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Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?

  • 2 months later...

Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? 'It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.'" (12:5-7)



What will happen to God's people during this? TERRIBLE SUFFERING EVEN UNTIL & THREE DAYS AFTER DEATH



Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news? GET OVER IT! THE TENACITY OF TESTING FOR FAITHFULNESS NEVER END UNTIL THE END....NO SNEAK PREVIEWS


(Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news? 


Intense persecution will probably last about three and a half years. During this time, the people of God will be oppressed by the great tribulation and come under intense persecution. This difficult time is revealed to us so that we may prepare ourselves for the persecution and get ourselves right with God. The revelation is also to help us to rid ourselves of sin and clothe ourselves with the robe of righteousness. As John the Baptist made the call - repent for the kingdom of God is near. Amen!


Q5 (Daniel 12:5-7) How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation?


 A time, times and half a time.....three and a half years. The period after the peace treaty signed with the Antichrist is broken.


What will happen to God's people during this time?


 We are beginning to see how this will happen...the U.S. government who has always been Israel's ally, has withdrawn our support, under Pres. Obama.  We have joined forces in a treaty with one of their most fervent enemies. The Bible says Israel will be humanly all alone in their struggle to survive. The Arab nations surrounding them are now threatening to "wipe them from the face of the earth" as the leader of Iran has openly declared with a raised fist on the news. Rockets are flying, bombs are being fired within Israel's borders dozens of times per day. Citizens are being knifed on the streets in the West Bank. I believe these are the earliest "birth pangs"  beginning. I don't like to think what these dear people will have to endure. Hunger? If supply lines are cut off they will suffer. Even some misguided American churches have withdrawn investments in Israel. Perhaps they will be without necessities. Some on the West Coast of California are refusing to unload Israeli ships, so commerce may come to a standstill as well. Opposing nations may refuse to do commerce with them, isolating them.  Many are returning (also as prophesied) to Israel, due to fierce persecution in the nations where they've been living. Russia has joined with Iran, which is prophesied in Ezekiel, and Russian missiles are now practically on Israel's border within Syria. They are being "squeezed" and threatened daily. War is on the horizon.


Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?


Amos 3:7 says: The Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets. Jesus told us in His parables to be wise, to be watchful, to recognize the signs of the times, to be ready. In order to be ready, we must be prepared spiritually. Since we've been told to watch for the signs, hopefully it motivates us to be about our Father's business, as Jesus was. To be concerned in prayer for others, to be on the lookout for the unsaved who haven't heard the Gospel and to be willing to take the time to share and especially to pray for Israel. 


I think too, it is partly just so we wouldn't be broadsided and frightened as we see signs of its coming. In prayer in 2008 the Holy Spirit spoke to me that "anarchy and rage are coming" .....It didn't seem possible then, but we're living in it now as the police are being gunned down, racial hatred has intensified, uprisings and terrorists reign unhindered. Saudi Arabia reported days of Rage several years ago....It is comforting to know that He knows and is aware and has promised believers Psalm 91 in times of trouble. He is our protection.


Lastly, Psalm 90:12 ...."So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom."


Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?


The intense persecution will last 3 1/2 years and it will be so as to break them.  Sometimes we need to be broken before we will turn to Christ.

God doesn't spare us bad news just because we don't like it.  It is necessary for us to prepare us and if we need to repent to do so and become right with God again.  Would that all would read these portions of the Bible.  This is looming in our future and we are going on as if everything is the same.  We need to wake up.  We need to look at what is going on around us at home and else where to see that this world is disintegrating into a mass of sinful pleasure seekers.  May we not be among them but as the wise who will know and be able to lead many to Christ.

God bless you, my family in Christ.  


Romans 15:13

We need to uphold each other in prayer everyday!


How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?          

The intense persecution will last 3 1/2 years after the power of the holy people has been finally crushed. The people of God will be oppressed by great tribulation.  I thing this difficult time is revealed to us to break our pride and self-sufficiency and for us to accept Christ as Lord.


Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news? 


The intense persecution of the final tribulation refers to time, times and a half of time, which has been interpreted three and a half years.  This is a time when it would appear the enemy has won and God's people have been broken.  But there is resurrection.  Persecution, death and defeat is only temporary for the Christian.  Jesus was three days in the tomb, but resurrection happened.  Ours is the same hope.  This news is to prepare us, to help us keep perspective in our Christian walk that God doesn't promise a trouble-free walk with Jesus.  Sometimes it is a hard and difficult walk.  It also keeps in perspective for me that there are others in the world who are suffering for Jesus and count it a privilege to suffer for HIs name.  It says much to me that to suffer for the Name of Jesus is a greater desire than safety and a happy carefree life.  Paul said in Philippians 3, 

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 
11 and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."  This is counter-cultural to those who seek safety and painfree and happy life as a successful Christian life.  I think Paul saw something more profound than a happy Christian life free from problems. 

Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God's people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?

The three and a half years of outrageous despondency will shatter the people of God completely. The sacrifices and celebrations which had been resumed will be stopped. Believers will persecuted in every way and everywhere so much so that some them will fall along the way to the wretchedness caused.

The reason for the upfront revelation of these times of trouble I believe is for the people of God to wait in anticipation and prepare ourselves for the persecution that awaits us. We need to put ourselves in the right order and frame of mind, praying for strength to endure the sufferings that has been prophesied and be saved to realize the coming of the Kingdom of God. “……but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matt 24:13)

Q 5. (Daniel 12:5-7). 

How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? 

What will happen to God's people during this? 

Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?

Intense persecution will last 31/2 years. The antichrist, who had made a covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27), will rule for 7 years; the first 31/2 years will be a time of relative peace. As we read in Ezekiel 38:11, Israel will be “a land of unwalled villages, living without walls and without gates and bars”. However, the antichrist will break the covenant and he will set up his political and religious headquarters in Jerusalem, where he will reign as king and god. It is during this last period that Israel will experience intense persecution (Rev 13:5-7). This difficult time is to be a final warning to us all. We are to come humbly in obedience to our Lord, confessing our sins and acknowledging Him as our God and creator. 



How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation?


A time, times, and a half.

What will happen to God's people during this?

The Lord will scatter the power of the holy people.

Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?

Most likel;y it is because the people who don't like bad news are those that will not be lifted up to heaven on the final day and will be scared.



Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation?


Three and a half years from when the anti-Christ begins to reign on earth.




What will happen to God’s people during this?


We will be refined through persecution, kind of like a wartime resistance movement.




Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?


Probably so we can prepare our hearts and our lives for the tribulation when it comes. I know I'd much rather be forewarned than have all that trouble and persecution take me completely by surprise! Also, knowing that it'll only be for three and a half years should give us hope that if we hold to the faith till the end we'll be OK. The reward of eternal life is waiting for the faithful.


The intense persecution will last time, times and a half during the final tribulation. God's people will be persecuted until the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished. We need to be ready for this.


Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final 


 What will happen to God's people during this? Why do you think this difficult 

time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?


1.It will be for a time, times and half a time. When added together equals 3-1/2.


2.This period seems to indicate the time that the people of God are oppressed

by great tribulation.


3.God’s recurring is to break the pride and self-sufficiency of people that

are resisting to do his will so that they will repent.


Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?      


the intense persecution will last time, times, and half a time," which, when added together equals 3-1/2.    ​


There will be great persecution for Gods people.


These difficult times are revealed to us so that we will be alert and be prepared for what is to come.  Repent be baptized, turn from our wicked ways and also help other people by spreading the gospel and the good news.




