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Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life?

  • 1 month later...

(John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life? 


Evidence of Jesus' resurrection:

1. The neatness and position of the grave clothes attest that his body was not stolen, nor that he unwrapped himself.

2. The discovery of the empty tomb is not a case of mistaken identity, since the women were witnesses to Jesus' burial.

3. The empty tomb and the presence of the grave clothes are attested by Peter and John before they are convinced that Jesus has actually been raised from the dead.


The fact of the resurrection is the foundation stone of our Christian faith. Jesus Himself said that He will go to the Father and then He will send the Holy Spirit to us. In addition, He said that He will be seated at the right hand of the Father and intercede for us before the Father.
If we did not believe in the resurrection, then all of Jesus' words would be false and our faith would be non-existent and hopelessly misplaced.  

Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage?


The many eye witness accounts of the resurrection...from many who were tortured later and died for their belief rather than to recant their faith in what they knew and saw rather than lie in order to live a few more years on earth.


The fact that Jesus' disciples did not believe Jesus would be resurrected, and were stunned when He was...while nonbelievers remembered that Jesus had said this, and were all ready prepared to concoct stories about it being fake!


The way the grave clothes were intact.


The fact that the stone was rolled away....by angels. (None of the disciples would have thought to open the tomb because they were not expecting the resurrection and were not at the grave,)  and the Roman guards were put there to see that it wasn't opened and stayed sealed.


The empty tomb.


Jesus appearance to Mary, who also was not expecting to see Jesus again, and her joyful testimony drew the others the view the evidence of the resurrection.


Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith?


The Resurrection is the foundation stone on which our faith rests. Jesus is alive and reigns yesterday, today and forever. All others who are worshipped in the world's religions are still in their graves.


What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life?


When Jesus died, I died with Him, and when He arose, I rose with Him...I am seated (spiritually) with Him at the right Hand of the Father. This earthly life is a moment in time compared to the eternal life which began for me when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior 42 years ago. The best is yet to come! Forever and ever and ever with my Lord!


After I finished my lesson, I ran across what Victor Hugo said as an expression of his faith when he was past age 80 about this subject....so lovely! I share this as an encouragement to others and because it so resonates with me at age 72.


"I feel in myself the future life. I am like a forest which has been more than once cut down. The new shoots are livelier than ever. I am rising toward the sky. The sunshine is on my head. The earth gives me its generous sap, but heaven lights me with its unknown worlds. "You say the soul is nothing but the resultant of the bodily powers." Why, then, is my soul more luminous when my bodily powers begin to fail? Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. I breathe at this hour the fragrance of the lilacs, the violets, and the roses as at twenty years. The nearer I approach the end the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous, yet simple." Victor Hugo


Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life?


Mary Magdalene observed that the stone to the entrance of the tomb had been rolled away (v2).

Peter and the other disciple (probably John) witnessed that the tomb was empty

and the grave clothes undisturbed, as if the body had extracted itself from them (v 5-8).

Mary saw two angels in the tomb where Jesus body had been lying (v13).

Mary then saw a man outside the tomb, whom she recognised as Jesus, when he used her name (v16)

Although the passage does not tell us, Mary probably touched Jesus as he said to her, "do not hold me..." (v17).

Paul points out to the believers in Rome the importance of the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:7 says that if Christ had not been raised “...then your faith doesn't mean anything. Your sins are not forgiven”. So if Christ had not been raised to life in the resurrection, my life would be a missery.


(John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life?          

  1. Evidence for the resurrection was the stone was rolled away, empty tomb, the presence of the grave clothes and the witness of Mary, Peter and John.
  2. The truth of the resurrection is important as foundation stone of the Christian faith because it shows Jesus is not dead, he is risen.  Jesus died for our sins, was buried and was raised on the 3rd day.
  3. The resurrection means to me that Jesus died for my sins and I am no longer in bondage. 

Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?

The evidences of the resurrection presented in this passage are the undisturbed grave cloth that showed Jesus was not stolen nor woke up from state of fainting and walking away. His revelation of Himself to Mary Magdalene is also another prove that He rose

Q4. (John 20:1-18) 

What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? 

Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? 

What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?

In this passage the evidences are the empty tomb, the grave clothes being neatly packed, and the fact that Mary Magdalene saw and spoke to our Lord Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very heart-blood of the Christian faith. Without it we have nothing. Our Lord Himself had promised that He would rise from the dead on the third day. If He did not rise at that time, then He was either an imposter or mistaken. In either case, He would not be worthy of trust. Also, without the Resurrection there is no salvation. But in raising Him from the dead, God testified to the fact that He was completely satisfied with the redemptive work of Christ. My outlook on life changes with the promise of life after death. I prefer storing up treasures in heaven. We know that this life is not all. It does not end here – there is an eternity to be with the Lord. The same God who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up as believers to be with the Lord Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:14). 



Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life?

The evidences for the resurrection in John 20:1-18 are; Mary and another Mary go to the tomb before day break, the stone has been rolled away and Jesus body body is not there. They go and tell Peter and John that someone had removed the Lord from the tomb. Peter and John run to the tomb, Peter enters and sees the head cloth neatly folded and burial strips removed. John enters and witnesses the same also. Then the two disciples run home. Mary stood outside the tomb weeping, then two angels in white appeared, one at the head of the tomb and the other at the foot end. The angels ask why she is weeping, she answers that they have taken the Lord away and she knows not where. After conversing with angels she sees someone near by, the gardener perhaps. He ask why she is crying? "Because they have taken the Lord away" she answers. Jesus says "Mary", now she recognizes the person as Jesus and is estatic, she calls him "Rabboni", she hugs and holds on to Jesus. He ask her to let him go, he has not yet ascended to the Father. Jesus tells her to go and tell the disciples that he is returning to the Father.

The truth of the resurrection is so important to the faith of Christians belief foundation because if Christ has not been raised from the dead, our faith is useless and we are still in our sins and we should be pitted by all mankind because everything that had been preached is false.

What Jesus resurrection means to our life is that what we witness to is truth, belief in Christ and his works guarantee us to be co-heirs with Christ, as adopted sons and daughters, eternal life in Heaven.   


Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?


Evidences for the resurrection in this passage are the empty tomb, the grave clothes were neat and in good order, and the witness of Mary, Peter and John.


If there is no resurrection then is our faith in vain and we are of all men to be most pitied. 1 Corinthians 15:13-19

Jesus resurrection means He has conquered death and we shall live with Him forever. We shall truly be home at last with our God, our Savior and our redeemed loved ones and so many others we do not yet know.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Lesson 32 Question 4

The evidences of the resurrection are: the empty tomb, the presence of the grave clothes and linen, Jesus's conversation with Mary (His loving conversation with her) and the fact that he spoke and could be touched and held and yet  that there was more to do than simply hold him - that is, that things as yet were not complete, that is, that there was a message to relay.

If the resurrection of Jesus is not true, then as Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15, we lose our salvation and we are not justified and cannot count ourselves as God's children.

The fact of the resurrection assures me of God's love and power to save me, forgive me and brings me to a glorious  place of belonging to him as a son. This provides, contentment, satisfaction, peace and rest - Oh what a joy to contemplate this.

  • 3 weeks later...

The evidences of the resurrection presented in this passage are the thorough description of the gruesome death of Jesus and burial afterwards, all witnessed by his devoted followers.  Then, the rolling away of the stone, careful folding and placing of the burial clothes, witness of John, who was quick to believe, the conversation of Mary Magdalene with two angels and finally Jesus himself speaking to Mary Magdalene.  The truth of the resurrection is indispensable to our Christian faith, because it is proof of Jesus’s deity.  He was not just an exceptional social teacher, he is God himself in human form.  Jesus’s resurrection is my hope of everlasting life.  It is possible to take massive leaps if you are sure of a loving God who gives us the promise of salvation.  I feel like a small child who has to make a big leap to reach his/her mother, who is standing with arms open, ready to catch the child.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?


The evidence was the linen wrappings which were left by Jesus and had passed right through them. The cloth that covered Jesus’ head was still rolled up in the shape of a head, and it was at about the right distance from the wrappings that had enveloped Jesus’ body.


The death of Christ was unique, however, because it was a part of God’s eternal plan that Christ would die as an innocent sacrificial lamb, as a substitute payment for the sins of men. The death of Christ was the death of one who was sinless, on behalf of those who were sinners.


The Lord Jesus is both the resurrection and the life. We know the Lord Jesus came to bring us eternal life.


Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?


I am grateful for this question, for I can again witness to His truth, and what He told us several time in the Gospels, that He was our savior, of all people. And my personal savior as well. His resurrection is an important part of the story.  Without it, as Paul said, our belief goes for nothing and we are not really saved by believing in Him.


it should give me and all of us a lot more peace than we typically carry during  given work day, with all its "trials and challenges." So I am grateful to have this moment to reflect on how luck I am that He chose me when He did; that He knows me better than I know myself, and my complex overthinking of things altogether too many times.


