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Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?

  • 1 month later...

The amazing title of “Only Begotten God” in referring to Jesus is a declaration of His identity as God. He has existed as God the Son with no beginning or end throughout eternity, whereas humanity is part of what He created. While we become sons and daughters of God through faith in Jesus, we were not born with that status or His character. Our relationship comes through a spiritual birth and adoption by the Father to accept us as His own. Jesus makes us righteous and Father receives and welcomes us as His children. But Jesus is completely unique from ordinary man. He is enthroned at the Father's side in heaven, divine in His nature as God and also willing to be the Father's Servant.


To have even 2 children is great love multiplied and outspread. To have only 1 child is great love intensified and poured out on one. I have a friend who thought she'd never be able to have children, but was finally blessed with a now-grown daughter. Of course, every child is a special unique blessing, but there will never be another child born to my friend. That makes this one an unequaled treasure to her heart. When the Father sent His unique and Only Son to die for our redemption, He was sending His only Child. How His heart must have grieved.


Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?

The title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity because both are the same and of one substance. The Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God in that were were conceived from the seed of another human. Jesus the Only Begotten Son is unique in his relationship to God, since he is the Son from eternity, the Second Person of the Trinity. He is not just another created human being who is a "son" or "child" by creation, or by new birth. Jesus is unique from the Father. He is the Only Begotten -- in a class by himself, one of a kind.  Because of His birth, His purpose that led to the cross reveals its costliness from the foundation of the world.  It was destined and could not be deterred.


Q3.(John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity?


​"Jesus is in the bosom, in the intimate presence of the Father"....one with the Father along with Holy Spirit, our triune God.


How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God?


​The Son has always existed as God whereas we are created beings, born of the flesh but with with dead spirits. When we said "Yes!" to His invitation, our spirit was re-born, came alive to Him, and we were adopted into His family as sons and daughters of God, and joint heirs with Christ.

What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father?


​He is the Divine Son, unique and the only One, co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.


About the costliness of the cross?


​The perfection of Heaven now bears scarred hands and feet, memories of suffering unspeakable pain, humiliation and torture, the precious life blood of the Lamb of God spilled on the cursed ground. Who can measure the cost...it is beyond comprehension. He considers us worth every stripe and drop of bloody sweat. Let us give Him all of our praise and thanks with grateful hearts!


Only son of God--God through the Holy Spirit and Mary, His mom.  There is no one else like Him--He is unique.


We, as sons & daughters of God, come covered in Jesus' righteousness. He chose us & we choose to accept His gift of salvation.


I would think it hurt the Father, having to take His wrath out on His only Son.  We'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross.


The Son of God is sitting on the right hand of the Father and is be only begotten of the God who is God also, He is fully divine as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. We are not God nut only humans and that makes us different. God is our creator. He is fully fully divine and is God the Son. He could have came the from the cross whenever He wanted to but He loved the Father and love us. He wanted to make a way for us to get to heaven instead of going to hell.


The title “Only Begotten God” signifies Jesus’ divinity be equating to God. It signifies that he is part of God. It differs from you and me as sons and daughters of God because he is part of God. He is fully God and fully human and we are only human. We have been adopted by God to be part of his family and Jesus was born into God’s family. Being “only-begotten” says that he the one and only and that He and the Father are one.


Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity?

Jesus is said to be the Son of God because He shares God's divine nature. He is God. I interpret the word begotten to mean of/from God.

How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God?

We are created sons and daughters of God where Jesus is part of the Trinity.

What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?

Jesus gave up His position with God as God to come and live as a lowly human, to be tortured and crucified by the beings he created and loved. We cannot in this life fully comprehend the costliness of the cross.


Q3. (John 1:18)



Q. How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity?


A.  Jesus was not created but was and is God born by the power and Spirit of God through Mary without any union with man. He is Unique!


Q. How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God?


A. Jesus the Only Begotten Son was not created while other brothers and sisters like me were created and are children of God only by adoption or spiritual birth.


Q.  What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father?


A. Jesus being the “only-begotten” means that He is the only One being born of God while we are created by God or adopted.


Q. About the costliness of the cross? 


A.  It took the death of God’s only begotten Son to die on the cross for the redemption of mankind. My salvation was at the painful cost of life of the only begotten Son of God.


Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?


Jesus, Only Begotten God, is God.  He was God sent from God.


Jesus is the Son from eternity, He is the One and Only, the ONLY Begotten, the Only God of God or very God of God.  We are created beings by God and have become sons and daughters through adoption.

Jesus is God, sent from God, the very God of God.  


God Himself, came to save us.  He sent His Son, His unique, Only Begotten Son to live among us to die a vicious, barbaric, humiliating death on the cross, a death of spiritual agony and He knew ahead it was going to happen.  But for the glory set before Him, He paid the price  to purchase me and all who will have Him.  I don't know if we will ever realize the costliness of the cross.  


