Christopher Olamiji Taiwo Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 On 2/14/2004 at 2:20 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? The actions and attitudes of this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us as chosen and a royal priesthood who belong to God and also belong to others who belong to God, rendering royal service to our King. Quote
Tyreek Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 In Dr. Wilson’s words: "God's own people" contains two ideas: (1) that we belong to God exclusively, and (2) that we belong to others who are part of this people. Knowing that you are exclusively God’s should lead to obedience and wanting to do good in His sight like giving that same respect to the parent who raised you. Being part of the “club” should also make you feel proud of the position you hold. Quote
Sandtoad Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 Actions and Attitudes: Thankfulness for our salvation and being part of God’s family. We as part of that family are joined with other believers. Actions of love and generosity (not just worldly generosity), by giving our time and care to our brothers and sisters in need. Quote
bertha Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 It should inspire in us an attitude of thanksgiving, gratefulness, knowing we are not deserving, but it's all because of His great love for us and the power of the sacrificial lamb's blood(Jesus) shed for us at the cross. It should make us proud(in a good way) to know we were chosen by God to be a "special people", called for good works. We are working for the King of kings, we are royalty, this should inspire in us to act accordingly. Being obedient, working diligently, knowing our Father will reward us graciously. Quote
Joanne from Chile Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 On 2/13/2004 at 9:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? I want to contribute to expand His kingdom and be a living stone to form the New Jerusalem which has started already here on earth. I want to use my time as best as I can to serve the Lord in the many ways the Holy Spirit will guide me. I pray that God will give me the right attitude in every circumstance, that it is Jesus who lives in me and not me. I am grateful to God who called me to be part of His family, who took me from death to life and from darkness to light through His Son Jesus Christ who died in the cross for my sins. Quote
haar Posted May 30, 2017 Report Posted May 30, 2017 Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? A. It means that I should ever fellowship with those I am being part of, share with them what God has bless me, celebrate with them in their celebrations and mourn with them as they mourn. Quote
JanMary Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 On 2/13/2004 at 6:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? 1. Though the Lord loves and cherishes me as if I were His only child and I belong to Him, I'm also a part of His enormous family. I'm not an "island" unto myself, and therefore I'm to be aware of and to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. He redeemed me from sin and cleansed me from all unrighteousness, so I'm to look upon brothers and sisters in the same light rather than to judge them or criticize them. He saved me in love and sends me out as His love letter written on my heart of flesh rather than on tablets of stone. Just as He sent someone to share the Gospel with me, He sends me to share with others who don't know Him so His family will include all who may be saved. As His daughter, He desires an honest and intimate personal relationship with me that includes spending lots of time with Him, soaking in His love, listening to Him, sharing my concerns, worshipping Him and giving Him praise. It also includes reading and "chewing" on His Word until it becomes a part of me. As His daughter, He owns all that I've been given, so I'm to be generous with others and with His kingdom work. What a joy to be His and to belong to you! Quote
Eilen Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 We are God’s people and we must honor and praise Him daily. We must give thanks daily for all the wonders He brings into our lives. Above all we must live godly lives in all that we say and do. We are assured that He watches over us and everything we do is a fulfillment of what He has laid out for us. Quote
hanks Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? Being God’s people should inspire us to tell everyone about His grace and mercies. It’s true, that the more we know the Lord Jesus, the more we can and want to proclaim Him. The world tends to read the Christian far more than they read the Bible, so it’s up to us to be model Christians reflecting the glory of our Lord Jesus. So we have a duty to let everyone know about our Lord Jesus, and what He has done in our life. As royal priests, we go out into the world to witness. This we do by our actions and by telling all about what Jesus has done in our life, Our attitude should be one of gratitude and by our actions all should see us living out the Christian life based on our being a special people belonging to God. At the same time there has to be great emphasis on us being salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We should not be mixing in with everyone else, but rather we should have a positive effect on society. Just as Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), so we should be reflecting His light, by making a difference. Quote
aliya721 Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 On 2/17/2004 at 5:19 PM, Thehammer44 said: What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? We should be aware that our attitudes and actions should be motivated by right intentions. All we do or say is a reflection on our God. We can not make a claim to be His 'chosen ones' and then live as if we were in control of our own lives. I know we can not live perfectly, with out sin, therefore it becomes the challenge to live each day with Jesus as our guide and example. With His help and the truth, through scripture, prayer and the Holy Spirit, we can live lives that may draw others to Him. In short we need to know Him to become more like Him. Praise, prayer and meditation, patience, peace and joy, with love... in all we do. Yes,... quite a challenge. Yes to the above. I am grateful that the Lord looks upon me as part of His chosen. That is a treasure beyond anything this world can offer me. It's better than wearing your favorite player's jersey with pride. We bear the name of Jesus and we are His chosen. To that end we must seek to live a holy life. We are not perfect but we must constantly be guided by Him and walk in His ways. If we follow what the world says because it's "normal" we will miss what God has for us. Quote
