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  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant?


​A servant remembers that the master is also the leader, and is the one whose agenda is to be served. As a believer, I am called not just to hear His words and guidance but to LISTEN to them with my heart and then to do them by the power of His Spirit. I'm to live in subjection to His Lordship but am also called His friend, which includes spending time with Him renewing my mind with His Word, and to pray, (not telling Him what I think He needs to do, which is how I started out as a new believer) but to ask for His perspective, His mind to be my mind, to change me where I am stubborn or prideful or not in compliance with His will, and to converse with Him as His friend. He rewards the time we spend in His presence. I actually heard Him chuckle recently which stunned me with Joy! Jesus was always tuned to His Father, and only did what "His Father was doing" and said "what He heard His Father saying." ....may we be tuned to Him in order to serve Him in the way He desires us to make Him known..


​It has been said that there are 5 gospels...the first 4 are mostly unread....our lives are the 5th gospel to those around us.


Why is humility difficult?


God gifted us with a free will, which is also a problem (I was going to say a curse, but that's not true...it's just a gift which wrongly used is a huge problem!). We want our way, to be right, to be well thought of, to be in charge and so on. Humility requires me to remember that God is always right and I'm wrong when we disagree. Humility requires me to crucify my flesh daily in order to be willing to serve my master and friend. It requires that I remember that He knows everything there Is to know about everything there is to know...and that I am the student who knows so little of what He wants me to learn. Humility requires that my agenda may not be the plan He has for me today, and to be willing to put my plan aside in order for His to be attended. It helps me to remember who is in charge, by asking Him in the morning to "order my steps and my stops" and to know the difference!


Why is obedience hard?


​It's hard because our  fallen nature wants its' own way...we think we know best, and that we're right...that we have a right to do what we want when we want! Obedience requires sacrifice on my part...laying down my will.


Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


This may sound strange to some who've never been in this situation, but I'm struggling with the length of time He has called me to "Be still and know that I AM God"

​Which means my plans have been on the shelf for a very long time. A very long time of inactivity. It means lots of time alone, and I love people, am energized by being with them. So, I am obeying, and much of the time I'm content...but then I have days where I've had enough and want to get moving! And then there is another surrender, which can feel like a death....but is followed by peace and joy and a lightness of spirit and contentment again....and then...

  On 12/10/2015 at 7:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?

We are to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant by humbling ourselves and render our total life to serving God.


Humility is difficult because we see it as being weak, not a character we wer taught to desire.  When we see humility through the eye f our Lord and emulate Him, then we would embrace being holy and rightous as He is.  Obedience is hard when we see obeying as taking away from our right to do as we please.  As I live from day to day I struggle to live in being both humble and righteous.  It is by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that from day t day I live pleasing God and bringing Him glory.


Follow Jesus' example by serving one another.

Humility is difficult--Our "old man" loves prideful actions.

Obedience is hard because  we are fighting against our sin natures and Satan & his minions.

I need to obey the great commission--and joyfully speak to others more often of the gospel.


Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


Jesus gave up everything to do the will of the Father.  He came to serve and not to be served at the Father's request.   We are to do the same. Paul said it well to the Corinthians, we are being made fools of and you are honored?  Humility is hard when we are treated like we are worth that and the ones who are treating us that way think they are worthy of honor.  Obedience is hard when we are frightened or want to do something else.  I'll do it my way thank you.  We have egos and lots of pride. Humility and obedience are characteristics we must learn.  Life and people have a way of teaching us don't they!


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8)


Q. How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant?


A. Through/ by obedience and humility to the Master


Q. Why is humility difficult?


A. We are naturally proud due to the Adamic nature in us.


Q. Why is obedience hard?


A. Because our Adamic nature is rebellious


Q. Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


A. In quite a number of areas especially talking about others in their absence


We are to be servants. We are to serve, not be served. You got to get rid of self and think doing the will of Christ and think on others. You must put others before yourself, just like Christ did. I keep my heart and mind on the Lord because I want to stay obedient and humble to Him.

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) 

How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? 

Why is humility difficult? 

Why is obedience hard? 

Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient? 

I think what Jesus had in mind for us as servants, He stated in Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

These are tough words, and hugely contradicts the self-centeredness we see expressed by most today.

Our ultimate concern must be for others, and this does not allow much room for self-concern.

We are to have the mind of Christ who emptied Himself, and became a Servant.

However, not many of us want to humble ourselves as servants. 

Neither do we want to be obedient to His Word – rather we will do it our way. 

