Pastor Ralph Posted March 30, 2015 Report Posted March 30, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Quote
SoiKosum Posted May 17, 2015 Report Posted May 17, 2015 (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? When disciples declare that the gospel is true, we would encounter questions of "How do we know?", "How can we be so sure?", "Who told us?", etc. The world sees truth as relative. Instead of black and white, the world subscribes to and see things in grey. It is all a matter of perspective. Truth is often sacrificed for compromise, expediency and political correctness. As Pilate asked, "What is truth?". If people reject the truth we bring, in terms of ministry, we should stop ministering to them until they are ready to seek God for themselves. In the meantime, we can continue to pray for God to open their eyes and hearts and that the seed (of the Word) that was implanted in them would grow and some day they would decide to seek God and come to see and accept God's truth. Quote
JanMary Posted May 17, 2015 Report Posted May 17, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? We draw a line in the sand saying that all other religions are not truth....which is TRUE. It states that others are believing lies. Which is also true. It angers folks who don't like or don't want to hear truth. It presents the hearer with the dilemma of making a choice, rather than floating along thinking that "I'm a good person, so surely a loving God would not exclude me." How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? We are apt to hear "Prove it!" or "you're arrogant to believe that!" or "There is more than one way to get to Heaven!" or "That my be your truth, but it's not mine." Cynics want lots of wiggle room so they can believe what they want to believe...and absolute truth infuriates their sense of "fairness." If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? It's foolish to argue with someone who isn't interested in hearing the truth. Best to pray for them, and leave the "door open" if they decide they'd like to hear more about Jesus Who loves them enough to have died for them. Quote
Jen Posted May 18, 2015 Report Posted May 18, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? We are looked upon as suspect and narrow minded, also we need to clarify which gospel we are talking about which is 1 Corinthians 15:3. How do cynics like Pilate or people in our postmodern age react? We are living in the old ages, 'we (they) no longer believe that stuff', we are uneducated, they are the up and coming in the world and we are somehow not 'with it'. If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Pray for them and let the Holy Spirit work. We plant a seed and the Holy Spirit does the work. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Clarence Posted May 20, 2015 Report Posted May 20, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? The danger of declaring that the gospel as absolutely true, is that people may be alienated, as they may interpret that the people who make this claim are arrogant. In addition, when followers of Christ make bold claims, sometimes their lives are not congruent (consistent) with what they are claiming (1 Peter 3:15,16). And ..." just because the Bible claims to be a revelation from God does not make it so, as other holy books of other religions claim to be the same" ( Ministering Christ must be done with... "gentleness and reverence"...(1 Peter 3:15-16). If people reject the truth, we keep on loving them and praying for them (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 21, 2015 Report Posted May 21, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? When Christians declare the gospel as absolutely true the non believers and or the world try to invalidate the truth by claiming the bible has many mistakes, it is not accurate or not authoritative. Christians can actually be taken to court because of their moral standards. Cynics in our modern day argue we are trying to evangelize those around us into a belief they declare to e faulty. The world only understands the things of the world and these things seem sensible to them, why commit themselves to a religion or it's way of life? If people reject the truth we can bring them, we can pray that the Holy Spirit will eventually soften their hearts and they come to believe in Christ. Another action we can take is to shake their city dust from our feet and leave. These people have a hard heart that the evil one has blinded and they can't understand the truth. Quote
hanks Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents Himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? The danger is that we are looked upon with suspicion, as outcasts, and narrow-minded, even arrogant hypocrites. We are supposed to be out of touch with the world and its latest scientific knowledge; all of which, in their minds, proves that the Bible is just a book with stories about mythical or supernatural beings and events. Satan, the god of this age, has succeeded in putting a veil over the minds of unbelievers. Which unfortunately in this world today looks like being the majority of the population – how sad and unfortunate. He seems to be doing a great job in keeping these cynics in perpetual darkness. Hiding the light of the gospel of the glory of our Lord Jesus from them – the light through which they would be saved. This is the tragedy of fallen man’s rejection of God. If faced with rejection it is best not to continue with the conversation but to walk away. Pray for them and continue showing our love for them, knowing that if it’s God’s will for them to be saved, they will eventually see the light. Quote
