Pastor Ralph Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? Quote
sponsor Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? My relationship to God is that of a loving and adoring son to a Father - I am inspired to serve him and to please him and to praise him. This inspires me to seek his will and listen to and learn his thoughts through many means including fellowship, prayer and the study of scripture. Most importantly a desire to serve Him by helping the lost sheep and carrying his message to those in bondage. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? The mindset of a priest to God is that of a "royal servant". As a servant this means providing service at the command of our Lord. We should be honored to be considered a "chosen people" and a "priestly nation" and should be inspired to provide whatever service God requires for the futherance of His glory. Quote
Berachah Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 The mindset of the priest is to please God not self. So much of christianity is selfcentered and serves God for what we get out of it. It is selfserving and expects God to come at our beck and call. Of course we receive wonderful benefits, but as a priest unto God we serve Him to please Him and make Him the center of our lives. We step down and place the septre in His hand. Our greatest desire is to be aceptable unto Him. The mindset of the world is to get all they can from what they do. If there is no profit then we look for something else. But the mindset of a priest unto God is to serve and love God because of who He is and with a thankful heart for His great Salvation. Quote
don bowles Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 If we look at Jesus as priest for us we see He is interceding for the saints. He earned this right by being obedient to the Father and offering for us His life upon a cross. We are called to obedience and we are called to be ,"living sacrifices" holy and acceptable unto God. This is reasonable in light of what Christ has done for us. The priest performed duties of offerings to God which were pleasing in the sight of God. All we can offer to God that is acceptable is worship, praise, and obedience. The highest offering is to follow Jesus ministry as intercessors for those who know Him and those who need Him. Quote
sandra Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 When I read these verses about the mindset of a priest, I think God wants us to know how big He is as God of His people. I read a maestic God that want me to recognize How He is the Most HIGH God. I do not think God is wishy washy or emotional about who He is to His people or to his enemys. Im inspired to know regardless of the fact enemys may abound in the flesh we as a people have a God who has won the battle over sin and has placed Jesus Christ as the One to show us how to continue to please HIM as a most Holy God. As the cornerstone of a new people a different people God is saying this whole creation is about What He is building for His worship and our life. Quote
cabfam4 Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 a) The mindset of a priest is that of servitude. He was the intercessor or mediator between God and those bringing a genuine sacrificial offer from the heart. Today Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the Supreme Priest. The mindset, however, continues and that of serving one another in Christ. It inspires a service to one another that defies worldly comprehesion. Quote
Ken7 Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 We are also His disciples. We are to be committed learners, obeying His Very Word. When I think of what a priests attitude should be (we don't need priests any longer due to Jesus Christs death and resurrection) his attitude or mindset would be similar to a disciples mindset. Trust and obey, committed to learning everything possible about God with a goal of the closest relationship possible. My 'priestly job' is to be an imitator of Christ not be a consumer of Christ. To know Him is to Love Him might just apply here. I know for a fact (learned the hard way) that my personal purity before a Holy God is another of my 'priestly duties' which is a joy when done right doesn't seem like a duty but a pleasure. Which answers why I am inspired to do these duties. The indescribable joy of my salvation is a great motivation to walk in Gods Spirit and not walk in my flesh. When I walk in the Lords Spirit and He answers a petition or supplication my faith is grown in "knowing Him" and my heart leaps with joy as I experience Him. Quote
Debora Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What can I do for you God (for all he has done for me) is my mindset as priest being always grateful for every blessing he sends along the way in doing for Him. How can I serve you God is the mindset I have. We are considered the royal priesthood when we accept Christ Jesus into our lives. Just as Jesus is the Living Stone, my acceptance of him being chosen by God and precious to Him, I become a 'living stone' being built to be a spiritual house. As a spiritual house I do what we do as church when people gather, and be a priest, in the environments I live in - home & workplace and within my heart and mind I serve Him. I have a purpose as royal priesthood to worship and obey God: 1. to worship Him; in the environments I am in i.e. in the home daily, in my car, at work 2. to praise Him with song in all places I am 2. to be sanctified; by reading the word daily; to become holy 