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Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness?

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Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness?


  • The Lord's Table and elements in our churches have been dedicated to God. We must show a proper attitude towards the things of God, not legalistically but with respect. 
  • The money donated to churches have been given to God and must be used to further God's Kingdom on earth, not for our own means and purposes.
  • We owe God our lives, but so often we resist him in the arrogant belief that we think we can act more wisely than God.
  • We do not praise God for his grace and love for us when we achieve success but instead think that our achievements was because we are great.

It is critical that we maintain a grateful heart and persona in everything we say or do - "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us". Amen!


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers.



How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God?  Forgetting to acknowledge God.  Proverbs 3:5-6 prevails



How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?  Remembering to remember both Proverbs 3:5-6 & Jeremiah 29:11..Also remembering that when I state my agenda, I state it loosely to preference it with "it is my plan."  I do this remembering that "(wo) man plans in his/her heart but God direct our steps."~Proverbs 16:9


Some are not respectful of His name, others tell little white lies, many of us have "idols" in our lives, taking our love & time from God.

Reading the Bible and doing studies--becoming more familiar with what God expects of us to be holy and wholly His.


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?

I must say that we all are God fearers as I don’t want to judge anyone to imply the contrary. Yes Jesus’ approach to bring us to God was never legalistic. I believe that today’s church leaders, instead of using a Christ-like approach which leads people of God to freedom and deliverance through grace, are using legalistic ways and means which not only burdens, but also makes the people feel oppressed and condemned.

Christians are generally irreverent not because they are bad but because they lack understanding. I’m of the opinion that the problem is not the congregation – it is with the priests, pastors and worship leaders. No-one must be coerced into worship. Attendance at church services, singing of hymns, saying prayers, listening to the Word of God and sermons rendered, if carried the wrong way can also be a means of irreverence and destroys the worship. Attire helps to cause a form of irreverence. When a female member of the congregation wears a revealing type of clothing, the male member behind her is caused to be irreverent.

By placing myself in the front pew every time I go for mass has helped me to be more focused. Outside church I try just focus on the things I have to do and I’ll be pre-occupied with things that which don’t lead me to unholy acts. I allow myself very little time to be idle, because an idle mind is the playground of the devil.


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers.


How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God?


"hallowed be thy name."  My church, your church and the church around the block is guilty of not "hallowing His name".  From the size of your church and my church, to the conduct within the church, the interpretation of the scriptures, to the dress of the congregation, from the songs played and or sang in our churches, the conversations of the members, the life styles of the members, must I go on?  I am afraid that in many churches today God has written Ichabod across the door lentil. 


How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?


I still have a long way to go.  I am guilty of most of the above statements.  God forgive me for not "hallowing Your name."


How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God?

In our speech and our actions, and how we act towards those things we have dedicated to God (5:22-24).

How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?

I must live my life with the constant knowledge that God rules, not me.

Repentance for sin needs to be demonstrable, not with just my lips.

I am to be kind to the poor.


Q6.(Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. 

How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God?

He calls us friends which is an amazing position and gift. However we can become so casual with Him that some treat Him as a peer, rather than Lord of Lord's and King of Kings. Holiness means to be set apart for Him and His use.

In many ways the church at large has lost reverence for Him. Worship in many places has devolved into songs about us, rather than worship of Him and His holiness. The salvation message in many cases is just about getting people saved to go to Heaven, with no emphasis on how to live before going to Heaven. Teaching about Him as Savior and neglecting to teach about His Lordship over our lives, which must be established daily by submitting our will to His will.

Modesty for many, especially the young has turned into "flaunt your wares" for all to see, which must grieve Him....even in church we see young girls and women "over-exposed" to the distraction of both males and females.

The world has moved into the church, rather than the church moving into the world and impacting with His love and salvation.

How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?

It's been a process for me, from fear of God in the wrong sense, which resulted in carelessness and avoidance...while He constantly, relentlessly and lovingly pursued me and which has led me into a responsive, loving, relationship with Him. Walking with Him and learning of Him and His holiness has quickened in me the desire to be quick to repent from sin, and to desire to spend time in fellowship, prayer and worship. I've just grown to want to be more like Him, which has caused the world and its "glitter" to fade and become distasteful. 

