations, and so I spend the first hours of the day in His Word to be refreshed in His Presence.


Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

Jesus said in John 4 that his food was to do the will of his Father and accomplish his work. He then went on to express that the harvest was ready. The harvest that Jesus was meaning was that people are open and ready to receive his Word- the word of truth (17:17). The people came out of the city of Samaria, after they heard the testimony of the woman Jesus had talked to at the well (4:7). They believed in him (4:39). Jesus work was also to prepare the disciples to do the work he was doing (14:12).

Jesus brought glory to the father because he was obedient to the father, to accomplish his will (6:38).

Likewise the Church's work is to do the Father's will, also my job as part of the church (John 13:34,35).


Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? 


On the cross Jesus said" It is finished".  Jesus lived a life that glorified God  and obeyed Him to death on the cross thereby bring about redemption for His own.  He did it all.

God the Father has given me to know Him, to love Him, to learn about Him, to live for Him, to preach the Good News about what He has done for me (us), to grow in grace until He calls me home.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13

Q2. (John 17:4) 

What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do? 

How did it bring glory to the Father? 

What is the "work" the Father has given you to do? 

In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

Although Jesus hasn’t died on the Cross yet, Jesus is reporting to the Father that He is going to the Cross to die and then will rise again. Remember He speaks of things which are not as if they are. Jesus will say on the Cross that “It is finished” (John 19:30), indicating that our redemption was finished and that He has done everything that was necessary. I found this quote from Ryle which I think puts it very well:


The crucifixion brought glory to the Father. 

It glorified His wisdom, faithfulness, holiness, and love. 

It showed Him wise, in providing a plan whereby He could be just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly.

It showed Him faithful in keeping His promise, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head.

It showed Him holy, in requiring His law's demands to be satisfied by our great Substitute.

It showed Him loving, in providing such a Mediator, such a Redeemer, and such a Friend for sinful man as His co-eternal Son.

The crucifixion brought glory to the Son. 

It glorified His compassion, His patience, and His power. 

It showed Him most compassionate, in dying for us, suffering in our stead, allowing Himself to be counted sin and a curse for us, and buying our redemption with the price of His own blood.

It showed Him most patient, in not dying the common death of most men, but in willingly submitting to such pains and unknown agonies as no mind can conceive, when with a word He could have summoned His Father's angels, and been set free.

It showed Him most powerful, in bearing the weight of all transgressions of the world, and vanquishing Satan, and despoiling him of his prey.


In my humble way I give Him glory by acknowledging His greatness and giving Him all the honour due to Him by praising and worshiping Him. I bring the Father glory, hopefully making Him pleased with me, as I live my life according to His Word. Maybe He can see a glimpse of His Son in me as I try more and more, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to emulate Jesus Christ. 



Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

The work our Heavenly Father gave Jesus was to bring salvation to mankind.

This work Jesus preformed brought glory to the Heavenly Father, because he had obeyed the Father and fulfilled his will.

The heavenly Father has commissioned all that believe in Him and Jesus Christ, to go out and spread his word and make disciples of all those who follow.

To bring glory to the Father at this time is basically the same as that commissioned above, to bring followers of Christ, this brings glory to our Heavenly Father.   


Q2. (John 17:4) What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do?

His work was to do the will of the Father, bearing witness that the Father did send him, His work completed the Old Testament prophecies that foreshadowed the coming of the Messiah that would offer “eternal life” to the believer, there are numerous answers to this question, but for me, the answer is found in (Revelation 5:1-14) In the right hand of him that sat upon the throne was a book, it was sealed with seven seals, an angel asked, Who is worthy to open the book, and to break the seals?


There was "NOT" one man in heaven, nor in or under the earth that was able to open the book, or to look in it, there was “NO” man worthy enough to open, to read, or to even look in the book, all hope was gone that John wept much, until one of the elders said, Weep not: behold, the “Lion of the tribe of Judah,” the “Root of David,” has prevailed (His Work) to open the book, to break the seals, for in the midst of the throne stood a Lamb as it had been slain, and he came and took the book out of the right hand of Him who sat upon the throne, (God the Father) as praise went forth by those who have the song, Thou art worth to take the book, to open the seals, for your work was finished, you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation.


I am looking forward to that day, with all the signs God is giving, I believe that day will soon be here, but until then, His work has put a song in my heart that sings, "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto the Father who sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, my Bridegroom, forever, and ever, and ever".


