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Q1. God Is in Control

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Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in? 



It seems that He is the judge and they are the defendants in a cosmic court of law.


They're all convicted and the fourth beast (the one with the horn whose mouth kept up it's boastful talk all along) is killed and it's body thrown into the blazing fire. The others are allowed to live for a time.


God has allowed the ruler of this world (Satan) to have power over everyone who doesn't belong to God. The attitudes, ambitions and aims of the world say that serving yourself is the greatest good, no matter how adversely it might affect others. Sometimes even those of us who do belong to God are deceived by the lies of our enemy and we don't act as we should. Ours is a fallen world where fallen people are allowed to have free will by their creator such that it is sometimes hard to see His hand at work. We feel like Habbakuk who asked God "How long will you let this go on? How long will you allow the evil ones to prosper?"

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Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?


The relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations is that of a protector.  God will faithfully protect us against the enemy.  The beast-nation will eventually be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire.  It is sometimes hard for us to believe that God in charge of the world we live in because He has given man freedom to chose righteousness or unrighteousness; and truly time and again there is unrighteousness everywhere you turn.

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What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people?

God gives direction to nations as He sees fit to allow the rulers to rule.


What happens to these beast-nations?

Each one will be conquered by another nation, as the previous one will be destroyed. 


Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?

Humans have the mind-set that what we see is the only reality.  But one only has to see the creation around him to learn of the invisible God, who rules over all. 

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Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2)


Q. What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people?


A. He is awesome, splendid, and sits on a throne surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousands of attendants and worshippers. He judges and destroys the evil kingdoms.


Q. What happens to these beast-nations?


A. They are destroyed


Q. Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?


A. Sometimes when evil is seen to be triumphing.


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Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?



  • The phrase “Ancient of days”—is one that denotes an elderly or old person; meaning, he who is most ancient as to days, and is equivalent to the French L’Eternel, or English, The Eternal. It occurs only in (Daniel 7:9,13, 22), and is a representation of one venerable in years, sitting down for the purposes of judgment. The appellation does not of itself denote eternity, but it is employed, probably, with reference to the fact that God is eternal. God is often represented under some such appellation, as he that is “from everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2), “the first and the last” (Isaiah 44:6), etc.
  • God is sovereign to all the nations.
  • This vision contains the same prophetic representations with Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The great sea agitated by the winds, represented the earth and the dwellers on it troubled by ambitious princes and conquerors.
  • Technically, we don’t know at this point.  Verse 1 and 2 does not elaborate.  It is not difficult for me to believe that God is in charge, I have read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations and realize why there is so much turmoil
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Q 1. (Daniel 7:1-2)

What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people?


  • The Ancient of Ages - GOD - is the Righteous Judge of all the worldly nations that are rebellious and fight against one another as well as against God.



What happens to these beast-nations?


  • The first three nations named in the text are stripped of their power but given a chance to continue living. The 4th nation is destroyed/killed and thrown into the pit of fire.


Why is it so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?


  • Seeing and experiencing evil that prevails on earth makes it difficult to believe that God is in charge for most of us. The world is in turmoil. Even small countries like mine is like 'hell'. People get killed and no justice is done. There is so much hatred that one is just amazed at the extend to which our cultural morals have been eroded. But some of us have not given up. We know and believe that our God is the real Emmanuel - He is among us and sees all that is happening. He is never too early. He is never late. He knows the time when his children will be liberated from the oppressors.
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Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?


Chronologically, the chapter takes place before chapter 5. At this time, Belshazzar had just been given a position of authority (553 B.C.), and Daniel was probably in his late sixties. The first six chapters of Daniel present history; the last six chapters are visions relating mainly to the future.


Daniel had a vision of four huge beasts, each representing a world empire. This was similar to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream covered the political aspects of the empires; Daniel’s dream depicted their moral characteristics. These nations, which would reign over Israel, were evil and cruel; but Daniel also saw God’s everlasting, indestructible Kingdom arrive and conquer them all. God is sovereign He does things at His on time for His purposes.

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The relationship of God to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people is that God is in control of all that is happening. So the thing that happens to these beast-nations is that they get defeated and are thrown into the lake of fire. I think that sometimes we have such a difficult time believing that God is in charge of the world is because some of the things that happen are just so unbelievable. Sometime they are so destructible that it is hard to believe that God is in control and would let such a thing to happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations is, He is in control. They rise and fall according to His will.

What happens to these beast nations is each one is eventually conquered and destroyed.

It is sometimes difficult to believe God is in charge of the world we live in because man likes to believe he is in control.

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What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?         


The Ancient of Days rules all the things and His throne is everlasting. He controls the earthly temporary kingdoms represented by the various beastly nations. This kingdoms destroy themselves, but, one Day, God will submit to his control all the nations. As bad things happen all the time, sometimes it is difficult to believe that God controls all the things. But He controls the history and all the things which take place in this world were foreseen and revealed by God to His prophets. That is a great comfort for us. 

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The relationship between God and the beastly nations is the same as the between the Nations of the world today and God.  the rulers of the nations rage and fight and have no thought to listen to God who has the wisdom and would help and guide nations. They, the nations, try to squah the faith of Gods people and try to ge tthem to compromise their belief. 


It is difficult to believe sometimes that God is in control because of the evil.  We must have faith and pray continually for our world which seems to have gone mad.  God is in control and will be there for us and guide us if we let him.  We need to get Christianity back into our schools and lives.

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  • 1 year later...

Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people? What happens to these beast-nations? Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?

God, the Ancient of Days, sits (or will sit from Daniel's perspective) in judgement of the various beastly nations. The beast nation with the one horn that has eyes no a mouth is ripped apart and thrown in the river of fire. The others are allowed to continue their existence for a time. It is sometimes hard to understand why God allows this world to continue. But evil and rebellion and rejection have always existed. God has not abandoned us. God's ways are not our ways. He moves according to His will. 

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  • 7 years later...

The 4 beasts which Daniel saw in vision had a purpose of God to those nations represented by the 4 beasts i.e Babylon, me do Persia , Greece and Rome.

Those beasts were gradually dethroned of their control over the nations of the world.

when we see evil gaining ground sometimes it seems God allows this to happen instead of bringing justice and deliverance where evil reigns .

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