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Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

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We live in a world where we are told if it feels good do it. So how dare anyone judge what we do. We are told that we don't have to be accountable for our actions. I can reconcile a final judgement with God's love because God is love and since He is our creator who else should judge us but Him. He allowed His only son to be judged for our sins. With accepting the gift of salvation, we judged ourselves and realized that we were sinful and worthy of judgement. The Gospels show us how to live our lives and how to judge it through God's eyes. I see the final judgement as a way of God showing His total omnipotence to those creatures who never believed in His omnipotence.


Most people don't like to be judged because they feel that they don't have to justify their actions or defend themselves to others. God is a God of justice and his judgment at the end of time will vindicate his son and the saints who have lived in this world believing and following Christ. He loves the whole world but sin separates from the One who is holy and those who have not believed and followed him have not accepted his offer of salvation-the only offer made for all time. When final judgment is left out or ignored where the good news or gospel is preached, then the unsaved see no reason or reward for accepting Christ's atonement for their sins.


Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they ae being judged by someone else?

Could it be pride? Doesn't it say in Timothy in last days people will be lovers of selves, ungrateful, unholy, boastful, lovers of money, disobedient to parents and so on.

And I have to say I know how I feel when I feel I am being judged by people sometimes. I can feel that pride rising up in me and then I have to remind myself who I am. A sinner saved by grace. I have been redeemed ONLY through the precious blood of Christ.

How do you reconcile final judgement with God's love for this world.

I have no problems reconciling the two. I would have a problem if there were no final judgement because why else would He have given up His kingly throne and cometh to earth for me. A dusty weary traveler with no place to lay His head to suffer a violent cruel death. Sin is terrible and anyone who has felt the effects of it. the devestation and despair, the suicide, lonliness, depression, illnesses has to know if there is a just and loving God there has to be a final judgement.

Why must final judgement be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ?

It is to spare us the final judgement that Jesus came. If no final judgement then why did He leave the comfort of perfect fellowship in the Trinity.

What happens to the gospel when final judgement is left out or ignored.

It kind of becomes like milk toast. Just some wishywashy fairy like tale of a good man who died for some vague misconception on His part that we are in anyway going to be held accountable for anything we do.

We have been awakened by the truth now lets live like we believe it. Put on the whole armor of God as we march off to war.

May god Bless and protect each of you.




I think people get upset when they feel they are being judged because they want approval and acceptance in what they do and they don't want their motives questioned. Final judgment and God's love can be reconciled by Jesus death on the cross: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. . . and His death would be meaningless if there were no final judgment. The Gospel becomes incomplete if we leave final judgment out. People would continue to live in their sin because they would have no fear of the judgment that must take place.





Only through final judgement will this world ever be rid of evil and sin. That is Good News. God loves us so much that one day He will destroy sin and death.

People are upset by judgement for many reasons. Often it is because we want to be our own judge, doing what is right in our own eyes. Perhaps it is because we are not fully trusting Christ for our salvation, and we see that our meager works are not enough to please God.

Sometimes Christians leave out the message of judgement because they don't want to scare an unbeliever. But we must tell the whole message and God's judgement is part of the truth. If our sin and wickedness don't need covering in the blood of Jesus, then of what use is the Gospel? What have we been saved from?


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?



When you do not believe in God or although you believe in God you do not place Him above everything in your life you will focus on something other than God. You become self-centered driven by a desire to be loved and accepted by the world or to dominate people. Idols intrude into your life and you worship at the thrown of prestige. In fact without abiding faith in God and his pre-eminence in your life there is no self-esteem only low self-esteem and false pride.

In this state man will crave the applause and acceptance of others rather than the approval of a righteous God whom he does not see or really believe in.

Man searches for and needs God this search results in a craving to understand the meaning and justification for his existence (which cannot be satisfied outside the cross). When not properly directed we look for justification in the world and not in God and are engrossed in the world and it


This is a human thing. Since the fall, man desires to be at the center of his or her universe. The view is self-centered, self-reliant, independent, not accountable, selfish, no absolutes, permissive, and everything is relevant. Judgement is absolute and requires perfection. God being holy requires holiness and this comes only through the blood of Christ. This requires self-denial and this just works against the flesh of the human heart. God's plan to resolve the conflict between perfection and human nature is a gift to all of us. A "GIFT" is wonderful because the Creator gave it to us with no strings attached. So a just God gave an unjust world a gift of reconcilation and that in and of itself reconciles His final judgement and love for the world. If His judgement did not provide a way to escape, then it would seem unjust. Reverential fear of God is at the heart of our faith. If perfection(judgement) is not necessary to reconcile man to God, then Christ's death is in vain. When the final judgement is left out of the message, the purpose of Calvary is left out. It is essential to the Christian faith.


