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God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior. Gideon saw himself as the least in his family. God of course is correct, but Gideon is right too, but with God who gives us the strength we become mighty. God likes to use those who are weak, they are useable, because the rest try to do it in their own strength. When we believe we can't do what God has planned for us and don't use Gods strength then we stop Gods visions for our life at that time.

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Gods answer to Gideons self-image is that God will be with Gideon. As Christians today we get the same assurance.

My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

I can do ALL things THROUGH Christ wo strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Lord give me the faith to step out in Your strength, not mine. Amen


God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior, because He looked at the potential inside him, not at the outward appearance and visible circumstances. Gideon saw those circumstances with his natural eyes and, blind to his own potential (as we usually are), declared himself a weakling.

I think it's interesting that Gideon says, "But sir, how can I deliver Israel?" I read that and imagine God saying, "Well said! Now you're ready for me to use you!"

Gideon had already showed his desire to fight for liberty by a small act of rebellion--threshing grain in the winepress--but although he probably was pondering the possibility of stretching himself to save his clan, he was afraid to step out (he hadn't the courage to thresh wheat in the open). When God declared the vision of salvation for an entire nation over him, God placed Gideon into "water over his head." Gideon knew he couldn't do that assignment in his own strength. Gideon was then able to be used by God.


God saw Gideon as a Mighty Warrior.

Gideon saw himself as - the least in his family.

Gods- In life we take many knocks that change our self image. Gods image of us NEVER changes and what he started in us, he will bring to completion.



God would be with him, to help and guide, to strike the Midianites. ( Wow what a self image booster)


Matthew 28 16-20 "the great commission"

"Forgive me for ever doubting you. You have said that you will be with me always, even to the end of the age.

You will never leave me or forsake me. Help me to trust in your promises more, every day of my life."


I have struggled all of my life with low self esteem. For many years I had negative tapes playing in my head: "You're ugly; you're worthless; you're fat, etc." About three years ago, after a long process of prayer and devotion, God erased those tapes. However, I still struggle. And now God has called me to a position of public ministry and I find that the biggest obstacle is this lack of self worth. It is ultimately a very selfish thing--focusing on myself rather than on God and what He can do.

So, with Gideon, I can identify with his discouragement and lack of faith in God's ability to use Him. Again and again, God chooses people who really aren't equipped to do what He is calling them to do (Moses, David, the disciples) and demonstrates that His power is greater than anything that we may think we can do on our own. All that is needed is faith and trust in God and a willingness to follow His will for us.

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10


God saw Gideon as a mighty warror. Gideon saw himself as the least in his family and he sates his clan is the weakest. We all know the Lords perception is the most accurate because he knows us and he knows that we all perceive ourselves below what God expects of us. We can do all things with Christ with and in us. We need to realize we can do what God wants us to do,, he is the one who gives us the strength and determination to do the job he gives us, whether it be to help a neighbor or stranger, to show love and caring and encouragement, even when we are feeling down, God gives us love and strngth to carry on and threw prayer God will give us answers.

" In God We Trust "



God addressed Gideon as a might warrior. In the New Living translation he is called mighty hero. I am sure as the hid in the windpress to hide the wheat he was harvesting from their enemies the last thing he felt like was a warrior or a hero. We also must remember that God does not look at us as we see ourselves. We must remember what God has said we are and act as though it has already come to pass and we are this person. We are more than conquerors, walking in God's power and glory. How can we be discouraged by what our human eyes see?


Gideon seen himself as the lowest in importance, God seen him as a mighty warrior.

God will exalt the lowest to the highest.

Our self-perception can deter us from doing what our hearts desire for Him, but don't

lose this desire for through God there is hope and He will exalt us in good time.


In a way it seems like we can only accomplish God's intentions for us, or at least His FULL intentions for us, when we see ourselves as He does. AND I need to see HIM as He really is as well. They go together, because seeing His power and glory and ability, and having an eternal perspective, enables me to realize who and what I am (in the humbling sense), but also in the uplifting sense, to know who HE is in me. Imagine how surprised Gideon was when he saw with his own eyes how well the ridiculous jar-and-candle trick worked! After weeding his army down from 10,000 to only 300. (I'm sure he thought the few water lappers would be the only ones weeded out!) He knew when GOD did it that it WAS God and not himself, but that he had been God's essential instrument by his obedience. Help US, Lord, to know that blessed balance.


God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior, while Gideon saw himself the least in the family. Our own self perception prevent us from becoming what God has made us to be when we forget that we are fearfully and wonderfully made :rolleyes: ; and the Lord equipped us in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight


God calls Gideon a "might warrior" and Gideon's response is anything but affirmative.

Gideon points out that he is from a weak tribe and he himself is weak. Gideon is looking at what he can do by himself.

God, however, sees what Gideon can be with God. God tells him that he will be with Gideon. Therefore Gideon will be acting with the strength of God and not his own.

Like Gideon, we see ourelves as weak and unable to affect circumstances. We feel no control over our own lives. We forget that God is with us.

In God all things are possible. We need to ask for God's strength in those situations that we feel helpless. We need to rely on God to help us through each day. We need to thank God for loving us and being with us through each second of our lives.

In God all things are possible.