Lesson 29 Question 2

The chief work that the Father gave Jesus to do was to come to earth, to teach and to heal and to save the lost by dying on the cross. he would then be raised and would ascend to heaven. Jesus's goal was to finish that task.

We can bring glory to the Son by worshipping and loving him back. We also can go out and tell people the good news.


The work God gave Jesus to do was to proclaim God’s kingdom and our salvation.  It brought glory to the Father by bringing us all to a knowledge of God that was from the heart rather than the law, as it had been previously.  The work the Father called me to do is to proclaim God’s kingdom in South Sudan while educating the very poor and giving love to the orphans I live with.  If I am bringing glory to the Father, it is through doing this; however I see the concept of me, as a human being, being able to bring glory as a bit too grand.  I am more comfortable with saying it is my ‘offering’.


Q2. (John 17:4) What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

The work the Father gave the Jesus was to bring glory to Him by finishing the work of salvation of mankind by his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven.


How did it bring glory to the Father? 


He glorified God by ensuring that the work God gave him to do was completed.


What is the "work" the Father has given you to do? 


The work the Father has given as defined by Rick Warren in the Purpose Driven Life is to worship Him, be part of the family of the Lord Jesus Christ, grow to be like Jesus, serve others and bring the unsaved to Christ.


  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? 


Jesus had completed the work which was in was fourfold.

    1. Revelation of the Father

    2. Redemption of fallen mankind

    3. An example of true humanity

    4. Also, Jesus' work of intercession which is in continuing

    Jesus and the working in the power of the Holy Spirit in us would carry the Good News into the whole world. God has given us the authority to go and preach the gospel into the world, to the lost, weak, need, rich, spreading His word.


Before Jesus came to earth, he was one with God. At this point, when his mission on earth was almost finished, Jesus was asking his Father to restore him to his original place of honour and authority. Jesus’ resurrection and ascension—and Stephen’s dying exclamation (Acts 7:56)—attest that Jesus did return to his exalted position at the right hand of God.


We give Glory to God in the New Life in Christ
Believers are called to bring glory to God. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, the Apostle Paul exhorts, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Believers are called to give glory to God by what we say and do. It does not mean that we are adding to the glory God already has. It means we are revealing the glory of God to the world through our words, lifestyle, and behaviour. It also means that we are giving God our praise and adoration


Q2. (John 17:4) What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the "work" the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?


Jesus had taught them to pray: Our Farther, .... thy kingdom com, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."


So to glorify the Father on earth, Jesus needed to be sure that the Father's plan for salvation for EVERYONE was accomplished/completed. that is why He said, "it is finished" right before he "died and gave up his spirit..."


What happened after was that Jesus would become the risen Lord of all, Savior of the world, sent from heaven, King of Glory.


He told us all to become evangelists, via the "great commission" hence I offer to "online Bible students" the possibility to learn evangelism online as I did in 2009, though I'm still learning what it is. www.ptl.org is just one of many but they have taught people to give out more than 1.1 million gospels to those God calls us to witness to. This was my way to get started. Many say, it not for me, and only a few are right because He gave the great commission to ALL of us.


Shy or not, that means me, and ALL of us. So its no risk to give it a look www.ptl.org its free! No gimics, I have been doing this for 5 years. All Glory to God! All Glory to Jesus!


  • 1 month later...

Jesus accepted the sole mission of accomplishing the Father's will through the work the Father gave Him to do.  This was the work of humanity's salvation from sin and redemption to the Father with eternal life. This work required that He come to earth to be “numbered with the transgressors” (Luke 22:37) and humble Himself to obey only the Father’s will in completing the mission (John 6:38-40). This brought glory to the Father because obedience to His perfect will and completion of His mission always honors Him.  He is glorified because His name and reputation are magnified throughout the entirety of His creation when His will is accomplished.


The primary work the Father has given me to do (and all of us in the Body of Christ) is that of believing in Christ who was sent to earth by God (John 6:29). As a result, we are to express that belief by boldly living and proclaiming the message of salvation and redemption that has been secured only through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; 1Peter 1:3).  That is accomplished by varied means as He leads each of us in differing ways, but we are all called to this one sole mission.  For some, that’s a call to leave home and family to directly proclaim the gospel to other places in the world.  For others, that’s a call to do whatever possible to support those who do go with prayer and resources, and to proclaim the gospel on the home front within the realm of personal influence as we interact with people whose paths cross our own.


