kitty Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 When people feel like they are being judged, there is a low self-esteeme. I reconcile final judgment with God's love, I know that when God judges, he does it with love. Like a parent to a child. There must be judgment so there is respect to God. When there is no judgment, there is no respect for those in authority. When judgment is left out, and ignored the standards can't be held accountable. Quote
cooperfred Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 No one in this culture likes to be judged because it is in man's fallen nature to feel that he is alright, and that there is no higher standard to which he is accountable. When we feel we are being judged by someone else, whether it is a true judgement or not, it ****** at our conscience, because we know that we are not as we should be. God must judge sin. For true love cannot allow sin to remain. If it allowed any evil at all it would not, and could not be true love. A love that would allow holiness and sin to remain side by side forever would be nothing but the passive indulgence of an unloving & uncaring diety. Love by it's very nature longs for the perfection of it's beloved & will yearn and work for that end. A so-called love that condones sin is at the best indifferent & at the worst hate. The Good News is that God will save those who believe & come to Him so that they will not face the bad news, Eternity without Him and without love. Any gospel without the teaching of final judgement is not the True Gospel. If there is no hell then what are believer's to be saved from. At best it would be a social gospel that could possibly help it's believers to live a more noble life down here, with no eternal consequences. It makes a mockery of Christ's death. Quote
Barry ben Levi Posted February 17, 2004 Report Posted February 17, 2004 What a sensitive issue! I believe we all need to be concerned about a central spiritual issue that is involved in judging others. I have seen the impact on a congregation for judging anothers "heart". That is something we NEVER want to be found guilty of. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians <I Cor. 5>, I believe he was not talking about judging a man's heart, but acting according to the man's actions. Paul was talking about helping the man change his behavior! God will judge the heart. In Mt 7:1, and Lk 6:37-42, among others we are told to be careful that we don't judge the heart of a man. When I feel someone is being judgmental of me, I do resent it.. it's difficult not to respond unfavorably (the "punch'm out way... Ha!) So... I strive to act and be a bit different than that. And pray... and let God handle the rest of it. Quote
dantanc Posted February 18, 2004 Report Posted February 18, 2004 1) We are very self-righteous. We conform to our own set standards and are very indignant when somebody questions our standards, morals and can not stand any outside judgement. 2) God is Holy and there is no place for unholiness in his kingdom. How can this be achieved, without judgement. Since He loves the world and the believers thereof and wants to reward them, he has to judge leading unbelievers into damnation. 3) When the good news of Jesus Christ is preached and at the prompting of holy spirit, either one believes and repents and accepts Jesus Christ as savior or rejects. It is good news for the believers, the knowledge that in the final judgement they will declared by the King of Kings, as heirs of His kingdom. 4) If final judgement is left out of the Gospel, we loose sight of what for we have been called and santified. We also do not put in sustained effort for the enlarging of His Kingdom Quote
Berachah Posted February 21, 2004 Report Posted February 21, 2004 Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? People in our culture have a "mind your own business" attitude. We are very independent and feel we are as good as the next person. However, when someone judges us we must go to the Word of God and see if there is anything we need to deal with. The Word is the final standard for our lives and the judgement of others is only meaningful if harmonizes with the Word of God. God's Love cannot be pure and true unless it deals with sin and unless justice prevails. If God were to "wink" at sin then He would contradict Himself as a God of Love. If final judgement is left out of the gospel message, people would live not holy or separated lives but would sin without fear of a Holy God. We would presume upon the Grace of God. Quote
linda bass Posted February 21, 2004 Report Posted February 21, 2004 People in our culture get upset when they feel they are being judged by others because they feel they have a right to do what they please. If what they are doing isn't hurting anyone else, who cares if what they do is illegal or immoral. It is true that God loves us, but if we choose to live contrary to God's way,we can't expect Him to just ignore it. God is just and He judges each of our works without reference to rank or status. When final judgement is left out or ignored, the gospel becomes water downed and loses its effectiveness. Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 23, 2004 Report Posted February 23, 2004 Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? Nobody likes criticisms. That is speaking about ordinary people. Everybody thinks that he is right. When his views are challenged, naturally, he gets upset. God's love is inexhaustible and uncomparable. It was due to His love for His creation that made Him send His Son to die for the sins of mankind. Lovingly He chastises His children for their wrongdoing and brings them back into His fold so that His final judgement will exonerate them. But inspite of His loving chastisement, some willingly and stubbornly ignore His love. That kind of stubbornness calls for final judgement. Good News of Jesus is Salvation for mankind, if he accepts it. If he rejects it, he condemns himself to his eternal doom. God's love is not conditional love. Even without we asking for it, He gave us the free gift of salvation. If we choose to ignore it, then there must be the result for it. That is why the implied fear of final judgment should be the core of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When the final judement is left out, the gospel loses its potency. It is taken for granted, like a worthless free gift. Quote
