sunilbernard Posted February 28, 2004 Report Posted February 28, 2004 Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? Praise is given to somebody for something done for us. God, who gave His only Son for us to save us deserves the best that we can give. Our praise should come from the heart, not from the lips. Our sacrifice of praise should cost us something. We should not give what came freely to us. Our praise should belong only to God through Jesus. Our praise should include fruits of our life and witness. As the Psalmist puts it, His praise should be continually in our mouth. Quote Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 I offer Praise to God with a gratefull, thankfull and joyfull heart. He has done sooo many things for us. Quote
linda bass Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 We are to offer praise by being obedient to what the Lord wants us to do. We are to offer praise by giving of our tithes and offerings. We are to offer praise by telling others about Jesus. We are to offer praise by worshipping God for who He is. Quote
juwulz Posted March 10, 2004 Report Posted March 10, 2004 I offer praise to the Lord with every waking breath I take, and try to never take for granted the absolute blessing it is that I am alive to experience another day. I praise Him in worship with my thanks in prayer, song, sharing my faith with my children, those around me, giving my time to those at church where I am able to help. It is easy to offer praise when things are going well, but I also continue to praise Him even now when I am in a state of "being pruned back" and in a time of suffering and need. The Lord is amazing and so loving, and always faithful. Quote
PressThrough Posted May 10, 2004 Report Posted May 10, 2004 Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? The spiritual sacrifices which Christians are to offer are their bodies, souls, affections, prayers, praises, alms, and other duties for the Glorifying of Jesus Christ. Living a Holy Life through Jesus is priasing God and obeying His Word! Hallelujah!!! Amen Quote
jeffmcl Posted May 19, 2004 Report Posted May 19, 2004 Sincerely--from the heart, not just "going through the motions" or "performing" before others. I should be offering praise continually...without restraint...joyfully! Quote
spclk22 Posted May 26, 2004 Report Posted May 26, 2004 I should be offering praise anyway that I am capable. I need to work on this to do it more frequently and to let everyone know that he wants to save us all. When I am studying his word or in church I praise him by give my whole heart over to him. Everyday I struggle to make sure that I am praising God in the way that I know is right. I look to his word to help me to make it easier for me to do as he wants us. Knowing that I am a sinner and need to come to God through Jesus helps to guide me on my course to serve him. Quote
peggysue Posted June 21, 2004 Report Posted June 21, 2004 thanking God for his greatness praise and worship to bring glory to the Lord Quote
heatherdills Posted June 24, 2004 Report Posted June 24, 2004 I should be offering praise wholeheartedly. I get so caught up with what is going on in my life, that I forget that everything is in God's hands to let go and let Him! Quote
seeking Posted July 13, 2004 Report Posted July 13, 2004 We should praise God from the depths of our being. Our praise shouldnt be dependent on how we feel, it should be continual even when we dont feel like praising him. Our praise should be sacrifical. We no longer sacrifice bulls and lambs our praise has replaced such. Quote
seeking Posted July 13, 2004 Report Posted July 13, 2004 We should offer it selflessly and not as in just mere hope of receiving bennefits as we offer praise. Quote
mollymadhat Posted September 20, 2004 Report Posted September 20, 2004 Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? Our praise to our God should be our thankfulness to Him, our rejoicing for His goodness.. and this should be done throughout our day. We should be thinking of Him and praising Him often. And then the result is that we are blessed also. Our God is great.. by giving to Him we are given to as well! Quote
N.I.C Posted April 19, 2005 Report Posted April 19, 2005 We should be offering our WHOLE hearts to God, our very best. We should be offering Him praise in how we live out our lives. We should be offering Him back everything that He has blessed us with, by giving to His church and by giving to others (both time and financial.) Quote
anointedprincess Posted September 4, 2005 Report Posted September 4, 2005 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, notour own, how should you be offering praise?We should praise God from our lips,by clapping our hands,stomping our feet and a heart full of thanksgiving.When we praise Him he blesses us.He loves it when we tell Him how much we love Him,how much we adore Him, how much we appreciate him and how grateful we are. thanWE should offer God the praises of our lips, clapping your hands, stomping your feet,and a heart full of ksgiving. When we praise Him he blesses us. He loves it when we tell Him how much we love Him,how much we adore Him,how much we appreciate Him and how greatful we are. Quote
