Pastor Ralph Posted August 14, 2015 Report Posted August 14, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Quote
Santhana David Posted October 30, 2015 Report Posted October 30, 2015 Q1. Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Prophet Daniel, having abstained from “choice” food for three whole weeks - apparently he must have had basic nourishment and water. 21 days is a quite a long period to be without proper pleasant food, what more with his age being 80. He was must have been deeply troubled hoping to find favor with God but with the fast he became physically very weak and fragile. Humanly speaking and at that old age there is ground for anxiety to be in the presence of a divine being. The vision was an immediate reply from God in view of Daniel’s questions concerning God’s plans for the future of Israel and his people in relation to the Gentiles. Though, he was ready for this experience through his 3 weeks of abstinence which had greatly weakened him physically and mentally. Past visions had left somewhat of a question or two in Daniel’s mind. Now weak from the 21 day fast there was high probability that feared he would not fully understand what is about to be revealed to him. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us?We all have experienced hard work and sacrifice but when it comes to Church services many are tempted to think just being there will get the job done, eventually after the service, telling God, “Ok God, I think I can take it from here.” I now understand, since joining the evangelizing ministry, that there is no greater feeling than to see someone repent and return to God through our spiritual work of evangelization. But my dear friends, to be effective in this ministry, real hard work, sacrifice, prayers and training in discipleship and scripture is required.. Soul winning or spiritual work is hard work. The study and understanding of scripture in a group is a definite necessity as it will greatly facilitate our efforts in explaining the One True God’s relationship to one’s very own life. After our normal work to earn a decent living for our families, we voluntarily put in a few hours for our spiritual work. Somehow while I’m in prayer I feel a desperate need to heal myself and do the same to others around me, and while doing so we may not be embraced kindly but repelled and persecuted, by some unbelievers who say that God is not all important – only money and a good vibrantly happy life in important. Sometimes we, as we go in groups of two, feel lost and that nobody is around us, but God. But to turn away from continuing our work would be counter-productive to what our spirits and mission wants of us. We need God and through our prayers we ease our “sufferings” and “loneliness.” Quote
pickledilly Posted October 30, 2015 Report Posted October 30, 2015 The vision of the Seventy Weeks given to Daniel was frightening and overwhelming as the Lord showed him the alarming prophesy of Israel's future. Challenging, surprising, intense, and stressful situations cause a genuine physical reaction as our adrenal glands respond with a surge of hormones for difficult experiences. Adrenaline prepares the body for battling stress and cortisol stimulates the release of energy. Sustained periods of “crisis” overwhelm and exhaust the adrenals, and there is a definite crash as the body and mind react. (A chronic state of adrenal overload leads to all kinds of long-term physical problems.) Daniel's distress and mourning taxed his entire body, incapacitating him for 3 weeks. I've always said that, on its own, grief is exhausting. He would have been physically and emotionally weak and probably sleep-deprived as he encountered the “man clothed in linen”. In this condition, he would have most certainly been weary and probably not as mentally sharp as usual. And now there was even more difficult prophecy to take in! I can't imagine his exhaustion and mental overload. Spiritual warfare is an ongoing intangible, unseen battle that's taxing because it causes tension and stress that drain the body, mind, and spirit. It requires persistence and endurance in Bible study, prayer, and service. And the fact that spiritual entities are at war with us takes it to an entirely different level of stress, whether we realize it or not. Quote
Jen Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Daniel had already been in mourning for three weeks over the spiritual state of the the captives in Babylon and the lack of concern in their hearts about returning to Palestine. They had grown accustomed to the life of ease in Babylon, many had forgotten about the God of their forefathers. And those who had returned were experiencing great trouble by their enemies. Daniel on the other hand was a man of great passion for the things of God and was distressed by both situations. Our bodies react to extreme situations or prolonged endurance. Daniel who is in his 90's at this point would already tire more easily. God could have given this vision to a younger man however I think there was no one like Daniel. So Daniel had been praying and fasting as was his custom, this highly esteemed man of God, when the vision came. All others around him fled with terror and Daniel was left alone with this angel. Daniel had no strength left. The things of God leave us drained, physically, mentally and emotionally and a lesser man would not have stood, if possible he would have fled. We have no strength on our own for the things of God. Any we have comes from God. We have no power on our own. Any we have is given us by God to work out His will. Those who desire power on this earth are in a state of delusion that they have power. The only power they have apart from God is to do evil and that is only because He allows it for a time. Let us bow before the God of power and plead our cases with Him as did Daniel. Our God who is powerful listens to those who are humble before Him. God Bless! Jen Psalm 62:11 Quote
