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Q1. (2:15-16)

In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives?

How is God hurt when we get rebellious?


God's glory is dependent upon our being submissive and obedient to authority in so much as it gives witness to those who do not "know" God. Anyone how is rebelious against the IRS, for example, would be no different than an unbeliever. Not to say that the IRS is a perfect authority :( but much glory is given to God when we submit even to the most unjust authority. ;)


Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

When we live submissive, obedient lives, we are bringing God glory. If we are not living submissive and obedient lives, we are doing Him a dishonor. It sheds a negative light on God. I believe He is hurt because we are obviously not understanding or obeying His commands. When we are submissive and obedient to God, we are showing we love and respect Him.

To God be the glory for all the good done in me, by me. And if I am acting badly, please don't attribute that to God. The thing is...it is all attributed to Him if we are called by His name. So it is only right for us to be submissive and obedient to God. This is the right way to live.

Love to y'all,

Patsy in Idaho


Authorities (government, work, parental etc) are there by God's order and appointment. To rebel against them is to rebel against God. Rebelliousness is as witchcraft. Except where they place themselves above God, we are to support authorities and the peace they bring. To do otherwise is to bring in division, dissension and anarchy, which everyone recognises as ungodly behavior. Since God put the authorities in place, we honour Him by submitting cheerfully to them. :)


Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

God's glory is dependent on how we live our lives insomuch as we, as His children show our love to Him by being obedient to Him. He is glorified when we give no one reason to talk foolishly about us. Since he set up the authorities to which we obey, we honor Him by showing respect for that which He set up. Our rebellion hurts God because it shows our lack of love for Him. Our love for Him is shown by our obedience to Him. Did He not say, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." John 14:15 NIV


In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

As Christians we are to adorn the Lord and bring Him praise. God's glory implies not only a revelation of who He is but also an actual invasion of His presence among His people. And of course our response is to ascribe to Him glory or praise. We are to glory in His Name. We are to worship Him and praise Him for His wonderful presence among us. But His presence is not only among us or all around us, but it is in us as Christians! It is experienced by regenerated people. His glory is displayed to the world through our lives! As we live submissive and obedient lives we show the world the qualities of God. We are agents of Grace displaying in our character His glory to others around us. What an awesome responsibility! In fact as we live our lives unto Him we are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory!

We are new creations on a journey being transformed into His likeness displaying God's glory to the world around us. We are channels through which the Holy Spirit can communicate God to others.

How is God hurt when we are disobedient and rebellious? We hurt His purposes for our lives and the lives of others. We become a stumbling block to others instead of a stepping stone to reach out to God. How important then, to live life in obedience and in the fullness of His glory. The eternal destiny of others is at stake. God forbid that we never frustrate His purposes but that we grow in Him each day and fulfill God's destiny for our lives.


God want's us to live right. We are to be obedient to God and also to give God all the praise and glory. We should learn how to please God As Christians we need to get acquainted with God. When we is disobedient we hurt God. We hurt His purpose for our lives. When we are submissive and obedient we show the unsaved who God is. We let His light shine through us.


In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?


Firstly, we are to live submissive, obedient lives to Christ. :)

We are also told to obey those who have rule over us..Parents, Teachers, and as adults Goverment officials....in other words, obey the laws of the land. We are to live as 'peaceful' a life, as possible, for this brings Glory to our Father; Striving to get along..NOT fit in.

We are reflections of Jesus, while here on this earth....

Ambassadors of Christ.

I'll step out on a limb here, and say the day may come, when we will be forced to decide....Do we obey the laws of the land, or God..?!

I'm not jumping on a soapbox..but the US as well as the world is at ' internal civil war'..anarchy is breathing down the neck of all.

When that day comes..I'll chose God and the Word...

Just my humble opinion folks


Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

God does not delight in the offerings or sacrifices that we present BUT in our obedience to His word. In these verses, Peter tells us to live a submissive lives to authorities in this world. We are the ambassadors of Christ and we ought to live as such. What reflection does it show to others if we as Christians are rebellious to authorities around us (ie. parents, schools, governments etc.) This will tarnish the true image of Christians and most of all will hurt our God the Father!


