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  • 1 month later...

Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?

Jesus died in a relatively short time because

(i) He had power to take up or put down His earthly life

(I) He knew that the Jews would ask for their legs to be broken so as to hasten their death before the special Sabbath the next day - scripture was fulfilled that "Not one of His (Jesus) bones would be broken."

The water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicated that Jesus was actually (physically) dead. This fulfilled scripture which made reference to His side being pierced.


Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time?


Jesus work on the cross was time specific and was coordinated with Passover. He completed the work and the appointed time for Him to die was exactly at 3:00 pm, the moment when the priest in the nearby temple would kill the sacrificial lamb for Passover. Jesus gave up His Spirit at that precise moment, and I would think the last sound he heard while alive was the beginning of the shofar horn being blown to let the Jews know the lamb had been slain for their sins. The priest would have been stunned to see the thick veil shielding the holy of holies, torn from top to bottom at that moment, as well.


What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate?


It is proof that Jesus was dead and not in a swoon or a coma. (there would be stories afterward that Jesus did not really die, and others that He did die but His body was stolen and hidden by His disciples)


How did it fulfill Scripture?


Zechariah prophesied that "They shall look on Him Whom they have pierced". Ps. 34 prophesied that "Not one of His bones shall be broken."

Because the Sabbath was to begin at sundown, they hurried the process of the dying who lingered on and on, by breaking the bones in their legs so that they could no longer use them to push up to breathe. The spear in Jesus' side was proof that He died, and the pireced side also fulfilled prophecy.


(John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?       

  • Jesus died in such a relatively short time because the work that he came to do was finished.
  • The water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicates that Jesus actually died.
  • Scripture was fulfill because it was prophesied that "not one of his bones will be broken".

Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?


Jesus probably died within a very short time because he had been so ruthlessly flogged, to within an Inch of his life (19:1). As the notes describe, the scourge used in a flogging was tipped with glass or metal-..."some men were flayed to the bone"...The notes add, whipping may penetrate down to veins and arteries and even disembowel the victim (notes from 30. Jesus Arrest and Trial John 18:1-19:16). In the scriptures we also read that the soldiers made Simon from Cyrene carry the cross, as he walked behind Jesus, to the place of the crucifixion (Luke 23:6). Jesus was unable to carry it because he was too weak, a result of the flogging.

When the Roman soldiers came to check if their victims were dead, Jesus appeared already to have died (19:33). To make sure of this, one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear (19:34). Water and blood flowing from Jesus side was probably from around the cardiothoracic area of the body (http://www.gotquestions.org/blood-water-Jesus.html)-"They will look on me, the one they have pierced..." (Zechariah 12:10).


Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?


Why do you think that Jesus died in such a relatively short time?

I believe the flogging was of such that He was left greatly weakened before the crucifixion.  However I believe that the timing was ordained by God down to the last detail.

What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus side indicate?

It showed that He was physically dead.

How did it fulfill scripture?

Psalm 34:20 "He keepeth all His bones, not one of them is broken".

Zechariah 12:10 "They shall look on Him whom they have pierced". He was pierced however the rest is as of now unfulfilled.  It will be fulfilled when the nation of Israel recognizes their Savior.


God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26

Q4. (John 19:31-37) 

Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? 

What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? 

How did it fulfil Scripture?

Jesus had received very harsh treatment before He was placed on the Cross. In 19:1 we read that “Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged”. He was beaten with a whip or a rod. The whip had pieces of metal or bone in it, and these cut deep gashes in the flesh. He suffered all kinds of wounds, there were blows by a rod which caused contusions, scourging which caused lacerations, the crown of thorns which caused penetrating wounds, nails which caused perforating wounds, and then finally the spear which caused incised wounds. These most cruel form of punishment must have taken its toll on our Lord and this may have hastened His death. The flow of water and blood from Jesus’ side indicated that He was already dead. Scripture is fulfilled with reference to the ‘righteous man’ in Psalm 34:20: “he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.” And the affirmation of Jesus as the Passover Lamb of God in Exodus 12:46: “It must be eaten inside one house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.” 



Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?

Jesus after being crucified died a short time later because of the loss of blood and body fluids (dehydration) that was caused from the beating and scourging he had received from the Roman's. Crucifixion intensified the loss of fluids, physical fatigue and asphyxiation from not being able to breathe caused an early death.

After death has occurred, water and blood in the lungs has separated and pooled. If the lungs are pierced, the blood and water will flow out.

The scripture that was fulfilled by the Roman guard piercing Jesus side was Zechariah 12;10, "they will look on me whom they pierced".   


Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time?  

I think He did so that the soldiers might not have to break his legs to hasten His death and thus fulfilling the Scriptures.


What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate?


The water and the blood flowing from His side indicated He had died.


How did it fulfill Scripture?


His death fulfilled the scriptures that He would die on the cross for our sin.


It is likely that he died in a relatively short time because of loss of blood from his scourging.  Also, I don’t think he clung to life as he was about to ‘enter his Glory’.  Others ‘fight’ against illness and death, but he knew he was going home.  I hope to have the grace to do the same.  I am not a medical person so I don’t know exactly what the water and blood indicated in medical terms.  Spiritually, I have heard that the water symbolises the water of eternal life and the blood, Christ’s sacrifice.  As Pastor Ralph mentions, this piercing fulfils several Old Testament scriptures, Exodus 12:46, Psalm 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10.


Lesson 31 Question 4

Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time?

Probably because of the fact that he was severely scourged prior to the crucifixion.

What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus side indicate?

That he actually died.

How did it fulfill Scripture?

He did not have to have his legs broken.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?


It was against God’s law to leave the body of a dead person exposed overnight (Deuteronomy 21:23), and it was also against the law to work after sundown on Friday, when the Sabbath began. This is why the religious leaders urgently wanted to get Jesus’ body off the cross and buried by sundown.


These Romans were experienced soldiers. They knew from many previous crucifixions whether a man was dead or alive. There was no question that Jesus was dead when they checked him, so they decided not to break his legs as they had done to the other victims. Piercing his side and seeing the sudden flow of blood and water (indicating that the sac surrounding the heart and the heart itself had been pierced) was further proof of his death. Some people say Jesus didn’t really die, that he only passed out—and that’s how he came back to life. But we have the witness of an impartial party, the Roman soldiers, that Jesus died on the cross. That's why they pierced Him to make sure He is dead.


Pilate was surprised that Jesus had died so quickly, so he asked an officer to verify the report. Today, in an effort to deny the Resurrection, there are those who say that Jesus didn’t really die. His death, however, was confirmed by the officer, Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, the religious leaders, and the women who witnessed his burial. Jesus suffered actual physical death on the cross.


Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture?

From the beating He took, it seems 6 hours is a very long and horrible time to die. It is suggested that the water is the symbol of baptism and purification and the blood is the sacrifice like a sacrificial lamb, slain on the altar for forgiveness of sins. How horrible and how long it was for Him to suffer, bleed almost empty and die. I can not imagine how He suffered in those hours. The piercing fulfilled the scripture: Zechariah 12:10" They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son."


So many prophecies completed with the death of Christ, and His resurrection. So we se God's word 'is faithful. Any many "old prophecies" have come to pass. So we wonder in awe about Jesus' promise to return, how He is preparing a place for us and how we must seek and follow His will

  • 1 month later...

Jesus had already been beaten and scourged nearly to death before His was crucified. His physical body was severely dehydrated and He had suffered profound blood loss. It only makes sense that He died in a relatively short time. In the spiritual sense, His death was also part of the timeline of the Sabbath and Passover celebrations, and He chose when to give up His spirit because His life was freely given, not taken from Him. I love JanMary's insight that “I would think the last sound he heard while alive was the beginning of the shofar horn being blown to let the Jews know the lamb had been slain for their sins.”  That sound would have signaled the completion of His mission as the moment when the life of the Lamb of God was taken in sacrifice.  It was finished.


