Pastor Ralph Posted December 10, 2015 Report Posted December 10, 2015 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted February 27, 2016 Report Posted February 27, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? FROM THE WE ARE GRANTED THE PRIVILEGE TO BE AWARE OF ANOTHER DAY, EACH DAY, WE ARE GUARDED BY OUR MIND, THOUGHTS, AND ACTIONS. It all stems from the head. Not a single part of the body can function if we are BRAIN (JESUS) DEAD. He is all of that and more that we do not know. As a body, we are in a continuous challenge to remember that in word and in deed. It is a continuous struggle but struggle we must. It hurt soooooooo GOOD! Quote
Commissioned Posted February 27, 2016 Report Posted February 27, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? The assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affects the way we conceive of the church because He is the One that our worship, our entire living should be pleasing. The universal Church, which includes all servants of Chirst, should assert that Jesus alone is their Head. Since we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, we should conduct our life and ministry as the church in obedience to His law as given to us in the Testaments. As the invisible Church we represents the "head" in living out Truth. God's Word is truth and nothing outside of His Word should take priority or cause us to live beyind the scope of His ordained will for our lives. As the body, we follow his leadership by His grace and daily seek to follow His Truth. Quote
JeannieG Posted February 28, 2016 Report Posted February 28, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? My Answer: Jesus is the head of the body, the church and as such is the highest ranking official, worthy of respect and obedience. Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? My Answer: Jesus is talking about the church of His chosen ones, His believers, His followers, the ones whose names are in the Book of Life. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? My Answer: We are the hands and feet of Jesus. In obedience to His will and guidance, we serve in His name as He taught us to serve. In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? My Answer: My answer is the same as my answer to the previous question. How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? My Answer: I am not qualified to judge the body. I am called to take the actions that Jesus empowers me to take. Each of us is called to serve Him, in the way and at the time that He has prepared for us in advance, before we were born. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 29, 2016 Report Posted February 29, 2016 He is the church's sustainer, source of growth, origin, and authority. We are Christ's body here on earth and serve "in him" and under his direction. It can apply to both the local church & the universal church. We are to obey Him by reading His Word and acting on it. Those are His daily orders to us! People are to see Jesus in us and in our local church. We are His ambassadors! I think we still have a lot to learn....... Quote
Jen Posted February 29, 2016 Report Posted February 29, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? In Him we live and move and have our being. The church, the believers, are the body and the body follows the head. In following Him we have unity of mind and purpose. If we don't obey the head we are lost and in constant state of discord. If we follow His leadership we will have unity and bring glory to His Name. The body follows His leadership by reading His Word, and through prayer and faith. We are nothing without Christ and everything in Him and what we put into these and build up our faith will be how well we follow His Leadership. God bless! Jen Romans 15;13 Quote
JanMary Posted February 29, 2016 Report Posted February 29, 2016 Q1(Col 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? The Church is the visible representation of THE Head, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords....the body cannot function as He intends without His Sovereignty. Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation or both? There is only ONE Head, ONE church, but many parts which make up the body. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? Our conduct must be In submission to His Headship....I'm thinking of a chicken whose head had just been cut off, that I saw as a child , running around the farmyard in a frenzy, unable to function as a chicken until it died in a short time. For the Church to be fully alive and functioning as He intends, the body must submit to His direction alone. In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? The visible church is just that....It's what the world sees. If functioning as He leads, then it's a body to be reckoned with and will attract the lost. If, like the headless chicken, then a disgrace to His honor and glory, a powerless entity floundering in the eyes of the world. Luke warm at best, just "going along to get along." How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? I can only speak for this "body", which ultimately desires to follow His lead and to bring Him honor and glory, but too often wants it's own way, usually surrendering, but after some pouting or self pity in the hard places He leads. He's given me wonderful promises which look very different from where He has placed me in this life, but to get "there" is requiring daily step by step obedience. He's let me know that's what "crucifying the flesh" is all about... painful but productive in the end result. Quote