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else?

First, I was not suprised to see the words "pride," "acceptance." and "approval" coming up in the responses to this question. When we judge someone, the one being judged feels that we have set ourselves up over them. In effect, we have torn down their so-called "right" to be their own god. Pride is the root of all sin and rebellion against God. Man wants to usurp the place of God, and rule in His stead.

Second, when we judge others, we are holding them accountable to God's standards. And the world has rejected heavenly standards of purity and holiness. As Romans 1 teaches, God has given them over to their own degrading passions, and our "lack of tolerance" pulls at their consciences. They continue to rebel at God's righteousness, and so defend their own sin.

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world?

God is not a god of my making. God is who He has revealed Himself to be in Scripture. He is holy, just and righteous as well as loving. If I deny judgement, then I have denied who God is. He would still be loving, but not righteous, because a righteous God must deal with sin. And thinking about the righteousness and judgement of God, brings me right back to the love of God. ... He has lovingly provided for ANYONE who believes to avoid judgement. What could be more loving than that? So really, love and judgement are like hand and glove. They fit together in God's dealings with man in a beautiful way.

Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Our modern Christian world has watered down the gospel of Christ in an effort to make it more palatable to the world. We have ignored the idea of a substitute sacrifice (too archaic), a God-Man (too hard to comprehend), and shed blood (far too messy)! As well, we have moved away from the idea of judgement as too severe, and stressed the idea of God as nothing but love. "God is our friend." "God loves you no matter what," and "Come to God -- no strings attached" are too often the watered-down message heard in churches.

I am all for evangelism. I am all for reaching the lost with the gospel. I am all for making the message of Christ real to people. But we must not change the message. Jesus Christ never watered down the idea of sin, judgement, or final suffering in hell. And we must not either.

Jesus Christ is my Friend, and Brother. He is my Wonderful Counselor, and has brought me Peace. But He is also Almighty God, Everlasting Father. He will come again as a Warrior and as a Judge, and that brings me hope and a sense of victory when I look at the world in rebellion.

Without a sense of judgement, we lose part of the gospel. After all, if I am "saved," what am I being saved from, if not from hell and judgement? If there is no judgement, then there is no need for Christ to have died in my place. What kind of gospel am I left with, then?

(P.S. -- please excuse the "Canadian" spelling of judgement!!)


I think people don't like to be judged because they think that they should be free to do what they want. Additionally, when we judge others it is usually done in the spirit of condemnation not love.

God does and will judge us. But he does it out of love, not condemnation.

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world?

I think God holds us in final judgement so we can move on and join Him in heaven forever.



I suppose I get upset when I perceive I am being judged by others and I have built a fragile bubble of protection around me, but no matter how much I know I am loved by the Lord, I still long for acceptance by those around me. So at times when I am weak, and the enemy sneeks in, and the human psyche is low, it is possible for me to imagine that others are judging me, or talking behind my back, and whether it is positive or negative "talk" it does harm my self esteem to think that I am being judged by others. Ultimately I know that the only judgement that matters is the final judgement by God, bud humankind still can make a mark on the soul if I allow it.

What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Chaos. To paraphrase what "Sponsor" said, Jesus finished the work on the cross, and that allows me to love God all the more and look forward to the final judgment without fear, and I would have to add with joy, peace, and hope for eternal life.


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? It hits to close the home for folks who live in the world. They know that they will never measure up to God's standards. Therefor they don't want, nor feel the need to be judged by others, because they live in this world???

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? This is the same as it happen in the days of Noah, We know the end of the story and we try and tell this story of how much God love you and how you will have eternal life with him. But there are those who are so sinful that they will never turn to him. For it is written and it will come to pass.