I try to cultivate a sensitivity and awareness of those moments, to be prepared with the Word, and to be obedient with resources, but I have so very far to go.  That outreach to others can only properly develop as I yield myself to believing in my Redeemer in all things, for all things, and through all things.  So the central focus and efforts of my “work” must be directed toward whatever will build my faith in Him.  When I get that right, the rest will follow!

  • 2 months later...

What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do?  Wow, there’s no short answer to that one but, 1) His primary mission was (among other things) to reveal God to all of mankind (John 12:45).   He was sent by God to be our Savior (1 John 4:14), to witness to the truth (John 18:37) and to call sinners to repentance (Mark 2:17).  When he said that he would “finish the work of the Father” he was talking about giving his own earthly life as a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind so that we might live through him (1 John 4:9).  Everything he did and everything he said was glorification of the Father.


What is the "work" the Father has given you to do?  Paul told the Philippians (2:13) “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”   So, I guess the question is, what can we do to please God?  Ultimately we will be most fulfilled when we’re actively working to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.  We began to fulfil His purpose the moment we first believed.  In all honesty, we really don’t need to concern ourselves about what work God has given us to do while we’re here on this earth.  When we honestly and truly believe and put our faith in Him; when we believe that what He says is true and good, the Holy Spirit will in-fact reveal God’s will for us.  


God hates sin and because He does, He’ll hold us accountable for our actions!  He wants all of us to place ourselves in His capable hands by dedicating and living our lives for Him.  The most important thing that we can give to Him is to live a life that clearly demonstrates a reverence for Him and the blessings that He’s provided.  When we accept Christ Jesus as our savior, the Holy Spirit empowers us to reject the things of this world and rely on Him and Him alone so that we can grow in godly, righteous character.  When we do that for Him, we become more like Him and, in a nutshell, that’s our task, that’s exactly what He expects of us.  By living a godly life (in word and deed) we set a shining example to others that will lead them to Him as well.  “…greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

  • 3 years later...

Jesus came to the earth to tell us about the Father and to save our souls. Any time that you do something that is fulfilling the Father’s work it bring glory to Him. We are also to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I bring glory to the Father by spreading His word.

  • 7 months later...

Q2. (John 17:4) What was the “work” the Father gave Jesus to do? How did it bring glory to the Father? What is the “work” the Father has given you to do? In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

The work He was called to do was to go to the cross bring the world to Him and through His death, burial and resurrection bring many souls to the Father and give them liberty in Christ. It brought glory to the Father through fulfilling the commission He was given. To make disciples and baptize them. I bring glory by spreading the word of Christ. 

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (John 17:4)

1.    What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do? The Father gave Jesus the work of being the atonement for the sins of all who believe that Jesus was sent by God.

2.     How did it bring glory to the Father? It brought glory to the Father by the obedience of the Son through crucifixion, which was followed by resurrection and ascension.

3.     What is the "work" the Father has given you to do? The Father has given me the “work” of undertaking Kingdom projects of giving.

4.     In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this? When I present my gifts to the people who need them, they thank God.

  • 1 year later...

The work of Jesus Christ consisted of His teachings, training his Apostles, healing the sick, battling the forces of darkness, his holy living and being the Pascal Victim.

It brought glory to the Father because the eternal plan was being fulfilled.  Jesus Christ was very careful to obey God the Father; Christ though physically on earth was always in the bosom of His Father. He magnified God the Father as He demonstrated the will of His Father in preaching, teaching,healing and holy living.

The work I have been given is evangelism.   Outdoor preaching.   All started back in 1979 in front of St Paul's Chapel NYC.  Prior to that, I was involved in instructing of young people.  Preached on skid row here in NYC  and Midtown NYC and hospital visitation.

Revelation 19:10 "....for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".   Evangelism outdoors is a terrific way of glorifying God.  Distribution of Bible tracts and preaching---all this has made me a diligent Bible student.   Most important--the Cross ✝️of Calvary is lifted up.   


  • 8 months later...

Q2. (John 17:4)

What was the "work" the Father gave Jesus to do?

How did it bring glory to the Father?

What is the "work" the Father has given you to do?

In what ways are you bringing glory to the Father in this?

The work Jesus came to do was to draw the lost to Him;  to accomplish the Father's plan for salvation.  This was done on the cross.

It is finished =  Tetelestai, which means The debt is fully paid,  the sentence is fully served,  the battle has been fully won.

To glorify the Father on earth was to make sure that the Father's plan for salvation was accomplished, finished, completed.    

We are to spread the Word, that salvation is offered to all.  By testifying and bringing in the lost we are bringing glory to God.

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