jeffmcl Posted April 13, 2004 Report Posted April 13, 2004 Because of a sinful nature, people have a natural aversion to being accountable to a higher authority. We want to set our own standards and be our own God! It is no different now that it was in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. God's final judgment can be reconciled with His love--and in fact underscores His love for the world--because to look the other way and ignore sin, wrongdoing and evil would betray His other important character trait: His justness! He is the perfect, righteous judge and will always judge fairly. To do otherwise would belittle the honest efforts of those who strive to live holy lives and it would make a mockery of their faithfulness to His commands. His judgment is at the core of the Gospel because His offer of forgiveness and the opportunity to be declared "not guilty" are the very ground of the Good News. This is what puts us in right standing before a holy God, so if we reject this act of grace in Jesus' atonement for the remission of sin, then we must bear that judgment (punishment) for breaking God's law. When judgment is left out of the Gospel (a gospel of "another kind") one is led to a false conclusion that Jesus suffered and died for no reason, and that WE can do something to earn God's favor and right standing before Him. But Scripture says our good works are "like filthy rags" in God's sight, so that it heresy and must be denied vigorously! Quote
POJC (Prisoner of Jesus Christ) Posted April 16, 2004 Report Posted April 16, 2004 Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? People get so upset when they are judged because they are obligated to deal with their sin, as the judgemnet brings it to the light. They get defensive because they do not want to submit their will to no one, less God. Their prideful attitude jumps out to the control of their will and their thought is "who has put you over them as to tell them what to do". They want to protect their Privacy, when in reality their protecting ther sin. The bottom line is that they want to live selfishly for their own purpose. I reconcile final judgement with God's love for the world by the revelation that God already executed His righteous judgement for sin on His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The Word says that "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4:10) In other words, God displayed the Greatest Manifestation of His love by sending Jesus to die in our place for our sins. We deserved to be in that Cross of Judgement. Therfore, If we don't accept that gift of substitutionary sacrifice, then we will be judged for our own sins. When sharing the Gospel, we must share the whole Council of God. We must make the world aware that there will be a Final Judgement for the ones who died in their sins, and their end is eternal separation from God. Those who do receive the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and live for Him will not be judged and condemned with the world. They will inherit Eternal life. If Final Judgment is left out or ignored when sharing the Gospel, we lose the essence or the reason why Jesus had to die on the Cross for our sins. If their is no final judgment, let's forget about living holy, separated for God...since we all have the same fate. But the contrary is true; we need to live for Him knowing that there will be a final judgement where we will have to give account of our deeds, and the sheep will be separated from the goats. Quote
PressThrough Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? Because they are forced to look at there self and the Truth hurts because God wrote His Law on our hearts and we know the Truth but don't want to adhere to It and so therefore deny it. And so people cuss you out and say all kinds of things, and even will physically beat you down, to try and move you off of your foundation, to try and get you to react as they would, so they think they are justified and alright for not conforming to God. They passively remain in sin without any consious of the consequences of the wrong doing and thinking that keeps "one" in the wrong. This lack of consious is done on purpose and oh how so sad, to purposefully ignore the Truth because you don't feel like getting real with God and or even each other because it hurts to look inside and see that you have been your problem your whole life. How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Reconcile is to "reunite" and so to (reunite final judgment) means that there was a seperation between final judgment and God's Love for the world. What does this mean? Oh! "I" reconcile final judgment with Gods' love for the world by reminding the people of this fact and Col 1:20-23 explains this clearly and Gods' Word is indisputable. Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? Because Final Judgment is the core of Gods suffering for to reconcile us to Himself. People need to understand that in order to understand the fear/love of the Lord, so as to turn away from sin and to walk in uprightness in the Light of theTruth, which revolves around Jesus shedding His Blood for us, and God can not turn His back on sin and will judge us accordingly and we need to remember that with fear and trimbling as we work out our own salvation; for this proves our Love for God, and turns us away from the desires of the flesh that we knew through ignorance of His Word. What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? Well, nothing will happen to the Gospel, for God does not change - He is Perfect and Precious!!! But if we ignore final judgment then we bring His sufferings (excruciating pain - dismembering of His body and the sprinkling of His Blood) to nothing for ourselves, and we become false teachers of the Gospel and deceive the people. God forbid!!! Oh how I Love Jesus!!! Oh how I Love Jesus!!! Oh how I Love Jesus, because He first Loved me!!! Quote
