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Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined”? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

  • 2 months later...

Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"?   "Many will be purified, made spotless and refined,but the wicked will continue to be wicked." (12:10a)







(Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined”? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time? 


The intense persecution will weed out the wheat from the chaff. The true believers will also suffer the intense persecution but because their faith and hope are built on the strong foundation of Christ, they will not waver or sink but instead they will come out of the terrible times a stronger believer. While believers will continue to grow and mature and begin to walk in paths of righteousness, the unbelievers will also continue on in their sin as if nothing has changed. Looking at the "lawlessness" that many of the Churches are engaged in today, the persecution is what may be required to wake up the body of Christ and to return to their first love - our Lord Jesus. To prepare, we must repent of our sins and focus on Christ our Saviour and Redeemer.  


Q6 (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined?"


I think of coal under pressure becoming diamonds and of gold being exposed to intense heat to cause impurities to rise to the surface and becoming visible, skimmed off by the refiner. Persecution for the believer, shifts our faith and priorities to seek His Face, rather than just His Hand. Like Joseph in prison, the Word tested and tried him until the iron of his chains, entered into his soul....resolve, perseverance, grit, patience....the fruit of the Spirit were birthed in him.


 Persecution will lead many unbelievers to give up their self reliance, false religions, pride, and  denial, and who may turn to the only One Who can purify, make spotless and to refine, by His shed blood for them on the cross at Calvary. Our prayers for them now will open the door for many.


In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this?


Much of the Church is asleep, in denial of the need for His Power, focused on building bigger buildings, competing for members who happily jump from ship to ship lured by the newest and greatest entertainment offered. The Revelation is seldom preached. Denial that we are in the end times is rampant....business as usual in many churches.


How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?


​I think it was intentio​nal that after Jesus told the disciples in the first part of Matthew 24 about the tribulation, (Jesus came to the Jews, was speaking to the Jews) He followed up with warnings such as from the fig tree leafing "know of a surety that summer is near", and "as the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man". (Just as it is today, eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage) "until the very day Noah went into the Ark" (A type of the rapture).....and the "Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him so be ready"....(all in Mt. 24) Which all are about avoiding being left behind to endure the tribulation, which is God's wrath poured out upon those who have willfully rejected His Son.


I believe the rapture of the Church will be before the tribulation.....Jesus said I AM THE DOOR through Whom we enter.....Rev 3 is His letters to the 7 Churches, the end of the church age....Rev 4:1 "After this I looked and behold a DOOR STANDING OPEN in heaven" ....from that verse on, John tells what is happening on earth during the tribulation looking down from his vantage point in Heaven, where I believe The Bride will be celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. ​


I believe those and man​y other examples in the same chapters as well as I and II Thessalonians, are referring to the rapture of the church which  all tell of a sudden happening, whereas the tribulation is like slow and increasingly strong and painful birth pangs, with lots of warning and time to prepare. 


 I believe the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins in Mt. 25 are also about the rapture. The 5 wise virgins who had oil were true born again believers, (had prepared) and the 5 foolish virgins were churchgoers who love church and religion, (were unprepared)   not born again.  Oil is the symbol for the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible. One can't get into heaven on another's "coat tails" or trying to borrow another's faith or Oil.


The only way to prepare for the sudden trumpet call for His Bride is to be truly born again and living for and looking for Him. He promises a reward for those who are looking for Him!


I believe the Tribulation is about Israel's tribulation or in other references it's called," the time of Jacob's trouble." ( those who are left on earth, Jew and gentile alike will have no way to prepare). 144,000 Jews will become born again and will evangelize those who are left, but those who will not submit to the mark of the beast will have no way to conduct commerce and many will be beheaded for their faith in Christ. Let us remember to pray for that number to be few!


Psalm 107:19,20: Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivers them out of their distresses. He sends forth His Word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction."​


Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined”? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?


I remember hearing that the American church needs a taste of persecution for the purpose of maturing us, purifying us, helping us see the true value of our faith in Jesus.  We tend to follow Jesus as long as life goes well for us, but when the going gets tough, we think God has failed us.  Persecution refines the church, weeding out compromises, laziness, drifting, half-hearted commitment and self-serving attitudes.  Those who are not serious about following Jesus will run away.  We do need this refinement.  We need this challenge to evaluate what is most important.  And I think the time will come for us too.  How can we prepare? Surrender to Jesus.  Rejoice in our sufferings whatever they are.  Have a heart of compassion for those who are currently persecuted and don't close our eyes to those who are already suffering.  Hurt when they hurt.  And I ask myself, who is actually being blessed? Those who are suffering for Jesus and remain faithful and are strong in faith. Or am I more blessed because I have escaped suffering but in many ways am soft in faith?  I love to read the testimonies of those persecuted Christians.  I have much to learn from them.

Q 6. (Daniel 12:10) 

In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? 

In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? 