blezed Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? The vision affects Daniel greatly because he was weak. He had been mourning for three weeks and had not eaten nor drank anything during those three weeks. Daniel is also drained because of the vision he saw. This took a tremendous toll on him. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? THE STRENGTH OF TRUTH & THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD had to be unprecedented in his life. Because of his honor God he could not go low enough nor could he mentally comprehend what to do. What is the physical effect on him? INCREDIBLE SUBMISSION. What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? TOTALLY DECIMATED! Nothing has prepared him for this moment and this power. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? THE ACCOUNTABILITY. By its very nature accountability taxes us first. Quote
SoiKosum Posted November 1, 2015 Report Posted November 1, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? As a result of the vision, Daniel became weak, turned pale and felt helpless. He could not speak and could not stand. He could not even lift up his head. He admitted to the angel that he was overcomed by anguish. Spiritual work is often very taxing eg Jacob wrestled with God and Paul describes intercessory prayer as struggling. This is because when we come before God, His holiness is overwhelming and an all-consuming fire. Compared to God, our righteousness are like filthy rags. Being a prophet who acts as God's mouthpiece, the visions are so overwhelming and the burden must be so great that Daniel is not only emotionally drained but physically exhausted. Quote
JanMary Posted November 1, 2015 Report Posted November 1, 2015 Q1 (Daniel 10:3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? I believe it was the content of the vision....the horror and severity of what he was being shown, and the awesome responsibility of trying to frame the vision into words which would translate what he had seen so that it could be understood by others. (I had a visitation from an angel prior to a rollover car accident which could have been fatal, showing me in a vision the accident before it happened. My two children were in the car and saw the "Bright Light" and excitedly asked me what it was as it was pitch dark outside and the inside of the car was brighter than noonday. I heard the glass breaking and the screech of metal crushing. It was a very surreal experience, and is very difficult to put a supernatural encounter into words for others, and yet must be shared. In my case it was to keep me from freaking out...and I was supernaturally calm and peaceful during the accident, the trip to the hospital after we were rescued from the car, and for weeks afterward. I had only been a believer for a short time. My back was injured and I was in great pain but the Lord healed me through a word of knowledge given over a Christian television program a few weeks after the accident. Unlike Daniels message of things far in the future, mine was about the immediate, and was to demonstrate to me that God is not only Omnipresent, but He is in absolute control...never taken by surprise. It was also how He motivated me to accept the invitation to Bible Study which I had declined until after the accident.) What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Daniel was completely physically and emotionally wiped out and drained of all strength and reserves, almost to the point of physical illness. He said they were all terrified, and only he didn't run away. That kind of adrenaline rush totally saps one's strength. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? We are His witnesses, representatives, and ambassadors, with His love written on hearts of flesh, not upon stone....there is a great responsibility to serve with excellence and to communicate accurately what He has given us to share.There is always spiritual opposition which comes against us to try to hinder God's work. It can be a struggle to subdue the flesh to the control of the Holy Spirit so that the "work" is His without our "spin." Quote
haar Posted November 1, 2015 Report Posted November 1, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Q. Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? A. Daniel was so frightened that he could not eat or drink thus became exhausted and feeble. So feeble was he that he fell asleep Q. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? A. It takes a lot of physical energy in addition to the spiritual drain. Quote
Clarence Posted November 2, 2015 Report Posted November 2, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Daniel and his friends found themselves in a frightening situation, as in verse 6 it says that the men who were with Daniel, although they were not seeing what Daniel was seeing- in a vision, fled in "terror". Verse 8 goes on to say, Daniel was sapped of strength, and fell into a deep sleep- a state of unconsciousness. Then it was as though the being he was seeing revived him somewhat (v 10), Daniel felt speechless to begin with after this, still terrified. As a result of what the angel told Daniel, and what he experienced that day, Daniel mourned for 3 weeks (v 2), and ate no meat or drank wine, of used any lotions. The vision had a traumatic effect on Daniel. Probably because the vision from God. That day had dire consequences for Daniels people and the land and region in which he was living-the whole world as he knew it. I have not experienced much trauma in my life as a result of 'spiritual work'. Possibly in 2001 when my wife and I were both diagnosed with cancer, then shortly after my wife's diagnosis, one day we were traveling in our car on a country road, when a truck and trailer unit failed to give way to us and crossed the road in front of us. We nearly smashed into it, missed it by only 1 or 2 meters at the most. Sometimes I think, was something spiritual happening that we were not aware of at the time? Was there a battle in heaven happening? Was the devil trying to destroy us? God had given us two adopted children a few years before this. God has healed us both from cancer. Quote