I mentioned in a previous question about having stopped kneeling in prayer somewhere along the years. In that I see a laxness in honoring His holiness, and want to get back to that...not in a legalistic way, but as a love offering.


I am a major work in progress!

My daily walk with Jesus would be the biggest change and from there I'm just going to listen very intently to God's words in my heart and be ready for when He needs me.


One major problem for people like me is that within our Christian culture

the means to the end becomes our god. I'm a musician. I play regularly

for our worship. I'm also a life member of our Bach Musica society.

Music has always been a main part of life for me and it would

be easy for me to live just for the music rather than for

God the Creator who gave me the gift. Or I live for our church family

where I get such a kick out of our active social programme.


Daniel 5:22-24)In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness? 



In the verses quoted, Daniel points out to the son of Nebuchadnezzar that he has learnt nothing from his father's experiences especially the need for humility. Daniel further points out that the King will suffer the consequences of his failure to follow the law  as evidenced by his  irreverence for God and his lack of humility.


It is commonly stated that the old testament is about the law and the new testament is about grace however if we examine Matt 5 from verse 17 Jesus  speaks of a combination of  grace and law. As a matter of fact Jesus expands the old law making some laws  even more stringent than what is written in the old commandments. Lets us look atsome of  what Jesus says .

17: Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets... 18:  In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth disappear not one dot not one little stroke is to disappear from the law until its purpose is achieved. 21-22: You have heard how it was said to our ancestors , You shall not kill and if anyone kills he must answer for it before the courts I say to you, anyone who is angry with a brother will answer for it before the court.... The position enunciated certainly does not justify saying that we are no longer under law. To me what it says is that we are required to obey the law but that Jesus coming; his death and resurrection brings to us saints who have acknowledged and accepted and diligently seek him, absolution for times when we fall short. Similarly,reduction or distillation of the law to Love; Love God and Love thy neighbour means that with love all the other commandments should naturally flow. This is similar to Pauls message in Romans.

Paul says it is through knowledge of the commandments  that we know what sin is( Rom 7:7). He further states that when we accept Christ we die to sin and can no longer go on living in it (Rom 6:1-3). So if we do not live in sin then we live in obedience to the law.(Rom 6:12-14) 


So Belshazar like many of us soon forget the lessons of our past. So it is important to repeat the stories not only of our successes but also those when we fell and were able by the grace of God to get up. These stories are  for our own benefit  (lest we forget) and benefit of our children. We can see that pattern in the Psalms where many repeat the sufferings of the Israelites and the saving grace of God.

 I daily struggle with walking the Christian road. I know my thoughts are not Christ's thoughts and I pray daily for his presence, and guidance. At this time I particularly pray for control of that unruly member my tongue. I pray to use my words for uplifting and not idle gossip.


How do Christians act irreverently to offend God.

I think that many Christians are confused or even misled by the idea of being  under grace and not under law. So for some of them they believe that they can enter into serial monogamous liasons without consequence to their spiritual life. Even Pastors and senior church leaders/deaconate go through divorce and remarriage sometimes more than once. Some Christian churches forget Pauls stricture that it is better to marry than burn. Some leaders of such churches then fall into temptation and sin engaging in sexual acts with various persons placing the entire christian community in disrepute. Many young christians  are caught up in entertainment that expose them to violent or sexually explicit lyrics, provocative behaviours/ dancing, immodest dress and illegal drugs.  Some churches in order to widen their congegation include questionable types of entertainment and fail to speak out against immodest wear and fornication. 


What I have done. 

To live the Christian life, I daily strive to obey both the spirit and letter of the law as stated by Jesus and Paul. I read and study my Bible daily and I pray at least daily and I serve my church in whatever way I can attending services regularly. I also serve my community through an NGO.


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?