God Bless!


John 1:14

Q3. (John 1:18) 

How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity? 

How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? 

What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father? 

About the costliness of the cross? 

The Lord Jesus is God's only begotten Son.

This describes Jesus’ special relationship with the Father; He is God's unique Son for there is no other son like Him. 

He always occupies a place of special nearness to God the Father, for even when He was here on earth, Jesus was still in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18). 

He was one with God and equal with God, and He fully revealed to men what God is like. 

When men saw Jesus, they saw God, and they heard God speak. 

God's thoughts and attitudes toward mankind have been fully declared by Christ.

All this shows us the price God paid by sending His Son to die for our sins.



Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?

John1:18 signifies Jesus divinity by the title of "Only Begotten of God". John refers to Jesus as fully God because the Only Begotten was at Father's side. Jesus is was the word (monogenes in Greek) to indicate Jesus is utterly unique in his son ship, he is the Son from eternity.

The Only Begotten Son differs from us as sons and daughters of God by the fact Jesus was with the Father from eternity, we become sons and daughters of God by spiritual birth or adoption.

The Only begotten means Jesus status with the Father is equal in divinity.

The costliness of the cross for Jesus the Only begotten , is that God so loved the world he gave his son for the world John 3:16.


Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity?


My Answer: Jesus is begotten GOD. GOD = divinity.


How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God?


My Answer: Jesus as the only begotten Son has the same DNA as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. As believers we are adopted sons and daughters with the privileges of being children of the King of kings however, as adopted children, we do not share the same DNA as the Holy Trinity. Just as humans adopt children who become 100% members of their families, the adopted children do not share the same genetics as the begotten children do.


What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father?


My Answer: Jesus is the same as the Father, a piece of the Father.


About the costliness of the cross?


My Answer: The cross cost God His life. A piece of Himself had to suffer and die to atone for our sins, my sins.


Q3 (John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus'                                                               divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as  sons  and daughters of God? What does "only-                   begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father?                                                                                            About the costliness of the cross?



1."No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side,                                                                                          has made him known." (John 1:18) What makes this so remarkable is that John seems to                                                                                refer to Jesus as fully God "at the Father's side." He distinguishes between Jesus and the                          Father, but calls Jesus, "the Only Begotten God.


2.  We become sons and daughters of God by spiritual birth or adoption                                                                                       


3.We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the only-begotten Son of God,                                                                                                                  begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of Light,very God of 


very                                                                                                                                                        God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by  whom  all things were made.


4."For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,  that                                                                                    whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

(John 3:16)


Q. How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity?


A.  Jesus was not created but was and is God born by the power and Spirit of God through Mary without any union with man. He is Unique!


Q. How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God?


A. Jesus the Only Begotten Son was not created while other brothers and sisters like me were created and are children of God only by adoption or spiritual birth.


Q.  What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father?


A. Jesus being the “only-begotten” means that He is the only One being born of God while we are created by God or adopted.


Q. About the costliness of the cross? 


A.  It took the death of God’s only begotten Son to die on the cross for the redemption of mankind. My salvation was at the painful cost of life of the only begotten Son of God

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?


In my bible (NKJV) John 1:18 reads, "The only begotten Son" and vs 14 reads,"And the Word (the Logos) became flesh (was made - ginomai)," and we see in John 1:1-2, He didn't cease to be the Logos, He didn't cease being GOD (vs 1), He retained His glory, His character and His Divinity.


To be "in the bosom of the Father" indicates an intimate relationship, not like an earthly father to a child, but like Supreme GOD, the mighty King of all, and Jesus, the Word.



The Word, the Logos of GOD, the 'sayings' of GOD to humanity, were in the beginning with GOD (John 1:1-2) and that same Word became flesh, became the exact expression of GOD. It wasn't created, or birthed in the sense that it was conceived as a human, but the Word, GOD's Logos was placed in Mary by the power (dynamis) of the Highest (most high GOD) as the Holy spirit overshadowed her. (Luke 1:35 & see 'overshadow' in Acts 5:15)


Luke understood the divinity of this "Holy One" Who was born. His reference to Him being the "Holy One" was in contrast to what David said in Psalm 51:5, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me."


We are all born as sinners as a result of the sin we have inherited from Adam and Eve. At the moment of our birth, while there is no "personal" sin, we have the sin that has been imputed to us because of our relationship to Adam and Eve through all of our ancestors.

But Jesus was born the "Holy One", without sin so that He would become sin for us! 2 Corinthians 5:21


While all of the world does not receive Him, many do, and to those who receive Him and come to know Him, to them is given the power, the exousia (the authority), to become (to begin to be) the children of GOD. John 1:12-13

Not dynamis (dynamite or dynamic) power, but according to His grace, a gift, unearned, undeserved!