PressThrough Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 In the last post I made, I said the Truth hurts. That's true it does, but for those willing to look at it and admit it to God, it only hurts until then. Then the Truth sets us free from the lie. Amen Quote
peggysue Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 people have sin since Adam and Eve.So to hear they're sinful can feel an attack on their nature and character,that's what makes alot of peoplefear becoming a christian.It is good to tell them that if you turn your life to Jesus,He can help put your life into place. Quote
heatherdills Posted June 17, 2004 Report Posted June 17, 2004 People in our culture get so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else becuase their spirit knows that it is not our place to judge them. I reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world by His word. Final judgment must be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ because it is the foundation of salvation. When final judgment is left out or ignored the Gospel loses its purpose. Christ Jesus came to the world to save us from judgment of our sins. They are intertwined with our salvation. Quote
dig4truth Posted July 2, 2004 Report Posted July 2, 2004 It is my belief that people in our culture are upset when they perceive they are being judged by someone for several reasons. First, I think people have a misunderstanding of the idea of Quote
seeking Posted July 9, 2004 Report Posted July 9, 2004 People are upset because they do not want to feel gulity about anything that they may do. If someone judges them they may point out what they are doing is wrong thus causing them to feel guilty. Therefore to get away from this guilt they become defensive about getting judged. God cannot allow sinful nature to continue therefore he must judge us. If there was no judgement our lives will fall into complacency. Yes God is love and we must stress that in the gospel but we must also specifiy that he will judge unrighteousness. Quote
mollymadhat Posted September 15, 2004 Report Posted September 15, 2004 Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? I think people have always disliked judging, It stirs up such feelings of resentment and defensiveness. I think thats why in the Bible, we are called NOT to judge each other. However, when God judges us we can trust that he will be completely fair. God really wants us to win! I think if we are looking at eternal judgement with fear then we need to reconcile ourselves with God. Seek Him out. Find your peace with Him. This world cannot end and sin cannot end without a judgement. All things must be settled. If we leave the final judgement out, does that then permit sin to just go on and on and on for eternity?. There must be an end to it all someday. Sin must END! Quote
Pappahuey Posted November 27, 2004 Report Posted November 27, 2004 Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? they feel that no one is above each other's lives and cannot tell each other how to be happy, how to live, it's called free will. How do you reconcile final judgement with God's love for the world? To remember his love for us and to spread that into the world. Why must final judgement be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? Because we need to know that we will be held accountable for our actions on this earth after we die. He wants nothing but the best in our lives, but we need to make the choice to do the right thing. What happens when final judgement is left out or ignored? We live our lives as we see fit and get what we put into life. Quote
N.I.C Posted April 13, 2005 Report Posted April 13, 2005 No body wants to be critized. When we are judged by others sometimes we feel that we are guity of having done or said something that was wrong. we don't want to be looked down on or thought of as "less" than any other person. How do you reconcile final judgement with God's love for the world? Because we know that God loves us more than we could ever understand. God wants to bless us more than we ourselves want to be blessed. If we repent (turn away) and ask forgiveness for our sins, He removes them as far as the EAST is from the WEST. They are remembered no more and we can continue to have an AWESOME relationship with Him. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD ISN'T HE!!! WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO SERVE HIM. Quote
N.I.C Posted April 13, 2005 Report Posted April 13, 2005 No body wants to be critized. When we are judged by others sometimes we feel that we are guity of having done or said something that was wrong. we don't want to be looked down on or thought of as "less" than any other person. How do you reconcile final judgement with God's love for the world? Because we know that God loves us more than we could ever understand. God wants to bless us more than we ourselves want to be blessed. If we repent (turn away) and ask forgiveness for our sins, He removes them as far as the EAST is from the WEST. They are remembered no more and we can continue to have an AWESOME relationship with Him. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD ISN'T HE!!! WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO SERVE HIM. Why must final judgement be at the core of the good news of Jesus Christ? So that each person will realize that we are in fact going to be held responsible for our thoughts, actions/behaviours, and choices in our own lives. And we need to make a choice of who we're going to serve now because Christs return is unkown and we must always be prepared. What happens to the Gospel when final judment is left out or ignored? If we're not going to be held responsible for the way we conduct ourselves people continue to live out sloppy lives. Their mouths say whatever they feel like saying, no matter how disrespectful or hurtful their words can be. They do whatever they feel like doing, with no regard for anyone else. Quote
