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Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?

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Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?


It is not clear about Daniel's concern about defilement from taking food and wine from the king. There are several possibilities:


1. Food offered to idols.

2. Eating unclean animals, such as pork or horse.
3. Undue obligation to the king. According to eastern practices, to eat someone's food was to commit oneself to friendship, of covenant significance. So some believe Daniel was rejecting dependence upon the king.
4. Honoring God. Daniel could have been concerned to attribute good health to God, not to the king's excellent food.
5. Dietary guidelines. Some suggest that Daniel's diet is to model the superiority of a vegetarian diet and abstinence from alcoholic beverage.
Instead of speculating about the reason/s, I choose to see it was Daniel not wanting to compromise on his belief. More importantly, he had the courage to stand up from his belief. This showed his strength of character and his moral courage.
"Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?"
While there were strict guidelines in Jewish culture regarding food & drink (and still are), I wonder if Daniel was setting out to show his captives the power of the Lord? He had no control over his (possibly) being a eunuch, nor the name change, but defilement was a very serious issue and in fact Jesus was accused of defiling Himself due to eating and communing w/ sinners. Being holy before the Lord was very important and was perhaps the one thing Daniel did had control over.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?

Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine?

Daniel and his friends have suffered deportation, change of their name, and education in the occult knowledge of Babylon. But when it comes to the food they are given, Daniel balks. He is concerned with defilement.

How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience?

1. It could have been food that was offered to idols.
2. It could have been because of eating unclean meat.
3. Possibly could have been rejecting dependence upon the king.
4. Honoring God with good health.
5. Dietary guidelines.

What does this tell you about Daniel?

He is still faithful to God, and he cares for his fellow Jewish young men, by wanting a special diet for them as well as himself which they had in Jerusalem.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? Daniel may have been given a dream or thought from the LORD (he surely did late in life!) that instructed him to test the Babylonian king and THE KING to see who would provide best.  This was his quiet testimony to the people around him of his dependence on Jehovah. 

How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? Hebrew children learn the dietary restrictions from an very early age - and the results of not being clean would have been drilled into their heads.  

What does this tell you about Daniel? Daniel was wise, gentle and strong, obedient (even though it could have cost him his life!)


?1. Daniel and his friends must have had a strong religious background and strong beleif and faith in God, they know what foods God allowed and how it was to be prepared. Taking a stand about the food and drink he is standing strong in his conviction about what his body consumes, to still please God.

?2. If Daniel caved in and ate the kings food knowing it was against God's instructions concerning food, Daniel would feel bad and guilty for doing something he know was wrong.

?3. Daniel had a strong beleif in God and himself.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? CHANGING A NAME INVOLVES ONLY WORDS, WHICH CHANGE.  Eating food literally changes the fabric of who he is, a sin against God, and ultimately, in his mind, reduces the quality of who he is as a person.




How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? A GOD THING:  Eating the food food offered to idols takes a direct hit on his beliefs and God.


What does this tell you about Daniel?  STRONG BELIEVER with conviction regardless of the risk.


I believ Daniel took a stand against eating the King's food in Babylon so as not to defile himself according to the law that God gave the Israelites ESP not to take on the unrighteousness practices of other nations, and I suspect he didn't want the wine because he would be expected to drink to make him merry rather than for digestive purposes. It upsets his conscience because he wants to remain faithful on the inside to his family and nation. Which shows his character and confidence in who he is.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine?


Daniel had been brought up and trained with strong dietary laws, including the use of wine. (moderation and for celebrations) They would have no way of knowing what they were eating nor how it was prepared. This was one area where he could object to the kings tyranny strictly on the basis of health issues, without bringing religion into the matter, while being true to his God.

How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience?

Not knowing whether the meat had been offered to idols, or was not the prescribed type (chews the cud and the correct type of hoof for instance). It may have posed a health risk in addition to being off limits for a Hebrew. God had gone into great detail about food and its' preparation, and Daniel wanted to stay true to His God. (If it was important to God, then it was important to Daniel)

What does this tell you about Daniel?


In spite of all attempts to turn him into a Babylonian, in dress, language, name and life purpose, Daniel was true to his God and his faith in his God. He was a man of principle. It also highlights the wisdom and skill God had blessed him with, in that he was able to do this as a "contest" without offending the king or insulting his "hospitality".


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10)

Q. Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine?

A. Daniel coming from a Jewish background knew that the Babylonians offer different foods as sacrifice to idols and would not want to eat such so as to please God.

Q. How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience?

A. The Jews were taught that certain foods especially those that are offered to idols defile one and thus should not be taken. Thus Daniel would rather not eat food from the king's table that might have been offerred to idols as sacrifice so as keep his conscience clean.

Q. What does this tell you about Daniel?

A. From his action, Daniel showed that he was a disciplined man who has strong faith in the Lord.


Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?       

  1. Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine because the food was forbidden and not prepared according to Jewish law.  They may have even been sacrificed to idols. 
  2. King's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience because he would know that the food was against the Jewish law and was not healthy for the body.
  3. Daniel was a man of conviction.  His faith was strong.

Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine?

The Jewish people had a Law that gave instruction on what to eat and not eat, how food was prepared.


How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? 

The Jews were not to eat blood, which was common in most cultures.  And probably the Babylonians ate all kinds of food that the Jews were told not to eat.


What does this tell you about Daniel?  

Daniel felt that he could make some compromises, but when it came to food, he felt that he needed to follow God's law on what to eat and not eat.  Daniel wanted to stand firm with the standard that God had laid out for the Jews to follow.


Daniel took a stand due to his love for his God. Certain foods were forbidden and he chose to follow God. Hebrews are forbidden to eat pork and doing so would has caused him great distress. Daniel honored and obeyed and did not think of his dietary requirements as simply keeping "tradition". Daniel was obedient to his Master and Savior.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? 