How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

Intense persecution will lead people to seek relief and help. Perhaps turning to Scripture and ultimately turning to our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. By reading and meditating on the Word they will be purified, made spotless, and refined. They will purify themselves by reading the cleansing word of God. They will act upon the word they have read and thus make themselves spotless. Resulting in them being refined – that is becoming better people. This is always true with the word of God, if only we could learn to act upon it. For believers, therefore, this time of persecution will be a time of refining. Our church needs to spend more time teaching us about our urgent need and purifying effect of the Cross. To lead us to being purified, made spotless, and refined. Ready for the End Times. There is an urgency in this, otherwise many will not be entering the narrow gate, and will be lost to eternity. However, those that choose not to heed this prophecy will continue in their wickedness. I think the wickedness that is referred to here is about those who see themselves as not needing God. The self-righteous and egocentric. In our day and age, unfortunately this seems to apply to the majority. We can only prepare ourselves by acknowledging Christ as our Saviour and placing ourselves at His mercy. A choice has to be made – will it be eternal life or eternal condemnation?



Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

These words are somewhat similar to the prophecy in Daniel 11:35: “Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.” We’ve been foretold that the people of God will be cleansed and made spotless by the trials and tribulations during the time of trouble which is to come. Because of their iniquitous schemes and works, the cleansing will have no effect on the wicked.

Today, as Jesus, said in Matthew 13:25, “…. the enemy has sowed weed among the wheat,” there are within the Church its own share of weed, the hypocrites who interrupt the life of the Church through their impious and heinous schemes, preaching false peace within the Church. These are the activities of these wicked within the current Church these movements must be exposed through prayer and devotion. Though the purification is promised in the end times we must pray and ask God to purify the church here and now.

We can prepare ourselves in the following ways :-

1) By praying for believers to be able learn more about what God's plans for the body of Christ in the earth

2) Pray that all believers will acquire the faith necessary to become ENDURERS during the time of the Great Tribulation

3) That through the power of the Holy Spirit, God's enemies would become His footstool

4) Pray that believers will not be forced to worship the beast and his image by the false prophets

5) Pray that the “little horn” – the Antichrist and the false prophet’s planned war against the saints will not be fruitful

6) That all believers will not perish for the lack of faith through misguided hearts and outright desires of the flesh by praying for FORGIVENESS – “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Ps 139:23~24)

7) By helping other believers to change from their sinful ways to live a Godly living because The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives. (Prov 11:30)

8) By guarding our souls from evil ways and temptations

9) Pray that all believers will be spiritually awake and vigilant at all times because “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matt 24:44)

10) Pray for repentance for all believers and that all will be aware that now is the time to direct our hearts more fully to God because we are all in the race against time

11) Pray that all believers will be able to read the Word of God correctly interpreting it within its context and that through the power of the Holy Spirit, grasp the faith that comes from reading the God’s will in it and prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for the persecution during the great tribulation of three and a half years


Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?


Those who have a teachable spirit will listen to the Holy Spirit and He, when they are saved, will cleanse and purify them.  They will know the truth and the truth will set them free. Jn. 8:32


We are so used to the ease of worship and living with plenty that we don't always think of God or give thanks.  We assume that it will always be this way.  We have grown complacent and the urgency is not always there. Refining fire gets rid of the dross.


Meditate on the Word and pray with urgency.  Learn to give thanks for all things for this is the will of God in Christ for us.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined”? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?          

Many are "purified, made spotless, and refined when they are he willing to learn from their trials and tribulations. The church is in need of this so that Christ may "present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless".  We can prepare ourselves for this time by being obedient to God's word.  It is a process where we grow and mature.


In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"?

Believers will grow and mature and begin to walk in paths of righteousness.
In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this?

Persecution, instead of working evil only, may be what the Church needs, so that Christ may "present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless" (Ephesians 5:27).

How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

Bring as many people to Jesus as possible, repent all of our sins, and stay in the word of the Lord untril His return to lift us up into His new Kingdom with Him.



The ones who continued to do right will be purified, made spotless and refined even during the intense persecution. The wick shall continue to be wick. We need a lot of people in the church to awake up and take the Holy Bible seriously and not thinking it is just a book. We can prepare ourselves by praying, and continuing to study God's words in the Bible.


Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?​


Intense persecution will strengthen our faith, we will be able to trust more in the Lord , depend more on Him to bear, and like gold in the refiners fire purified, we will be purified made spotless and refined.


The church needs to be purified because most of us have strayed, we want to listen what our itching ears want to listen and not the unadulterated word of God.


Depend more on the Lord to teach us and strengthen us.




Separates the wheat from the chaff.  Draws Christians to a deeper walk with God.  Stay in the Word and obey it!  Share the "good news" with others.


Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being 

"purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of 

this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?


1. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”                                                                 


2. So that believers can grow and mature and begin to walk in paths of righteousness. To not

refuse to love the truth and be saved and to allow persecution as a refining experience.


3. Read our bible for an understanding, do God’s will in order to grow wiser, mature, and refining. 

Pray consistently, fast, and express love to others.