One reason we live our lives in obedience to God is that His way is the only one that really works. So many peoplewould like to believe that the "rules and regulations" that God has established are old-fashioned and out-dated, no longer relevant for today. By showing that He did know (and does know) what He is talking about, the wisdom of God is seen by others. By living as God has called us to live, we demonstrate the wisdom that God has.


We are commanded by God to be subject to those in authority over us whether parental, work, government etc. But this always takes into account that those in authority are not in conflict with God's authority. We choose to obey freely and this brings glory to God.

As others have already said rebellion is a serious sin and not one we would want to commit (1 Samuel 15:23). Obedience warms God


In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

We are His ambassadors on this earth. We are a reflection of Christ who indwells us by His Spirit. Or at least we should be. A Christian who is rebellious and disobedient directly casts a gloomy shadow on the work of our Savior. Submissive behavior and obedience, even kindness contradicts the plots of the evil one. To pray for God's guidance and truth in all matters helps us to know what to do in all situations. To be rebellious can cause others to not desire the things of God or think bad of the perceived nature of Christians. We will fail and fall short many times, but to be aware and to try each day to represent our God is a calling we all must chose to follow and work towards.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

The only Jesus that those around us may see is what they see in us. What do we portray to those without? I can only hope it is not me, my thoughts, my conception of Jesus, my attitudes, anything of self. My main concern should be to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, Who is the incarnate Word of God. Without submission there is a blockage in the channel through which God can flow. I pollute the Word of God, I corrupt the image of Christ. Self is detestable, it cannot be sanctified, nor reformed. It must be put to death without mercy. Colossians 3:5 "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth..." Romans 8:13 "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." If we only try to shove these carnal desires I.E. the lusts of our flesh and mind we will be misereable we will be saddled with a burden we cannot hope to bear. We must give it up to Him, falling upon the Rock. The pain of dying, the agony of letting go of self (after all we seem to think we cannot be all that bad) cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. This is what we want the lost to see.

I can't figure all these things out, it's too much for me. All I can do is bury myself in Him and trust that He will look after all that needs be. I just go about attempting to be a pleasing child to my Father and obedient to Him in all things. He'll do the rest. Fall in love with Jesus until He is all that matters. Get rid of all that gets in the way to this. Strive to please Him, seek His smile.

The world cannot understand all this but you can be sure they see something different. You are at peace, you are happy, your attitude is pleasant and you are compliant. You are even at peace with your enemies. You love everyone.

In the light of all this, it hurts God when we are rebellious. I recently felt the Lord speak to me that it hurt Him when His children (me) believed the lies the devil fed them. "You're a failure" "God doesn't really love you He only tolerates you" the list goes on (we could all put in a lie or two he feeds us). It hurts Him because of the love He has for us and how it keeps us from having all He wants to give us. I felt Him impress upon me "What must I do to prove to you that I love you? What must I say to convince you of My love for you? Tell Me and I will do it." Exactly! What more could He do? Yet why do we still walk in disbelief? Why would we rather believe the one who hates our soul over the One Who loves us so much? Yes our rebellion hurts the tender heart of God.


Our lives are to be lead as servants of God. When we live submissive and obedient lives we show forth to whom we belong and that is God. We honor God when we live righteous before others. We are to be submissive and obedient when it does not conflict with the word of God.

God is hurt when we use our freedom as an excuse to to do evil. We have this freedom but it is not an open range to do as we please. God is a jealous God. We have to remember we are servant. In reality I don't think we feel that God is truly hurt by our action. We have to watch our walk in life.


In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

As Christians, we should always show respect for authority, from the home to the government and all places in between. When we live submissive lives, we are following the example of our Lord and Saviour. Even though we may go through some difficult times, we know who is in control and who is on our side. If we fear God and honor the government or those in authority, we are doing as commanded.

We should always be ready to give an answer to those who might ask about our faith and our lifestyle, and how we have hope in Christ no matter what may come. When they realize how serious we are about trusting God in all circumstances, and how we live to the best of our ability in accordance with His Will, then I believe God will get the glory. Then, perhaps others who have been critical of Christians will begin to think about how Christ can give them the same assurance that we have in God.