I don't recall hearing any one explain the water and blood flow in this "simple" way, but it makes more sense than just a lofty theological explanation. Such a quick death was unusual, so the soldier was making certain that Jesus was truly dead when he plunged the spear into Jesus' side. And John was recording factual details that correlated with prophecies about the Suffering Servant. Scripture foretold that He would be hung on a tree and pierced, but He would not suffer any broken bones.

  • 2 months later...

Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time?  Jesus was so severely injured and had lost so much blood from the floggings and the scourging that he’d received earlier that day that he would have been in an extremely weakened state and probably close to death when they nailed him to the cross. 


What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate?  It indicated that Jesus was already dead.  The stress brought about by everything that he’d undergone that day would have resulted in a massive shock to his body resulting in an extremely rapid heartbeat and that causes fluid to gather in the cavity around the heart.  Also because of the position that he was in on the cross, breathing would have been extremely labored at best which would have ultimately resulted in asphyxiation which also causes fluid buildup around the heart.  When he was pierced, that would have released both blood and the fluid built up in his body.


How did it fulfill Scripture?  He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken (Psa. 34:20) and And they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced… (Zech. 12:10).

  • 3 years later...

I think that the Father had mercy on him after all that he went through to save us. The bible says that the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicated that he was dead. This fulfilled scripture because he had no broken bones.

  • 7 months later...


Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus’ side indicate?  How did it fulfill Scripture?

He died in such a short time in order to fulfill the Scriptures and also because the Sabbath was drawing near. In order to avoid having his legs broken he had to die earlier than the thieves. It indicates that he has died and he is no longer alive. It fulfills the Scripture by the fact his side is pierced and his bones weren't broken at all. 

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (John 19:31-37)

1.    Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? Physically, Jesus died in a relatively short time because of the enormous torment and loss ofblood He went through; but significantly, He died in a relatively short time so as to avoid having any of His bones broken in fulfillment of Scripture.

2.     What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? The water and blood flowing from Jesus' side is indisputable evidence supplied by the Roman soldiers that He actually, really did die for my sins, paving the way for Him to defeat death through the miracle of the resurrection.

3.     How did it fulfill Scripture? It fulfills Scripture by actualizing the prophecy in Zechariah 12:10: They will look on me, the one they have pierced.

  • 1 year later...

Christ died in a relative short time to be the true Paschal Lamb--Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath day.  "A bone of him shall not be broken" Exodus 12:46.  All the minute arrangements of the Mosaic ordinances  looked forward to Christ.

Water and blood testified of Christ's humanity.  Christ was not an apparition nor a ghost. Christ underwent a long-continued agony that was intense.  This death wound was important point of evidence of Christ's death and Resurrection.

We are examing the 14th prophecy of OT fulfilled in John 19:36: Psalm22:16; Zechariah 12:10.  We have the fact that Christ died a Literal death for the sins of Light the world.   This truth confounds the minds of the Moslems and Christain Scientists;  they cannot accept such a truth, they cannot comprehend that Christ-the eternal Word of God, truly Light from Light--could die on the Cross.  





  • 8 months later...

Q4. (John 19:31-37)

Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time?  They had beaten Him up and He had already lost much blood, so He was quite weak. I  also  believe that it was fulfilling prophecy.  He had come to be the Sacrifice for our sin and the lamb was sacrificed at a given time and that was the time that He too would have finished fulfilling all the Prophesies concerning His coming.

What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate?  This was an indication that He was dead and not just in a coma, from which He would waken up.   

blood is for redemption and water for imparting life       

the Lords death takes away our sins and imparts life to us

How did it fulfill Scripture?  This fulfills the Prophecy recorded in  Zechariah 12:10 "  .  .  .They look upon Me Whom they have pierced  . . ."

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