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Q3. What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”? Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for?

  • 5 weeks later...



Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? YES.






How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for? HE WILL ONLY HONOR/ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT WE PRAY FOR THAT IS IN GOD'S WILL


Q4. How did Jesus' disciples use his name when they healed and cast out demons? THEY PRAYED IN THE NAME OF JESUS.


Do we have this kind of authority, or was it only for the apostles themselves? WE HAVE IT.


In what way does speaking or acting in Jesus' name demonstrate the concept of power of attorney? ONLY WHEN WE USE IT DOES IT HAVE VALUE



Why are we sometimes afraid to speak or act in Jesus' name? FEAR OF RIDICULE FROM OTHERS


How might hearing his voice about a particular matter alleviate that fear? IT MAKES US FEARLESS.


Praying in His will with His power.

I do.  I want to pray in His will and His power, not mine.

Perhaps much of what we pray for is NOT His will.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus name"?


It means I'm praying in His authority or "power of attorney" to "bring His kingdom purposes" about on earth.


Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name as you pray? Why or why not?


Yes, because I'm an ambassador for Him and represent Him here on earth. There is power in the Name of Jesus,

​and it's about Him, not me.


How does praying "in Jesus' name' limit what we will pray for?


I can't think of anything I would pray about that would limit what I would ask. ​When He showed me that He wants me to

​be honest and authentic with Him and I understood our relationship to be Father and daughter, my prayer life changed to

one of freedom rather than religious and restricted and fearful of praying amiss.

​I rely on Romans 8:26 "The Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness: For we do not know what prayer

​to offer nor how to offer it worthily a we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplications and pleads in our behalf

​with unspeakable yearnings and groaning's too deep for utterance. And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is

​in the mind of the Holy spirit, what His intent is, because the Spirit intercedes and pleads before God in behalf of the saints

​according to and in harmony with God." In other words, He takes our prayers and perfects them to the Father's ears.


​And when I can only groan or cry, or I run out of words of praise, my prayer language says what I cannot put into words


When we pray “in Jesus' name”, we are coming before the Father “in Christ”, according to His nature and character, clothed in his righteousness (Galatians 3:26-27). I certainly do pray using this phrase, in recognition of my position and standing as God's child made possible only through Jesus. It's an identification with the presence of Christ in me. It's my acknowledgment that only through Christ do I have access, audience, and an answer to my prayer. It's also a reminder that I am His representative in the world, called to intercede for it just as He did.


I never thought of praying “in Jesus' name” in terms of being limiting before! But that does describe what I do know about praying according to the character and will of Jesus, which is that of God. To pray in His name is to only pray for what God purposes and desires. Only for what He has spoken. Only for what He knows is right, and true. Only for what is pure and good. Only for what honors His nature. Only for what brings Him glory. That requires a definite limit on prayers that are born of my own interests and benefit.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?

There is power in the name of Jesus. To pray in Jesus name means to believe in Him that whatever you ask from God I will bring fulfilled in Jesus name. He is our mediator and the Son of God. It's about seeking Him and His will for us in Jesus name. Yes, but cause I believe it is going to come to past what I pray for in Jesus name. When people hear us, they are hearing Jesus through us. Praying in Jesus name limits what we pray for because we are not seeking what we want but we are seeking God's will for us.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?


Praying in Jesus’ name means praying with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son, Jesus. Praying in Jesus' name means the same thing as praying according to the will of God, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5: 14 -15). Praying in Jesus’ name is praying for things that will honor and glorify Jesus.


Prayer in Jesus’ name is taught in John 14: 13 -14 “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Some misapply this verse, thinking that saying “in Jesus’ name” at the end of a prayer results in God’s always granting what is asked for.


It is not the words in the prayer that matter, but the purpose behind the prayer. Praying for things that are in agreement with God’s will is the essence of praying in Jesus’ name.




Q. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"?


A. It means believing In Jesus and using the power that is in His name and in line with the will of God to ask God for something.   


Q. Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray?


A. I do everyday


Q. Why or why not?


A. Because I believe in Him and I am given the right to use it and it works for me.


Q. How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?


A. It means we pray for only what He will be pleased with which is in line with the will of God. We should not use it to pray for evil or sinful things.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"?