PeteD Posted May 30, 2015 Report Posted May 30, 2015 Lesson 30 Question 4 When we as disciples of Jesus declare that the gospel is absolutely true, which it is, we run the risk of coming across as condemning, judging, self-righteous people. This is our problem not the problem of the gospel. Also, the world, like Pilate, may be totally unable to hear the truth or accept that there is absolute truth because of their relativistic mindset. They are therefore unable to hear anything we say. However, we must not shrink back from declaring that the gospel is true, but we must be loving and gentle in our approach letting the gospel do the convicting. If people reject the message of the gospel, we still must love them and pray for them. We may gently argue and ask them to consider that their rejection of absolute truth is in fact a declaration of an absolute and therefore is not logical. Quote
haar Posted June 1, 2015 Report Posted June 1, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? Either there is a typo on this question or I don't just understand it. I guess what is intended here is what the danger is if don't declare the Gospel in its whole truth. If so, then I can we then end up crucifying again How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? People like Pilate are blinded by Satan and they just cannot see/ know the truth and will accept it. If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? We pray to God to open the spiritual eard and eyes to hear, see, understand and believe the respond in repentance and accepting the Lord. Quote
RebeccaMallinson Posted June 6, 2015 Report Posted June 6, 2015 When we declare the Gospel to be the truth, we are often greeted with disbelief. At best people listen politely but do nothing, at worst they become enemies. If people reject the truth we bring, we need to do what Jesus himself advised the 70 disciples: to shake the dust from our feet and move on, but don’t give up! Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted June 26, 2015 Report Posted June 26, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Pilate asked Jesus a straightforward question, and Jesus answered clearly. Jesus is a King, but one whose Kingdom is not of this world. There seems to have been no question in Pilate’s mind that Jesus spoke the truth and was innocent of any crime. It also seems apparent that while recognizing the truth, Pilate chose to reject it. It is a tragedy when we fail to recognize the truth. It is a greater tragedy when we recognize the truth but fail to heed it. Pilate was cynical; he thought that all truth was relative. To many government officials, truth was whatever the majority of people agreed with or whatever helped advance their own personal power and political goals. When there is no basis for truth, there is no basis for moral right and wrong. Justice becomes whatever works or whatever helps those in power. In Jesus and his Word we have a standard for truth and for our moral behavior. We continue praying for those who reject the truth that God opens their hearts and accept the gospel of truth Quote
royk Posted July 2, 2015 Report Posted July 2, 2015 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Jesus continues to volunteer to be crucified by the way he replies to Pilate. Jesus doesn't try to avoid the "cup the Father has given him to take." He knows that to save us, he must be lifted up on the cross and die for all our sins. There is no other way to obey the father, to be the atonement for our sins. That is the real truth that HE need not spell out to Pilate. In witnessing the truth to others, we can only tell our personal experience. We can't impose some Bible words on a person, but we can ask them how they feel about it, or what event's in their life has brought them to not believe. Then we have some specific thing we can pray for regarding that person. We must accept were they are, not judge them. Only God can judge, not us. So to sum it up, we need a real relationship with anyone who is confused and even lost. Otherwise knowing a little about their life will allow us to pray for their salvation. Trying to win and argument is not what God expects from us. We can still declare/show our faith, without obliging a "stranger" to agree with us after even an evening of "deep" discussion. Only God will decide when, how and if they are to be saved; our job is to not give up in prayer, as a person becomes more important in time spent with them. Quote
pickledilly Posted August 31, 2015 Report Posted August 31, 2015 When we declare that the Gospel message is absolutely true, we encounter the same things Jesus did. The world's ears are deadened to absolute truth by the humanistic philosophy of relativism. To that way of thinking, truth and morality are never absolute but are relative to the subjective understanding, perceptions, and evaluations of individuals, cultures, or societies. And so anyone who declares there is absolute truth that's always valid regardless of the parameters or context is likely to become the object of ridicule, rejection, and even attack. We see this all around us, and the attacks are becoming bolder, more intense, and more frequent. An insistence that God be removed from every aspect of public life in America has become “the norm”. The humanistic world view that rejects God as man's origin and ultimate future has pervaded work, school, family life, and even churches. Cynics may question religious beliefs with curiosity but reject them as truth, like the seed cast on a hard-packed well-traveled pathway in Jesus' parable about the sower. To consider truth requires evaluation of everything one has believed and based their life on to that point, which is uncomfortable and frightening, so most people pull