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  • 2 months later...

(John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord? 


The way the Father sent Jesus is how Jesus sends us: So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” (John 20:21) The Father sent Jesus. Now Jesus sends us on this holy relay team.


We are under orders just as Jesus was; we bring another's message, and are charged to bring it accurately and clearly. In many churches, we're tempted to water down parts of the message that are difficult for the world to receive. Yes, we must communicate the Word in ways that are clear to our own culture, but we do not have freedom to alter the message to make it more palatable. Even more so, we do not have freedom to preach on certain aspects of the message eg wealth, grace, etc and ignore the rest. It is not our message, it is  God's! Father, please forgive us.

Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? 

As the Father sent the Lord Jesus for the purpose of completing His (Father) work for the salvation of mankind by His death and resurrection, He (Jesus) has also sent us to go and proclaim the word, the gospel to others.


How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?


I listen to Jesus through His written word, the Bible. I however need the power of the Holy Spirit to give me power to understand, discern and also to share it with others. I also desire to be more committed to Him and want to hear Him speak to me personally and directly outside His written word.


Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us?


It is the same. The Father sent Jesus and He send us...Jesus was sent in a body of flesh, totally dependent upon His Father to accomplish His mission. We are sent us with the same limitation in bodies of flesh, totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit to accomplish His mission through us.


How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?


Very careful,  since I learned early on that "Apart from Me you can do nothing." Left to my own ideas, strength, talent, I accomplish nothing of eternal value. My desire is that when my works are tested at the Bema Seat of Christ, that they remain because He accomplished them through me, rather than for them to end up as wood, hay and stubble...in ashes, due to my own efforts apart from His Holy Spirit.


(John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?          

  • The relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us is the same.  We are sent in the same way Jesus was sent. We are under orders just as Jesus was; we bring another's message, and are charged to bring it accurately and clearly.
  • It is important that when we are spreading the Good News that we give the message just as it is given to us.  We are not to have to or take away.  In order to do that, we must listen very carefully.

Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

The verse in question says "...as the Father sent me so I send you..." (Jesus speaking). We are obviously in a different position to the Christ. He the Messiah, who came to save the world (John 3:17). He came to the world to bring a message from his Father (20:16). He is the redeemer,  we are his messengers (John 17:18). In many ways though, our mission is the same as Christ had in the world. We share his mission to spread word of his redemption throughout the world (from the notes). It is our responsibility to share the message accurately and congruently-our lives are to measure up to the message God entrusted us with, however we are not alone. We are promised help and strength from our Lord (Matt 28:19-20). I have not measured up, because of my sin, however God has used me on some occasions, as his representative (2 Corinthians 5:20).


Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?


God the Father sent Jesus to be the gospel and Jesus in the same way sends us to spread the gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.


We are to be faithful ambassadors for our Lord who get instruction from Him and can be trusted to deliver the message, the gospel as our Lord gave it to us.  We need strength, wisdom, discernment from the Lord every minute, every second to do this.


God bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

The relationship between the Heavenly Father sending Jesus and Jesus sending us into the world to proclaim the truth of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are exactly the same. We are to carry on Jesus message to the world if we are true followers.

The directions I get from Jesus are mostly found in the scripture of the New Testament. Here we find all that Jesus taught and his instructions to his disciples, also in the epistles are the foundation statements of our faith and conduct.       

Q2. (John 20:21) 

What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? 

How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

The way our Heavenly Father sent Jesus into the world is similar to the way Jesus sends us. There is a distinct parallel between Jesus’ mission and ours. The degree to which we support and are committed to the work of our missionaries, both locally and throughout the world, is a measure of how godly we are - how much like Jesus we are. Besides this, like Jesus, we are to be involved in helping those less fortunate than us, spreading the gospel, and in as many ways as we can, serving our Lord and Saviour – He being the ultimate role model. When it comes to listening and getting directions from Jesus in serving the Lord, I’m afraid to say that there is much, much more I can do. I have no excuse! I do, however, support missionaries, and serve Him at my local church. When I was younger I was much more active in the church – it could be that I’ve reached my ‘sell by date’. 



Lesson 33 question 2

Just as Jesus was sent by the Father to convey the Father's message and to do what he was asked to do, we also, are the ones who, having received Jesus' message and the message of salvation, are sent out to convey this message and Jesus himself to the world with the Holy Spirit's help.

We must be careful to accurately convey the message of God's love and salvation to those who would listen with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Help me Lord to stand aside and present you only. To you belongs the glory.

  • 3 weeks later...

As with all Jesus’s teaching, we are taught by example.  Jesus tells us how he was sent by the Father, he now sends us in the same way.  I try my best, sometimes more successfully than other times.  I do this through prayer, reading scripture and devotional writings and talking with other people also trying to do the same.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord? 


Jesus again identified himself with his Father. He told the disciples by whose authority he did his work. Then he passed the job to his disciples of spreading the Good News of salvation around the world. Whatever God has asked you to do, remember: (1) Your authority comes from God, and (2) Jesus has demonstrated by words and actions how to accomplish the job he has given you. As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sends us we his followers.
The important thing is that we listen—that we are ready and willing to hear what he says. We should be careful, for we do not want to use his name in vain.  For us today, convicting us of what we should do, guiding us in how we serve God. Wneed to think about whether we have correctly understood the directions.

Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

This relationship is the same. He said that now we are one in Him. So if we can die to Him, and be nothing, then we will only speak what the Father wants us to. This requires a 100% prayer life. A big work in progress for me. Pray to ask to be more prayerful, more connected, less of me, more of Him. Let it grow as He would have it, mostly gently, learning Him, learning to trust and abide in the moment.


Its easier to say now, but in real world situations, I need prayer from anyone who reads this, so that I can fulfill God's destiny for my in this life. I have ADHD and refuse to use chemicals in my body. It is the Lord's work in me to overcome this for His glory.


Dear God, I can not do this on my own. Come into me and remain in me; get stronger in me from my increase in prayer and service to your people. In Jesus name, amen

  • 4 months later...

It is incumbent upon every Christian to remember that Jesus' mission and ours are not the same; His “mission of redemption” isn’t something we can or should attempt to duplicate.  God sent Christ Jesus to us with the singular task of providing salvation for all of mankind and He satisfied that task on the cross.  Quite obviously, that’s not something that we could ever expect to replicate but we are in-fact, shareholders in His mission!  Our task is to continue to spread the good news of salvation and deliverance from sin because of his blessed sacrifice.  We are under Christ’s charge just as He was (is) under that of his Father.  His task culminated on the cross, now ours is to deliver His message of love, hope and salvation to the world!  Furthermore, we are charged to deliver the good news clearly and accurately and are not at liberty to modify, amend or revise His message simply because it may be hard for some people to receive. In your words, “It is (after all) not our message, it is His.”


I begin and end every day praying to my Lord for guidance and direction.  So it is also with everything I face and every task He puts before me.  I’m a weak sinner and if I have any hope of carrying out His will, the only way I can ever hope do that is with His strength inside of me.  The only way to get that strength is to honestly and earnestly ask for it through prayer.

  • 4 weeks later...

The way the Father sent Jesus and the manner in which Jesus sends us are the same, even though we have different roles in the mission. Jesus established and accomplished redemption and we are to proclaim that news to the world. Like Jesus, we're called to go out into the world as messengers/ ambassadors of God with what we have been given to tell (Mark 16:15) and to do as the Father commands us so that the world may know that we love Him (John 14:31 – this verse has really stuck with me from the John study). The honesty and power of that kind of authenticity is often what opens others to really consider the message and desire what they see in us for themselves. We're accountable to stay true to the Word, never deviating or altering it, even as we may adapt the presentation to our culture and the specific needs of people. It is only the truth that can bring liberty to the captives and set people free. This requires that we know the truth of the written Word and know THE Truth who is the eternal Word in a personal, dynamic way.


There is no discernment, no power, and no eternal gain in efforts of the flesh, no matter how worthy they may seem. I have experienced that kind of failure, as well as the glorious joy of “getting it right” in my approach to service. I am always in need of more acute listening and consistent obedience to what Jesus says as I serve the Lord, relying on the guidance and power of His Holy Spirit just as He did on earth.

  • 2 years later...

The relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us is that the Father sent his son and gave him His personal message as an example to follow. The way that Jesus sends us is to try to mimic him in what he has done.

  • 8 months later...

John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

The relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus is that Jesus was sent on a mission to save the world with specific directions. How He sends us is that we are to preach, baptize and do all that he did. I could do a lot better. 

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (John 20:21)

  1. What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? It is really very well put in the notes above and I cannot express it any better: that we are sent in the same way Jesus was sent. We are under orders just as Jesus was; we bring another's message, and are charged to bring it accurately and clearly. Sometimes we're tempted to water down parts of the message that are difficult for the world to receive. Yes, we must communicate the Word in ways that are clear to our own culture, but we do not have freedom to alter the message to make it more palatable. It is not our message, it is his.

The Father sent Jesus. Now Jesus sends us on this holy relay team. And we are to pass on this responsibility to those who follow us. Amen! Amen! Amen.

2.      How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord? Really, as just a layman I would answer in the words of this verse:

Just as I am though tossed about,

 With many a conflict, many a doubt,

 Fightings and fears within without

 O Lamb of God I come, I come.

  • 1 year later...

We too are sent out  to proclaim the Gospel.   We are to carefully preach the Gospel in season and out of season; not reinventing the Faith to meet the mores of our culture.   Like Christ, we must be diligent Bible students and tarry in prayer often for a fresh anointing from Heaven.

I deeply treasure 1 Peter 2:9.   I have been mentored in such a way as to seriously commencing preaching outdoors starting back in 1979.   Also I have been involved in a number of other ministries, as well as holding a demanding job in private industry.   The whole concept of Apostleship means much to me.    The amount of mileage and transient nature of the ministry over the years.  The typical mega-church atmosphere was never my cup of tea;   the Pentecostal model of the church and evangelism as outlined in Acts of the Apostles is much to my liking.  The kerygma must be central, not entertainment nor flashy lights and bombastic concerts in the church sanctuary.

Yes...I. do prepare days before I embark on any evangelistic endeavor.   In our city, crime and subway crimes have climbed drastically.   So I have had to be in deep prayer as to what to do and what part of our city to safely preach.  God does wants to exercise proper wisdom in the ministry.

  • 9 months later...

Q2. (John 20:21)

What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us?

How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord?

As the Father sent Me , I am sending you.  That is how we have it in John's account.

Jesus repeatedly points out that He did not have His own private agenda.  He was sent by the Father.

We share His mission to spread word of his redemption throughout the world.

We bring another's message, and are charged to bring it accurately and clearly, not watered down just so we gain favour.

We are not there to please man but to please God.

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