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1. Daniel asked Arioch nicely to "Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him." Daniel did not take credit for knowing the interpretation of the dream.


2.  Daniel told the king he got his information from God and he let the king know what God could do. He was being a witness to the king of what God could do. Daniel gives God the praise.


3.  We should not try to exalt ourselves because God will exalt us in due time. God will resist the proud.


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Humility and obedience are the key aspects of faith in God.  Daniel's heart is sincere and humble; therefore, God who knows his heart has blessed him with wisdom and revealed the secret of the king and the meaning of it.


In regards of 1 Peter 5:5-6 -

5- In a similar way, you young people must submit to the elders. All of you must clothe yourselves with humility for the sake of each other, because: "God opposes the arrogant, but gives grace to the humble."

6- Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time he may exalt you.

We learn that we should stay humble and submit ourselves to elders.  Elders are those who have more experience of life and God has guided them through faith.  By staying humble, one can listen and learn more about wisdom from the elders.


Having said that, it does not mean we should obey the elders if they have gone sidetrack from faith.  God gives everyone the ability to discern right and wrong in everything of life.  Hence in some circumstances we should stand up and speak out the right thing in the presence of the elders.  This does not mean we are exalting ourselves.


Humble people always acknowledge their weakness, and knows that God alone is the source of wisdom, and the light of life. They submit themselves to God's will and fulfil it through their days.


The following verses show who we truly are:

Rom_9:21  A potter has the right to do what he wants to with his clay, doesn't he? He can make something for a special occasion or something for ordinary use from the same lump of clay.

2Co_4:7  But we have this treasure in clay jars to show that its extraordinary power comes from God and not from us.

2Ti_2:20  In a large house there are not only utensils made of gold and silver, but also those made of wood and clay. Some are for special use, while others are for ordinary use.







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Daniel shows humility first by giving praise & honor to God when he goes in to the king.--giving God the glory.

By telling the king that the God he serves has given him the answer.

NO!  God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

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Daniel recognises that everything  he knew came from God. He admitted he could interpret nothing if God hadn't revealed him.

So, he uses the situation to show Nabuchednezar that, above all the kings and kingdoms there is a Eternal Lord who knows everything.

According to Peter, we should never exalt ourselves because God resists the proud but give grace to the humble. 

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Daniel showed humility in this situation be saying the no man could interpret his dream but only the God of the universe could do it. By doing this he was using this opportunity to witness before the king his faith in God.

According to I Peter 5:5-6 we should never try to exalt ourselves and if we do God will oppose us.

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How does Daniel show humility in this situation?

Daniel keeps a calm attitude as he speaks to his guard and then when he speaks to the king he is honoring the king before he speaks his message.  Also after he receives the dream from God, he gives God credit for the knowledge.


How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God?

He lets the king know that only the God of the heavens knows all things.  No human does.


According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves?

NO!  God opposes the proud.


If we do so, what will happen?

If we humble ourselves, at the right time God will raise us up to do His work.

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when he replied that no wise man or himself can explain the mystery to the king, he ascribed the glory to God. Isaiah 48:11 His glory will He not give to another.


He witness to the king by letting him know that there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets


No we are not to exalt ourselves because it is not about us but God


should we exalt ourselves God will resist and bring us down according to Obadiah 4

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Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?

Daniel shows humility by giving God the credit and explaining that no man could do what the king had asked for. In doing this he is introducing the king to the Almighty. We should humble ourselves before God and He will lift us up in His time.

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Daniel didn't presume to know anything except what Yahweh had so graciously revealed to him. He didn't make any attempt to draw attention to himself or build his own reputation. He didn't become proud or try to claim credit for what only Yahweh could have done. He used the situation as an opportunity to put the spotlight on the powerful God in heaven who gave the dream and vision to Nebuchadnezzar as a prophetic warning of days to come for Babylon. This God whom Daniel had sought to honor was now honoring Daniel before the king.


1Peter 5:5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.


Daniel was polite and respectful because of the king's elder status and authority as king and because of his respect and submission to Yahweh. He demonstrated the principles of 1 Peter 5:5-6 perfectly. We are called to exalt God, not ourselves. When we become prideful, God withholds grace and honor towards us. When we choose humility before Him, He had promised to lift us up before others when the timing is right. 

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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?​



Daniel shows humility by not taking credit for the vision that God has given him to interpret the kings dream.  He uses this opportunity to explain to the king that no man on earth, magician, sorcerer, or wise man is responsible but the our God in heaven who reveals mysteries is the only one responsible for the interpretation of his dreams.  1 Peter 5:5-6 (NKJV)  says:  


Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for

"God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.




