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praise is an area I would like to study and experience more in my personal life.

I sing and I tell God How thankful I am for the many blessings I hae everyday but somehow I never feel I am really praising him.

I think I praise God by taking a stand on sin in my life and not doing what many think is ok in our culture.

I try to live within the rules and standards Jesus says we should by loving one another , being honest , etc. but I do not think this is praise .

how do you guys praise Godand know He is blessed by your actions?


Praise must be offered "as is" without any expectation or secret desire that it will come back to me ten-fold. If praise is truly for God, then we as believers should never feel coming out of the worship service that "I got nothing out of it" or "the sermon did not speak to me". These thoughts minimize the experience of genuine praise to our Lord.


Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

We should be praising God in ways that glorify His name. We should offer praise out of gratitude for His love which we do not deserve. We should offer praise for His mercy which overflows from His self-fulfilling glory. We should praise God with the knowledge that He needs nothing from us, is satisfied in Himself and as a result freely offers love and mercy. We should offer praise because we delight in the glory of God.


Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

With my heart and mind focused on Him (foremost in giving praise and consistent with the additional following ways I can think of, while being focused on God and Jesus in doing any one way or combination of what follows):

1. With thanksgiving.

2. With joy and exuberantly.

3. With feet - standing/sitting; bowed head and bended knee; dancing.

4. With hands - outstretched arms/lifting hands; clapping hands; playing instruments.

5. With mouth - singing, shouting, speaking.

6. With tears and crys.

7. With the many different words that speak of his name; to call them out to him as praise telling him who he is to me (us) - Adonai, Yeshua, Almighty, Redeemer, My Rock, My Salvation ............

8. In Spirit (worship flowing out of deepest part of myself)

9. In Truth (worship in sincerity and fashioned according to the pattern of God's word)

10. With gladness in my heart for all he has done for me.

11. With expectation to meet Him, the one who created me and to show Him my love for Him and gratitude.

12. With reverence.

Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

The Bible, The Living Word teaches us how to praise and worship God. By living the truth, from the inside(our heart) and the outside (the way we live our life obedient to God). Praise and worshiping the Lord, comes in many different ways, but the bottom line, does it honor and bring glory to God by what we are doing. Some of the other ways are: walking in the spirit, believing on Jesus as our Savior, repenting, praises by song, thanksgiving, being a witness and bright shining light to a empty world, growing in the Lord, submitting our heart, body and soul to the Lord, receiving His love and mercy. Its being pleasing to God that brings Him joy to see a child of God presenting ourselves as living sacrifices to Him, this is the greatest praise of Love we can show God.

Come into the presence of the Lord, pray for God to mold you and shape you into that child of His, to teach you to be pleasing to Him. Then all other things spiritually will be granted you, because Love is the greatest gift. To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul. Then, to love thy brother as thyself. With this our life we be pleasing to the Lord, because with this all the things God has called us to be and do the will of God.


God is holy and He must be worshiped as holy. When we Praise our wonderful God we must never lose sight of His holiness. He is without sin, He is flawless, without error, without mistake, and fully righteous. HE IS UTTERLY HOLY!

Sadly there is much praise and worship that is going on today that does not regard God as holy. There are nice songs being sung, and nice feelings being felt, and nice emotions being expressed, but too often not in terms of the holiness of God. These "nice" things may be little more than emotional exercises that make one feel good.

But the object of our praise must be a God that is holy. We need the perception of His holiness. It will produce a Godly fear. We will realize that He alone is holy and we are unholy. We need His righteousness. We have nothing to offer without Him. Read Psalm 96:9

All of this will cause us to live a life of Thanksgiving. Because He is holy and we are unholy He has extended to us his mercy and grace. We are thankful that He does not give us what we deserve.

God is a living, eternal, glorious, holy, merciful Spirit. He is the object of our Praise and Worship. We come to Him in contrition, humility and brokenness as sinners saved by His Grace against the backdrop of His utter holiness.


Offering praise to our Lord in worship and song. Praising him in all things. For all things. For he is worthy of our praises. Lifting our hands in surrender. For if we do not praise him he could rise up the stones to do that. He is worthy to be praised.