What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? Folks will not understand why Jesus really came here to give us salvation

Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? Because of his love for us, God give his son to die on the cross togive us enternal life with him.


It seems our group continues to grow.

I especially appreciated the response of hausmouse. you make an excellent point, I think.

I still do have some difficulty accepting the teaching of a judgemental God. It was suggested to me one time long ago that God sends no one to hell. People send themselves there by not accepting the gift, paid for and freely offered, and turning their backs on God. With backs turned on the light of God, all that is left is darkness.


I believe that our culture, though generally pagan these days, has a Christian background. Therefore many concepts from Scripture are still strongly present, even if in a corrupted form. For example we love the concept of freedom, forgetting that it originally meant freedom (deliverance?) from bondage, sin, guilt, and contained the resonsibility to do good for others. Do not judge one another is another concept the pagan society has corrupted, and would therefore have people "coming out" with things that, in the past, were considered sin. This new concept of "not judging" enables peope to flaunt all sorts of sin and sternly reprimand (judge) those who object to it! They feel vindicated in their sin and superior because they do not "judge" it. However, they feel that our different behaviours as Christians are judgemental. so they can accuse us, even though we have said nothing, because, at a deeper level, they know better - are convicted.

Final judgement will be the most appallingly sad time for God, because his love abounds to everyone, but His holiness is completely inviolate.

The Truth is only the Truth if we preach the whole picture. Everyone is aware of God (Romans 1:20....without excuse) and aware to some extent of our own short-comings. GOD IS ( I AM). We fall short. Rectifying that situation is the central theme of the Good News, which offers us a way out of this dilemma - namely Jesus.

Without the concept of final judgement there is no basis for the Good News. It's a one legged chair and won't achieve anything, won't redeem anyone, can't explain the crucifixion or the Blood, and doesn't call for sacrifice. It's a faceless, powerless farce with no power to save, heal, deal with miracles, raise faith, develop wisdom, no concept of accountability. In fact there is no reason for Jesus to have come at all! There is no reason to call God Holy, no reason for morality or anything better than brute animal behaviour (shades of Hitler, Nero...) It's what I call bad news to the max!


Most people have made God into what they want Him to be. They never read their Bibles so they have no idea what God wants from them or who He really is. When you share the gospel with them it definately confronts them. They become defensive because they might have to accept that they are selfish, sinful and they are definately proud of their created god of the world they want to live in now. God gave His only Son so that we should not perish. He tells us right there in John 3:16-21 that perishing is going to be the result of not believing, trusting and following Jesus. "Light has come into the world but men love darkness." Here is summed up His love for us and the reason for judgement I believe. Jesus is truth and the light. We come into the light when we believe and repent. If we want to hide in our sins then we remain in darkness and we will perish. We deserve judgement but God has given us the gift of life through His Son. There is nothing to the gospel if you leave out judgement. If you don't believe in Jesus you are condemed already. It is simple, believe or don't believe, light or darkness, condemnation or eternal life. Condemnation or eternal life is a choice. If you leave that out of the gospel you are not telling anyone of the wonderful choice of the gift they have in Christ. That's the point. I choose Christ.


We live in a post-modern world where "it may be right for you, but not for me". Nobody likes to be held to a high standard or to be told there are some absolutes.

The final judgement simply tells us God is serious about what He says - there is accountability and we know it. If there is no final judgement, there is no need to live the life God calls us to and there is no need to repent.


1. Sometimes people's judgment is good and sometimes bad. If the judgment is right it causes us to seek righteousness. If judgment is bad that will fall back on those who judge.

2. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

3. It is the leverage of the Gospel.

4. Complacency happens.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

There seems to be a moral relativism that pervades the thought of our society today (yes it is just as bad here in Canada and most probably worse). It is believed that there is no absolute, no moral paradigm that all men must be weighed against. To think one is being judged by another would lend one to believe they are wrong about something. However in a relativistic society one's beliefs, views and practices are no better or worse that another. This in itself is true. For example if we as believers are asked if we think homosexuality is wrong behaviour we will answer yes. We do this because we believe in an absolute separate from ourselves to which all men must answer. God's moral law. It is therefore not the believer who judges but the Word of God. It is not, however, my place or mandate to judge IE to be af a critical and condemnatory temperament. My mandate is to hold forth the love of Jesus for sinners, the healing, forgiveness, deliverance and acceptance for all men.