hanks Posted March 1, 2016 Report Posted March 1, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is He talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow His leadership? All believers in the Lord Jesus are formed into what is known as the body of Christ, or the church. And He is the Head of that body; both the universal Church and the local congregation. This concept looks at the church as a living organism, inseparably tied together by the living Christ. He controls every part of it and gives it life and direction. This affects the way we conceive of the church and the way we should conduct ourselves in the church. To function properly it is essential, therefore, that a church must have its Head in place and functioning. This means, supplying direction, maintaining order, giving it health, solving its difficulties, coordinating its activities, and supplying to every single member its own kind of life. All this is what our physical head does, and that is what Jesus, as Head of the body, desires to do. Each individual in the church is directly related to the Head and Jesus should be directing our activities at all times. Yet, despite the fact that we are to function as individuals, we must never forget that we belong to the whole, not only the local body but the whole body of Christ all over the world. As a church and as an individual believer, we are to be, as Jesus said, “the salt of the earth, and the light of the world”. Quote
Taz Posted March 1, 2016 Report Posted March 1, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? Rather than reading just vs 18 in Colossians 1, let's back up and begin reading at vs 15 - 20. "He is the image of the invisible GOD, the firstborn over all creation (the KJV says, 'firstborn of every creature). For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross." So I count 8 times the word "all" is used, 7 if you are using a KJV. Nevertheless, that is a lot of "ALL" And when He says ALL, He means ALL, not just some, a portion of, or a leftover, but ALL. The Greek word 'pas' clearly means, all things, each & every, any, everything, individually & collectively. So it easy to understand what is meant by Christ Jesus being "the head of the body, the church" as it is He Who "is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence." He is, just as those Scriptures tell us, the image of GOD, the firstborn over all creation; for Him and through Him all things were created; He was and is "before" all things; in Him all things consist (are composed of; all parts united); He has supreme preeminence (to be the first in rank or influence); He is the firstborn from the dead in Whom all of GOD's glory resides as He has been "appointed heir of all things, through Whom also He made the worlds; Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His Person, and upholding all things by the word of His power" Hebrews 1 Christ Jesus is the head of both the local church as individual groups of believers and He is the head of "the church." There again we find the word "the" where an "a" could just as easily been used. But He is not the head of "a" church, as in one of a number, He is the head of THE Church, which is His body. Every believer is part of that Body. Romans 12:1-5 & 1 Corinthians 12:27 and it is "IN Him we live, and move, and have our being" as "His offspring." Acts 17:28 and as Christ Jesus lives in all believers, those who are born-again, by faith in Him Galatians 2:20 and IN us He is our hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 As a single part of His Body, His spiritual body on earth, we wait for His appearing. We must live out each day knowing that every believer is a part of Him as well. The entire body works together, just as our own body does. Our brain keeps all the functions in order; our muscles and bones give us movement, but all still controlled by the "head", the brain. Christ is the "Head" of the church, which is His body, which is here to fulfill His will on earth. We are to care for, nurture and hold in high regard all the other "members" of the body and we are always to be "ready to give defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear" 1 Peter 3:15 There are many churches that go by many names. But not all are part of His church, His body, His Bride. For He is coming back for a Bride that is spotless, a glorious church, holy without blemish. Ephesians 5:25-27 And not every church can be described that way. The warnings that Scripture has given about the error and the deceptions of the last days are happening all around us. False teaching and false shepherds are leading many into heresy. Many church groups call themselves "Christians" but are not born-again believers. They follow after idols and believe not the Word of GOD. As each of us is a member of His body, we are to welcome His Word as Truth which will "work" in us. The Apostle Paul urged Christians in Corinth to "imitate" him as he himself imitated Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1 And to do that we must put His Word first in our lives, remembering the Bereans as they "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." Acts 17:10 15 Too often today, we hear or read what someone else has to say about GOD's Word but never check to see if what we have heard or read is true! Quote
