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Q3. (2:9)

What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

My attitude is of heartfelt gratitude (thanksgiving):

1. For being chosen by God to be his child, a daughter who belongs to a holy nation and of royal priesthood.

2. For taking me out from darkness and giving me His light to live in. To be surrounded and clothed in His marvellous light. For giving me this gift in life.

3. For giving me himself which is treasured and all He does for me is cherished and all He does is not forgotten but stored as riches. For what He gives surpasses all of what the world can offer. All his benefits to not forget of being a daughter who is of a holy nation, is part of a royal priesthood, and of people who belongs to God.

My action is to serve Him out of gratitude by:

1. giving worship & praise to God and Jesus; to declare his praises

2. obeying Him; to do and live as written in the Bible - God's ways and standards

I look forward to the study of 1 Peter and to walk with all of you during this study. I am thankful to God for Pastor Ralph who has made this possible for us to be here learning together.

God bless you all,



The question is "How ought we behave and think in our hearts if we really understand that we are part of God's people across the world and ages?" This question places the emphasis on the universality of the church through the ages. It places my small minor quibbles against my brother or sister in the Lord in it's place. It also places a real attitude of service and servanthood in our hearts.


Our actions and atitudes should be to become more like Christ. To die to self to surrender to the will of our Father. Love one another. To be a light in the darkness. To bring glory to our Lord. Live in humility.


Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

We belong to the family of God. We are His children. To me that means I should live my life worthy of His Name. Live a life that always honors Him in all I do and say. Live a life of gratefulness for all He has done for us. We should love one another and be merciful with one another. Forgiving each other as He has forgiven us. Behave as Kings children should behave, not just any King, but the KING of Kings! Wow!


When I think of being part of God's chosen people I am humbled. My actions and attitude should be one of thanks to Him and love for Him. I should become more and more like Christ, His son with acts of kindness, generosity, goodness. I will increasingly deny and lose self and give my all to service of my God and King.


What actions and attitudes shoud this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us.

Good works, truthfulness, kindness, desire for purity and spiritual things, to put away the former things of the flesh.

God Bless,


Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

Actions: To Love God with my whole heart and soul, To love others as I love myself.

and walking a walk that is worthy of my calling, believing and trusting in my Lord and King and giving Him glory in all things.

Attitude: Gratitude, Humble, that of a servant


Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

Humility and gratitude! We none of us are worthy to be His people! He makes us worthy! Thank you Lord!

Actions? We need to always act so as to bring honor to His Name, never so as to portray mere unregenerated human feelings! If we who claim His name act in the same manner as the world around us, how can anyone be inspired to call upon Him!? As many in the world say, "Why should I become a child of God? They are just like everyone else--and some are just plain hypocrites!" <_<

I'm sure you have heard that, just as I have. We are the only "Bible" some people know! We need to make sure we are a true example!


3.That we should be different then the world we should not be worldly, our desires should be of serving, of things that pleases God, not of things of the world which make you powerfull to others of the world. That we should reflect Gods' Holliness, and intercede and represent God before man so others can see God in us.


We should be humbled that God was able to look beyond who we are and see who we can become. Arrogance and pride have no place in this relationship because God chose us in spite of our faults, not because we are so great and wonderful people.


I am so happy to be part of God's family. I want to be more and more like Jesus everyday. I try to be on fire for Jesus. My attitude has change since I have become a new creature in Christ. I am so glad I am Joint Heir with Christ. Through His blood. All that God has given to jesus also belong to me. Praise God.


It seems to me that in contemporary, American Christianity we tend to be Christians out on our own - individual Christians. We stress a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. But we often miss out on personal, intimate relationships with the rest of His Church. We are part of a nation, a race, a people - chosen by God Himself. The world should see something different in us and in the way we love each other. This is our true family, our brothers and sisters.


What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

We should be aware that our attitudes and actions should be motivated by right intentions. All we do or say is a reflection on our God. We can not make a claim to be His 'chosen ones' and then live as if we were in control of our own lives. I know we can not live perfectly, with out sin, therefore it becomes the challenge to live each day with Jesus as our guide and example.

With His help and the truth, through scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit, we can live lives that may draw others to Him. In short we need to know Him to become more like Him. Praise, prayer and meditation, patience, peace and

joy, with love... in all we do. Yes,... quite a challenge.


Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

Roman 12:1 "........Present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service." MKJV.