In a society where there is no fear of God, man will go from bad to worse and will not depart from evil. Where there is no fear of God people become very cynical and scornful Proverbs 9:8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

God so loved the world that He gave His Son Jesus so that no man would perish. God does not want any to perish but to come to a saving faith in Jesus. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world past, present and future and bore them to the cross. He does not need to do it again, all the sins of the world have already been atoned for. All that is necessary is that people would receive this abundance of mercy. However they will not but rather will cling to their sin, and identify with it rejecting God's free gift. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. It can never be said that God did not go to infinite lengths to express and extend His love. Men perish because they love darkness rather than light.

Final judgment must be at the core of the gospel because if men fear not God they will not depart from evil Proverbs 14:27 The fear of the LORD [is] a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. If there is no fear of accountability then there is no need to change Psalms 55:19 "...Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God." Jesus died for my sins, but if there is no accounting then it is meaningless. Judgment implies just that, we will have to answer for our deeds done in this life. The Gospel is not just something to make us feel good, some sort of panacea to help us not feel bad about our sin. The gospel is a route of escape from the wrath of God which is upon the wicked.

There must be a reason to continue in the faith. True, when we received Jesus we felt that release, that joy , the love that we knew came from God. Suddenly our lives were envigorated and our eyes were opened to the wonders of God. Then came times of trial, times when God was no where to be found and when everything did not seem so right. Doubts came pouring in, doubts of our salvation, doubts of God's love what a mess! What kept us from chucking the whole works if not that we know our faithfulness will not go unrewarded and that there is an answering at the end of the road? We feared God and His displeasure.


No one likes to be judge, it causes resentment, hurt and our pride gets deflated.

John 3:16 says it all. If do not accept his word, then why should we be included in his family.

The fact the Jesus die for me so I could have eternal life is reason enough that those who do not accept this free gift, should be judged.

People can choose to live the way they want without any fear of punishment. The gospel is no longer effective and does not produce the truth. We have no hope in a better life awaiting for us.


Well, no one likes to be judged but in our culture, which is a do your own thing kind of culture without regards to the law of God, people want not to be told that their lifestyles are wrong. The new buzz word is tolerance. People want to be confirmed in their lifestyles and if anyone questions their behavior or says it's wrong then they are branded as non tolerant and called names such as a religious fanatic or prude or not with it. Well, sin is sin whether one wants to believe it or not, and that, just as God gives us the chance to receive His salvation by grace. When we reject God's gift then we reject the remedy for our sinfulness. So therefore, we are judged. :(

And God must judge sin because He is holy and cannot tolerate it. :angry:

If one does not take God's way out of judgment by God's way which is Jesus then one will remain in their judgment and will perish. Yes, God loves the world and He showed that love by sending His Son, Jesus, to give mankind the remedy out of their judgment and into eternal life. The Good News is the good news because the Gospel is the way out of the final judgment. Sin was judged at the cross and when one accepts the Good News (the gospel of Christ) then one is no longer under judgment ever! :D


Some people may be upset by being judged because of pride and unbelief. When one considers who God is and what the Word teaches us about Him, it would have to be that a person either doesn't care or doesn't really believe.

Since God is love and truth, therefore we must be judged or nothing would be true.

To not accept final judgement, is to not accept the entire truth. But yet a 'pick and choose' what you will believe. Again it is like being in control or being god of your own life.


People in our culture get upset when they sense they are being judge because people do not like to be wrong. We always want to be right, not accountable and pride. God id love and His judgement is just when most time our judgement of others is not.

Final judgement must be at the core of the good news of Jesus, for God will judge man throught Jesus Christ. When final judgement is left out of the gospel or ignored it is the complete and the true gospel. We will have to give account of the deeds done in this body.


People in our culture often feel that they are being put down by those doing the judging. Human nature makes us put our backs up when someone else speaks against us.

God's judgment will be just and the judgment will be based on how I followed his teachings on earth. The final judgment should be the ultimate goal of our lives and for what we should always be striving. We will still be aliens in our earthly world and that which was expected of us will have fallen on our deaf ears. Our ownership of holiness comes completely on us and what we do to attain it.

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