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Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?

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Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?

Their lives depended on Daniel being able to tell the king his dream & what it means, only God can reveal that to Daniel.

According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?

1Tim 2:1 says" Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions (which is praying for others) of thanks be made for all men. If I believe that God's word and follow his commands then yes it's very important.

Is it effective?


How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?

I believe that if the churches are in line with God's word then intercessory prayer is a big part of any church already.


1Tim 2:1


Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.


Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”?

So that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 


According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?  Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?     

Intercessory prayer is important and effective.  We have intercessory prayer at our church.  We start our morning off by interceding on the behalf of others.       


?1. Daniel knows that the king is very upset and worried about the dream he had. I think even though Daniel and his friends are prisoners of the king, they are no ready to be put to death because of someone's lack of action. Daniel has his friends to pray to GOD and plead for mercy so they may know what the king dreamed and what it means.

?2. According to the bible intercessory prayer is very important.

?3. Yes it is effective.

?4. The churches I know implement intercessory prayer all the time. Its call the prayer list.


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?

Daniel made known to his friends that he asked the king to give him time so he "might" tell the king the interpretation, there was more on the line than the lives of the wise men, Daniel, and his friends, it was a chance to show the king that the God of Isaac, Jacob, and Abraham, was with them, that the One True God could do what the many god’s they worshiped could not do, that Daniel and his friends united together, petitioning God for His compassion.


Q2. According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?

All through God’s holy words we see the hand of God working in the prayers of the faithful.


Q1 D (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?


King Nebuchadnezzar threatened to kill all of the "wise men" in the kingdom, including Daniel and his 3 friends if his dream was not recounted and interpreted. Daniel wanted all of their lives to be spared, and asked that he be given the privilege of hearing from God.

According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?

Absolutely! (This week it became an important witness to an unbeliever, as I emailed how I am praying for his son in another state, who is critically ill, and the Doctors have no idea what is causing the illness. I shared how I am praying for the family as well in Jesus Name, and received a heartfelt response that they are "thankful and are feeling the power of the prayers."  (I hadn't thought of prayer as a witness before!)

Is it effective?


How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?

If you mean the Church at large, through interceding on all of the churches behalf that the Lord will stir up the desire, the will, the extreme need, and how to best implement it. (Our church is constantly in prayer, but I've read that many churches do not have any intercessory prayer)



Q. Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?

A. A death sentence hangs on the heads of the wise men including Daniel and his friends if they could not tell the king his dream and also interpreted it. A plead for mercy meant that God will intervene on their behalf by revealing the dream and interpreting it so that the king will spare their lives.

Q. According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is effective?

A. Yes. Intercessory prayer is important and effective as in the case of the intercession of Queen Esther and Modacai that saved the Jews from the massacre that was skimmed by Haman.

Q. How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?

A. By organising prayers in the church whenever there is a serious critical need. It can be to save an individual, group or a nation.


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? Because only God's Grace and mercy can accomplish what he has committed to do.  The astrologers have already said it; "'There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. 11  What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men.'" (2:7-11)  Only, not the gods; it is THE GOD!


According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?  YES  Is it effective?  YES

How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? MAKE IT A PRIORITY FROM THE TOP DOWN.


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? 

He asks his friends to pray because the four of them (especially Daniel) understand that prayer is the only way to discover the answer to the puzzle that was the King's dream. These were men who walked with God. They prayed about everything. As we should. 

Intercessory prayer is effective. The churches need to take on intercessory prayer for what it is. Intercession. For the lost, for the world's problems and for the persecuted church. We need prayer teams in ALL Bible preaching churches to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. The pastor have to take the lead and appoint those they know are prayer warriors. 


(Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? 
King Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. So he called all the kingdom's magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers and he wanted them to tell him what he had dreamt and what it meant. The astrologers answered the king, “There is no one on earth who can do what the King asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. This made the King so angry and furious that he ordered the execution of all the wise men of Babylon including Daniel and his friends.


