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Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else?

Well, first of all, the Bible warns us against judging others (Luke 6:37), then Christ goes on to say that we should not be so worried about other people's sins that we overlook our own. I think people should not be so quick to judge when they remember their own flaws, but should have a forgiving spirit and pray for the one on whom they are tempted to pass judgment. When people see the daily lifestyle that some "Christians" live, I'm sure they get upset because they can see sinful behavior and harsh attitudes in the life of the one doing the judging, so who are we to judge?

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world?

God loves us so much, but He is a Holy God, a just God. He sent the Holy Spirit to live in us and teach us how to live holy lives, seeking to do God's will, once we become His child. If we ignore these teachings and live a life that is pleasing to God, then we will certainly face the judgment. For those who simply refuse to accept Christ as their Savior, they will face an even harsher judgment, because God loves them and sent His son to die for them, but they wanted no part of it. Therefore, God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, will give them what they wanted - no part of Him.

Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Because John 3:16 tells us that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins. If there is no judgment, then the cross would have been unnecessary, but the Christians would have no hope of eternal life. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:19, "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable."

What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

It just becomes another fairy tale. You must believe all of the Bible or none of the Bible. Judgment will come, pure and simple, and those who choose to ignore it will suffer the consequences.

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Every one seems to think that they are free to be themselves, to do their own "thing". It is only to themselves that they must answer. We are a "Lord of the Flies" civilization. Only a true Father can straighten out the mess the kids have created. Jesus brought us the good news of our salvation. He paid the price for us. We have only to be faithful, humble and obedient to earn the promise. The fear of the consequences of poor living are what prompts us to action, to be in line when Jesus calls us.

Ignoring the the prophesy of the impending final judgements robs the Gospel of the ultimate promise from the Father-going Home.


People in our culture get upset when they sence they are being judged because the most of us dont like someone to form an opinion,without looking at the person we really are.Sentence pronounced,before they even get to know us.This is one of our fears of the human race.I myself want people to like me.But we are not mans slave.

1:17,NIV.Reverent fear,is not the fear of a slave for a ruthless master,but the healthy respect of a believer for the all-powerful God.Because God is the Judge of all the earth,we dare not ignore him or treat him casually.We should not assume that our privileged status as God's children gives us freedom to do whatever we want.We should not be spoiled children,but grateful children who love to show respect for our Heavenly Father.Amen


3-1 Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else?

What can I add that has been said already. PRIDE! People have forgotten Psalm 51:17 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart

Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else?

Because we are a self righteous nation

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that all should have life.

Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? 1Peter 1:15-16 But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct because it is written

Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

I believe people want to live by their own rules. They don't want to have an absolute truth to go by. They would rather do it "their" way. The nicest people will even argue absolute truth, just because it is so absolute. But if we don't have absolute truth, it is like not having gravity or a plumb line. We don't have anything to go by or to start with. Where do we get the rules to play the game? It just sounds very unorganized to me. I would really much rather have absolute truth so I can have something to go by in my life. Maybe that is because it is easy because I am a woman, and then again, maybe that is just my personality.

I can easily reconcile final judgment with God's love because I can see it so simply. He wants me to be holy and pleasing. I want to be pleasing to Him. He loves me so much, He has done so very much for me, and not just in a general sense. I came from a sexually abusive home where my father and mother were alcoholic. All of us kids were physically abused, I was the only one sexually abused by my father. I grew up in this world feeling very damaged and worthless. But God came to me one day and He redeemed me. He told me it didn't matter if my parents didn't love me, HE loved me and that is all that matters. And He has loved me like a little girl ever since that day. He delights my heart with the simplest little things, like having a friend come visit that I have been missing, or playing a song on the radio that I had thought I had not heard in a long time. Voila! There it is and I know without a shadow of a doubt that it is HIM. He gave me a new life that day and taught me how to love and forgive my parents. I'm getting carried away with my answer here, but I just needed to explain why it is so easy for me to obey God and be the best little girl I can be for Him. He loves me, He died for me and I will do everything in my power to live a life of love for Him...I'll do whatever He wants me to.

Yes, judgment is part of it because God is Holy and this isn't a game. When men ignore His Holiness and ignore the KING of Kings....and live a life of sin, they will face Him on judgment day and God will say "Why?"... and especially to the redeemed. My gosh, HE DIED FOR US.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just about love, love, love. You have to come to Him, repent and admit your sins and ask forgiveness, and then live a life worthy of His love and His sacrifice. If you were to go off and continue sinning when you know what He has done for you, you make His death on the cross for your sins nothing. It is like throwing dirt in His Holy face and saying "No thanks, it means nothing to me".