back from that and refuse to consider anything else. When people reject the truth we bring, we must return to at least three things that immediately come to my mind. First is the supreme Law of Love. We can't allow ourselves to take it personally, even if attack comes in a personal way. We have to remain focused on loving God above everything else and showing His love to others, even as we may be challenged or called to confront lies. Second, we need to remember that Jesus told us to expect this rejection of truth, even more so in the last days. Since the world and its systems hated Jesus, the Truth and Way, and we have become members of His Body, the world will not receive truth-bearers any better. Third, we are to sow the seed of truth but we are not responsible for what others do with that seed. We plant and pray – and the results belong to the Holy Spirit. We should pray for the hearts of others to soften toward truth and pray for our own hearts to be bold and courageous. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted November 6, 2015 Report Posted November 6, 2015 What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16) Paul believed in the gospel and he faced persecution on a completely different level than we do today and he was neither afraid, nor ashamed to preach the “absolute” word of God and we shouldn’t be either. A true disciple should never fail to point out the false doctrines of the world but keep in mind that when we do we face hatred and persecution from non-believers, muslims, homosexuals and even from within our own communities. Persecution such as verbal harassment, hanging and beheadings have been around since the very beginning and it’s becoming just as prevalent today as it was then but that shouldn’t dissuade us from proclaiming the absolute truth in God’s Holy Word. How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Some people are more receptive to the gospel than others but even when people are resistant that should never dissuade us from spreading the Word of God and inviting non-believers to come to Christ. In the Book of Acts, Luke wrote, “When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.” At that, Paul left the Council. Some of the people became followers of Paul and believed.” (Acts 17:32-33) People will react in different ways, most certainly, some will sneer but by the same token, some will believe. It’s of the utmost importance for all of us to understand that it’s not our task to save non-believers, that’s reserved for the Holy Spirit. It’s our job to introduce them to the love of Jesus Christ and by doing that we are opening the door for the Holy Spirit. After the resurrection, Jesus told his disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16) Jesus didn’t say to go out and save the world, but He does expect us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” God endowed us all with a brain and the ability to choose so if the people to whom we’re witnessing reject the truth the first time it’s presented to them we need to go back to them and try again. Ordinarily when I quote, I quote scripture but I found this too good to not share. Greg Laurie of the Christian Post wrote the following: “Conversion is God's job, not mine. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of an unbeliever. God holds us responsible for proclaiming the truth. But the rest is up to Him.” Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 7, 2018 Report Posted November 7, 2018 When a disciple declares the gospel is absolutely true he will get ridiculed and harassed. They will laugh at him. They will tell you that there is more than one way to get to heaven. Since some people reject the truth the next step for us to let God do his job. We are only to spread the truth not make them believe it. Quote
Godswriter Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? We will be laughed at, ridiculed, mocked and just about anything else and even yelled at. Some people will say there is more than 1 way to get there while others will tell you I don't want to hear it. We can pray for them. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted January 25, 2022 Report Posted January 25, 2022 We will be declared as "rigid" or "narrow-minded". It is evident now that even conservative Catholic priests that stand up for conservative values have been silenced even by the RC bishops. This is true amongst Protestant churches as well. As an outdoor minister, I can testify that people can get quite upset when you forthright present the Gospel of Christ. There comes a time when we have to move on. It is very sad; people reject the truth;they are steeped in cynicism. No amount of kind dialogue will help. They are immersed with their own thoughts, and not really listening. The Shekinah moved very slowly from the Ark of the Covenant to Mt Olives....a move of deep sadness as described in the Book of Ezekiel. There was the idol of jealously in the Temple of Jerusalem. Quote
Irmela Posted October 23, 2022 Report Posted October 23, 2022 Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? The same as in by-gone days. Those who do not believe get agitated and angry, argumentative etc. It sometimes gets turned into a political issue. One can get charged with hate speech. How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? Either it is accepted lock stock and barrel or it is thrown out as "prove it", "not just one way to get to heaven, I am a good person", "it was for then, everything is different now", "what about all the other belief systems" etc. If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? To move on, keep on praying and lead by example. Quote
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