Pastor Ralph Posted December 10, 2015 Report Posted December 10, 2015 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? Quote
JanMary Posted February 13, 2016 Report Posted February 13, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? Jesus told us to take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Him. We are reminded of His great love, His sacrifice, the cost to Heaven, and that we are now His children, forgiven and washed by His blood. He reminds us that "He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment"....and that "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole." (Is 53:4, 5 amplified) In Him we have redemption, deliverance and salvation through His blood. (Eph. 1:7) so that we may fulfill His purpose for each make Him known to those around us. Why should we partake often? Partly so that we don't take His sacrifice for granted or to become lackadaisical, and partly because our soul's enemy is always at hand to heap guilt and condemnation on us so that we lose our joy, or like Adam and Eve, try to hide from God in our shame. When we take Communion often, we are reaffirming that He is our Lord, and are reminded that we have constant access to our Father's Presence because we are His own, and are "clothed" in His robe of Righteousness. "Therefore there is now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Rom 8:1 Amplified) And foremost, The Lord's Supper is not a "ritual" to be "performed" but is His life, strength and healing being poured into us as we partake. It reminds us that we are not our own, and that we are dependent upon Him for our next breath. Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? We have conscience and long memories, always reminding us of the past, and the world we live in is a hostile place (and becoming more so every day for believers) striving to pull us back into its' "vortex" of worldliness and self. For many, we lived as heathens and sinners for a longer time than we've been born again and we need to be reminded of our precious position now that we are His. (We are seated with Him in Heavenly places.( Eph 2:6) Quote
JeannieG Posted February 14, 2016 Report Posted February 14, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? My Answer: The Lord's Supper is a reminder that we have no part in the atonement of our sins without accepting Jesus' death, without accepting the sacrifice of His body and blood to cleanse us of our sin. Why should we partake often? My Answer: Jesus commanded, "Do this is remembrance of Me." Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? My Answer: It is as easy to forget as it is to forget how we are able to have meat to eat on a daily basis. We are isolated from the death of the animals that provide the meat we eat. We are also isolated from Jesus' life and death on earth unless we deliberately study His Word and reflect on His life and death. Our society encourages us to depend on ourselves, to seek comfort in any form we choose, to reject God's unchanging values and principles. Quote
Jen Posted February 15, 2016 Report Posted February 15, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? As we take the bread and the wine we "remember' what Christ did for us. His body that was broken and His blood that was shed. It is only for those who have made Jesus their Lord and Savior. We take time to reflect (to remember) on Christ and the price He had to pay. I don't know that we so much forget as that Lord's Supper brings it to forefront to think about it solely and somberly, to consider Him alone and to honor Him alone as we understand in part the costliness of the cross. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Commissioned Posted February 15, 2016 Report Posted February 15, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is for us to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for redeeming us and reconciling us to the Father. We should partake as He require f us to do so in remberance of the work He dis for us. It is so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross because we ourselves did not partake nor witness the actual crucifixion; or it could be that we do not read and meditate on the scripture sufficiently. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 16, 2016 Report Posted February 16, 2016 The Lord's supper is a reminder to us of the price Jesus paid on the cross for my sins--His blood & body. Yes, take often to keep it as a reminder and forefront in our minds. Our church does it once a month. It's easy to forget all that Jesus has done for us--we get caught up in our own lives. Not unlike Israel in the wilderness. They witnessed so many miracles in Egypt, yet forgot God's power to take care of us daily. Quote
blezed Posted February 16, 2016 Report Posted February 16, 2016 (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? The purpose of the Lord's Supper is the celebration of deliverance from sin by Christ's death. Each time we perform the communion ritual, we are not only remembering what He did for us, but we are “showing” it as well to all who watch and all who participate and how it impacts our lives as believers. The Bible does not give us specific instruction as to frequency but it should be often enough to renew focus on Christ. Most churches do it once a month. It is easy for us to forget what Jesus has done because we did not witness his death. That is why the Lord's Supper is so important. It is no different today with our youths in remembering the Civil Right struggles. Because they were not a part of it or did not witness it, the impact is not as great as those that did. Quote