steve.c Posted May 23, 2006 Report Posted May 23, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? We should praise God in everything we do. Obviously this means worshipping Him and giving thanks in the formal setting of our church. The focus of our prayers should be more on praise and thanksgiving and resolving to be more obedient to His teaching than on petition. But we should worship with the way we direct our lives; that is praising Him. We must be obedient to His will, not by outward appearance but genuine heart-felt obedience. We praise Him by living according to His Word. We praise Him by proclaiming His Word so that more people can hear it. We support our Church with our own efforts and resources, generously given, thereby praising the capstone of our church. Our shining light is to reflect His shining glory. Quote
Robert Claypool Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 There is a sensation accompaning proper praise. Not feeling this sensation is generally what people mean when they say they "aren't getting anything out of it". When this happens they should quit doing whatever it is that isn't truly praise, but instead people say that it isn't the activity that is the problem but the acknowledgment of the lack of sensation. If that sensation is not present in the Sunday program, you should not go, and you should leave immediately if you are there. Quote
L. Turner Posted October 30, 2006 Report Posted October 30, 2006 If our praise is primarily for God's benefit, then our praise should be a sacrifice of praise. We need to praise Him even when we do not feel like praising. We should praise Him with thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done for us. Whatever we do we should praise Him so that it will bring Him glory Quote
Craig Posted May 31, 2007 Report Posted May 31, 2007 I should be offering praise on a regular basis with a genuine heart. I should have an attitude of gratefullness, love and awe. Quote
Robin D Posted March 15, 2008 Report Posted March 15, 2008 I should be praising God by sharing my salvation with others and trying to witness about Christ to them. I should be in continual prayer and be thanking God for my very breath. All things should be done with him in mind. Quote
Tabatha Posted May 20, 2008 Report Posted May 20, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? Worship, according to scripture, involves the participation of the whole body, mind and spirit. It includes passion, emotion, will, thought and physical expression. Can we really say we love someone and yet not express some or all of the attitudes? Are we to be more moved by natural events than the love and mercy of our heavenly Father? We have a God given right to show our joy and gladness in Christ our Saviour. Accordingly, ( 1 Peter 2:5 ) states that we are New Testament Priests raised up to minister unto Christ due to His Name. This was never meant to be a dead ritual; mere words without heart feeling. WORSHIPPING THE LORD WITH OUR VOICES. The voice is a wonderful gift of God. May we use it to glorify Him. Wesley wished for a thousand tongues to praise Him! " Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and the two-edged sword in their hands." ( Psalm 149:6 ). " Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. that is THE FRUIT OF OUR LIPS, giving thanks to His name. ( Hebrews 13: 15 ) SINGING " Sing praises unto God, sing praises unto our King, sing praises" ( Psalms 149:6 ) Shouting, lifting our hands, Clapping our hands, Dancing, Bowing or kneeling, Standing. Just loving Him Quote
Rebecca M Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 In the way that would glorify Him the most...not ourselves. I have wondered if this means constantly saying "praise God" or if that just draws attention to our own desire to be seen as self-righteous. I guess it would depend upon internal motives. I think praising Him both silently and publicly shows our true desire to thank him for all that he is and does....and to give him the credit, not ourselves. Sometimes I can feel it in my gut if I haven't glorified him in a situation, and then I have the chance to correct it. Quote
Mrstoler Posted July 19, 2008 Report Posted July 19, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? I should should offer my praise in the spirit. I should reverance my Father in heaven. I should do it willing and not as a ritual. I should have genuine love for my Father in heaven as He has love for me. Most of all be obedient to His words of wisdom that is for my very soul. Quote
Commissioned Posted August 22, 2008 Report Posted August 22, 2008 Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? Our praise should be unceasing. Quote
smurf1948 Posted August 23, 2008 Report Posted August 23, 2008 Q2. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? Giving thanks to what God supplies us not asking for more and more. Giving him all the glory for everything. Praise him with worship,song and telling the world about how awesome he is. Quote
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