Daniel sought audience with the King and he promised the king that he will do as the king asks, but he needs time to seek his God. The king grants him some time. Daniel was now fighting against time. Only God can help him and his friends. Daniel knows that the only thing that will save them is God's direct revelation, and so he and his friends call upon God with great urgency. He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.


Yes according to Scripture, intercessory prayer is important. In Ezekiel 22:30, God said "...I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land..." This is also echoed in James 5:16 "...and pray one for another, that ye may be healed."


I would assume that many churches already have intercessory prayer, whether these are conducted by small teams of prayer warriors or Church-wide prayer meetings.







Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


The lives of Daniel and his friends were under threat. If Daniel could not tell the king his dream and interpretation then they would be put to death, along with the Babylonian astrologers. Daniel and his friends were dependent on God to show Daniel what the King wanted to know. Yes intercessory prayer is important and effective (Matt 9:38, James 6:16). In my experience it is hard to get people out to pray at an organised prayer meeting. I think it is more profitable to include intercessory in services and perhaps encourage relationship with God; intercessory prayer as Jesus prayed (Mark 1:35).


The king ordered all wise men to be killed including Daniel and his friends because a wise man from his kingdom couldn't interpret the king's dream. Daniel ask his friends to plead mercy from God in heaven regarding this mystery so they won't be killed along with the other wise men. According to scripture, intercessory prayer is the act of praying for other people. The Lord instructed us to pray not only for our own personal needs but to reach out and pray for others as well. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people......(1 Timothy 2:1). Intercession prayer is very effective in pleading to God for others, as seen in (Daniel 2:17-18). The church I attend have intercessory prayer on Sunday's, Monday's and Wednesday's. Intercessory prayer can be everyday of the week if that's what the Pastor feel is necessary.


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?


He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.


According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important?


Yes, it is very important, because it is the of praying for other people. The Lord instructed us to pray not only for our own personal needs but to reach out and pray for others as well.


Is it effective?


Yes, because the Lord is always looking for those who will take a burden of prayer for the wayward ones, so that they might come to Him. He needs spiritual warriors who will selflessly intercede on behalf of others


How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


Establish a Prayer Group.

Establishing the Focus

Establish a plan of operation

Oath of Confidentiality

Prayer partners

Intercession for Church Needs

Intercession for Individual Needs

Spiritual Warfare


Issue-oriented Intercession

Emergency Requests




The call for “communal” prayer seems to be undoubtedly for Daniel’s enlightenment – asking God to reveal to Daniel King Nebuchadnezzar’s mysterious dream – by way of this supplication Daniel hoped that the lives of his friends and himself and the lives of the other wise men would be spared.

The power and efficacy of an united and fervent intercession is revealed here - and it's effectiveness is shown when God reveals the mystery of the dream to Daniel – it's basically the “handing over" to God our needs who’ll answer in His time.

In Catholic churches we have the Intercessory prayers or the Prayers of the Faithful on every Sunday or Feast day Eucharistic celebration – a number of intercessions prayed for by the whole congregation.


1. Daniel wanted them to plead for mercy, so God would be merciful and reveal the secret of the dream; therefore, allowing their lives to be spared. 2. Yes, intercessory prayer is imperative when seeking God's face on a matter. Esther called on all the Jews to fast and pray when Mordecai issued an edict to have them slain. Yes. Matthew 18:19 states, "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." 3. Select effective prayer warriors.


Daniel asks his friends to pray and plead for mercy from God as there is this death penalty hanging over their heads.  They must have been so nervous and frightened.

Several times we are told to pray for others in teh Bible and so Intercessory prayer is very important.   It is extremely effective as the are often great results from pray.

In our school which is Christian based we have a pray group which prays for the school and for others in the community.  The pray "replies" or miricles are often so wonderful that we just cannot stop the pray requests and the on going intercessory pray.  