We want to be in charge and we will choose when and whom and how we will serve – if at all. 

A true servant demands humility and obedience to our Lord. 

We are to glorify God and become less and less while He becomes more and more. 


How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? 


By behaving humbly and by serving others whenever the opportunity arrises.


Why is humility difficult? 


Because it is in our nature to think first about ourselves. And lets face it, as this is such an area of constant struggle I believe it is one of the easiest ways for satan to control us.


Why is obedience hard?


I think obedience is hard because most of the times it requires of us to get out of our comfort zone. That nice me-zone that we park off in a lot. 


Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


Humble - at home

Obedient - I still struggle to share the good news with people. I find that I hesitate a lot when I should probably just say it.

  On 12/10/2015 at 7:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?

We are to follow Jesus example as a servant by humbling ourselves and being obedient to his will.

Humility is difficult because one must not be proud or arrogant. He must be modest and have meekness of heart. In today's society we are taught to be just the opposite of humility.

Obedience is hard for us in our faith, we can not always see the of God being fulfilled. We always want things now and with results. This is not what God wants, he desires patience with obedience to his will.

For me to be obedient  and humble is difficult. Raising a family with children takes one's mind off the things of the Lord. Taking on the challenges of society seems to always draw us away from Christ. 


The world offers all sorts of attractions that stimulate my desires. I let go and forget God's will for me.
 But then He brings me back though His word. His Holy Spirit calls me to repentance.
I have nothing of my own self to boast about; indeed the opposite. But He has given me His rich gifts
with which to serve Him through others in all sorts of ways.
"When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a blessing He sheds on our way."


Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the

 Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are 

you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


1. Being found in appearance as of flesh,wshould humble ourself
 by becoming obedient to death and God's will!


1. Flesh does not want to die out to sin.


3. Flesh does not want to do the will of the Lord, but it’s own will.        


4. Learning how to use my words so that others can understand me and know

that I am not trying to talk smart.

I think what Jesus had in mind for us as servants, He stated in Philippians 2:3: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”
These are tough words, and hugely contradicts the self-centeredness we see expressed by most today.
Our ultimate concern must be for others, and this does not allow much room for self-concern.
We are to have the mind of Christ who emptied Himself, and became a Servant.
However, not many of us want to humble ourselves as servants. 
Neither do we want to be obedient to His Word – rather we will do it our way. 
We want to be in charge and we will choose when and whom and how we will serve – if at all. 
A true servant demands humility and obedience to our Lord. 

We are to glorify God and become less and less while He becomes more and more.

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


In Isaiah 40 & 41, the condition of the earth is described.

As it is the same today with all of the sin and debauchery, idolatry and disobedience, it is interesting to see, that Isaiah foretold (40:3-5) the coming of "the voice of one crying in the wilderness"  in the person of John the Baptist, and he concluded his book (66:22) with words that are spoken by the Apostle John in Revelation 21:1, of the "new heavens and the new earth"


In Isaiah, there are four chapters that are called the "Servant Songs"

In Isaiah 42:1-9 the first words are a command: "Behold! My Servant whom I uphold"

Here is the conquering King Who will come as a meager Servant.


In 49:1-13 Isaiah said of the Servant, that He was "called from the womb"; that He would be GOD's salvation "to the ends of the earth", the Redeemer, His Holy One.


In 50:4-11 the prophet speaks of His crucifixion, "I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting."


And finally there is 52:13-53:12 which is referred to as Isaiah's "Suffering Servant" song and again the first words are, "Behold, My Servant"


But even before Isaiah spoke the words of GOD in about 711 BC, foretelling the coming Messiah,

Psalm 22 was prophetic in that the first words (979 BC - David?) would be repeated by Christ Jesus on the cross, "My GOD, My GOD, why have You forsaken Me?"

And it describes a suffering that is far beyond anything that David ever endured.

For instance: "they pierced My hands and My feet" (Luke 24:39); "they divide My garments among them, and for My clothing they cast lots" (John 19:24)


As His servants, we are called to be of the same mind, the Mind that is in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) and His mind was focused on pleasing GOD and doing His will (Matthew 3:17John 4:34 & 6:38).

Like His life, our lives are to glorify GOD (John 13:31-32 & 17:4

And as He was the "Amen, the Faithful and True Witness" we too must endeavor to walk by and in His Spirit so that our lives reflect Him, give witness to His Truth. (Revelation 3:14)


Servitude can be forced as it was for the Israelites when they were taken captive into Assyria and Babylon or it can be by submission out of love.