Daniel he was a faithful man, he was very firm ground in his insistence that the King's unclean food would defile him.


How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience?

Because from the time of Noah, to Abraham and through Moses, God had instructed his people to know the difference in clean and unclean food and to observe the prohibition against 


What does this tell you about Daniel? 

He was faithful.



Although Daniel was submissive to his new name, the education and other requirements, he rejected the “rich” food offered. It might be highly probable that Daniel had, had scriptural education in his native land, prior to being in captivity in Babylon. The knowledge of the Law of Moses (Lev 11:4~20), which forbids consumption of flesh of unclean animals or other unclean food was possibly the reason – he would not have known the source or type of the meat he was to eat anyway – therefore his subtle refusal - Being strong willed, Daniel would never have defiled himself with the king’s rich food.


Daniel, not only was an audacious character but also a matured adolescent with a valiant heart. He apparently had no encouragement at the outset even from his three friends when he made the remarkable decision to refuse the rich food of the king all by himself. “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”(Dan 1:8) He’d rather die than to offend the Sovereign God. These men of faith, especially Daniel could easily resist temptation and overcome sinfulness.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine?

- I think Daniel having been humilated and debased by being renamed, assigned duties as servants, made to learn a new language, must have felt that these were external afflictions but when it came to consuming food that had links with Babylonian gods he would be spiritually and physically  tarnished. He would be completely taken over by the Babylonians with nothing left of his former self, cut offf from the God he worshipped.

How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience?

- Daniel had obviously been taught the scriptures about certain foods that were not to be eaten and the Babylonians would offer their food to their gods, this was an abomination to Daniel.

What does this tell you about Daniel?

- Daniel was a principled young man who had a lot of courage and was prepared to stick to his faith and its teachings no matter what the consequences.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?

I believe much the same as many others here; that the food of the Babylonian King would not have been food ordained by God that the Israelite people could eat. Daniel, in good conscience, could not consume food that went against the Law and in this respect, he was certainly holding to his faith God. It showed resolve of spirt and that; while the Babylonian King could take his birthright, the king could not take away or separate Daniel from  God.


Daniel took a stand because he did not want to change. Eating the king's food would cause him to surrender his soul to the king. It tells us that Daniel was already solid in his own self.


Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the kings food and wine?

God's laws given to Moses, I feel was a big concern. Food's that may have been used in a sacrificial offering to pagan gods would have defiled them see (1 Cor 10:20-33).

How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement?

Daniel & his friends had given up everything & to give up their faith, belief & trust in our God would have been a sin in the eyes of God.

What does this tell you about Daniel?

His conviction and character was strong.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel? 


I think Daniel had no other choice BUT to take a stand. He was a child of the One True God. Giving in to the king would have NEVER been an option for this man. 


It would have defiled his conscience because he wasn't about to leave God. He would never have been able to live with himself. And that's as it should be for all of us. There are so many lessons to be learned from Daniel. 


Daniel was serious in his walk with God. A prayerful man, he lived for Gid and walked closely with Him no matter what the consequences of his actions. 


Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?  


I think Daniel may have been shown by God that here was one way to be faithful and maintain a connection with his heritage that was possible without being damaging to Daniel himself and the mission God had for him. I would think there were many things that Daniel wasn't comfortable with that he had to do such as answering to a Babylonian name or learning "wisdom" and "science," etc. that he knew were wrong because they went counter to what God said. God gave him the wisdom to discern that he could remain faithful to kosher laws through the test he proposed to the overseer. the dietary laws and really all the laws were very important to the most devout of Jews, especially. Look at all the conflict that arose in the 1st century Church around such things as diet and circumcision. It suggests to me that Daniel was such a devout man. He took seriously the message of the prophets and knew that they were still leaders among their people, even in exile. He knew their exile was judgment from God for having been unfaithful as a people and the way back was through a faithful remnant. He had to be an example for Hebrew people and a teacher for Nebuchadnezzar, too. He was firmly committed to the mission God had given him. The wine is a little confusing to me because it isn't forbidden to Jews. It occurs to me that Nazirites were forbidden to consume anything to do with grapes, even the leaves or raisins as a sign of their lives being completely dedicated to God. Though he wasn't a Nazirite, it could be a sign of the complete dedication of his life to God's purposes.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?


In spite of Daniel and his companions being of noble or royalty heritage, they were "Followers of God".  Their lifestyle was formed around worshipping the One true God, they lived by the Mosaic law.  When it came to eating from the king's table or that which was prescribed for them to eat, it was evident that to do so would violate their belief system.  I don't believe that their resistance was due to rejecting their dependance upon the king. 


Service to the king, being known by a different name or even speaking the language of the king would not defile them, in fact it could bring honor to God.  Eating foods that are not approved by God is an offense to God and therefore a sin.  This is not a matter of conscience.


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king's food and wine? How do you think eating the king's food would cause defilement to Daniel's conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?


Daniel was faithful to God and his understanding of how to remain faithful and honor the Lord.  His stand for an alternate menu shows, I believe, that his trust in God's law is good for His people and that the Babylonian was was not as ideal.  That is why Daniel proposed the experiment to see the results of which diet is better.  I think what this tells us about Daniel is that he was faithful to his upbringing and convinced his understanding of God and His ways was the correct way of living.  Violating his conscience would be the same today to force a Christian, who is abstinent from alcohol to drink alcohol.  It would violate his conscience to force him to do something he believed was wrong.  


Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel?

The food probably was not clean and maybe he did not want to rely on the King for anything.

Daniel did not want to lean toward accepting the King's gifts or favors because it would be harder to resist temptation.

It tells me that Daniel had  his mind made up to obey God only. That is what Christians do.

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