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Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?

  • 2 months later...

(John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why? 


The guiding purpose of John's Gospel is to help readers both believe (intellectual) and find life (spiritual) in Jesus Christ (20:3031). The intellect is not enough. We must put our trust in Jesus and experience Jesus personally. Head knowledge does not allow us to live in the full victory that Jesus' death and resurrection have given us. We must acknowledge and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and experience Him for ourselves. Belief is not life in itself, but it opens up the door to the eternal life that flows from relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit a life of joy and fellowship, now and forever. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Rev 3:20)





Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out?


John included those things which would lead one "to believe that Jesus is the Christ, (the anointed One) and through believing, that "you may have life through His Name."


What is the purpose of his Gospel?


Each Gospel writer presented Jesus in one of four ways. John's purpose was to present Jesus' Deity....The Son of God come down from Heaven. (Matthew presented Jesus as King, Mark, as Servant, Luke the physician presented Jesus' humanity.)


John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?


It's only through believing and cleaving and trusting and relying upon Him that leads to life. (amplified) Many believe In Jesus, including Satan, but Jesus must be received personally, and trusted as Lord and Savior, in order to have abundant life on earth and eternal life forever.


Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out?  


John concentrated on the important issues of Jesus, the Christ and Son of God and also faith in Him for salvation. Other things that would have been mentioned in the Gospels were left out.


What is the purpose of his Gospel?


The purpose of the Gospel is that we may know and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and have eternal life.


John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?


John tells us that belief in Jesus Christ gives eternal life but belief itself is not life on its own. This is because life flows into us through the God Head (God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) as a result of our believing in Jesus.




(John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?          

  • John decided to include in his Gospel selective information that was specific.
  • The purpose of John's Gospel is to help readers both believe (intellectual) and find life (spiritual) in Jesus Christ.
  • John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life showing belief is not life in itself, but it opens up the door to the eternal life that flows from relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit -- a life of joy and fellowship, now and forever.

Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?

John included what he felt would best show his purpose for writing his gospel which was to point out the deity of Christ.

We believe first and then must RSVP (Lord I need you and what you did for me on the cross as the only way I will stand before God).  So we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth( Romans 10:9) and we will be saved and the life of Christ flows through us through the Holy Spirit (our Lord's personal emissary who also is a member of the Godhead).

What an amazing God we serve.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?

The apostle John, knowing that the followers of Christ were probably familiar with some of the stories and other gospels of the synoptic gospels. he has selectively chosen what to write about in his gospel,

The purpose of the gospel is to give proof to all who read it that the writer has witnessed for himself and wishes to give testimony that all Jesus works and miracles are true. The writer wants to convince those that read the gospel that they will become believers and have faith in Christ.

In verse 31b John differentiates between believing and having eternal life, for the reason that through the gospel and it's acknowledgement of the words and works of Jesus we may believe in Jesus , being the Son of God. Having faith in Christ and God the Father, we are given eternal life so that we may live forever with him in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.        


Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?


John acknowledged that there are many other signs that Jesus did in the presence of his disciples, but John did not include them (20: 30-31).  The notes explain that John was not required to repeat all that was written in the synoptic gospels. The inference is that he knew already that at least one of the other gospels was around, which his readers probably had knowledge of. John had a specific purpose for writing his gospel and therefore carefully selecting what to write, from what he witnessed- John 20:31 that you may believe and that you may have life (writers paraphrase). John showed that believing in Jesus results in eternal life as a consequence of a relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit- a lfe of joy, and fellowship forever (from the notes).

Q6. (John 20:30-31) 

How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? 

What is the purpose of his Gospel? 

John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. 


The Holy Spirit selected those signs which would best serve His purpose - those signs by which the glory and character of God has been revealed, especially His Resurrection appearances. Because of the great number of miracles performed by Jesus, all could not have been included in the gospel. But John has given his readers sufficient evidence to believe that Jesus is the "Chosen One," the very Son of God, and in believing they receive life in His name. The whole purpose of John’s Gospel is that readers may believe that Jesus is the true Messiah and the Son of God. As he states in verse 31b – believing, they will have eternal life in His name. But those who turn against Jesus in unbelief are condemned to die. Here we have the possibility of life in reading and believing this gospel, but also the great danger of rejection and death. It is up to us to read carefully and critically, for our lives depend on the decision we make. 



Lesson 33 question 6

John was selective in what he included in his gospel because his readers were already familiar with the other Synoptic Gospels and it was not necessary to repeat everything. Additionally, John states that he wrote this so that the hearers of the gospel would believe and have eternal life. It was not necessary to include a day to day diary like bibliography to accomplish his goal and it was impractical considering the sheer volume and effort of such an undertaking.