Thank you Father God and Jesus for doing this so the Holy Spirit can and did come and indwell in us forever!


  • 1 month later...

The resurrection of the crucified, dead, and buried Christ is the core foundation of the Christian faith. Paul said that without it, what we preach and testify about God, what we put our faith in and hope for in eternity is all in vain (1Corinthians 15:13-19). As an eyewitness, John recorded many details that give evidence that the resurrection of Christ is a true event that really happened.

1. Mary knew the exact tomb where she had witnessed Jesus' body placed and wrapped. The tomb had never been used before, so there were no other remains inside. This was not a case of mistaken location or identity of the body.


2. Pilate had honored the request by Jewish authorities for Roman guards who were stationed at the tomb to prevent a theft of the body. But the body of Jesus was not in the tomb when the women arrived before dawn to complete the burial process.


3. The tomb was open with the stone pushed to the side. Even if Jesus had not died, but only fell into a coma and then later revived, He had been scourged, beaten, and wounded to the point where there would have been absolutely no physical way for Him to open the sealed tomb, push away the heavy stone, and escape the Roman guards standing on duty there.  Yet all of those things "somehow" happened.


4. The burial cloths were lying in the tomb undisturbed, with the face-cloth set aside and neatly folded. Thieves wouldn't have taken the time to unwrap the body, and a supposedly revived Jesus couldn't have unwrapped Himself only to leave the wraps intact. Peter and John confirmed this scene before they ever imagined that Jesus was resurrected.


5. Angels were there when Mary returned a second time that morning. They spoke to her and questioned any reason for weeping and sorrow.


6. Mary encountered, touched (most likely), and spoke with the resurrected Jesus. This wasn't a dream or hallucination.


7. Jesus confirmed He would ascend to heaven to rejoin the Father, and He redefined our relationship with Him. It is no longer one of the physical realm, but one of the spiritual realm.


8. Jesus concretely and specifically commissioned Mary to go and tell others.


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that He truly is the Son of God who came to redeem the world and that what He did pleased and satisfied the Father's demand for justice against sin and atonement for sin. It is evidence that everything God has declared and promised is true. It is complete confirmation and firm assurance that the promise of forgiveness and pardon before God, the adoption by the Father to be His own child, the standing as the Bride of Christ Himself, the gift of the Spirit within me, and the confident expectation of a future inheritance with Christ and eternity in heaven with God are ALL true and secured for me. This should change everything about my outlook on life. Reality is not of this world that will one day be brought to an end. It is of the heavenly Kingdom of God that is forever and ever, Amen!  I serve a risen Savior!

  • 2 months later...

What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage?  1) The large (estimated at 1-1/2 -2 ton) stone had been rolled away from the entrance of the tomb.  Even if the disciples had wanted to remove Jesus’ body, they would have to get past the guards without waking them.  Then, quietly (so as not to wake the guards) roll the huge stone over and steal Christ’s body.  Personally, I believe that would have been totally and completely impossible to do without alerting the guards.  2) The most obvious bit of evidence was the fact that the tomb was empty.  The empty tomb had to have been widely reported throughout Jerusalem so perpetrating a hoax of that magnitude would have been next to impossible therefore, the truth of the empty tomb must have been clearly established. 3) The Roman guards had already fled the scene.  The fear of their superior officers and the very real possibility of death meant that the average soldier would have paid very close attention to every detail of their assigned task.  4) The empty grave clothes were undisturbed in appearance and their position and the cloth that had been wrapped around his head was neatly folded and lying in its place separate from the burial linens.  Had the body been stolen, why would the disciples risk waking the guards by wasting valuable time removing the burial clothes; if they had stolen the body they would have most likely taken it quickly, not taking the time to remove the shroud. 5) Three days after His death and burial, the women who went to His tomb found the body gone.  Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first which would make her an eyewitness.  An eyewitness who knew Jesus personally.  Other eyewitnesses recounted how He had appeared to them over a period of 40 days, showing Himself to them by many "infallible proofs" and later, Paul would articulate how Jesus had appeared to more than 500 of His followers at one time, the majority of whom were still alive at the time and could positively confirm Paul’s narrative.


Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith?  For a complete answer to that question, I’ll defer to what Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 15:12-28)


What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?  Jesus’ resurrection is proof-positive of future judgment.  In the world we live in today, justice is quite often perverted and in some cases totally non-existent and it’s only getting worse. When I see the sin and the evil in the world today, it’s extremely hard for me to comprehend how some of the things that are going on can possibly be happening. To me, Jesus’ resurrection serves as a constant reminder that I am no longer of this world and ultimately God’s true justice will triumph.

