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Peter understood Jesus to be “the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. The Father had revealed this true identity of Jesus through Peter's infant but growing faith. Yet, Jesus commanded that none of the disciples tell others that He was the awaited Messiah. Events leading to the cross were to happen according to God's timetable. The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus were to coincide with specific events on the Jewish calender at a specific time to perfectly fulfill all prophecy God had given. If it became widely known that Jesus was truly the Anointed One of God, the people or the Jewish religious leaders would have certainly interfered with God's plan as they would have taken Him by force to be coronated as their political king or to be destroyed. With His mind set firmly toward the Father's will, Jesus awaited the time when the Father would reveal that His hour had come. Until that time, He prohibited the disciples from telling others His true identity.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).


Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'" Jesus strongly affirms Peter for this statement and declares that it was revealed to Peter by "my Father in heaven" (verse 17). But then we read something curious:(Matthew 16:13-16)

Why would Jesus hide his title as Messiah from the masses? Probably to avoid the political implications of the title and the attention such a title would bring him (Mark 1:45)


Q3.(Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?


Peter replied when Jesus asked "You are the Messiah (The Christ), the Son of the living God."

 How did Peter come to believe this?


 ​Jesus told him that men did not reveal this to Peter, but His Father Who is in Heaven.


Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20)


There was an appointed time for this revelation. To reveal this to others at that time would hinder Jesus' work....He must complete His work and die at Passover,  not before. He was the paschal lamb to be slain...and would give up His Spirit at the precise moment that the High Priest would slay the lamb in the temple at 3:00 p.m (Jesus probably heard the shofar being blown announcing the lamb was to be slain!)....the curtain would be torn from top to bottom...He would die and be buried and raised from the dead on the third day....all signs to the Jews telling them plainly that He is their Messiah who left not one prophecy about Himself, unfulfilled...including the timing of His crucifixion. 


Christ the Son of the Living God.

His Father in heaven

It wasn't time for it to be fully revealed.  He knew the scribes & Pharisees didn't need to fuel the fire concerning their jealousy.


(Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter answered that Jesus was the Christ, Son of the living God.  The Father in heaven personally revealed to Peter who Jesus was.  Jesus commanded his disciples not to tell others that he was the Messiah because they did not fully understand what kind of Messiah he had come to be.  They could not proclaim to others when they did not fully understand themselves what his mission was.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter believed Jesus to be the Messiah.  This was revealed to Peter by the Spirit of God. Upon this revelation Jesus commanded His disciples not to tell others that He is the Messiah because they were looking for a military Messiah who would came to restore an earthly kingdom. His purpose was more than that, He came to bring salvation to mankind, to bring eternal life.

Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this?  (Matthew 16:20).


When Peter answered the Q, "But who do you say that I am?", his answer was limited by the short time he had seen and heard all that Jesus and done and said.


Yet, during those 3 years, Jesus had said so many things that indicated Who He was.

Peter, as well as the other disciples had heard Him say:

"I am the bread that came down from heaven" John 6:41-42

" before Abraham was, I Am!" John 8:58

"Father, glorify Me together with Yourself,with the glory which I had with You before the world was." John 17:4-5

"He who has seen Me has seen the Father" John 14:9-10

And many had heard the demons call Him by Name, "Jesus, Son of the Most High GOD" Luke 8:28-29


Yes, Peter answered the LORD's Q saying, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living GOD."


Sadly, some preach that Peter did not believe Jesus was GOD incarnate. That He was the Christ, the Anointed Messiah, even Savior and LORD (Lord being just a title) but not GOD!

But unless He was GOD in the flesh, He could not be for us Savior.

Because only His blood as GOD incarnate was holy enough to be accepted as payment for our sin.


So why did Peter "rebuke" the LORD when He told of His suffering and death? Why did Peter deny Him a little later?