My understanding is that during the intense persecution of the End Times, many people will come to faith in Christ even as they endure the tribulation. I must go back to the fact that Michael established the context for this prophecy as being about Daniel's people, as the Jews (who as a people have rejected Christ as Messiah) will be “purified, made spotless, and refined” by their faith and fiery trial of persecution. Without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (after He departs so the antichrist can be revealed, 2Thess.2:6-7), they will essentially be on their own to persevere and endure, just as they were under the Old Covenant before Christ sent the Spirit to His Body of believers on earth. I think that's why there is such commendation for those who do hold firmly to faith until the very end. (I also wonder if these Jewish believers will be the only light of truth that leads others to faith as well.)


This is basically the same process for everyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ today (except we have the help and empowerment of the Spirit). Ephesians 5:26-27 tells us how Christ our Bridegroom works to sanctify us with the Word so that we will be presented to Him “in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that [we] might be holy and without blemish”. We are refined to be more like Christ as we choose to die to things of our human nature and old Law in order to allow the presence of His life to live greater in us (Romans 6:11;7:6; Colossians 3:5a; 1Peter 2:24). The Church in our day needs to get serious about this in order to be ready as we await the day when Father sends the Bridegroom to come for His Bride! Times will be trying for everyone as we near the years of Great Tribulation. We need to set our hearts firmly on Christ, intensely study His Word, stay in close communication with Father at all times, share and live out truth before others, and be ready to take courageous stands in the face of opposition with the attitude of love. We need to be both bold and completely humble before God, and fix our hope and expectations on Christ. It is only by His grace that we can stand.

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

2 looking to Jesus, the Founder and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. [ESV]


Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

I believe through persecution believers will turn to God in a way they have never before. Church's today for the most part look like the church of Ladiocea. We need to put on the whole armor of God.


Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined”? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?

With the intensity of the persecution of the End Times the people of God will draw nearer to Him and will persistently and consistently seek His face.  The Body of Christ will be completely absorbed in the Word of God and the Presence of God that hey will be made "purified, spotless and refined,"; all in the "presence."  The church today, is in such need of this because it will get out of the worldly things, seek His kingdom and hear His voice more clearly.  We can prepare ourselves by the study and meditation of God's Holy Word, fasting and resting in His presence.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q6. (Daniel 12:10) In what way will intense persecution in the End Times lead to many being "purified, made spotless, and refined"? In what ways is the Church in our day in such need of this? How do you think we can prepare ourselves for this time?


Because it will force believers to be for Christ or against him. It will be a matter of life or death. It will help believers to realise that their strength is in Jesus Christ, because they will not be able to endure the intense suffering and pain, from persecution, without him. Believers can only prepare themselves by keeping on serving their lord and master, Jesus Christ and abiding/relying totally in him.


The way that the persecution in the End Times will lead to many being “purified, made spotless, and refined” is that they will seek the Lord. They will know that the things that they had been believing in is no longer to be believed. As the saying goes “there is no atheists in the fox holes.” The Church in our day is in such need of this because we go to church to hear thing that make us feel good. We are not learning the things that we need to obtain eternal live. We can prepare ourselves for this time by thinking about what we will do when this time comes. We need to continue studying the Bible.

  • 1 month later...

Wolves in sheep’s cloth will never resist the persecution. The true servants, facing the persecution will trust more and more in God. They will not have anyone to trust in. The Church, nowadays, is sleeping. So, with the persecution, the Church will be awaken. I think the best way to prepare for this time is through sanctification. We must pray more, read more the Bible, preach more the Gospel of Jesus and live the life of Christ.

  • 8 years later...

Persecutions bring believers closer to God, by turning away from anything that is not godly, and shall be purified made spotless and refined . Tribulation will be a time of purifying experience for  believers. 

The body of Christ needs to be made aware of the time of persecution that will come on earth as prophesied in the book Revelation . It is serious as we see signs of Christ soon coming and be prepared for  it in watchfulness , in prayers and interceding for the lost. 

  • 1 month later...

Those who endure intense suffering and ungrounded persecution either are softened – purified, spotless, refined – or are hardened into bitterness, anger and vehement anti-Christian behaviors and rhetoric. I can see, then, how suffering could “improve” the faithful as it simultaneously causes those who reject Christ to slowly perish and succumb to delusions.

As someone who grew up in a completely secular home and loves many people who are perishing, it is difficult to accept that the people I love will burn gruesomely. But they will. This is God’s will … the expectation of justice.

It seems that some people try to prepare for the end times by doing whatever they can to mitigate it such as storing food, meds, bullets … underground bunkers … hideaways in northern Montana … BUT this won’t work!  Christians are supposed to go through the tribulation and not seek to avoid it. We’re supposed to suffer to be purified. Thus, I think the church can be honest with the people warming the pews by telling them that the end times, which may be starting, will be brutal and difficult, though with the ministrations of the Holy Spirit we will go onto eternal life, even if we do not survive this one.

Personally, I'm not preparing specifically for the tribulation but am trying to grow in character as long as I'm on this earth. I think that's the best prep I can do -- to be a better Christian, a more devoted follower of Christ. 


Thank you Pastor Ralph for another wonderful set of lessons. 

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