God loves His children so much, and He is hurt when we get rebellious because our actions indicate that we don't care about God. He set us free, not to turn our back on Him and go back to a lifestyle of sin, but to honor Him and glorify Him with every fiber of our being! It is very much a privilege to do things that are pleasing to God, and we should never think of the things we do as something we "have" to do, but something we "want" to do for the One who loves us more than anyone else ever could!! :)

Also, when we become rebellious, this hurts our testimony and decreases any chances we might have of reaching an unsaved person for Christ; and this, of course, hurts God, because we are not doing what a Christian should do. :(


Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives?

In order to glorify God, we need to live submissive and obedient lives just as Jesus showed us in this example:


God requires that we submissive and obedient, like good children. By subordinating our will to the needs of society we reflect glory back to the Father.

By being rebellious, and acting out our "free" will, we diminish our relationship with God by showing ourselves to be shackled to the secular world. It is only by living in the Spirit that we worship and glorify the Father.


We are to be living sacrifical lives. That often involves setting aside our "rights", wants, or desires. We are reminded in this passage that there are others in authority over us, by God's permission. Refusing to accept their authority is refusing to accept God's authority. Wow!

Now, I can understand this in the abstract. I can also see it in certain circumstances - parents and children, for example. But then I start to move out into the world and into history. What about all of the changes in the world - especially in the USA - that were achieved by NOT submitting to authority? The two that jump immediately to mind are the civil rights movement and the revolutionary war. Is their a right time not to accept authority, and if so, when? If anyone is more clear-headed about this than me, please respond.


Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

Most laws, rules, and regulations that have been established are for the most part to keep barbarious actions and anarchary from running rampant in this world. Yes there are those who will never submit, but we as children (and as children need to be guarded), and as ambassadors (and as ambassodors are still subject to the laws of the lands), and as images (and as images are a reflection of that which it is supposed to resemble) of a Faithful and Just God, must submit. As was said it is easy for us to submit when there is no pain or difficulty in it for us to do so and so it is with those who do not know God. It is in the pain and agony of doing what we do not find easy or enjoyable to do, that He will receive the Glory that can be attributed only to Him, for it is in this type of submission that we find the strength of Jesus that allows us to come through with joy and peace for we know who really has the last say.

To have compassion on those who know not what they do and to have mercy on those who do not fully understand what they do is to find strength in Him who has shown us what a fully submissive and fully obedient life style can lead to. Bringing glory to His Father is what Christ's life was all about, as should ours be.

To be obedient we need to have a willingness and to submit we must have humilty, two traits of Jesus' that brought glory to the Father.

Rebellion is a lack of faith in that which has been established. It is born out of a desire to do your own thing your own way. With rebellion also comes a desire to lead some others to that place, to try to get others to believe in that way. If we believe what Romans 13:1-2 says then rebellion/ rebellious attitude is a lack of faith in what God has promised to us. Without faith it is impossible to please GOD and that I believe brings tears to His eyes and breaks His heart, to see those whom He has called and freed, to not trust in Him and Him alone.


By submitting ourselves to Gods will, and by being obedient to the Lords commands causes us to spread the Gospel, and when men have knowledge of God, we bring honor and praise to Him.

God does not receive the glory unless the gospel is preached.


1. God's glory is dependant on us living our life in such a way that others, and those who do not know the Lord, will be influenced to want to know God to the fullest.

2. God is sad when we do not submit to His way, nevertheless He never leaves us.


Honesty and submission glorify God because the world lies and rebels against authority and it shows our love for Him when we do what is right.

God Bless!


To live in submission to authority and follow the law of the land brings glory to God because we are set apart. We should be a wittness to all that is right and good not bringing dishonor to our christian family and most of all to our heavenly Father. Following rules that are not in submission to Gods laws is not necessary, but at this present time we are not in these situations. The court hearings on the 10 comandments being displayed in public does start to make us think what is next. Prayer is a big part of being submisive, for we on our own are not capable of handling all that the world would want us to believe. When we become rebellious, we become seperated from the truth and sometimes find it difficult to admit to being rebellious. By God is faithful and just and quick to forgive. Therefore there is no condemnation on us, but with prayer of repentance are made right again and again. It does cause sadness when we experience this rebellion, we do not lose our salvation. Be quick to repent as you would to an earthly parent or other person in authority. When we work, we should work to our best ability and not worry about what some one else is or is not doing and how much they receive for their payment. Let all things that you do, do for the glory of God. Sorry don't mean to preach.

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