I have tried to put myself into Peter's sandals, and walk as he walked. I can't imagine not being so frightened and in that fear would be human weakness which is only natural. Peter had likely seen men tortured and crucified before. I can't imagine anything more brutal.


Peter loved Jesus but he, like all other people would have feared torture and death. And Jesus had told His disciples that the world hated them because of Him. Matthew 24:9

And that is still true today.


When the disciples argued with each other which of them would be greater in GOD's kingdom, Jesus said to Peter, "Simon, Simon! Indeed, satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren." (Luke 22)


Doubt and unbelief can be a momentary thing with any believer, even one as Peter was, an eye witness to Jesus Christ.

But as it was with Peter, confirmed by Jesus Himself, the revelation of Who Jesus is comes from our Father GOD in heaven. Matthew 16:17


We all know there are two kinds of wisdom. There is wisdom that comes from above and there is earthly wisdom. (James 3:13-17)

GOD in Christ does not reveal Himself to us through earthly or carnal wisdom.

When some of John the Baptist's disciples asked him about the One he had testified of as the Lamb of GOD, John said, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." John 3:27


John had recognized Jesus as the Christ, the Lamb of GOD, yet when he had been thrown into prison, he sent two of his own disciples to ask Him, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" Luke 7:20-23

For a guy who called Him the Lamb of GOD and saw the Holy Spirit descend onto Jesus, that sure doesn't sound very positive!!  John 1:29 -32


Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah?


The reason that impresses me the most is the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 2.

The Apostle Paul speaks to us of wisdom, and of not having faith in the wisdom of men, but in the power of GOD.

He tells us of the wisdom of GOD in a "mystery." Wisdom that he speaks of is our salvation, something that was once hidden but is now revealed to all who will believe.

And to some, even of those "rulers", if this mystery had somehow been revealed, as it is says in vs 8, had any of them known Who He was, they would not have crucified Him.

And it was imperative, it was GOD's will that it be done according to Scriptures. 

Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) 

Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? 

How did Peter come to believe this? 

Why does Jesus command His disciples not to tell others that He is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter believed Jesus to be the Christ, the equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah, God’s predicted Deliverer of Israel, the Supreme “Anointed One”, and King and Saviour. 

Peter was expressing the views of the apostles. 

His response was not an emotional one, given after Jesus had performed some miracle but was given in a calm setting in answer to a direct question from Jesus. 

They had all come to this conclusion as they observed the Lord Jesus over a period of time, witnessed His miracles, and heard His words. 

However, as Jesus mentions, this was not a conclusion Peter and the others had determined by their own ability. 

God, the Father in heaven, had revealed it to him. 

Jesus commanded His disciples not to tell others, most probably, because of Israel's unbelief.

He knew no good could come from such a disclosure. 

It could even result in harm to the Jewish nation if they were to crown Him King.

Triggering the Romans to ruthlessly crush the Jews. 



Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).


Peter came to believe, after all the input Jesus had in his life and what he had witnessed of Jesus-his conclusion was

“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16). Jesus added, that this knowledge that Peter had was revealed to Peter by God in heaven- and not by instructions that any man could give him (v 17). The notes state that the probable reason why Jesus did not want others to be told that he was the Messiah, was that Jesus did not want the attention that would be heaped upon him. It would also have political implications.


Peter believed that Jesus was the Messiah. He came to believe this because of all the miracles that He did and the way that He preached. Jesus commanded his disciples not to tell other that he is the Messiah because the Pharisee would have had him put to death before his time. Jesus would not have been able to teach his disciples that they needed to know.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).


Peter believed Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God.  It was revealed to him by the Father in heaven.

Jesus came to die for our sins, to be crucified precisely and the time was not yet.  It would work out in the Father's way and time to fulfill scripture.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How

did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples                                                    not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).


  1. 'But what about you?' he asked. 'Who do you say I am?' 
    Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'"


  1. Jesus declares that it was revealed to Peter by "his Father in 

heaven" (verse 17).