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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?


Daniel did not use his success to promote his own self- interest. He thought of others. When striving to succeed or survive, remember the needs of others.

Before Daniel told the king anything else, he gave credit to God, explaining that he did not know the dream through his own wisdom but only because God revealed it. How easily we take credit for what God does through us! This robs God of the honor that he alone deserves. Instead, we should be like Daniel and point people to God so that we give him the glory.

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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?


Before Daniel told the king anything else, he gave credit to God, explaining that he did not know the dream through his own wisdom but only because God revealed it. How easily we take credit for what God does through us! This robs God of the honor that he alone deserves. Instead, we should be like Daniel and point people to God so that we give him the glory.


1 Peter 5 - 6 We often worry about our position and status, hoping to get proper recognition for what we do. But Peter advises us to remember that God’s recognition counts more than human praise. God is able and willing to bless us according to his timing. Humbly obey God regardless of present circumstances, and in his good time—either in this life or in the next—he will honor you.

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Q2. How does Daniel show humility in this situation?  

Daniel had the answer for the king, but he gave credit to God and not to himself.


He gave a powerful message of evangelism by telling the king that it was because of God's wisdom that the revelation of his dream has been given to him. Daniel expressed his faith and trust in God who answers prayers of the faithful.


1 Peter 5:5-6 emphatically encourages us to be humble because God does not like the proud but gives grace to the humble. We should never try to exalt ourselves because if we do so God's mighty hand will not lift us up. In other words, those who humble themselves will be exalted by God.

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Genesis 40:8-41:32   Joseph also gave God the credit for interpreting the dreams when he interpreted dreams for the cupbearer and the baker (40:8) and the Pharoah (41:15-16, 25,28,32).  And Pharoah made Joseph the second in command in Egypt; only Pharoah himself had more power and authority (41:33-57).  Joseph humbled himself before Pharoah, and God used Pharoah to exalt Joseph in man's sight.


Exalting myself is an effect of my pride deep inside.  Pride always drives me away from God to worship myself and deep into trouble because I am no god but an unholy, ungodly, imperfect, limited, flawed and weak person on my own.  Throughout the OT, God warned people not to be proud and arrogant, and judged and punished those who disobeyed Him out of pride (Leviticus 26:19; 2 Chronicles 26:16; Proverbs 11:2, 13:10, 16:18, 29:23; Isaiah 10:12, 13:11; Ezekiel 7:24; Daniel 4:37).  God hates pride (Proverbs 8:13).


     2 Chronicles 32:24-25; 2 Kings 20:1-19   After worshipping and obeying God for years and after God had miraculously healed him of a fatal illness, King Hezekiah of Judah became proud and showed off his treasures to the messengers from Babylon.  The prophet Isaiah prophesied that God would punish Judah for Hezekiah's sin by sending Babylon to capture Judah and Jerusalem and take some of the people to Babylon as captives and slaves (2 Kings 20:14-18).  Because Hezekiah repented of this sin, God didn't punish Judah in his lifetime (2 Chronicles 32:26; @ Kings 20:19), but He did punish Judah later  ....  Judah was just as proud and arrogant as Hezekiah!


Likewise,  when I exalt myself, if I do not quickly repent and humble myself, God will humble me.  I should expect that my life will be worse than it ever was before I exalted myself.

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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?

Daniel showed humility in this situation by not taking credit for interpreting the dream.  Instead he uses the opportunity to witness before the king his faith in the God of heaven who alone can give the interpretation of dreams.   According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, we should never try to exalt ourselves.  When we humble ourselves God, in due time, will lift us up.

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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?


Daniel tells the king there is no person who can shew him the secret or matter the king desires however there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets.  Daniel knew the credit did not belong to him and he didn't need to puff himself up, rather wanted glory to go to God who reveals matters to men.  In this way Daniel witnessed of the God in heaven to the king.


 1 Peter 5:5-6 says goes gives grace to the humble and opposes the proud.  God loves his truly humble people.  In this arrogant, power hungry world the One who has all the power is glorified by the humility of His people


God Bless!


Romans 15:13

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Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?

The wisdom of this Godly man, Daniel, becomes so obvious by the humble way he says that the answer is from his God and not himself. According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, we are better to humble ourselves than to be bragging. All good comes from our merciful God, ALL good. We receive it if he so chooses to reveal our blessings

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  • 2 weeks later...