John gave two reasons for writing his gospel. It was so that we could believe, that is, learn and consider a preponderance of evidence and then be intellectually satisfied that he made his case and then that we could believe / accept / receive this through faith with the help of the Holy Spirit. In all this, we receive eternal life, that is, we are now able to live in peace in the deepest sense of that word.

  • 3 weeks later...

John chose what to put in his Gospel on the basis of showing us that Jesus is the Messiah and to point us towards eternal life.  He knew that readers would most probably already know the synoptic Gospels where they could find more information.  


Belief is not enough.  We are expected to live our lives according to that belief.  James says that even the demons believe and shudder (James 2:19).  Faith and obedience to Christ’s example must follow.  Only then our lives culminate in Eternal Life.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?


To understand the life and mission of Jesus more we need to do is study the Gospels. John tells us that his Gospel records only a few of the many events in Jesus’ life on earth. But the Good News includes everything we need to know to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, through whom we live today and receive eternal life.



Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?


To have been used by God to write such an important Gospel, John was clearly abiding and remaining in Christ. To say that he decided what to put into the Gospel, of God's words seems impossible. If this is God's word, God chose what he should put in it. Still John was human, so he perhaps made some choices on his own. That is why studying the word of God with others is so important, sharing our thoughts


John differentiates between belief and life. Belief enough to know an trust the Father and Jesus is eternal life in itself John 17:3, belief opens up the door to the eternal life with the Father, Son, and Spirit, a life of joy and fellowship, now and forever. What more could a man ask for?


Why would anyone love people in the world more than God and Jesus? This doesn't take much examination, as it's about what we get for trusting and believing and following better as our spiritual life evolves.


Praise the almighty for this wonderful bible study and opportunity to grow in Christ!

  • 4 months later...

John didn’t simply replicate stories that had been included in the Synoptics, his text only includes the things that he believed would lead us believe conclusively that Jesus is in-fact the Son of God and that if we too believe we might enjoy eternal life in the glorious name of Christ Jesus.  At first he says that “these are written that you may believe”  Here he’s telling us what he’s recording in his text.  He then goes on to tell us why.  He wrote them so that “by believing you (all of us) may have life in his name.

  • 4 weeks later...

John was inspired to write a record of Jesus' earthly life and accomplishment of salvation with the one primary purpose of declaring the deity of Jesus as the Son of God. Within that frame, he had two clear specific purposes in mind, and everything he included had to fit those purposes. So he carefully chose each detail to include in his writings from the wealth of things Jesus did.  He did not need to repeat all that had been already recorded by Matthew, Mark, and Luke.


In the opening prologue, he presented Jesus the Word as the true light who brings life to the deadness of the world as He overcame the darkness of man's separation from God. John's book had the two purposes of 1) leading us to believe that Jesus is the divine promised Messiah and 2) leading us to the eternal life in Christ that God gives through that belief. This life is not just based on an intellectual belief in Jesus, but on faith from the heart so that we experience His transformation of who we are and how we live. God's gift of spiritual life is not given apart from our faith.

  • 2 years later...

John decided to include in his Gospel the things that would make you believe in Jesus and that it would lead to eternal life. Then he thought it should be included in his gospel. The purpose of his Gospel is to lead you to believe in Jesus Christ and to have eternal life. John differentiates between believing and having life because we have to believe before we can have life.

  • 8 months later...

Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why? John decided to include that which would lead us to believe in Christ and have eternal life in Him. The purpose of His Gospel was to lead us to believe in Jesus Christ and have eternal life. John differentiates because we can't have life without believing first. 


  • 2 years later...

John did not want apocryphal stories in his Gospel.  John knew about false stories written by various gnostic groups that were beginning to multiply.   John was very strict concerning preserving the Truth; no spurious doctrines would be included in his Gospel nor in his Epistles.

Purpose of his Gospel was to prove beyond doubt that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and God's Son, and that we can have full redemption and benefits of the Gospel by faith.  We are the new creation: we have been breathed upon by Christ the New Adam.

I believe in order to understand !   True faith is crucial.   Many have intellectual knowledge about Christ, but have n.o faith.  There are scholars that believe Christ was resurrected, but do not acknowledge that He is the eternal Logos, Son of God and Messiah.   John has taken us on this journey:   John told us the WORD WAS GOD; in this chapter we have the triumphant and absolute statement of Jesus' divinity.   Christ is more than just a holy prophet or Rabbi, Christ is the Son of God--we have eternal life now.

  • 9 months later...

Q6. (John 20:30-31)

How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out?

What is the purpose of his Gospel?

John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why?

John decided to include into his Gospel , that that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  The Messiah promised and pointed to by many prophets for hundreds of years.  He would be 'son of David'.       

The other was that was included was that that you may have life.  Belief in the Son of God would indeed open the door to eternal life.   A relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It doesn't help to just believe, you need to also have a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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