As the Apostle Paul says in Colossians 3, "if" we are raised with Christ then we are to seek those things that are above where He is sitting at GOD's right hand, setting our minds on the things in heaven, not the earthly things (vs 1-2)


Our lives should be "hidden" with Christ in GOD (vs 3), as we are being diligent to "put to death" those things in our lives that are contrary to Him (vs 5)

After we have "put on" (adorned with as if clothed with a garment) the "new man who is renewed in the knowledge according to the image of Him Who created him" (vs 10), have "put on" humility along with tender mercies, kindness, meekness and longsuffering, and if then we have "above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection" (vs 14), we can let His peace rule us and let His Word dwell in us (vs 15-16).

Just as Christ made Himself to be a "bondservant", we too should, with sincerity, humility and heartily as to the LORD (vs 23-24) take on the form of a bondservant. (Philippians 2:6-7)


While it is His nature to be "lowly" (Matthew 21:5), to have the heart of a servant (Luke 22:27 & John 13:5, it is NOT our nature to be the same. For ours in human while His is Divine. Our's is flesh but His is Spirit.

For us it will always be a struggle to rein in our flesh, to walk in humility and obedience since neither of

these traits come naturally or easily.

As it is with many people, I struggle every day to set aside my desire to be independent, and replace it with total submission and dependence on the LORD.

I have found that the older I get the more important it is for me to succeed.

I am thankful that one day, when we are truly at rest, residing in our "incorruptible" body in heaven, the struggle will be no more! (1 Corinthians 15:52-53)

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


Jesus Son of God voluntarily assumed a human body and human nature. Without ceasing to be God, he became a human being, the man called Jesus. He did not give up his deity to become human, but he set aside the right to his glory and power. In submission to the Father’s will, Christ limited his power and knowledge.


Paul therefore stressed spiritual unity, asking the Philippians to love one another and to be one in spirit and purpose. When we work together, caring for the problems of others as if they were our problems, we demonstrate Christ’s example of putting others first, and we experience unity. We should not be so concerned about making a good impression or meeting your own needs that you strain relationships in God’s family, but be one family.


The things of this world sometimes make me loss forcase and enjoy what is there forgetting who provides for us.


We are here to serve others with the special gifts that God has given us. But is hard to put our pride away and humbly serve others. There seems to be things that I want to do that doesn’t involve serving others. Serving other is always by greatest joy sometime I just don’t want to do it.

  • 2 years later...

As a servant I am to obey the master’s call upon my life and do what He asks of me. I must be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. I must do the will of the Master who is Christ. I must let Him lead and I must follow Him no matter what people say or think of me. For He is the one who saved me from eternal damnation and separation from God. Humility is difficult because so many of us  believe we are already there when we aren’t. When someone says that they are humble that is when they are proud. Only when someone else says it to the person does it count for something. Then we know that we have arrived but we can absolutely lose it by falling into sin and thinking more of ourselves than we should be. Another reason humility is difficult is because pride was the original sin that Adam and Eve committed in the garden that we must deal with as well. Obedience is hard because you have to do what is right. But our flesh constantly fights against us and the Holy Spirit and what it wants. For the flesh and the Spirit war against each other constantly. As Paul said Romans what I want to do I don’t do What I don’t want to do that I do.


Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient? 

We are to serve others as he served especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are to think of others before our selves. We are to forgive others as he did and to love our enemies. We are to obey God like Jesus did and love God with all of our heart, soul and mind like Jesus loved Him. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves like He spoke about. We are to take up our crosses and follow Him as obedient servants like He did.

Humility is difficult because it is hard to swallow our pride and ask someone for forgiveness. It is hard to say to someone that we were wrong and that we admit it. It is hard because it is not in our nature because we are proud and unwilling at times to admit any faults. It is hard because like Adam and Eve we would rather put the blame on someone else instead of ourselves. It is hard because Satan attacks us there and tells that we are not to blame. He puts doubts or past hurts in our minds to make us have hard feelings or hold grudges. It is hard because we do not want to be the one that has to say we are sorry.

Obedience is hard because often we do not want to do what God is telling us to. We do not want to turn the other cheek or forgive someone who hurt us. It is hard because often what He wants us to do does not make any sense to us. It is hard because we let doubts, fears, and mistrust get in the way of obeying Him. It is hard when we only can see the thorns or thistles on the road and not what God sees. It is hard to let go of what our minds are telling us and listen to what He says. Often our minds conflict with what He is telling us to do. 