  1. Probably to avoid the political implications of the title and the 

attention such a title would bring him. Also, because the disciples did not understand who he was themselves and would not at that time be able to relate that Jesus was the true messiah and his purpose on earth.  


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter believed Jesus to be "the Christ, Son of the living God"

Peter came to believe this because Jesus stated that only "the Father could reveal this to him".

Jesus commands his disciples not to reveal that he is the Messiah, because of political implications it would cause and of the title and attention that would come with this title. 


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?

My Answer: Peter believes Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

How did Peter come to believe this?

My answer: Jesus said that His Father in heaven revealed to Peter (Simon) Who Jesus is.

Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

My Answer: Because He was not ready to reveal that other than to His followers at that time.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16)


Q. Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?


A. The Christ, the Son Of the Living God


Q. How did Peter come to believe this?


A. Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit


Q. Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).


A. His time has not come and so He did not want any confrontation with Jews at the time. 


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?

The Son of God

How did Peter come to believe this?

It was revealed to him by the Father.

Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Because of the turmoil such a revelation would have created.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?

My Answer: Peter believes Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

How did Peter come to believe this?

My answer: Jesus said that His Father in heaven revealed to Peter (Simon) Who Jesus is.

Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

My Answer: Because He was not ready to reveal that other than to His followers at that time

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter said you are the Christ the son of the living God. This was revealed to him by the Father in Heaven. Jesus did not want the disciples to tell anyone because the people would want him to take the earthly kingdom.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20). 


The other disciples thought that Jesus was one of the great prophets come back to life. This belief was stemmed from Deuteronomy 18:18, where God said he would raise up a prophet from among the people. Peter, however, confessed Jesus as divine and as the promised and long-awaited Messiah. If Jesus were to ask you this question, how would you answer? Is he your Lord and Messiah?


Peter reminded Christians that they are the church built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. All believers are joined into this church by faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, the same faith that Peter. Jesus praised Peter for his confession of faith. It is faith like Peter’s that is the foundation of Christ’s Kingdom.


Jesus warned the disciples not to publicize Peter’s confession because they did not yet fully understand the kind of Messiah he had come as a suffering servant. They needed to come to a full understanding of Jesus and their mission as disciples before they could proclaim it to others in a way that would not cause a rebellion. They would have a difficult time understanding what Jesus came to do until his earthly mission was complete.


  • 2 years later...

Peter believed Jesus to be ‘The Christ, The son of the living God’.

This was revealed to Peter by God the Father in heaven,

Jesus did not want this to cause controversy among the rulers, neither did he want to bring attention to himself.

  • 2 months later...

According to the Amplified Bible Version Peter believed Jesus to be the Christ, The Messiah, The Anointed, and the Son of the Living God. The Lord replies that he is blessed, happy, spiritually secure and favored by God since flesh and blood (mortal man) did not reveal it to him but by His Father who is in heaven. I believe He commanded them to not to tell to avoid publicity when it came to His ministry and mission in His life. That way He would not bring glory to Himself but to His Father instead.


Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? How did Peter come to believe this? Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).

Peter believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. I believe Peter came to believe this because of the miracles he had seen and how Jesus kept referring to God as His father. He heard Jesus talk about God and their relationship and knew that Jesus was God’s Son. He knew that no mere man could heal people and cast out demons; only God had that power and Jesus His Son.

Jesus commands his disciples not to tell others because He knew that they would want him to be their king and push out the Romans. The people were looking for an earthly king to reign, not a heavenly one. The Pharisees also did not believe that He was the Messiah and He knew they would cause trouble if He did say it. It was not the time for Him to say who he was yet.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be?  The Christ, the Son of the Living God.  

How did Peter come to believe this? God revealed it to him. 

Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20).  John 6:15 comes to mind.  Jesus did not want them to make him an earthly king, which is what they were looking for.  

"Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself."  (John 6:15)

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