haar Posted February 16, 2016 Report Posted February 16, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) Q. What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? A. To remind us of the sacrifice our Lord made on the cross by shedding His blood for remission of our sin Q. Why should we partake often? A. To keep the memory of this sacrifice always fresh in our minds as we are a forgetful lot. Q. Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? A. The human mind is forgetful. Besides, we get too busy with our lives, (work and other worldly pursuits) that we forget the divine important things of God Quote
hanks Posted February 17, 2016 Report Posted February 17, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? It is a memorial service for all believers in Jesus Christ. We are to remember the work Jesus did on the Cross for us – His death and His resurrection. We are to partake often until He comes, as this strengthens our faith through fellowship with our Saviour. We need to be reminded of what Jesus did in His life and death to earn our salvation – we often seem to take it for granted – not realizing the magnitude of the suffering. Quote
van Posted February 17, 2016 Report Posted February 17, 2016 The purpose of the Lord's Supper is to partake in it in Remembrance of Christ death on the cross and that He shed His blood for the remission of our sins. We are to partake often until He returns. If you are not living for Him then of course you would forget what He has done for you. I pray to Him daily to make sure I don't ever forget what He has done for me. Quote
Debra Grant Posted February 18, 2016 Report Posted February 18, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross?1. "And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.” “After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.” 2. As often as we eat the bread, and drink from the cup, we do shew the Lord's death till he come. 3. Because Satan comes and tries to get you to betray Jesus.We lack reading, praying, and fasting. We then get weak and our minds Become on other things and not Jesus. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted February 18, 2016 Report Posted February 18, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? The purpose of the Lord's supper was to bring into remembrance his broken body and blood of the New Covenant. By celebrating the last supper we look back to the Lord's death and forward to his second coming. We partake of the last supper often to call into remembrance his atonement for our sins and eternal life with him. It is easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross because present life and culture pressure us to live a life of accomplishment and elevation in society. Getting wrapped up in these present day activities keeps our mind off the Lord and on the world. Quote
Annelle Posted February 18, 2016 Report Posted February 18, 2016 What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Jesus said that we should do the Lords Supper often as it will remind us of His body that was broken for us and His blood that was spilled for us. Why should we partake often? So we can constantly be reminded of God's great love for us (sinners and broken vessels) Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? The cares of life crowds the knowledge out of our heads. Satan comes and makes us so busy that we forget to think about God constantly. Also, shockingly, it is viewed as a story and the true impact of what was done for us is watered down. Quote
Neil Posted February 19, 2016 Report Posted February 19, 2016 Jesus told us to celebrate the communion of His Body and blood in remembrance of Him. I believe this remembrance is to be of the present living Lord who is eternal and with us as we come into His presence as he promised. Thus communion is a close very fellowship with and in Him and each other. We continue to receive Him in this manner until He comes to take us to be with Him forever. Quote
alimaespa Posted February 22, 2016 Report Posted February 22, 2016 It is a memorial service for all believers in Jesus Christ. We are to remember the work Jesus did on the Cross for us – His death and His resurrection. We are to partake often until He comes, as this strengthens our faith through fellowship with our Saviour. We need to be reminded of what Jesus did in His life and death to earn our salvation – we often seem to take it for granted – not realizing the magnitude of the suffering Quote
Taz Posted February 23, 2016 Report Posted February 23, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? On the night before Jesus Christ would be forced to carry the cross up Golgatha to the place where He would be crucified, He sat with His disciples in a room that was provided by an unknown benefactor. While the exact details vary between Matthew 26, Mark 14 & Luke 22, the Lord's Supper and Christ's words that the bread is "My body" & the cup, which is "My blood" are all recorded. The significance of the timing of the "LORD's Supper" is that Passover is the most sacred observance in the Jewish faith. And the observance of Passover demonstrates GOD's love and symbolizes our Savior; it is a foreshadow of what Christ's work on the cross would do. Hebrews 10:10-14 Exodus 12:2 tells us to accept the Passover Lamb gave a new beginning. Vs 5 is Christ as the Lamb, "Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year." Vs 7, 12 & 22 explains how and why the blood of the lamb would be applied to the doorposts and lintels of the homes. Vs 14 tells of GOD's instruction that the Passover be kept as a "memorial", a feast to the LORD throughout all generations, as an "everlasting ordinance." Vs 46 shows us that the Lamb's bones would not be broken. (John 19:33) Vs 50-51 is evidence that obedience brings salvation! "Thus all the children of Israel did; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so the did. And it came to pass, on tht very same day, that the LORD brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt according to their armies." The Passover Lamb from which the blood was taken to put onto the doorposts and lintels as a sign (Exodus 12:13), is as Jesus spoke of His blood as the "new covenant." And just as GOD told the Israelites that they should keep the feast to LORD, the Passover, as a memorial for all generations, we too should keep the ordinance of His Last Supper as a spiritual marker of our faith in Christ. "Down at the cross where my Savior died,Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,There to my heart was the blood applied;Glory to His Name!" (Elisha Hoffman) In 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 , the Apostle Paul too, wrote about the Lord's Supper. He spoke of the bread which is Christ's "body" and the cup what is Christ's "blood" and for us to do this often, breaking the bread and drinking the cup in remembrance of His sacrifice, and each time we do, we "proclaim the LORD's death till He comes." The bread and the "fruit of the vine" are symbols of His life, His crucifixion and His resurrection. How it might be an easy thing to do, that is, to forget, is beyond me!! How can one who is truly born-again forget what Christ Jesus did on the cross? I am reminded countless times each day, knowing that the punishment and death that I deserved was paid by Him on the cross. How can I forget that? The Apostle Paul tells of a man who is as one who looks into a mirror seeing his image, then who walks away only to forget what he looked like! That man is a "hearer" of the Word, not a "doer." Paul then says, "But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty (which is Christ, His gospel) and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.". (Psalm 1:1-3) One who is truly born-again is not simply a "hearer" but a "doer." For there is something that must be done after His Word is heard, and that is to BELIEVE! So it seems to me that if one did "forget" what Jesus Christ did on the cross, then that person is as the one who forgot what he looked like after looking in the mirror! We looked into GOD's Word, His gospel, and it showed us all of our blemishes. Then by faith we accepted His grace and mercy, took the pardon for our sin that He offered and applied His blood to our lives then to be set apart, that is "justified" for Him. Acts 13:38-39; Romans 3:23-25 Then daily, as we walk in that justification, He works by His Spirit to sanctify us. 2 Thessalonians 2:13-16 In Acts 26, the Apostle Paul related to King Agrippa the words that Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus. Paul said, "And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads."...."I Am Jesus, Whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to GOD, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are "sanctified" by faith in Me." If we are being obedient, setting our focus on Him, seeking Him early, remembering His words to the sleeping disciples in Gethsemane, then we are keeping fresh the memory of what He has done for us (Psalm 126). Knowing how easy it was for Peter, who had walked with Him, talked, shared meals, witnessed miracles and seen Him face to face, to deny Him, then we must know too, that as Christ Jesus told Peter though the enemy wanted to sift him as wheat, He had prayed that his faith should not fail (Luke 22:31-32). For us, we have Christ Jesus as our Mediator, even as the accuser rants and raves before GOD's throne "day and night" (Revelation 12:10), our Savior intercedes for us. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted March 6, 2016 Report Posted March 6, 2016 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? When the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in the early church, it included a feast or fellowship meal followed by the celebration of Communion. In the church in Corinth, the fellowship meal had become a time when some ate and drank excessively while others went hungry. There was little sharing and caring. This certainly did not demonstrate the unity and love that should characterize the church, nor was it a preparation for Communion. Paul condemned these actions and reminded the church of the real purpose of the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is a visible representation symbolizing the death of Christ for our sins. It reminds us of Christ’s death and the glorious hope of his return. Our participation in it strengthens our faith through fellowship with Christ and with other believers. It is an important element in the Christian faith and that Christ’s presence, however we understand it, strengthens us spiritually. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 8, 2016 Report Posted March 8, 2016 The Lord’s Supper is to remind us what the Lord has done for us. We should partake of it often to remind us that we should always be in reverence to the Lord. It is easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross because of our busy life style. We would like to think that we are in control when we are not. Quote