Amex has as its slogan "Membership has it privileges" As god's own people, we ought to conform not to this world but be transform by the renewing of our mind through daily praise and worship, carrying our cross and yielding ourselves to Jesus the Redeemer. Hallelujah, we serve a risen Saviour who redeemed me from the pit to look up to the Throne of God.


My first sense is "How awesome is this? Part of a family in which acceptance is unconditional and admittance is free! My life went from an unworthy state to one, through justification, of being a child of God. My first action is ...wow I have a bunch of friends and family I need to go and talk to. The Passion of the Christ is about to open. How sad for those who believe they must continually atone, their confusion over the true "Passion". Moses tried to substitute his life for Israel and God rejected his offer. God didn't reject his hearts attitude however. Christ


Being chosen to be a child of God is so humbling, and inspires me to make Him known more and more and myself less and less. To live my life that is pleasing to Him. To think on Him continually with "todah" (thanksgiving). Praise God, Praise God!!!


What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?


To know we are chosen and loved by our Father. To knwo that no matter what happens, He will remain faithful to us and His Word. To know He accepts us as His own dearly loved, and precious children. I am special because my "Daddy" says I am. Total humility in knowing that the God that created this vastness of the entire universe whose measure we cannot even begin to fully comprehend or imagine, who numbered and anmed all of the stars in that universe and placed them in the ehavens for us to behold, looks down through all the vastness fo that space, to me as an individual, knows each and every minute detail of my life and me as a person (hairs on my head, each word I will speak, the number of my days, that direction He has set for my life, and my name) and loves me, cares for me, protects me, and cherishs me.

Gratitude. Thanksgiving. Praise. Worship. A desire to share that fact with everyone we come in contact with and not hide it under a basket for just me.


Gratitude and a desire to serve God by among other things serving others with an attitude of love and a desire to be helpful.


We are here representing our Father. As such we are on royal commission (and must meet the obligations of that) remembering above all WHOM we represent. Though our feet walk the earth, our hearts and heads are in Heaven with our God, and like Him, we are holy (see Phil 4:8) thinking and behaving like Him. Motivated entirely by love, we proclaim His praises (by this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you love one another). People long for love and will be attracted out of darkness (lovelessness) into His marvellous light. For this work we are chosen. How wonderful is that?!.

Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

Reckoning ourselves part of God's own people should produce in us the awareness that we are in this world but not part of it. Our citizenship is in Heaven which is our place of birth. We are aliens and strangers here 1 Peter 2:11 "Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims..." It then follows that we do not pattern ourselves after the ways of this world but that we strive to exemplify the ways of the Kingdom of God. Knowing that the things that are seen are but temporal and the things unseen eternal we must understand that those that are not born again cannot see the kingdom of God. They can only see what we show them. This should inspire us to live our lives before them such that they will see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.

I think that this taste of the heavenly should inspire us to desire to grow (as newborn babes) and become clearer in our perception of the things of the Kingdom of God, and to know Him better. As we do this we can see the desparate need of the soul without Christ and the train wreck that is fast approaching. This inspires us to reach out with every means, becoming all things to all men, spending ourselves to rescue the perishing.

To me, the realization that I am part of God's own people is almost too much for me to bear. 1 Samuel 2:8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, [and] lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set [them] among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth [are] the LORD


I work with the homeless and we very often have people come in that have literally no family and it grieves me. I ask them who would care if they were to suddenly pass away and they say:"No one." This hurts my heart. So I am overjoyed to know that I am a part of a very large family, the family of God. I have great joy in knowing that I am loved, appreciated for who I am, and that I am prayed over by my family members. If I die, someone will care. I also tell the homeless men about my family and invite them to join it.


We should be inspired to put aside all differences of opinion that we have with fellow Christians-and as John ininstructs us in 1 John 4:7-21, love our brothers and sisters as God loves us. We should all be working together to spread Gods Word and to minister to each other, even to the point where we are prepared to lay down our lives for another. WE should be constantly praising the Father, and working to perfect our faith. We must always be at war with our worldly self!


Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us?

It should inspire His love in us--a love that will love Him with all our heart and soul and mind resulting in impelling us to share His love with others. "The love of Christ constraineth us."

It will inspire us to want to be with Him--to obey Him, to spend quality time with Him, getting to know Him--Eternal life is knowing Him. John 17:3.

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