Robert Posted June 7, 2005 Report Posted June 7, 2005 Human pride is being contested. No one likes to be told of their weakness when someone is being judged. However, when we are a born again Christian, we are to be transformed and the desire of the flesh should become less apparent. It is only in our weakness that we truly can surrender ourselves to God to take control. If we have God's love with us, the more we should not be judging us. Who are we to judge God's creation? The greatest commandment of God is to love one another. God's final judgement is the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ is because He is the perfect one who bears no sins to die on our behalf so that our sins can be forgiven. Accpeting Jesus as our Saviour is acknowledging that we cannot justify ourselves through our effort. It is God's great mercy and grace that He has freely given us to accpet and make the choice of accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. God's final judgement has to come to differential between the good and the bad. Otherwise, the whole Good News has no meaning at all and the ressurection of Jesus from the dead is no longer the foundation of our belief. Quote
steve.c Posted May 16, 2006 Report Posted May 16, 2006 Q3. (1:17) Why are people in our culture so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else? How do you reconcile final judgment with God's love for the world? Why must final judgment be at the core of the Good News of Jesus Christ? What happens to the Gospel when final judgment is left out or ignored? One of the things I had not expected when I became born again was that from some unbelievers there is a hostility. It is as if being a Christian is a threat; it seems to make them uncomfortable. I think there is a realisation that Christians have made a life choice which addresses sin and the sinful state. That they have turned away from it and the kingdom of the world. That is why they are strangers not citizens of the world. Unbelievers know that they haven't made such a life choice but are being carried along by the world even if the Christian is not judging them. There is a divide which can cause a resentment. God loves us which is why He wants us to turn towards Him. He wants us to repent of our sins and to be obedient to the teachings of His Son. That is why He sent His Son to us. He is God and disobedience to Him results in His justifiable wrath. He is just and despenses justice which requires judgement. His judgement is always fair and impartial. His judgement is perfect as He is perfect. We bring upon ourselves His vengance if we turn away from Him. He does not want it; we bring it upon to ourselves. Salvation which is the good news is when those who have turned to Jesus and been obedient to Him will be separated from those who have not. When Jesus returns no one will avoid judgement but everyone can influence its outcome during their lives. Judgement is one of the six principal tenets of our faith [Hebrews 6:1-3]. The Gospel is incomplete without it. It is central to Jesus' message of salvation. If we miss it out or ignor it, we are failing to hold to the teaching of the Gospel and making a religion of our own. Quote
L. Turner Posted October 24, 2006 Report Posted October 24, 2006 No one likes to be judged, even when they are wrong. It is a very hard thing to be judged. God's love for the world is demonstrated in Righteous and justice for the world, God would not be a God of love if He did not bring justice for those who are affected by this world in a negative manner, and righteousness to those who do good. I believe that final judgment should be at the core of the good news, so that people can make the right decision regarding their lives. They should know that negative judgment will come to those who choose to do evil and righteous judgment to those who choose to do good. Any decision should be based upon truth. When final judgment is left out of the Gospel, people will ignore what is being said or not take it seriously; because there is no incentive to do what is right. People by human nature is always looking for rewards or payment, if I maybe so blunt. If someone does evil to you you want to pay them back in some form of judgment, if someone does good they want some type of payment for good; therefore I believe that judgment should be at the core of the gospel message. I am not saying thst all people think this way, but I believe that the majority. Quote
Jewell Posted May 6, 2007 Report Posted May 6, 2007 Guilt, knowing that we're not perfect, and our ability to rationalize just about anything even when we know it's wrong. Without consequences, there is no final judgment - without final judgment, there is no return of Christ - without Christ, there is no love. Quote
Craig Posted May 22, 2007 Report Posted May 22, 2007 People in our culture want to live in whatever manner they choose and they do not want to feel bad about it. This might reflect an underlying sense of guilt or a rebellious spirit against God. Whatever the cause, people to do not want the life they choose to be judged. Many people stay away from church or Christians for this reason. God is just and God's judgment is just. God's love for the world is expressed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Humanity brings judgement upon themselves. In God's mercy, He gave us a remedy for sin, forgiveness and eternal fellowship with Him. If people choose not to accept God's free gift, they deserve the judgment they have choosen. If there is no judgment for sin, then what God did for us through Jesus Christ on the cross is meaningness. Quote
Robin D Posted March 5, 2008 Report Posted March 5, 2008 Pride and our own self-righteousness keeps us from wanting to be judged by others. John 3:16 reconciles judgement with God's love for the world. Final judgement must be the core of the Good News because otherwise, we would be living to please ourselves. There would not be the focus on Christ that we should have. If this judgement was not in place, we wouldn't worry about the final destination of our loved ones, or others in this world either. If the Gospel was left out or ignored, Christ's crucifiction would be in vain. Quote
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