hanks Posted November 2, 2015 Report Posted November 2, 2015 Q 1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? This tremendous vision, had so emotionally gripped and overwhelmed Daniel, that it simply drained away all his physical strength. The prayer, the mourning, the fasting, and the waiting for three weeks, had all taken its toll of him. Many people, both in the OT and NT, were in awe and even expected to die when coming face to face with a holy being. We see this with Moses, Jacob, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul, John, and many others. In the same way Daniel must have been severely affected by these visits, and must have experienced the absolute frailty of man in the presence of the holiness and the greatness of God. On top of this he must have been overcome with anguish when he heard about Israel’s coming suffering. We read he was totally debilitated and gasping for breath. Prayer itself can be a tremendous drain both mentally and spiritually. Quote
PrayingMan Posted November 2, 2015 Report Posted November 2, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? Prayer and communicating on a deep spiritual level whether praying or listening or seeing a vision is hard work that involves a person physically, emotionally and spiritually. Especially, the nature of the vision being something difficult to receive as it carries judgment and hard things for people, can be taxing. I am a preacher and if my sermon carries heavy truth and "hard things" to say to the people, calling them to repentance or something I am deeply passionate about, I put my all into the message. I am exhausted at the end of church. The vision Daniel witnessed was the most intense form of prayer as he was seeing what God was revealing to him. The older one gets, the more toll these kinds of things take on a physical being. Quote
van Posted November 4, 2015 Report Posted November 4, 2015 The vision affect Daniel greatly because he washed devastated at the destruction of his people and what he saw. He was 80 years old and didn't eat or drink anything for three years and became weak, tired and had no strength. Daniel was physically, emotionally, and spiritually drain. When we preach a sermon or minister to God's people, I know for myself sometimes my legs and so weak I do feel as though I am going to fall and pass on. Praying right after builds my strength back up. Spiritual warfare is not waring in the fresh but in the spirit. It becomes very draining that you can't eat or drink anything. Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 4, 2015 Report Posted November 4, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? 1. He is crushed over what he sees -- and the destruction of his people that will come. 2. I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless. Daniel can hardly breathe! 3. Paul describes intercessory prayer as "struggling" or "wrestling" (Colossians 2:1 Spiritual warfare is compared to wrestling (Ephesians 6:10). 4. Many preachers can attest how drained they are after preaching. Being a prophet, seeing visions, takes a tremendous toll as well. Quote
Aleezah Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10:3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Daniel was downtrodden and depressed because work on the temple had been halted. He went into mourning. A few things occurred that allowed Daniel to be negatively impacted physically: 1) Daniel was in mourning for three full weeks, 2) he was fasting for he ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in his mouth, 3) neither did he anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled, 4) he was alone, 5) in the presence of a “glorious man” his strength left him. As humans, we are all connected mind, body, and soul. When we are down physically it affects us mentally and spiritually, this is why Daniel was mentally and spiritually deficient. He also failed to anoint himself. His spiritual support system ran away versus standing in the gap for him. We must admit we cannot do it all and turn it over to God. We are humans and sometimes we fall short in spiritual battles. We need prayer warriors surrounding us at all times. Quote
RD35 Posted November 5, 2015 Report Posted November 5, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Daniel is crushed over what he sees -- and the destruction of his people that will come. Daniel is completely sapped of strength and falls helpless before the angel, his face to the ground, falling into a deep sleep. Daniel can hardly breathe. Spiritual work is taxing because we are in a spiritual war against satan. Paul describes intercessory prayer as "struggling" or "wrestling". Satan will fight nail and tooth for Gods purposes not to be accomplished and that is why the taxing on one's mental and physical life. Nevertheless, our God is an awesome God and when He fights alongside us, the victory is always ours. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 6, 2015 Report Posted November 6, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? The visions Daniel see's effects him so greatly because it is of a great war and surely he is seeing his people suffer and die. The physical effect on Daniel is the fact he is old and just seeing the angel, he falls face down on the ground. The angel has to help where he is trembling greatly from being weakened. The mental and spiritual effect on Daniel is a strain because spiritual warfare takes a lot of fasting and prayer. Spiritual work can be taxing on us because it is similar to struggling or physical wrestling. Quote