God sees Gideon as a "mighty warrior". Gideon sees himself as a loser, a weak member of his family and incapable of "mighty" deeds.

Gideon is thinking of his own feeble efforts, not what he can become in God's perception and with His help. We often put ourselves down because we do not see the facts from God's perspective. We only think of our lack--not His sufficiency. When God sends us to do His will, he equips and goes with us to success! What a wonderful experience--to see Him at work, and to be a tiny cog in that work!


God called Gideon a mighty man of valor. But Gideon could not see this because of the surrounding. He could only see what was before him. So he question the Lord . Why the Lord told him to go with this might of yours. If he could stand there and question.

Then he became humble before the Lord when he stated ,he was least of his family. He wanted to make sure you got the right person. He had to be overwhelmed by what the Lord wanted.So the Lord spoke to him assuring him that he would be with him.

So that trusting of the Lord had to be stired up in Gideon.


I cant help but think that God seen Gideon as a half molded piece of clay that has all the possibilties in the world, all he had to do was trust in God and allow Him to enter into his heart and do as God ask him to do completly. I guess I'm saying to put his life in Gods waiting hands.

Gideon seen himself from the outside only small ,smaller clan, outnumbered ,worthless ,and beaten down just trying to survive.

Gods view is always most correct after all He created us and when He makes each of us it is for a pourpos and Only God knows what that pourpos is until it is time to reveal it to us .Besides God never makes junk we could all be mighty warriors once we allow God to take control.

It is so easie to see ourselves as Gideon seen himself beaten down by the world allowing otheres to keep us down and weak so they can appear strong and inpower.If we dont look up from the hole we are in and reach to God we will stay there till we hit bottem .We have to allow God in our hearts and take controll of everything to be able to see ourselves as he does, and when life gets tough remember with God all things are possiable.Maby that is why God use what we see as the smallest or weakest to do such a task if He can give Gedion the power to overcome the opressors just think what he can do for us.


Ditto everyone else's replies (great answers, thank you!). Also, the Apostle Paul says, "when I am weak, then I am strong"...so God uses us where we are to accomplish His will.

I think we need to look at that as an honor and a priviledge that the Lord loves us so much that He would stoop down and make great things out of us and our lives. What a trip! Our purpose is to allow God's perfect will in our lives so He can do wonderous things in us. Alleluia! :D:D:)


God saw strength in Gideon while Gideon saw himself as the weakest in Manasseh and the least in his family. Since our Creator is powerful and full of wisdom, it can not be denied that His own perception is always accurate and true. Our doubts and lack of trust in God prevent us from becoming what He has made us to be. :)


God sees Gideon as a mighty man of valor (fearless courage). Gideon sees himself as the least of all his household. The bible clearly states (more than once) that God cannot lie, therefore God's perception of Gideon is the more accurate. Our own self-perception (if too low or too high) can stop us from obeying the voice of God. I shudder to think what our Gospel would be today had Paul (Saul) told Jesus "Lord, go away and leave me alone. I cannot do anything for you because I am a murderer. Not only am I a murderer, but a murderer of your people and therefore, there is nothing I can do for You."

How did God see Gideon? (6:12) How did Gideon see himself? (6:15). Whose self-perception is most accurate? How can our own self-perception prevent us from becoming what God has made us to be?

see exposition.

God saw Gideon as a "Mighty Warrior".Gideon feels abandoned by God rather than God's presence.Gideons mental image was no confidence or faith in himself.When the angel of the Lord spoke to him,he was answering himself as well as the angel of the Lord"WHO ME"!!He was questioning his own ability,or his power to perform his task,that he was asked to do.

We loose confidence in our own self,afraid to step out and do what God asks us to do.God may want you to be a teacher or a minister,and you say,"WHO ME"!This could slow you down,or even prevent you from becoming what God has made us to be.

I didnt think I could start a Food Pantry,but with Gods help I did complete what I felt in my heart to do.What God asks us to do,We Never Do It By Ourselves!"Remember God Is Always With Us!. Blessings Linda


God saw Gideon as he was, a believer in Him. I read somewhere that when God looks at us, He doesn't see us as we appear in this earthly body, but in our glorified state in Jesus. How reassuring, huh?


How did God see Gideon?

God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior.

How did Gideon see himself?

Gideon saw himself as the weakest of the least. I believe he was feeling very unworthy.

Whose self-perception is most accurate?

I believe God's perception is most accurate, since God is all knowing.

How can our own self-perception prevent us from becoming what God has made us to be?

Our self-perception is what makes our reality for us. I think we take what feels comfortable to us as the perception of who we are. This limits us compared to God's perception of who we are. I believe it is hard for us to accept the Lord's view of who we are, because we do not feel worthy, maybe we have been beaten down by circumstances or people around us. These bad experiences make it hard for us to imagine, much less see, ourselves as God sees us and wants us to be.


Gideon saw himself as week, small.

God saw Gideon as a mighty warrior.

Both are accurate.

One is the present situation in Gideon's strength and the other is future under God's infilling annointng. The problem is when we don't have faith in what God says we can do or are to be.


What did Paul say in the new Testament, when I am weak then I am strong, when we realize that we can't do Gods work in our own strenght then he is ready to put us to work. God bought Gideon to that point in His life and He will do the same to us if WE let go and let God


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