3. to offer spiritual sacrifices (prayers) acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (being we come in his name we can offer to God the sacrifice through Jesus Christ) 4. to obey Him - to be faithful and true to Him; doing as the word says in all things and live life according to God's ways or standards not the world What actions does this mindset inspire in you? Inward Actions: 1. to draw closer to God 2. to long for Him 3. to perseve and endure 4. to be faithful 5. to wait for Him 6. to overcome and be victorious in Christ Jesus 6. to have focus on God in all I do in daily life 7. to give myself full availability to Him 24/7 in service Outward Actions: 1. to forgive others as He forgives me 2. Cloth & shelter others; give of time to projects - donate items and time 3. Feed others; physically and spiritually 4. heal others; visit the sick; lay hands 5. show mercy to others 6. pray for others 7. share Jesus and the Good News to others Quote
jaunita Posted February 14, 2004 Report Posted February 14, 2004 (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? ____________________________________________________________ We as Priests of the Most High God, are to (out of a willing, loving heart) offer up Praise and Worship, to our Lord and Master, and ultimately our lives. We are to be 'Ministers unto the Lord'...,and in doing so be servants not only to Him, but to others. We must be willing to empty out ourselves of all our own earthly desires, and have them replaced with those of our Father's. "No two objects can occupy the same space" amen? So to have more of Christ and His life within us, MORE of 'us', has to go! Praise the Lord, for the opportunity to serve Him..and those of the family of God! "What actions does this mindset inspire in you?" Being a willing servant..always ready and willing to obey my King. Quote
Patrick_Wong Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? I would liken the role and purpose of a priest to that of a trustee. A person appointed by God to manage the assets for the beneficiaries as determined by God. This role requires one of service, committment and humility. A servant whether a hiring or someone anointed I have a responsibility to serve either in joy or just to deliver. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? A priest is a chosen servant of God. He/she has as their mindset toward God: Praise to Him, service for Him, and total submission to whatever His will is for them. As a "priest", I look for ways to serve Him, please Him and bring others to Him. Quote
Gail B. Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 A priest should have the mind and heart of a servant continually offering sacrifices of a holy life to God. Therefore, my thoughts and actions should be reflecting a life totally submitted to loving and serving God by being sensitive to him as he shows me his will for my life by ministering to him so that I can minister to the needs of others. Dying daily to self and the old nature allows me to walk in the new nature he has given me. I believe that by having this mindset my "state of worship" is praise and love for a God who is all. Staying connected to the Vine and offering my life is a small thing in comparison to all that Christ has done for me. Quote
sherrylynn Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 The mindset of a priest is one of service which would be shown by acts of worship, praise and obedience. This inspires me to thank and praise God at all times and in all situations, to be generous toward others, to be charitable with my time and goods. It inspires me to serve God by serving others. Quote
Suzzanne Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 1. To obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. 2. To also obey His leading, and to live my life as truthfully as I can, and be a witness to others of His saving grace. To praise God at all times. Quote
Mary Ellen McNeill Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 "The mindset of a priest" evokes a close, intimate relationship. God talks to me; I talk to Him. Yes, He does things for me - but I can also do things for Him. I can serve others as His liason. I can bless His heart through worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Whatever I am doing, I am representing Him. As a priest, every aspect of my life has the potential to be sacred work. Quote
KarenAnn456 Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? living a life as a servant of God, walking in the Spirit, and actions from the heart to show that God has called me as His child and He has all great and glorious things for me. Living my life by the power of the Lord, showing that God is the delight of my life. I want to live my life as a servant of God, in the Spirit and from the inside out, the heart to outward actions. Being yeilded to the ways of the Lord, not the ways of the world. This inspires me to want to be more like Jesus, so I can be a servant He can use. I want to be pleasing to the Lord and bring glory to His name. I desire a deep love relationship and be more established in my walk and life as a child of God. "open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus" I want to be a witness for Jesus. I pray about these things on a regular bases. Quote
HsSrvt Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? Quote