"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed (as a gift - didomi) on us, that we should be called children of GOD! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." 1 John 3


Our new birth (being born again) is not a birth of blood, the will of the flesh or of man, but it is "of GOD."  John 1:10-13


We are His children by "adoption" and we should consider it the greatest honor to have been chosen to be adopted! (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:5Ephesians 1:5)


That Christ Himself, wanted us to become His "brethren" not being ashamed to call us "brethren," the "children whom GOD has given" to Him. Hebrews 2:11-13

And as His brethren, as children of GOD, we can boldly enter into the "holiest" place, the Holy of Holies, by the blood of Jesus, "by a new and living way which He consecrated for us through the veil" Hebrews 10:19-20

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?


However the verse above is interpreted and the original manuscripts translated, the apostle John seems to indicate that Jesus is uniquely divine. The notes add, "utterly unique" - unique from the Father, he is not just another created human being. John clearly places Jesus right next to God as fully divine (from the notes). What great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called 'children of God!' (1 John 3:ff).

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?


The only begotten Son, which is in the Glory of the Father.—The oneness of essence and of existence is made prominent by a natural figure, as necessary in Him who is to reveal the nature of God. Jesus died for us to live. It was Gods redemption plan that Jesus was to die for our sins in order for us to live and worship him only.

  • 2 weeks later...

The title "Only Begotten God" signifies Jesus' divinity by proclaiming, "God the one and only who is at His Father's side."

We become sons and daughters of God when we are adopted into His family after we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. Jesus was God's Son from eternity. He has always existed and wasn't created like we were.

What "only begotten" says about Jesus' status with the Father is, they are equal in divinity.

About the costliness of the cross-the separation the Father had to endure, while His Son was dying on the cross for the sin of mankind.

  • 2 years later...

Unlike us, Jesus didn’t have to be born again. He wasn’t the product of God’s creative activity, neither was he adopted into the family of God. He was begotten, not made.

Jesus is in a class by himself, unique in his sons hip, not only the Son of God but God the Son. One of the persons of the Godhead, there from the beginning.

So it is , that God sent his one and only son, to suffer and die an ignominious death on the cross, because he could be the only worthy sacrifice for sin. In sending this son, it is as if God had sent himself.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title "Only Begotten God" signify Jesus' divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does "only-begotten" say about Jesus' status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross? 

The title “Only Begotten God” signifies Jesus’ divinity by stating that He is the only Son of God. He was begotten not made and He is one with the Father. He was there with God in the very beginning. He is the Son from eternity not from birth. He is the Second person of the Trinity.


He differs from us in that He was not born like we were. He was already there in the beginning with God. We were born or adopted into the family of God but He was begotten not born into it.


Being “only begotten says that He has a special relationship with God. He is unique and different from all created beings or things. It says that the two of them are very close and that they work together in sync with each other. Jesus did nothing without the Father’s permission and He knew what God’s desire and will was. This tells us that it cost Jesus everything when he came to earth to be born and die on the cross. He gave up what He had with the Father to come to save us. He gave up His relationship with God when he died on the cross; because God could not look on Him because of the sins He bore. He was in utter anguish and grief in the end because God turned away from Him.


This states that God and Jesus were one in all senses of the term. They were one in divinity because from the beginning of time they were in existence. For when the world was created Jesus was there. He is able to do things that only someone with the ability of divine power could do. It differs from us because Jesus was the only child born of Mary and God to be God’s Son and do die on the cross. It speaks of how important it was for Jesus to be born and die on the cross. It speaks on how awesome God truly is. It was very costly since only the blood of Jesus could quench the wrath of God and restore us to a right relationship with God.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
On 12/10/2015 at 2:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? God refers to his bloodline belonging to Heavenly Father, his biological father, while "begotten" refers to him being the only one that was born of a human, not made or created. 

How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? Jesus is a biological son while we are His creations. 

What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross? Well being the only begotten child means Jesus is the love of Father's existence. It was a painful sacrifice that the Heavenly Father made when he put his Son on the cross, but I think the choice would not have been made if Father knew that Jesus would never return to him. Father knew that he could raise his Son, therefore, the pain of loss was mitigated by this fact. Humans can't do this so naturally we're horrified to think that a Father would do  this. But God is Almighty for a reason. 


  • 1 month later...
On 12/10/2015 at 2:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?

a.   "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known." (John 1:18)  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1-2)   And the angel answered and said unto her, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.  (Luke 1:35) 

b. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.      (Eph. 1:5)  We are adopted into God's Family by a spiritual birth when we asked Christ to come into our lives.   But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13)

c.  He is One with the Father . One Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made.

d. The cross was very costly in the death and suffering of the Son of God  but we look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Heb. 12:2)  It was God's plan because of His great love for us and because all that it accomplished for us - salvation, healing and deliverance and destroying the works of the devil.   Oh, who can comprehend God's Love and wonderful grace in the giving of His Son for us. 

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