It isn't milk toast. God is Love. God is Judgment too.

Love to you all,

Patsy in Idaho

P.S. You guys are AWESOME!


No one wants to be told that they are wrong. Likewise, no one wants others to tell them what they should do or how they should do it. God gave his only begotten Son to die for our sins and this shows God's love for the world. When final judgement is left out, sin takes over. Final judgement should be at the core of the Good News because it lets us know that we will be judged for our wrong doings and everything we do must center around thiss.


Most people want to do as they please, feeling like they do not have to be accountable to anyone other than themselves, so therefore they are indignant when they fell as though anyone is judging them.

How do I reconcile final judgement with God's love for the world>

Since God is such a loving and just God he cannot condone evil, he cannot even look at sin. He must judge evil because He is just and holy. He loved us enough to give us a choice to accept and obey Him, and to be citizens of His kingdom or to reject Him and be citizens of this world.

The Good news of the final judgement is that we who live for Chris will finally be living in heaven where our true citizenship is. We will no longer be living as aliens in a strange country.

What happens to the gospel when final judgement is ignored?

It ceases to be GOOD NEWS


People get upset because of the self-righteous spirit created by secular wisdom that "There is no obsolute truth or right but truth and right are relative." Thus in their pride of heart, they get offended if what they considered to be right is defeated by the gospel. In His justice, God has passed the verdict to punish the world. However, in love He has provided a means of justfication through His Son. For God so love the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. When this aspect of judgement is left out in the preching of the gospel, people lose the revelent fear for God.


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

People today think "anything goes." They become irate if anyone questions their actions.

Only if God does give judgement for sin could He possible be a God of love! We may not see the result of our living as He wants us to, or of our living in sin in this world. If there is no result after death, that is not love, it is lack of caring for His followers. True love is showed to us by the fact that He came to earth, suffered horribly and died to save us from having to be judged for our sins, for they are taken away--stamped PAID. That's why judgment must be at the core of the Good News!

No judgement? Only thing left is a namby-pamby desire for "feel good" stuff! No companshionship with Christ, no assurance of His love, nothing of any true value, for without the knowledge and assurance that He has taken our judgement for sin, life cannot seem "fair" or give any peace of mind about our life after death! Thank you, Lord, for Your love that comes also in judgement! :P


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Most people feel that they are or have been "good enough" and are inclined to judge themselve by their own standard which is relative to how good they are. It is part of our sinful nature to think of ourselves as "good enough". So, when we are judged to be bad it is upsetting.

It's because God loves the world that final judgment is required. In order to save all of creation, the world must be purged of sin and evil.

Without final judgment, the Good News has no meaning. The Good News is all about saving believers from the wrath of God. That's why it is Good News. Without it we have no hope.


Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Generally people don't like to be judged because of their pride and ego. Human nature tends to notice the speck of dust on other people's eyes but fails to see the plank in their own eyes. God loves the world so much that He sent Jesus, but He is also JUST! We are still accountable for our deeds and actions. Therefore our faith mustn't be dead. If there is no final judgment, people will tend to take God's love for granted. Thus Jesus' death on the cross will be in vain.


Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

For myself I would have to say people don't like to be judged because they must face themselves and their flaws, bringing their shortcomings to light, accepting that they are not perfect. They have to humble themselves and that is not the way our society wants to act (being accountable) Just as a loving parent has to make their children be obedient and accountable so too our loving Father in heaven must teach us that we are accountable for our actions and because God has made provision for our life to be eternal through Christ, God has also said, those who do not accept the gift of grace will not be able to withstand the final judgement.

Because the good news of Christ is that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners bringing us once again to God. Accepting Christ's gift- the price he paid for us with His life- accepting that He lives now and always is choosing to live, we can not save ourselves by anything we do or say, only thru obedience to Christ can we be "Holy" and one of God's children.

Leaving out any part of the will of God and what one must do to be children of the Kingdom, is not Gospel at all. It is fooling ourselves, kind like finding fools gold and thinking we are rich when in actuality we are poor. Finding Christ without following His council and thinking we can be saved without accepting that Christ is Lord of all, is in vain, dead.


They feel they are being picked on

For we will be with the Lord, without final judgement we would be doomed to a life separate from God.

In order that we can find our hope, and comfort in knowing this.