Thehammer44 Posted February 15, 2004 Report Posted February 15, 2004 What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What action does this mind set inspire in you? The attitude of a priest towards God should be one of a servant, to serve others and bring people into a place of understanding who God is, then act as mediator/intercessor in that relattionship. He is Holy, then we need to understand how to do that. This mindset encourages me in that we are priests of our homes and we are called to a royal priesthood. It is a very meaningful and challenging calling. Quote
missionslady Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 A preist to me is a servant. For we are here to serve not be served. To do our Fathers will in obediance and bring him the glory.To act in ways of pleasing our Father, by living in his word. The rock is my strength and I shall stand strong on that rock in times of spiritual warfare. For this life is not about me, but God. Quote
Patsy4Him Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 Quote Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? I see a Priest of God as a humble person who sacrifices his life to obey God and do His will. So we as "the priesthood of believers" should be humble, with a heart of sincere sorrow for what our sin caused - His sacrifice on the cross. We should sacrifice our life to follow and obey our God. Quote
HsSrvt Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? Consume means to use, to eat, to devour. We as Christians all too often do look to our Heavenly Father for things to use for our own benefit. We take the blessings He bestows upon us and forget Who made it all possible and Who owned the blessing in the first place. We all too often relish and embellish the things that He has provided for us, and we in turn use it for selfish reasonings. We use them for our own edification and encouragment. We even go so far as to take the glory for it. Priests were the only ones to go before God and offer up sacrifices and thanksgivings for the people. They were the only ones allowed by God to enter into the Holy place, to go into the presence of God. To be the mediator between man and God. I am sadened that there is still such a mindset even today. A priestly mindset is one of intercessary, a mindset that desires and longs to go before a Holy God on the behalf of others before themselves. A mindset to serve where they are called to serve. God endowed Aaron and his descendants such a task and for centuries that was the way it was. Even in Christ's time the priests were still going into the temple, the Most Holy Place on behalf of those who needed it. Still burning sacrifices on the alter and burning incense and making a profit from it all. With the death of Christ came the tearing of the curtain in half. If you know the details then this was a mighty feat. I believe that this was done to show the people that Gods presence did not dwell there any longer. His presence left that place a long time before. The curtain was rent in two to show us and allow us, his additional chosen ones, to enter into the place where previously only the priests were allowed. He was no longer there and everyone could now go straight to the Mercy Seat. Priestly mindset? Take a look at our High Priest:"For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest, in sevice to God and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people." Heb. 2:17 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin." Heb 4:15 Priestly mindset towards God? One of mercy, faith and faithfulness, sacrifically, servanthood, weak, humble, broken, contrite, selfless. Chrsit was all these and so are we, but now because of the One Medaitor, The Great High Priest, our Heavenly Father allows us, think about that for moment, us as frail as we are, to now approach the throne of grace with confidence and boldness. "For there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men..." 1st Tim. 2:5 Why then would we want/need to go to anyone else as mediator? "but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." Heb. 7:24-25 Actions? to pray...pray for open hearts and minds. Pray for those who do not know this truth. God has provided all that we need. My mindset now is one that promts me to pray continually for the saints as well as the sinners. To share truth of the one who sacrificed once for all. To pray for the weaker brethren to gain strength. Not to pray for God's blessings but to pray that God uses me as a blessing. Mindset? intercession...intercession...intercession with the love of Christ and for the love for others Quote
millie Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 I want to be a servant for the Lord. To do what He has called me to do. The mind set of a priest is to do what God called him to do as his servant. Quote
Sassyblue8 Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 As a priest unto God, my first and formost mindset should be obedience and worship! The Royal priesthood of the temple of God are to lift up holy hands unto the Lord! The heart of the New Testament priest is to want what God wants and to praise Him for who He is and not for what He does although we can and should praise Him for what He does and to be thankful. For we are the true circumsion, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. Phil.3:3 Quote
ccs Posted February 16, 2004 Report Posted February 16, 2004 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? 1 Peter 2:5 last part: to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. We willingly and freely give our sacrifices from the heart through the Spirit that lives within us not the flesh Quote
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