We have a small intercessory prayer group in our church and we also pray to God during worship and group studies, for those within our congregation and those in the world where wars, disasters and troubles occur regularly in these times. But in comparison to Daniels's earnest prayers our/my efforts are weak. Daniel's humility in not claiming credit is indeed amazing. Regarding our humility, I think
the answer is tied up in Jesus' promise:  "he/she who loses his/her life for my sake, shall find it."   



Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


Daniel promises the king that he will tell the kings dream and interpret it for the king.  Now Daniel has to deliver on his promise and to save his life and that of his friends. and many from being executed  .Daniel knows that the only thing that will save them is God's direct revelation, so he asks his friends to plead for mercy and so he and his friends call upon God with great urgency.


Yes intercessory prayer is important and effective.


We can implement it in our churches with direction and wisdom from God and right leadership.

Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? 


1.The Four young men were facing an angry king .

They prayed to Yahweh ,the almighty of Israel that they would desires mercies of God ,(the mercy is from God ) ..(God who transforms the hearts ) concerning the secrets ,,,The request was that Daniel and his three friends would not persih with the rest of the wise men of Babylon ,


2 and 3..Intercessory prayers are very important and effective as it is Written in scriptures  ,if two or more persons pray in agreement over a subject /need /request ,it will be answered


4.We already have intercessory prayers in personal life (time alone with God ) 2,In ladies meeting 3,IIn regular church hours and also in weekly meetings ,,and house fellowships , :)


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches? 


1.The Four young men were facing an angry king .

They prayed to Yahweh ,the almighty of Israel that they would desires mercies of God ,(the mercy is from God ) ..(God who transforms the hearts ) concerning the secrets ,,,The request was that Daniel and his three friends would not persih with the rest of the wise men of Babylon ,


2 and 3..Intercessory prayers are very important and effective as it is Written in scriptures  ,if two or more persons pray in agreement over a subject /need /request ,it will be answered


4.We already have intercessory prayers in personal life (time alone with God ) 2,In ladies meeting 3,IIn regular church hours and also in weekly meetings ,,and house fellowships , :)



1.So that Daniel and his fellows would not perish with the rest of ``the wise men of Babylon.


2.Yes, it is important.Yes,because the bible says where there are two or  three gathered together in my name, there I am also.


3.We can implement intercessory prayer in our churches by: Intercessory  prayer warriors praying and agreeing on the situation, praying in  the  church services together and at home.


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


The matter was urgent and it was not only for themselves but for the 'wise men'. They were not taking their relationship with their God for granted. Matt.18:20  says that 'where 2 or 3  are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. 


Intercessory prayer is important and effective.  It brings believers together for a common purpose; to appeal to God in one accord.  In church, we can implement intercessory prayer by agreeing to be there for one another/a situation as a group in faith.  Intercessory prayer can be done by coming together at a regular meeting time, set time of day from your different places of work, school, travel etc., and even on the phone across nations.


Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"?  I believe that Daniel knew that corporate intercessory prayer would please God.  Daniel and his friends were righteous men of God and God would hear and answer their prayer.  Joy Duckett 


Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to “plead for mercy”? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


He knows and recognizes that it would only be by the mercy of the king that he and the others would be spared from death.  Since the king is sovereign, his edict would be binding and without recourse.  It could only be by God's intervention that they could be saved.


Intercessory prayer is essential to the Christian faith.  It is the prayers of the saints of God (the Christians) that permeate the throne room of God and God can change any situation be it prevention of wars, healing the sick, changing the minds of kings and presidents.  Intercessory prayer is the petitioning to God on behalf of a need or situation that Christians are aware of.


How do we implement intercessory prayer?  It begins with a praying pastor who has his parishioners in his heart.  Intercessory prayer is then ignited when the church sees divine intervention among its own church and is then convinced that God Almighty can act upon our prayers regardless of what the situation is.

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