Could there be a Gospel if there is no final judgement, there would be no Jesus, so then what would the Gospel be, the Old Testament points to the New Testament which points to the Final Judgement.


In this culture there is taught the belief that we are independent. The Bible says that we as Christians are one family and for someone to judge us upsets us and causes us to feel we are losing ore independence. It reveals our pride. We call it being "nosey". However we should listen to the counsel of others and if it is justifiable then do something about it. Anything that is said about us in Judgement must line up with the Word of God. All judgement must be in harmony with the Word of God as the Word is His Will for us.

You cannot have God's love without His judgement. God's love requires his justice or it wouldn't be true and pure love. God cannot wink at sin for if He did He would not be God. Love without Judgement would be overlooking sin. This He will not and cannot do.

Final judgement is part of the Good News because Satan and his cohorts will finally be judged. All judgement before the final judgement is partial and not complete. If it were complete now, it would mean we are in Heaven as all sin would be gone and Satan would already cast in the Lake of Fire. I believe God judges today but only partially. It is mixed with Grace. The final Judgement will be complete and final.

The Good News is that now is the hour of Grace but one day God will mete out final judgement. We deserve hell but praise the Lord we have Jesus who stands in our stead!! If we stay true to Him, on that final day He will be our advocate.


People get upset about being judged because they don't want anyone telling them that they are wrong in what they are doing. They feel they have a right to do as they wish without anyone telling them anything different. We live in an age where they feel that anything they want to do is o.k., and no one has the right to challenge that. Final judgement is reconciled with God's love because He is the Creator, and has provided a covering for His children. The core of the Gospel is that a substitue has been provided to cover our sins, and if we don't accept this provision, we are thereby judged guilty and separated from God. The Gospel is bypassed if the final judgement is left out or ignored.


They believe, wrongly, that since we have been saved by grace we have been removed from judgment in every sense, including accountability.

God is Love. He is holy and righteous. Therefore God is opposed to all that is evil, hateful and sinful, because they are opposed to goodness and righteousness. But this opposition is part of God


3. (1:17)

Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else?

I can think of three reasons:

1. There is no universal law that governs the world.

2. God's law is not universal in the world.

3. Man's tendency to justify his own actions as right and good.

People come from different cultures and traditions. Groups of people tend to have their own uniqueness, characteristics, traditions... laws. The world is becoming more and more a blend of nations in one country where a country alone is not typical of one group of ethnic peoples. Thus, when we are judged by another, there will be a bias. People take offence to one and another with judgments. Whereas, we are treated all equally by the Father who judges each man's work impartially.

Sometimes there is no bias but disobedience and what will exist is two opposing laws; man's and God's (written on the heart and mind). For example, Christian workplaces and businesses, sometimes use the world's standards instead of God's to determine justice in a workplace, i.e. labor laws. Christian people upsetting other Christians.

Non-christians and Christians in the world are subjected to many biases, standards that differ between states, provinces and countries, i.e. the court systems for example. It is upsetting to be judged by another for the world has many expectations and standards as do individuals thus, unfairly are we judged and when we are there is tendency to become offended. God's standards are the univeral standards by which all will be judged by, in the end and there will be no bias.

How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world?

To accept such unpleasantness that is final judgment, and reconcile it to God's love, is by looking at the destruction brought about by evil or wickedness harming what is good and pure, God's creation. By looking at what great love God has for us, the works of his hands. A protective nature acts to eliminate or put to rest what is poisoning or destroying what is good as an act of justice. It is not that none of this was unavailable, the information that there will be a final judgment. There have been warning and consequences lay out throughout history to make man aware of the fact and have knowledge. It is like a parent saying to a their child, these are the rules you must follow and obey and if not here is what will follow and the consequences are given. God taks the form as Father, being called 'Abba' by Jesus which meands "daddy".

I think of a mother bear protecting her cubs. By instinct she would do anything if there is a fearsome prowler lurking about to pounce and destroy her babies. Abba is our protector from harm and provider of security. It is the love of the Father for us, His children, that the final judgment exists and part of His plan.

Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ?

There is a penalty or consequences. God is the owner, creator of the universe. He has all the power and control. There must be accountability to a form of law and order and a submissiveness to the Creator in respect and reverence as well, consequences to disobedience. God is in control and we are not. God is God and we are not. The good news is about the Kingdom of God and without final judgment there is no purpose and meaning to life.

What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

Life would turn over to the discretion of man. The flesh is weak and if man had no reason not to do things he should not, why would he not do them. There would be no meaning nor purpose for man. Mankind will eventually take control of their own lives rather than having God be in control.