The second half of the time of Great Tribulation will be the most intense, with 3½ years of horrific persecution. This will be the time when “the power of the holy people” will be fully shattered and then finally brought to an end. The Greek word can also mean “scattered”. We know that God Himself has used persecution of the Jews to scatter them across the world in humiliation, but that scattering will be brought to an end as He gathers them back to Himself. Regardless of the particular meaning intended, the people of God will be completely humbled before Him, having absolutely nothing left of themselves or old religion to rely on. They will be stripped of their pride and rebellion, and will be ready to acknowledge Christ as their Messiah, their promised Lord and King, when He returns from heaven to end the desolation and deliver His people. In this, Israel will be exalted by God.


God always warns before He punishes and judges. We see this over and over in the Old Testament records of the history of the Jews. And His judgment is never merely punitive, but is always for the higher purpose of refinement and restoration. The revealing of this difficult time is no different. He has warned. The whole earth will be affected by this cleansing process, and the warning is for all. While there is still time, before the onset of these days of unparalleled distress, everyone has opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. But even in judgment, there is hope in the promise that His chosen people will be restored to His original intention!


Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God's people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?

The time of persecution will be 3 and one half years. I believe God wants us to prepare our hearts for His return.


Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God’s people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don’t like bad news?

The intense persecution will last for three and one half year.  During this time God's people will be delivered. This difficult time is revealed to us so that we can be about bringing in the harvest.  Telling the world that Jesus saves today will prevent them and others that they will reach from facing the great tribulation.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q5. (Daniel 12:5-7). How long will intense persecution last during the final tribulation? What will happen to God's people during this? Why do you think this difficult time is revealed to us people who don't like bad news?


In the writers opinion the period of time mentioned in the scripture is not conclusive. All we know is that the time of persecution will be limited (Daniel 12:7).

The scripture says that the power of God's people will (seem to) be broken. There will be death, then a resurrection.

This is God's warning to his people. I think that it has been revealed to us so we can be prepared.


The way that I understand it, the persecution will last three and a half years during final tribulation. This is a time that we will be severely persecuted. This information was revealed to us because we are to know that just because we are Christians we will be persecuted but that God is still with us and if we endure to the end we will have a heavenly place to rest.

  • 1 month later...

This period will last three years and a half. During this time the power of God’s people will be destroyed. This period is revealed because God’s people must be prepared to this time. So God reveals the Truth to awake His people.

  • 8 years later...

The intense persecution will last for 3 and a half years .God’s people will be oppressed by great tribulation until their power is broken and God will restore them accompanied by resurrection. 

This difficult time is revealed to us as a warning about refusing the gospel of life. 

  • 1 month later...

I’m not sure what the strange phrase, “time, times and half a time,” really means, but most people expect the tribulation to be 3.5 years. After this time, people will be destroyed, not all of them as some are still alive to bury the corpses but choose not to. In the end, the ones that didn’t bury the corpses will watch with terror the dead rise.

This could refer to war, disease or something else. They must die suddenly as their bodies are strewn across the streets. Note that the author of these words writes that the city’s identity as Egypt/Sodom is “figurative” which suggests this occurred someplace else. Some think the tribulation occurs in Jerusalem and it applies mostly to the Jews, not Christians, but I think it applies to both.

I am writing at a time when the army of Israel is systematically assassinating the leaders of Islamic nations and are expecting, in response, to be hit with missiles or bombs. I do not think these targeted assassinations will be effective, as the leadership of Hamas and Hezbollah have been expecting such assassinations and are prepared. I would not be shocked, then, if Israel or Jerusalem was destroyed by a nuclear bomb or missile by this Muslim nations.

During wartime – if this interpretation is correct – which could last 3.5 years, the “power of the holy people” will be broken. This implies total defeat. A defeated nation, perhaps.

God tells us this horrible prophecy to let us know what’s to come, so in times of war and persecution, we have a sense that the pain does not last forever, and will finally end. He is letting us know that the end, horrible as it is, will be followed by a resurrection of the body and ascension into heaven.



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