I have heard Christians use God's name in vain or speak about God in ways that deny a "fear of God."  It is also common to look at the Word of God or even the holiness of God, and redefine what that means.  Today, we are seeing people who claim to be Christians saying that God approves that which God has said is sin.  I believe this would offend God by claiming something is acceptable to Him, when it is not.  I believe we also offend God when we misrepresent Him by the way we live our lives for ourselves.   God is working in my life to transform me more and more into the image of Christ.  I am not always a good representation of Christlikeness, but I pray I am changing as His Spirit works in me.  Because I am not there yet, I am certainly grateful for His grace and His patience in working in my life. 

  On 8/14/2015 at 6:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness?

We Christians commonly act irrelevant in ways that offend God by using his name in vain, not loving other people, not helping the poor and not being kind to others, this causes us to become arrogant and full of pride.

I indeed have changed my ways of living by giving to the poor, not being arrogant or prideful, giving to God the praise and worship that is due to him, paying our tithes to the church, and not hating our brothers and sisters in Christ, but loving them.  


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness?


One of the ways I act is, if God gives me success, I can often take the credit for the results- in my heart. I may try to act humbly outwardly for show, to give a good impression-as it were.

One way I think is that no one is  irreplaceable, so if God can't use me because of my pride, he will use someone else.

I have witnessed people becoming proud in the church, so that they seem to have the attitude that the place would not run successfully without them. I have also witnessed humility where when our church was running a series of teachings. It seemed that God was using someone else (a deacon of the church to deliver the sermons) more effectively than the pastor. So the pastor let the elder continue to deliver the teaching to the end of the series. Humility is closely related to agape love (1 Corinthians 13).


Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?

I believe as Christians in America we treat our Bibles and the church house lightly. Respect is not taught as much anymore. I think our speech also reflects our lack of holiness. The church profains God's covenants by accepting sinful behavior that is against His will. We have lost the knowledge of holiness.


Christians act reverently in ways that would defend God by supposing to live righteous and at the same time committing sins that are totally against what is written in he Holy Scriptures. I changed my ways to appreciate the grace and mercy God has given me. I no only want to sin against God, instead I live for Him by living according to the Holy Scriptures. Sometimes it's hard because the flesh is always fighting against he spirit, but I know God's Holy Spirit lives within me and guides me in my everyday living.


Christians, so many times, despise the others. They forget that, if we despise people, we are, in truth, despising God. 

Other times we think that grace is an excuse to sin. Irreverently we think we can commit sins freely and consciously. After that we just ask for forgiveness and continue committing the same sins.

So many times I have changed and I know I have to change much more to be the person God wants.   


Christian churches have desecrated God's holiness in many ways:

  1. Disrespectful to God's 10 commandments: Create images for worshipping; abolishing the Sabbath; nominate saints and worship them;
  2. Believe in the evolution theory: This means God does not create man in His own image;
  3. Believe they have ownership of their own bodies: They practice artificial insemination, abortion, contraception, change gender;
  4. Believe they can make themselves holy by practicing meditation, yoga, or any other kind of spiritual exercises;
  5. Create inter-religious movement (or ecumenical movement) for recognising the values of all beliefs.  The purpose is to create a new common religion for all peoples on earth.  This means making up a religion for all gods.
  6. Acceptance that same sex marriage as a right:  This means desecration of the blessing and holiness of the union between a man and a woman that God has consecrated for the propagation of human kind.
  7. Teaching of self-confidence for gaining power, fame and riches:  This means man can be successful if he believes in himself.  God is only an imaginary existence invented by some unstable people.

There is probably more things to be listed, the above list is some typical fact of Christian churches in the present time.  I, myself, stay away from all of those churches.  I place my faith in the Most High, study the Holy Scripture and serve those around me as per God's Will.


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn’t present God as legalistic, but as holy – “hallowed be thy name.” We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God’s holiness?


Often kings would kill the bearer of bad news. But Daniel was not afraid to tell the truth to the king even though it was not what he wanted to hear. We should be just as courageous in telling the truth under pressure.