I believe it would eventually become a world of lost people if there was no final judgment because of the nature of man who is a sinner and who would tend to follow the flesh, than the Spirit. For the flesh is weak.

What God has created is good indeed. This world is a tempting place to reside in. It is a temporary residence however, like a filling station and not a permanent residence. Without final judgment man will get lax and complacent causing jeopardy to their own souls. God knows us, He created us. He knows what is best for us and for his Kingdom and everything He does is out of love, for God is love.


We are people persons and I think we get upset because we all want to be loved and accepted by everyone and we can't understand it when we are not - "it must be a genetic flaw on their part - because I KNOW I'm good" (is what we sometimes feel). God loves everyone and doesn't wish that anyone should suffer death but come to repentance. He also loves us enough to chastise us. Any good parent disciplines their child. So does God. God gives everyone plenty of opportunities to come to Him and repent, this also shows His love for us. The biggest show of love was His only son's death on the cross. Jesus' death nailed death to the cross. The gift of life is free to all! Final judgment must be the core because without it we would not be accountable for our actions - both believers and non-believers and then we would ask Why did Jesus die for us?

Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored?

First of all there is all different types and conditions of judgement. I feel people hate to be judged period, because it put a revealing light on them and they don't want to fail in there judgement. It makes them feel less than and exposes their faults and weaknesses.

When it comes to God's final judgement, those that refused Jesus as their savior, they refused the biggest love gift God has layed out for us to receive.

If you refuse Jesus, the biggest sacrifice God could offer for a world with out atonement and hope, our Lord has given us the opportunity to be saved from this judgement that would seperate us from fellowship with the Lord and we would be found guilty with out the price Jesus paid for us.

When the Gospel is left out or ignored in a persons life, when the final judgement comes, they will be left out too. The Holy Spirit teaches, and ministers to us, it is the living Word. Without setting your sights on heavenly things instead of the world, you need to become more like Jesus and that is holy and excepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you want to learn how to please God and serve God because He first loved you. We are to be holy, set apart from the ways and things of this world that cloud our fellowship with God. If you don't do this on the final judgement you will be judged and what will be left, will you enter or will you have nothing holy left standing, like the cleansing blood of Jesus and a spirit that glorified the Lord, or empty vain and worldly actions showing no glory to God at all.


People get upset when they are judge by others because we think what we are doing

is right and that no one has a right to tells us that we our wrong. In other words, anything goes if I believe it is right.

How do we reconcile God's love and judgment for the world?

If God wasn't willing to judge us than he would not really love us. It is like being a parent, I love my daughter but because I love I will punish her when she breaks family

rules or school rules or the law of the land. I do not want to punish her but because I

love her and want her to learn how to live her life in a godly way so I punish when needed. So God will punish those of us who disobey him and continue to live their lives

totally rejecting him and Christ. Final judgment by God is really brought on by our own chioces -- we choose to live the way we live. We coose to live for God or ourselves or Satan.

The gospel of Christ must contain both the good news of salvation & heaven and also the judgment of those who reject God & Christ which leads to eternal death in hell.

We cannot water down this message because people don't like it or are scare by it.

God gives us the repondiability to share his message and that is the whole message.

The people must know the truth about God and also the truth about rejecting God.


No one has the authority to judge another person except for Christ. We have no authority to judge how anyone believes, lives, thinks, feel, etc. All this is because of having fear of one another.

Content. God loves us all and loves the world he has created but he does not like what has happened to the world (the evil that has occurred) and for that which has been written each and everyone of us will be judged accordingly.

At the time of judgement Jesus will serve as our attorney. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he knows our strengths and weaknesses therefore he will appeal for us.

If you ignore or leave out the final judgment the Gospel is lost.

It was suggested to me one time long ago that God sends no one to hell. People send themselves there by not accepting the gift, paid for and freely offered, and turning their backs on God. With backs turned on the light of God, all that is left is darkness.

I agree with Jude -- and the Bible affirms it (I can only paraphrase) God is willing that none should perish, but should turn from sin and embrace the free gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

The Bible also says that men prefer to do their evil deeds under cover of darkness. Evoking God's Judgment casts light onto situations/behaviors that men would prefer hide. This in turn angers them.

Without God's Judgment we have no need for a Redeemer.

Leaving final judgment out of the message of the Gospel renders it neuter... it is no longer the "Good News," but just another option in the smorgasbord of feel-good religious and pseudo-religious messages men have to choose from.

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