Daniel has not taken credit for knowing what the king dreamt of or for his being able to interpret the dream. He has rightly proclaimed that it is only a divine power or God & no man on earth who is capable of performing such a task. He uses this opportunity wisely to show the greatness of his God in heaven. He is merely a messenger or instrument of that God to deliver the message to and forewarn the king

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  • 2 weeks later...

Daniel shows humility by giving God the glory for the interpretation of the king's dream.

He uses this situation as an opportunity to share his faith in God by telling the king, "there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries".

According to 1 Peter 5:5-6 we shouldn't try to exalt ourselves because God opposes the proud.

What happens to those who try to exalt themselves is, God will knock them down to a place of humility in some way.

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 How does Daniel show humility in this situation? He does not puff himself up as the one with the knowledge (which would have been easy to do, considering the circumstances - Arioch had already boasted that he had "found a man... who will make known to the king the interpretation".  This is most certainly a court lesson learned - make sure you have value so you are not dismissed (killed).  

How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? Daniel boldly declares that "[men] cannot declare to the king.  But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets".  He shows that his seeking of the Lord is where the answer came from, not from all the knowledge and wisdom of Babylon. 

According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? NO      If we do so, what will happen? "God resists the proud"... we are to clothe ourselves and be known for our humility.

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  • 11 months later...

Q2. (Daniel 2:27-28) How does Daniel show humility in this situation? How does he use this situation as an opportunity to witness before the king to his faith in God? According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, should we try to exalt ourselves? If we do so, what will happen?

After the dream and the interpretation are revealed to Daniel he sings his praises to God. When Daniel is taken before Nebuchadnezzar he makes it clear no man could know and interpret the dream but God, and DID! Daniel made sure the king knew it was God working through him. According to 1 Peter 5:5-6 we should humble ourselves before God. God will determine if and when He will exalt us.

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  • 1 year later...

Daniel shows humility in this situation by not taking credit for being able to interpret the King's dream, nor does he put down the other wisemen who could not do this either. He witnesses to the King about Daniel's God and gives Him all the credit for the King's dream and for using Daniel to show the King what he wants to know.

In 1 Peter 5:5-6, God makes it clear that we should always be humble and respectful to others even when we do not agree with them. God hates the proud and gives grace to the humble. Too many people today open their mouths and speak before thinking and get themselves in a load of trouble. The hardest thing to learn in being humble is knowing when and when not to speak and then what to say. Humility is an attitude of respect for others, always knowing that we serve God in all our actions.

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  • 6 years later...

Daniel by faith  offered to interpret the king’s dream by not taking credit that it would be  his own power but witnessed to the king the existence of a true God in heaven who could interpret dreams .

We should always be humble before the Lord . If nor, we’ll  be brought low.   

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  • 3 weeks later...

When miracles occur, secular observers often idolize the person who commanded the healing/miracle rather than refer to the source of the power of healing, God Himself. I think this tendency is universal. We tend to believe that individuals have special powers, and so discount God -- or the demonic realm -- behind that power. It is very important that the person who heals or does incredible miracles points observers back to the real healer or source of power of healing, God. This is the case in less incredible gifting, too. A person who has a talent for singing, for example, may have this gift apart from God, but also has, or could have, a special impartation from God. It's not just that the singer sings for and to God, but that the singing itself is specially inspired by the Spirit. Listeners of this singer would not know if his voice was wholly his own or inspired by God UNLESS that singer clearly stated that God inspired his singing.

THe problem with performing less dramatic gifts is that secular humans are also gifted and so it's difficult to discern when the gift is from God and when it is a result of inborn talent and hard work. Sometimes secular people are gifted in ways that dwarf Christian gifting. I would think that Christians would have a "leg up" on such gifting because they could potentially have the Spirit inspiring and strengthening them, but often this isn't the case. Perhaps Christians are not fully tapping into the spiritual sources of extra-gifting available to them.

In the case of miracles, however, this ambiguity doesn't apply. No human has the gift, for example, of raising the dead or making legs or arms grow. In these cases, either demonic or godly powers created the miracles. When Moses was before Pharoah, the earlier or "lower' miracles were easily replicated by the court magicians. ONly the super-miracles were reserved to Moses and his God, such as killing all the first born kids. If a Christian, then, is gifted by God to do super-miracles, it's very important that he tells people that the power came from God, and not from himself or even from the demonic realm. Very few Christians are trusted by God to do miracles. Most of us have not been so blessed. Humility may be part of the reason why Daniel was chosen to interpret an unknown dream -- a clearly miraculous act -- but historical circumstances also dictated his gifting. 


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