hinckster Posted November 6, 2015 Report Posted November 6, 2015 Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? Daniel, was now very old, he was devastated by the vision of the angeel. What is the physical effect on him? He has been mourning for three weeks with no food nor drink He is crushed over what he sees -- and the destruction of his people that will come. What is the physical effect on him? Daniel could not speak, breathe, nor stand. What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? The physical, emotional, and spiritual toll involved in encountering God. Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? Many of us underestimate the physical, emotional, and spiritual toll involved in encountering God. Quote
Barbiemac Posted November 13, 2015 Report Posted November 13, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? This vision is devastating to Daniel because of what he sees happening to his people. He cannot eat and does not groom himself, he becomes so weak he can hardly breathe. He is undone emotionally and spiritually. Spiritual warfare is a wrestling with principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. It is taxing on us because of the weight of the darkness that we become aware of and the time it takes for victory. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 15, 2015 Report Posted November 15, 2015 He was 80 years old. Spiritual warfare is draining. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 19, 2015 Report Posted November 19, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual “work” so taxing on us? Daniel is old and feels that he is too old and weak to be able to do anything to help his people. Physically he is effected because he is drained after receiving the vision. In my opinion God gives visions to those who have indeed given over body, soul and mind to the Spirit of God for service. In the case of an old man the act of preparation and spending time of consecration and fasting before God pulls on every natural strength. This is what Daniel experienced and what we feel when we spent our energy on staying in the presence of God. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted November 21, 2015 Report Posted November 21, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? Daniel refrained from eating choice foods and using oils because these were signs of feasting and rejoicing.The dream affected Daniel because he caught a glimpse of the battle between good and evil supernatural powers.Daniel was frightened by this vision, but the messenger reassured him. Daniel lost his speech, but the messenger’s touch restored it. Daniel felt weak and helpless, but the messenger’s words strengthened him. God can bring us healing when we are hurt, peace when we are troubled, and strength when we are weak. We should trust God to minister to us as he did to Daniel. Although God sent a messenger to Daniel, a powerful spiritual being (“the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia”) detained the messenger for three weeks. Daniel faithfully continued praying and fasting, and God’s messenger eventually arrived, assisted by Michael, the archangel. Answers to our prayers may be hindered by unseen obstacles. Don’t expect God’s answers to come too easily or too quickly. Prayer may be challenged by evil forces, so pray fervently and pray earnestly. Then expect God to answer at the right time. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 23, 2015 Report Posted November 23, 2015 The vision affects Daniel so greatly because is concerned about people of his culture. He doesn’t want them to be destroy off the earth. This had a devastating effect on him because he couldn’t eat or drink for three weeks. All he wanted to do is lay down and rest because he was so tired. I think that spiritual “work” is so taxing on us because we are exercising our brains and our spiritual power. The things that we talk about are not usually physical so we have to use our brains to picture such things. We don’t want to say something that will contradict the bible. Quote
KenBoy Posted December 10, 2015 Report Posted December 10, 2015 Q1. (Daniel 10: 3, 7-11, 15-17) Daniel is old, but why does the vision affect him so greatly? What is the physical effect on him? What is the mental and spiritual effect on him? Why is spiritual "work" so taxing on us? Daniel at an advanced age had the vision at the appointed time ,He understood it and was moved beyond strength ,Though he later regained the strength as the battle occurs between satanic forces and the Gods angel at Daniels side ,Only Daniel saw the vision ,those who were with him were hidden by a quake.The vision was heavenly and out of the routines of the earth ,He lay face downward as a hand touched him . There was no strength in him ,his comeliness was turned to corruption and he became weak, Physical effect also included becoming dumb and he became deep asleep face downward on the ground . He was also breathless . Daniel mourned for three weeks ,fasting and not anoint or groom himself, Mentally he was alert to listen to the angel of God and he had a great empowerment spiritually soon after the visit of the messenger of God. Spiritual work is draining because we are in the presence of the almighty and the commission of a great(powerful) job is at hand , All our faculties are awake to make it perfect ,The sharing of the Word , ,and all our mind and all our souls is alerted to the Power of Lord , Quote
Moises Percu Posted January 7, 2016 Report Posted January 7, 2016 The vision was too strong. So, he lost all his strength and he got confused, without understand the meaning of the vision. Spiritual work requires so much on us because we have to exercise a part of us that people usually don’t care so much. Quote
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