  • 3 years later...

The evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage is the personal witness of Mary, Peter, and John that the tomb was empty, you have the grave clothes. Mary talked to Jesus after his resurrection. If it weren’t for the resurrection we would have nothing to look for. This life would be all that there is.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus’ resurrection mean to your outlook on life? The linen clothes lying there and the handkerchief not lying with them but folded together by itself.   Jesus telling Mary why are you weeping  whom are you seeking and Mary not recognizing him until he said her name and called out Rabboni or Teacher. Without it we are the most pitiable as Paul said because we are then not saved and not going to heaven. It means I am going to heaven and I am something to look forward to. 

  • 5 months later...

The evidence of the resurrection in this passage is the stone being rolled away, the grave clothes neatly folded in place and the appearance of Jesus to Mary and his disciples . This is important because it is the requirement to Salvation.  We must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.  We must confess with our mouths and belief in our hearts that He is risen and we must tell it wherever we go. Romans 10: 9-10.  This is what God requires from us in order to be part of is Kingdom.  He has prepared a place for true believers.  We were made to praise him and to do His will.  "Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man;  for God shall bring every word into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil"....  " For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that we should walk in them"....

  • 9 months later...

Q4. (John 20:1-18)

1.    What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? When Mary Magdalene arrived at the burial scene, she saw that the stone that closed the entrance to the tomb had been removed and she suspected that it was a grave robbery.

 Jesus was not easily recognizable after the resurrection. So Mary, who was grieving and wailing, mistook him for a gardener, until she recognized his voice when he called her name “Mary”. Those who had been with him were mourning and weeping because they had witnessed Jesus’ death and burial.

When Mary told them that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it.

2.    Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? Without the resurrection, there is no Christian faith. As the Apostle Paul puts it if Christ has not been raised, our faith is futile; we are still in our sins....” If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

3.   What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life? Jesus’ resurrection reassures me that he is indeed my Savior and my Redeemer, my sins are forgiven and left to rot with Satan in the tomb;Jesus is always with me and I am with Him eternally.

  • 1 year later...

Evidences of the Resurrection were the empty tomb and the linen clothes that were lying in place.   The head cloth was folded.  The stone that was meticulously sealed was rolled away. 

The Resurrection of Christ is central to our faith.  It was in God's plan that Christ would be marked out (horidzo) manifested to be God's Son by display of power (Acts 10:38; Luke 4:18-21).   The Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead to prove to all men that He was the true Messiah and Saviour of all men (Acts 2:22-36).   The Jews crucified Christ because He claimed to the Son of God; God resurrected Christ because He was the Son of God (Romans 1:4).  The doctrine of the Resurrection was part of Apostle Paul's fourfold Gospel of salvation.  Christ was not merely brought back from the dead or resuscitated; He was declared beyond shadow of doubt that He is Son of God.  Much of John's Gospel would refute the spurious teachings of the Gnostics, Christain Scientists and Muslims.

What really grabs me is "realized eschatology".   I can know at this very moment that I have access to the Holiest of Holies; Christ is NOW my Joshua; Christ has opened up heaven for me.   I have been meditating on Romans 8:28 ...despite our status as children of Adam and Eve---we carried the results of original sin; God came to rescue us--- as worms---so we can become the children of God, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9).  Physical healing is for today; the word is soteria---forgiveness of sins and physical healing are for today.   



  • 8 months later...

Q4. (John 20:1-18)

What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage?

Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith?

What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life?

  • The stone is rolled away
  • The grave is empty
  • The grave clothes/linen strips are empty
  • The face cloth is rolled up separately (telling all that He is coming back)
  • Two angels are seen where Jesus body lay (Mary converses with them)
  • Jesus appears to Mary
  • Peter and John are both witnesses to the fact that  the grave is empty and the grave clothes are empty.

With the resurrection it is proved that Death too has been conquered.  Our redemption is complete.

The fact that Jesus has risen means that the price for my sins has been paid.  The clutches death had on me have been cut off and I am truly set free and will live with my Lord eternally.


He's alive, He's alive, He's alive forevermore,

Jesus has risen from the dead.

Death no longer hath dominion,

satan's power is broken down,

He (Jesus) has triumphed, Hallelujah!

and He wears the Victors crown.

He's alive, He's alive, He's alive forevermore,

Jesus has risen from the dead.

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