I am struggling in the area of trusting Him with my finances and debts. I see no way out of it except if I would win some money. I know I should trust and rely on Him but my fears and doubts get in the way. I am struggling to be obedient and give over everything to Him. I want to write for Him again but I am afraid of going homeless.


  • 1 year later...
  On 12/10/2015 at 7:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant? According the the Bible passage, it's asking us to be obedient to death, as Christ was when he was crucified.  As a new believer, these kinds of messages are just the thing that makes me want to turn away.

Why is humility difficult? Humility is not difficult as most people are fair-minded of their neighbors. We live in a politically correct climate and everyone is petrified of offending any one group. 

Why is obedience hard?  Obedience that asks for complete sacrifice of one's life would be hard for anyone. I never realized that this was the foundation of Christianity so naturally it's particularly difficult to obey the idea of giving up the whole of your being. 

Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient? I consider myself a fairly humble person so I don't see this being an issue with the teaching of Christ. There may be differences in how I react to hostile situations and people but overall, I'm gentle and loving towards my neighbors. For the last 3 years, I have faithfully served my neighbors by helping to rescue and recover hundreds of people and their children, that were held captive and/or buried in the concrete of the city landscape. I have asked nothing in return from the people I saved.  I did it without pay, while being put on constant assault by Satan's attackers, while being in a wheelchair and homeless, jobless, living on Food Stamps, with no outside support of any kind. 

The obedience issue is a struggle if the teaching of Christ is asking me sacrifice the whole of my life and everything in it. I don't know who out there is willing to die for their God, but if this is what is required, this is a very cruel and demanding God. Again, these are the kinds of ideologies that make people turn away from Christianity. I'm a believer of Christ and I believe with all my heart that he is the Son of God, sent to earth to save Man from our rogue and sinful ways. But I don't consider myself a "disciple" of Christ in that I should be required to give up everything in my life. 

Even Heavenly Father valued the contribution of His children and helped them prosper when their ways were righteous and faithful to Him. Look what he did for David, Joseph, Sarah and others. 



  • 1 month later...
  On 12/10/2015 at 7:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?


a. We are to follow Jesus' example, as we are born of God by the Holy Spirit and His Spirit lives in us, we are to take the challenge of being obedient and doing what the Spirit encourages us to.  Not our own will, living for ourselves, but being the Body of Christ and doing His will. As He was obedient to the Father and doing just what He saw the Father doing, and say what He heard the Father saying. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,    (Luke 4:18)  Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. (John 20:21)  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)

b. Humility is difficult because we sometimes still tend to walk in the flesh and not be obedient, pride rises up and we need to say no and let the Spirit have control'

c. Obedience is hard because we still tend to want to do things our way, we still have doubt and fear about stepping into God's will totally and not really trusting He will take care of things when we step out it faith.

d. I am still finding out who I am in Christ and the power and authority that is available to me.  I am struggling with not stepping out like I should, rejection, doubt, not really trusting, because if I was, I would be doing it.  I need like the mother bird does, to be pushed out of the nest and learn to fly. ?

  • 1 year later...

We are to follow Jesus example by living it out on a daily basis everything that Jesus taught. We are suppose to be growing and becoming more like him. So we are to not only think about ourselves we are to think about others and serve them. An individual is not called to everyone in need but there are specific people The Lord has called each individual to.


It can be hard for a human to humble themselves at times or at all. Depending on what understanding they have on humility from God. Humans sometimes have to have it their way and have to always be right all the time and that can turn into pride and arrogance. It is something about humans that just don't want to humble themselves and admit wrong and to admit there is a God they are being held accountable to. Some people want their own philosophy of thinking, their own set of rules which can make it very difficult to humble themselves. Obedience can be hard to for people at times for the same reason. They want to do it their way with their own set of rules and don't want to be held accountable to no one but themselves because they want to make the rules.


I struggle in just making sure I'm doing everything The Lord has been instructing me to do even if I don't feel like it. If he tells me in my heart to go and pray for this person over here or there then I need to do it regardless of anything else I may need or want to do. Just making sure I'm doing everything he is telling me to do whether it is praying or anything else. That would be humbling myself the way I'm suppose to .

  • 11 months later...

There's a strain of Christian teaching which assumes we are all leaders in some manner, that God calls us up to be leaders in politics, business, academe, etc. We're to figure out where He wants us to lead, and then do it. One of the signs of spiritual maturity and His trust in us is that He puts us in increasingly "powerful" positions in the church and society.