Belshazzar used the cups from the Temple for his party, and God condemned him for this act. We must not use for sinful purposes what has been dedicated to God. Today this would include church buildings, financial donations, and anything else that has been set apart for serving God. Be careful how you use what is God’s.


Belshazzar knew Babylonian history, and so he knew how God had humbled Nebuchadnezzar. We must nevertheless be defiance to God’s authority. We should understand that God is the Creator of the universe should not be foolish enough to challenge him.


We are so often very casual about God and things that have been consecrated to Him and His service, calling Him “the man upstairs” and such. We take for granted things He has done and given, many times thinking it was our own doing. Sometimes we misuse or misappropriate things provided in and by our churches. We forget that we are the living temples who are now His consecrated dwelling place on earth and ignore the respect that should be shown to our own bodies and minds. We dishonor Him by accepting and participating in worldly things without – or in spite of – conscience. We accept the dishonesty, deceptions, and compromise of the world's philosophies because it makes things easier. We become apathetic about the authority and commands of our Sovereign that should govern our thoughts, words, and deeds. This all comes with the battle going on between our innate human nature and our new spiritual nature. I know because I've failed miserably to some degree in all these ways during my life.


This condition of failure can't be overcome apart from a humbled heart and contrite spirit that cries out to God for understanding, mercy, and power. It's an ongoing daily endeavor to trust Him completely and submit all to Him. I certainly know that there's been improvement in my life as I've grown in my faith in Christ, trusted in the Father's good plans for me, and developed in a relationship of learning to love Him. There are still many weaknesses that trip me up, but also some concrete successes in seeking to honor and conform to God's holiness. For example, I will not drink alcoholic beverages because I am convicted that violates the holiness of a clear mind available to the Spirit's control. I simply cannot take something that doesn't belong to me because that violates the holiness of integrity before God. I don't watch R-rated movies or read trashy books because that violates the holiness of a clean heart. I will not buy or wear clothing that is shameful to wear in public because that violates the holiness of a pure relationship with others. I can't completely ignore someone in true need because that violates the holiness of God's compassion. I choose not to argue with other believers over matters that are not essential because that violates the holiness of unity in the Body of Christ. I will not take the name of the LORD in vain because that violates His flawless character.

Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) 

In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy - "hallowed be thy name." 

We are to be God-fearers. 

How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? 

How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?

God is holy, perfect, and pure deserving our reverence. Hebrews 12:28b: “... let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe”. Christians commonly act irreverently towards God by not showing love and respect for Him and His Word. We are told in Exodus 20:7: Do not misuse my name. I am the LORD your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name. Taking God’s name in vain is forbidden. Yet, we speak about Him in many careless ways and use His name as a swear word. We see this especially with Jesus Christ where His name is used as a swear word so often in our films today. To avoid punishment, we should respect his name and use it appropriately, speaking it in praise and worship rather than in curse or jest. We should not act take lightly the abuse or dishonour of his name. The way we use God's name conveys how we really feel about him. Another way to act irreverently toward God is by disobeying His commands. Jesus said in John 14:15: “If you love Me, you will obey what I command.” This is accentuated in Deuteronomy 6:5: “So love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength”. Our actions and speech reflect our irreverence to God. If this is true we need to ask the Holy Spirit to help us with a change of attitude. Finally, we are to worship God with reverence. 



1). Many Christians worship the ministers, not realizing they should only worship our Father which art in heaven. 2). When I realized Jesus was my king priest, I removed the intermediary (ministers, pastors, and bishops).


Q6. (Daniel 5:22-24) In the New Testament, Jesus doesn't present God as legalistic, but as holy -- "hallowed be thy name." We are to be God-fearers. How do Christians commonly act irreverently in ways that would offend God? How have you changed your ways to conform to God's holiness?


We take lightly the things of God, His name, communion, His Word, spending time with the One who loved us and gave Himself for us, we are rude to each other, we do not love, we do not give, we do not give glory to God, we do not 'carry our brother', the list goes on.


Praise God I am confident of this, He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6.  The Holy Spirit is working to change me.


God Bless


Romans 15:13

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