linda bass Posted March 9, 2016 Report Posted March 9, 2016 The purpose of the Lord's Supper is to bring to mind Jesus' broken body; symbolized by the bread, cracker, or wafer, and the blood He shed on the cross for our sin; symbolized by the wine or grape juice. We should partake of the Lord's Supper often because we need to be reminded of what it cost God to redeem us from our sin. My church partakes of the Lord's Supper or communion as we refer to it on the 2nd Sunday of the month and on Good Friday. We partake in what is referred to as open communion. One doesn't have to be a member of the church to partake, but they must have accepted Jesus as Savior. Often it is easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross because, the longer one has been a Christian the easier it becomes to take our salvation for granted. Quote
Godswriter Posted July 4, 2018 Report Posted July 4, 2018 The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary over 2000 years ago. Where His arms, and feet pierced with spikes to fasten Him to the cross. Then upon His death His side was pierced through with a sword by a centurion guard. We must partake of it often because we are to be reminded often of His sacrifice on the cross. It is easy to forget it because we can take it for granted and not actually think on sacraments as they pertain the communion and His Sacrifice at Calvary. Quote
Lottie Posted July 6, 2018 Report Posted July 6, 2018 Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord's Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? The purpose of the Lord's Supper is to help us remember what he did for us on the cross. That He said those very words to the disciples the night He was betrayed. That they and all of us are to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Him and until He comes back again. In doing this we will remember The great sacrifice that He paid. We will also remember that He told them He would come back one day too. We often forget what He has done because we take it for granted. We partake in the supper without thinking about what He did. It becomes just a ritual for us instead of a sacred remembrance and reminder of His second coming. We often partake in it and then forget all about it as we busy ourselves in our own little worlds. Quote
MICHELLE OXLEY Posted September 3, 2018 Report Posted September 3, 2018 The Names of Jesus.docx Quote
MosesSole Posted June 28, 2020 Report Posted June 28, 2020 On 12/10/2015 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? I think the purpose of the Supper was to remind his disciples of the sacrifice that was to come, and that he would return. We should partake often as a reminder of what Jesus bore, to save Man. Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? I don't think anyone has forgotten that. But I will say that society as a whole, has become less faithful to religion. Quote
rosegarden Posted August 2, 2020 Report Posted August 2, 2020 On 12/10/2015 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) What is the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? Why should we partake often? Why is it so easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross? a. We are to remember the Lord and proclaim His death till He comes again. Remember how much He loves us that He suffered and died for us. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor. 5:21)The night Jesus was betrayed, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My Body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me." In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. (I Cor. 11:23-26) b. We should partake often so that we will always remember the Lord and what He has done for us. It is so easy to be taken up by the world and we need to keep that intimate union with Him, acknowledging sin and being continually cleansed and not muddied up with the things of this world. c. It is easy to forget what Jesus has done for us if we are taken up with things of this world and putting Him last. We need to remember how He has taken us from a world of sin and has given us His righteousness. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor. 5:17) Quote
Krissi Posted May 26, 2023 Report Posted May 26, 2023 What a surprising and fascinating question! As a young Christian, I was in a church that described itself as "low" -- not inclined to pomp, "smells and bells," or ritual. There, the eucharist was rarely celebrated. I now attend a "high" Anglican church because, in part, of the continuity in worship that this denomination has retained over the centuries which includes a weekly eucharist. The Lord's Supper or eucharist has become a deeply meaningful remembrance/ritual for me, particularly the words heard or spoken beforehand during which I recall my own sins, in detail, as I ask for forgiveness. The lamb of God ... the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross ... is so difficult to comprehend, so inexplicable, and yet the eucharist takes what Christ has done to a concrete, personal level. I eat the symbolic body and drink His symbolic blood, and in doing so, I am viscerally reminded of the centrality of the cross in my own Christian faith. His blood atones for my sins ... His death ransomed me. I need this reminder. At times, my faith is so consumed with the mundane, or, conversely, gets so airy-fairy in theology, that the eucharist brings me back to the centrality of the cross where Christ and I re-converge, mysteriously... "... in your compassion, forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone, and so uphold us by your Spirit that we may live and serve you in newness of life, to the honor and glory of your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen..." Quote
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