Q2. (2:5)If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

My praise is offered up to God in many different ways.

  • My Obedience - My heart focused on Him and His Holy Awesomeness and my desire to want to do His will.
  • In Tithing - We give to give back to Him for all He has done for us and all He has given to us.
  • In Praise and Worship - One of the best ways I fellowship with God is through praise and worship music.
  • In Reading His Word - I honor Him and give Him praise when I am in His Word.
  • In living my life as an example of Who He is. Jesus living in me, so that He gets the praise.


My offering of praise to God has to extend beyong mere words. It must include my lifestyle, emotion and thoughts. All aspects of me exists because I belong to Him. The bible tells us that we ought to worship in songs, hymms with thanksgiving. By doing so, we may as written in 1 Peter 2:12 "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." - NIV


Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

In all things, give the Lord praise! Not just when things go as we want it, selfishly, but let Him be God! Let Him decide what is best for us--and then praise Him for it! If it is something we think is not good, be assured that He does all things well, so He has a good purpose for what is happening, :o --whether we can see it or not! The greatest offering of praise consists not of words, but of giving our lives to Him--serving Him wherever and however as He leads us. This obedience and service is the highest praise, for we are getting off our "throne" and turning it over to the true King--the Lord Jesus! When we do that, all other things fall into place. Whether we can see the joy in some things or not, He allows it (not always causing it) because he knows the good that can come from it! So, no matter what, we thank Him for it.


It's difficult to add anything to all these great answers. But here goes:I think praise must be offered from the heart. If all the acts of obedience, thanks, worship etc don't come from a heart full of love for God then the acts themselves are meaningless to God. For example the widow who gave all she had in Mark 12:41-44. Her offering was from her heart out love for her God. And Jesus knew that as He watched her. It touches my heart every time I read those verses.


In Luke 19:28-38, Luke relates the story of Jesus triumphal entry. Jesus told His disciples that when they entered the village they would find a colt tied, that no man had ever sat upon and they were to bring it to Him. If any man tried to stop them they were to tell theat man, "The Lord has need of it." They did as Jesus commanded and found it just as He told them.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem the crowds went before Him, laying palm branches and their clothes before Him and shouting, "Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!". They were loud and probably very joyous. They drew great attention to themselves. They were so loud they drew the attention of the pharasees who rebuked Jesus and those who gave loud praise.

The greatest act of praise that day was not those who ran before Jesus, shouting and laying their clothing and palms before Him. It is good that we verbally praise God and are not ashamed of Him or His gospel. We praise God out of our own need to worship and give addoration. The greatest act of praise, however; was the man who asked why the disciples were taking his colt and when he heard, " The Lord has need of it" freely relinquised it to Jesus service.


I praise God in several ways. Some ways of praising can be given in song, prayer, meditation, raising your hands, and talking in tongue. In whatever way you worship the Lord, you give praise to him. We worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. In order for us to give praise we must be in the spirit.


Isn't it interesting to be called a stone? Not much to 'OOh and AAH' over in that picture. Nothing to call one's attention to, in a stone. But, a 'living stone', that's another matter. A stone that was once just a plain old stone but God has choosen us and transformed us, and imbuded us with life; HIS life, so that we, when woven together, form an edifice to HIS purpose and glory. Amen. Thanks to all of you... I can't help but lovingly smile over what a beautiful structure we are becoming.


There is much in the Word of God about praise. God created man to have fellowship with Him and to praise Him for His excellent greatness. We never can repay god for what He done for us. We as children of God have unlimited power of praise. His power is released in praise as it is in no other way. In psalms 34 David says, I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall Continually be in my mouth. Praise will turn circumstance around. Psalms 100 says, Enter into His gate with thankgiving and into his court with praise. We need to learn how to praise God.


If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

I like what J. Vernon McGee had to say about this because like the other person who answered I have questions about praise" by not manifesting the works of the flesh ( malice, guile, hypocrisies, envies and slander) We publish His praises by displaying our attitudes which have been shaped by the Word of God."