This bothers me immensely. My personal problem with this is simple: I have not been called to lead anything. Right now, my role in His kingdom is as an intercessor, quietly praying for the people around me. I feel intense pressure to be more visibly successful, but don't think this is right. I've been called "out," to be obscure and in the background. I am praying to be influential in the lives of people God puts in my path, quietly, obliquely and indirectly, not as a person of notice.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant?

ANSWER: How to be a servant like Jesus is to love and service with God's grace. As servants of Christ, that means we should desire to serve and love others. We will not automatically have a servant’s heart, after all it takes sacrifice. However, when we rely on God’s strength and not our own, we can find ourselves maturing. It may take time and effort, but it is a worthy endeavor.

There are so many ways we can serve others depending on where we are in life and those who are around us. Here are a few ways that an individual can be a to serve others:

  1. Volunteering time: Time is valuable and giving our time can truly show love to others. Whether it is volunteering at a local shelter or signing up to help out at a church event, our time can make a big difference in the lives of others.
  2. Donating resources: For those of us who are able, donating resources also shows self-sacrificial love. Perhaps it’s money donated to an organization or charity or food given to a food bank or any other variety of donations.
  3. Looking for needs: Serving others can also mean looking out for their needs. Perhaps, a neighbor needs help with yard work or a classmate’s car broke down and they need a ride. We can serve others through little acts of kindness if we are looking out for their needs.
  4. Prayer: It is important we never underestimate the power of prayer. No matter what someone is going through, whether it be grief or celebration, we can pray for them and their needs.


Why is humility difficult?

ANSWER: For many of us, humility is one of the hardest traits to develop, because it has to start from a recognition that you are not always right, and that you do not have all the answers. It also requires an acceptance of yourself which many of us find challenging. Being humble so difficult because the self-delusion-for-self-preservation way of life is self-defeating. Practicing humility requires a realistic view of one's own strengths and shortcomings in order to debunk the idea of your self-importance self-image. Your self-delusion denies the truth of natural imperfection in nature and humans.

Here are five ways to start developing a humble spirit/soul.

  1. Stop Questioning Your Worth. You are worthy because you are a human being who is alive.
  2. Be Willing and Nimble.
  3. Embrace Uncertainty.
  4. Collaborate With Everyone.
  5. Reflect and Connect.

Why is obedience hard?

ANSWER: Being obedient is hard. We struggle to be obedient for many reasons. We do not want to feel weak or feel like we have no control over our lives. We struggle to obey and listen because we are sinners that are full of pride, are scared of rejection, or do not completely trust God. Listening to God is hard but when we do, it blesses us and others. It shows that we trust God and believe in His promises. Obedience comes when our body and mind are under control. Because of our sinful nature, we cannot try to be the one who does the controlling. We must take the step of surrendering our control over to Christ. He was the epitome of obedience in what He did for us on the cross.

Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?

ANSWER: Obedience. This is an area where I struggle.  Why is obedience so difficult?  The answer is simple.  I know the answer, but yet I still struggle to be obedient to God’s Word. I’m not talking about the Ten Commandments here.  Those are much easier to follow than some the other things I encounter like stubbornness or independence. I want control and to do things my own way. WOW, how about trying to be there for everyone? That one is tough for me. I sometimes spend more time doing for others instead taking time for myself and spending it with God and in the Word. Being more humble and obedient is something I seek everyday.  I know my short comings and I want what the Lord wants for me.  I want to trust Him totally and seek Him First, not last. One of the biggest hurdles to a vibrant, life in Christ is a thriving self-life. In order to walk in humility, we must daily die to ourselves so that Jesus's resurrection life can be made manifest through ours.

  • 11 months later...

Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8)

  1. How are we to follow Jesus' example as the Servant? We are to follow Jesus example and minister with God’s provision to and for the needs and afflicted about us.
  2. Why is humility difficult? It is so hard to stay in the humility of the servants attitude when  we see those either worldly riches showing off. Gd sad, ‘you don’t have a call… you work for me.” The vision was an old beat up delivery truck. I heard for it to load..  Was told do not load what I had… but God will provide the load and I am to deliver what He provides.
  3. Why is obedience hard? The world is full of distractions. And self does not like to be set aside every day.
  4. Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient? Essentially being told to clear out every old thing as unnecessary for going forward. Expect the eye of the needle as the next door. As “Old rugged cross” says so well. “When at last my trophies I lay down”. Time for monuments to what God has done, not what I have done.

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