My Answer: To pray in Jesus' name means to ask for His intercession with God the Father, in accordance with God's will.

Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not?

My Answer: Yes, most of the time I will include these words although many times my prayer time is just a conversation with my Heavenly Father, with no formal phrases.

How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?

My Answer: My prayers in Jesus' name are in line with God's will for me, which may or may not be what I "wish" would happen. Praying in Jesus' name allows me to surrender to God's will and to trust that He will work all things for good.


Q. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"?


We with our sin can never approach the throne of God, that is why we pray "in Jesus' name". God will only hear our requests if we ask through His Son.   


Q. Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray and why?


After I learned about this(above) I always use this phrase as I pray. He is the Almighty God and if this is what He requires, then so be it.


Q. How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?


We do not ask for silly worldly things anymore.


What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”?

To pray in Jesus name is to act on behalf of his kingdom. We have been given authority to represent on His behalf.

Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray? Why or why not?

Yes!  When I pray" in Jesus' name" I recognize the power of His name.  I believe that what I am praying for will happen, if it is His will.  When I am praying for others, I want them to know that it Jesus that has the power to change whatever the situation may be and not me. 

How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for

Praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we pray for because prayer in Jesus' name must be in accordance with God's will.  Therefore, we cannot pray using Jesus name for anything.  Jesus will not hear us if we are praying for something out of envious, jealousy, hate etc.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?


​We have been given the right and privilege to pray to the Father through the shed blood of Jesus which is the only name by which we can come to Him.  Therefore we pray in the precious name of Jesus.


Yes most times I say it sometimes if it is a quick prayer I think it.  I always give thanks to Jesus.  I don't think God would reject a prayer by a believer if in the fog of crisis  didn't say in Jesus name as Jesus who intercedes for us knows those who are His.  In Christ we are not under law but under grace.


As Jesus redeemed chosen people we are responsible to pray His will and if we don't know His will to ask His will, to ask for wisdom in how to pray in a situation .  We do not pray lightly in Jesus name however we can ask what we will.  If we are mature in the faith our prayers will be mature and if we are not as we grow and learn in the faith our prayers mature with our growth as our minds conform to the mind of Christ.  It is a lifelong process, learning about Him and loving Him more and more, understanding  more how grievous our sin is and how great is His mercy.


God bless!


Romans 15:13


What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus?


I don't think I know the answer to this question.  The scripture about the seven sons of Sceva comes to mind.  They tried to cast out evil spirits in the name of Jeus, but the evil spirits said, Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you?  The man who had the evil spiirt that they were trying to cast out in Jesus' name leaped on them and overcame them.  They fled from the house naked and wounded. 


These were seven priests using the name of Jesus but it didn't work.  So there has to be more to using the name of Jesus than just saying it.  The evil spirits knew Jesus and Paul, but they didn't know the sons of Sceva. 


Do you use the name of Jesus when you pray?  Yes, but I don't see the results that Jesus and Paul saw.


What does using the name of Jesus limit what we will pray for?  We will pray according to God's will as Jesus did.

Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"?

Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not?


Unfortunately, some misguided people have fallen into the spiritual trap, more commonly known as "the word of faith movement", and believe the erroneous teaching that whatsoever they "say with their mouth" if it is prefaced with or followed by the words, "in Jesus Name", it will come to pass. This concept is not an actual organization, but the teachings originate in the man Phineas Quimby by way of E.W. Kenyon who studied the teachings of Quimby, a spiritualist, a teacher of metaphysics. They are false teachings and can be proven false by simply reading the bible.


Yes, our words have power, but we can't manipulate GOD to perform for us as that "New Thought" teaching suggests.


When we pray in Jesus Name, we are not using a formula or a tactic to gain the answer to our prayer.

What we are doing when we pray in Jesus Name is identifying ourselves with Him. And just as His sheep know and hear His voice (John 10), He knows them, that's us, His sheep, the beloved of GOD, those who have bowed on bended knee in His presence.


He doesn't need our identification to know us, for He knows us, has known us since the beginning. But when we identify ourselves as "His" by using His NAME, the NAME that is above every name (Ephesians 1), we are confessing publicly that we are HIS to the glory of GOD the Father.


In 1 John 5 we read these words: "NOW this is the confidence that we have IN Him, that if we ask anything according to His will (therein is the foundation, IN Him & His will!!), He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."