Hopefully we are in the Word of God so we can be shaped by it.

God Bless,


Father, Please shape my attitudes so I can display your praises.

Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

I'm not really sure that I totally understand the question but it evokes some thoughts. 1 Peter teaches us that we are a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus. I think of the priests in the Old Covenant who offered up the fat of the sacrifices, laying everything in perfect order before the Lord. They gave their best and they did it with understanding and honour. It makes me think that our sacrifices are to be our best. They are to be done in obedience to Jesus. We are not offering up our own works and efforts, but we offer to Him all that Jesus has done through us, all that He is doing in us. We offer the best and hold back nothing for ourselves. It is not about us it is all about Him. We have done nothing and indeed can do nothing outside of Him. All praise and honour and glory majesty power and dominion belong to Him. There simply are not enough words to honour Him appropriately.


I agree with the other person that said there were some good answers already given. I would like to add and I wish I had adequate words to describe this feeling. I agree that God is Holy and truly amazing, but some of the answers made me feel that God, for some, is more distant like Royalty far removed from us. I feel such a deep connection to God and the role loving Him plays in my life, I can't relate to some of the feelings others shared. I think the way I praise Him is to open my eyes every day and thank Him before I even get out of bed for being in a relationship with me. Then I humbly ask Him to lead me through the day. He has led me into a career of serving mentally ill/mentally retarded adults and I praise Him for this over and over. I try to glorify Him with my actions and to be an example to my children and grandchildren. He is a truly awesome friend and confidant. I will praise Him forever!


Praise I think is acknowledging God for who He is. This should be done in spirit and truth, just like worship. We can praise God in songs, words, dance and instruments. God has said when praises goes up blessings come do. Praise should be motivated by the love we have for God and for who God truly is. When we praise God we are giving Him glory and honor because He is worthy.

When we praise God we are totally thinkg about Him and not self. We think of all the blessing we enjoy each and everyday and this should remind us to praise him daily.


If praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

At all times, in all things with heart felt praise, in obedience and with actions and with one's entire being. Regardless of our own circumstances or understanding at the moment, or what we feel like doing, but in reverent fear of God and for Him as His Love & grace & mercy abound towards His creation.

Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise?

We offer praise by having a relationship with Him through all that we have and all that we do. It all belongs to Him anyway. . .

We should be walking as a person with a Sprit filled life; replacing our old habits with new, Holy Habits.

Holy Habits

or Spiritual Disciplines

The Inward Disciplines

Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Study

Outward Disciplines

Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service

Corporate Disciplines

Confession, Worship, Guidance, and Celebration


How then do we praise God? With all our heart, and mind, and strength, and emotions. We praise Him with all that we have. With our wallets, with our mouths, with our children, with our spouses, with our driving (ouch- that one's tough). Praise Him in everything that we do, with every breath that we draw, with every beat of our heart. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him.


Prayer & Praise in public can bring Glory to God or feed the unbeliever. First we need to Know God, best we can so our tongue does bring praise to God, that witness might be the only one a person sitting near might receive that day. While our praise is mainly for God's benefit the unbeliever might receive encouragement from the Lord from what passes out of our mouth. We are to praise Him every P/O our being, from our wallet to our hands with every minute of the day. Sounds like a tall order but we all know saints that do this quite well. Why should be any different or any less. Pastor Ralph took a computer and phone line; using it for God's Glory. It brings praise to God as believers are encouraged, enlightened, edified and nonbelievers might see our words and hopefully 'be jealous' as Paul said of what our words say about how we offer praise to God.


Praise as a sacrificial offering... there's something you don't hear a lot about!

When you sacrifice something, you give up something of value. And you give it up whether or not you can afford to, whether or not you feel like it. I have no trouble praising God when I am feeling happy or when I am aware of something wonderful He's done in my life. But the "sacrifice of praise" would be praising God in sorrow, in pain, in confusion. Praising God when He seems to be silent or absent. Giving God what is due Him, no matter our circumstances or emotional state - that is a sacrifice.

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