Neil NRG Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 On 15/02/2004 at 9:17 AM, Debora said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? My attitude is of heartfelt gratitude (thanksgiving): 1. For being chosen by God to be his child, a daughter who belongs to a holy nation and of royal priesthood. 2. For taking me out from darkness and giving me His light to live in. To be surrounded and clothed in His marvellous light. For giving me this gift in life. 3. For giving me himself which is treasured and all He does for me is cherished and all He does is not forgotten but stored as riches. For what He gives surpasses all of what the world can offer. All his benefits to not forget of being a daughter who is of a holy nation, is part of a royal priesthood, and of people who belongs to God. My action is to serve Him out of gratitude by: 1. giving worship & praise to God and Jesus; to declare his praises 2. obeying Him; to do and live as written in the Bible - God's ways and standards I look forward to the study of 1 Peter and to walk with all of you during this study. I am thankful to God for Pastor Ralph who has made this possible for us to be here learning together. God bless you all, Debora Debora Thanks again for your heartfelt words of love for God. So True! One day we will be seated in His glory in Heaven, when Jesus comes again to redeem His beloved sons and daughters. Thank You Lord, God Almighty. All praise be to our God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted June 1, 2017 Report Posted June 1, 2017 On 2/13/2004 at 8:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? Being part of God's family should inspire us to live a holy life, being an example to others and share the gospel with the unsaved. Quote
Debra Grant Posted June 3, 2017 Report Posted June 3, 2017 Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? 1. It should inspire us not to leave or disobey God. When we think of being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, we should be glad to declare the praises of God who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light." It should be encouraging to know that we are God’s peculiar people and special. All of that should make a difference in our life that we will be very creative at doing God’s will and thanking him for a chance to get eternal life. Therefore, we should strive to get higher in Christ to do great things and help others come to him. We should want to please God in every way possible. Quote
WinstonY Posted June 5, 2017 Report Posted June 5, 2017 Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? if we are God's Own people then we are very special. Just as the ancient Hebrews that the Lord took out of Exodus were a special people to him so here in 1 Peter we are also told that we are a special people. We should then look to God for our leadership and for our example in life and we should be pleased to serve him even if it is only by suffering. If we are special to God then we need a never to be ashamed how far heritage as Christian people and as such we should speak out when the opportunity occurs to tell off our love for God, of our dedication to him, what he has done for us and what his plan is for the world and everyone in it. As well we should praise God with all our hearts, all our minds and all our souls. And we might as well go a little farther and love our neighbors as ourselves. Quote
Zilka Posted June 6, 2017 Report Posted June 6, 2017 Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? I say thanks God I am children of God. He is my Father, I communicate all the time and most important Help me! Quote
charisbarak Posted July 8, 2017 Report Posted July 8, 2017 love & praise to God and love to fellow believers Quote
Commissioned Posted July 25, 2017 Report Posted July 25, 2017 On 2/13/2004 at 9:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? Being a part of God's own people should inspire us to live holy as God is holy. Quote
Krissi Posted February 15, 2024 Report Posted February 15, 2024 Being a part of God's chosen people means carefully delimiting who is "in" and who is outside of us. Without borders or hedges, we merely blend into the dominant culture. We should be set apart. Western believers take divergent paths regarding their Christian faith and culture. First, some Christians try to fit in the dominant culture, not wanting to seem "different." This is the road taken by the Christian "left" or most liberal denominationalists. When the culture says that God is dead, or some other tripe, they parrot secular sentiment with a Christian gloss. Frankly, if Christians cannot be distinguished from seculars in behavior, mannerisms and even appearance, then I question how deep is our faith. Even appearance matters. I'm beginning to understand why the most devoted adherents to ANY faith dress differently than their dominant culture -- the Amish stand apart, in part, by demanding that people regard them differently. Ditto Orthodox Jews, etc. There may be a wisdom here. I need to think about this more. Secondly, some Christians put up secret, invisible hedges that make them look or seem like everyone else unless probed deeply. These are the closet Christians in government or the workplace who don't let their faith get in the way of their promotions or occupational advancement. They jump through elaborate hoops to justify their closeted Christianity. Thirdly are the Christians who are so overt and over-the-top that they inspire cringes and rejection from the well-behaved people in church. Some street preachers fit this bill. I'd rather be over the top, however, then under cover, err on the side of excess than deadliness. -- Being a part of God's own people must include the idea of NOT being a part of the dominant secular world, which is the meaning of this passage. We are THIS, but not THAT ... we are believers, not seculars/Jews. Though an individual Christian shines by living and acting a holy life -- Christians as a group shine by living and acting in such a way that as a group, we are fundamentally different or distinct from our culture. We also have to perceive of ourselves as set-apart, as a out-group within a hostile culture -- we need to raise the hedge, that is. Quote
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