When I first started driving a car, often my dad would ask me to run errands for him. This generally meant going to the paint supply or the tin shop. And I learned quickly that all I had to do when I walked in the door of the shop was identify my self as "Mr. Johnston's daughter."  With those words, I was received not only as a valued customer who came in the name of Mr. Johnston, but I was received as a guest.


This, I believe, is the nature of our prayers in Jesus Name. Our prayers are received in His throne room because we wear the Name tag, we carry the Scepter of His sovereignty. You can use any analogy that you choose, but the bottom line is, we have been given the authority to enter "boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need." (Hebrews 4)


It would have been foolish for me to have gone into the paint shop and stand at the counter without identifying myself, I might have stood there all day! And it is just as foolish for a Christian, a true bible believing Christian, to enter into His throne without the identification that He Himself has given us and the authority to use it!


"The promises of GOD in Him are yes, and in Him Amen (so be it!), to the glory of GOD through us." (2 Corinthians 1)

And there are numerous promises that tell us that when a sincere heart, even an unsaved heart, seeks GOD, He will be found, Jeremiah 29 and Acts 10.


However, we as born-again believers in Christ Jesus not only have His grace to enter into His throne "boldly" but as 1 John says, what we ask of Him, IF it is according to GOD's will He hears and He provides. No such promise is made to unbelieving hearts.


John 14 is a perfect example of how Christ represented the authority of GOD on earth, as He clearly said, "The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father Who dwells in Me does the works."

And according to His words that followed, we as "born-again" believers, represent Him on earth, just as Christ did then. He said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My NAME, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My NAME, I will do it."


And here is the perfect place to insert the last part of Q3....


How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?


The caveat is this: His will, HIS WILL, not ours, not mine, not yours, but HIS WILL, to His glory, "that the Father may be glorified in the Son"


Plain and simple, can't get around it.


I have asked at one time or another, as everyone has, how do I know what GOD's will is concerning things my life? And the only way to truly know is to know Him, to love Him.

And the only way to do that is to read and meditate on His Word, the beautiful love letter that He wrote to each of us.

His Word, that Word that is living (Hebrews 4:12), He is the Word and has been since the beginning (John 1:1), His Word is right (Psalm 33:4), and while His understanding and His judgements are unsearchable (Isaiah 40:28 & Romans 11:33), His Word promises that He will give us wisdom if we ask. (James 1:5).

We all know that Scripture gives us a list of things and people we should pray for; those in government, family and friends, for faith, for strength, always remembering to be steadfast and to pray with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2).

And the most glorious truth is, when we are at an absolute loss for words, perhaps having nothing but tears, we can depend on His Holy Spirit as He will intercede for us. He knows what is in our hearts, He knows the pain, the suffering, the grief. And He know our needs, even more precisely than we do ourselves.

I think to end this with Romans 8:26-28 would be perfect!

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He Who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of GOD. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love GOD, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Amen and Amen
  On 12/10/2015 at 7:10 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”? Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for?

When you pray "in Jesus' Name" you pray with the authority that Jesus gave to you. I pray "in Jesus' Name" because He has given the rights to go to Father and make our request known in His name.  In John 14:13 Jesus told us, "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."  Again in John 16:23b Jesus said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you."  When we pray in Jesus' Name we are limited to pray in accordance with God's Will.


When I pray in the Name of Jesus I acknowledge Him as my Lord and that He is listening and will answer my prayers. I also acknowledge that I am submitting to His will in the given situation because He knows the best. There is power in the Name of Jesus, its the Name above all names but its not like magic or 'n genie in the bottle that if you pray in His name you will get what you ask for. He is still Lord and King above all.


It is what our prayer must be once Jesus has returned to the Father.  Jesus is the way, and the truth and the life.  Faith bears its fruit in love. It means keeping the word and the commandments of Jesus. it means abiding with him in the Father who, in him, so loves us that he abides with us.  In this new covenant the certitude that our petitions will be heard is founded on the prayer of Jesus.


John 14:13-14-  And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father will be glorified in the Son.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.



What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"?

Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray?

Why or why not?

How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?

Offering prayers in Jesus' name is a process through which I offer prayers to the Almighty Father through the ministry and work of Jesus, whom I have received as my personal Savior. The apostle John wrote, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (Jn 14:13~14) So why wouldn’t I want to pray in Jesus’ name ? As long I pray according to the will of God I have confidence that my approach will be blessed and the intention offered heard by the Father.

It would be wrong to assume that every prayer in Jesus’ name will be answered, because treating the promise of Jesus in the Gospel of John (14:13~14) as an enchanting formula is absolutely wrong and unchristian. This essentially not biblical at all – one must not treat God like a “Santa Claus” – such impertinence has to be the result of immature faith and spiritual short-sightedness, with unbiblical priorities, an assumption that is not norm – Satanic!!! In my opinion.

  On 12/10/2015 at 7:10 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”?

Again; what is in a name?  The name of Jesus is above all other names.  He alone has all power and might. He invites us' "ask anything in my name, and I will do it." 

When we pray in His name we acknowledge His Lordship and obey His command.

Praying in His name also means prayin in the authority that Jesus gives us .. eg when casting out demons.

Praying in the name of Jesus also means praying as servants and followers of our Lord Jesus. 

In His NAME we recognise His authority and power to do all things BUT praying in His name we will pray as the Holy Spirit leads us to pray according to HIS revealed will and plan to the best of our knowledge.

In other words: when we pray in His name to pray ... we submit to His will and pray as He leads us to pray for things in line with his will. We do not ask or bring, selfish, or self serving prayers but prayers that I know are in line with HIS revealed will, and will bring glory to Jesus and help advance HIS Kingdom.


Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray?  Definitely.


Why or why not?  He knows my heart -  I come because He invites me into His throne room of grace. I pray in His name because:

1.  It  puts the devil and his demons on notice that they have no power against me.

2.   It reminds me of the majesty of the one in who's name I pray.

3.  He commands me to ask in HIS name. 

"Thou art coming to a King ... large petitions with thee bring."


How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for? 

As above -- I am constrained to only pray for my needs, for others, and for things that will glorify Him and extend His kingdom.  Knowing that as His child, He supplies all my needs as I trust and pray. 


It means that you believe in Jesus. Praying in Jesus name is praying on Jesus behalf like power of attorney. I use "in Jesus name" when I pray because the bible says too. I don't think it limits what we pray for.


To pray in Jesus name gives you the authority to come before the throne because we are covered by him. We aren't praying to some foreign god but God's Son who won the victory at Calvary.


What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? 

Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? 

Why or why not? 

How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?

Theoretically, there is no limit to what can happen when we pray “in the name of Jesus” – the name above all names. 

His name carries with it all the authority and power needed to confront the forces of evil and to perform the wonders we witness in the Gospels. 

Yes, I do pray in Jesus name, but mostly I acknowledge Him in most of my daily activities – asking for His advice and praising Him for what he has done in my life. 

Other times I converse with my Heavenly Father; again acknowledging who He is and also praising Him. 

Praying in Jesus’ name limits what we may pray for, since it only applies to prayers which are in accordance to His will; not for, for instance, a selfish motive. 

However, if we are obedient believers who delight in the Lord, He will plant the desires in our hearts for what glorifies Him (Psalm 37:4).

These desires will then control our prayers, and His answers to these prayers will glorify Him. 



Q3. What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”? Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for?


Jesus' name is not just a formula for prayer. It is a privilege given to Jesus' disciples by their Master. Unbelievers may try to act in Jesus' name, but the power of his name is given only to those who believe in him​. 


Yes I pray using the name of Jesus.


Prayer in Jesus' name is similar to prayer that must be in accordance with God's will (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14-15).

Prayer is never intended to cajole God into giving in to our desires. Rather, prayer is about seeking him and his will with the intent of seeing his will come to pass in our lives. That doesn't mean that we have to always pray tentatively. Seek him, find the will of God, and then pray it boldly before the Father, in the name of Jesus.


Q3. What does it mean when you pray "in Jesus' name"? Do you use the phrase "in Jesus' name" as you pray? Why or why not? How does praying "in Jesus' name" limit what we will pray for?

According to the notes, praying in Jesus name- we are praying as if he himself is praying. We, as his believers are representing him. He gave his believers the power of his name (Mark 16:17). Therefore, we are limited to praying according to his will because we cannot credibly represent him and pray against his will.

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