Neil Posted March 4, 2016 Report Posted March 4, 2016 In it's visible manifestation is both universal and local. In that manifestation we are called upon to continue the work of Christ, our head, until He comes again to take us with Him. There are varieties of ways in which this work is done in accordance with the giftings of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Interesting that though there is a separation of church and state, yet there is also cooperation in situations where the church has the expertise and motivation. This can provide us with increasing opportunities to work together in many areas of service. As Christ is our Head in whom we live and have our being, every good thing we are able to achieve comes through Him. Quote
van Posted March 4, 2016 Report Posted March 4, 2016 We should remember that He is the head and He should be glorified in everything we do. The universal church is the church as a whole everywhere. In everything that we do, Christ suppose to be represented. The visible church is to represent Christ by teachings, love, worship, prayer, and service. I can't speak for others but I can speak for myself, I try my best to follow Christ leadership. Quote
haar Posted March 4, 2016 Report Posted March 4, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? We should see the church with reverence submission that it a blend with the Lord as as the head and part of the union. He is talking to both the local and the universal church. We should thus conduct ourselves with holy reverence to the head who is holy. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted March 5, 2016 Report Posted March 5, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? In Colossians 1:18, the way we can assert Jesus as the head of the Church today is the same as it was in the beginning of the Church. Jesus died and rose from the dead for his Church. He established it and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. In the book of Acts the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles and believers. Jesus who was raised from the dead by the Heavenly Father is the first Adam for the living. In Colossians 1:18, Paul is speaking of the Church at it's beginning, Christ is the head both in the local and universal assemblies. Being Christ is the head of the Church, his Church, we should conduct ourselves as the first believers, to live a holy life as he is holy. The visible Church today represents Jesus as it's head and Him we follow. It should not be hard to follow Jesus leadership, Even as today's society is against the Church, we must and do follow Him. Quote
Debra Grant Posted March 8, 2016 Report Posted March 8, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? We should follow him as the leader and guider of our life. He is above all of us thatare saved by his grace. He is the head. 2. I believe he is talking about both. Christ Jesus is the head of both the local church as individual groups of believers and He is the head of "the church." There again we find the word "the" where an "a" could just as easily been used.But He is not the head of "a" church, as in one of a number, He is the head of THE Church, which is His body. 3. We should follow him according to as he would have us to praise him. Treat others with love in the church and out. Most of all be obedient to him and follow him in every way possible to acknowledge him as head. 4. The visible church should be an example of what Jesus is and be a light to the world expressing that God is love and he wants to save everyone. 5. We make mistakes sometimes, but we have to ask God to forgive us. We are striving toward perfection. Quote
alimaespa Posted March 11, 2016 Report Posted March 11, 2016 All believers in the Lord Jesus are formed into what is known as the body of Christ, or the church. And He is the Head of that body; both the universal Church and the local congregation. This concept looks at the church as a living organism, inseparably tied together by the living Christ. He controls every part of it and gives it life and direction. This affects the way we conceive of the church and the way we should conduct ourselves in the church. To function properly it is essential, therefore, that a church must have its Head in place and functioning. This means, supplying direction, maintaining order, giving it health, solving its difficulties, coordinating its activities, and supplying to every single member its own kind of life. All this is what our physical head does, and that is what Jesus, as Head of the body, desires to do. Each individual in the church is directly related to the Head and Jesus should be directing our activities at all times. Yet, despite the fact that we are to function as individuals, we must never forget that we belong to the whole, not only the local body but the whole body of Christ all over the world. As a church and as an individual believer, we are to be, as Jesus said, “the salt of the earth, and the light of the world” Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted March 12, 2016 Report Posted March 12, 2016 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? In the Colossian church there were several misconceptions about Christ that Paul directly refuted: (1) Believing that matter is evil, false teachers argued that God would not have come to earth as a true human being in bodily form. Paul stated that Christ is the image—the exact likeness—of God and is himself God, and yet he died on the cross as a human being. (2) They believed that God did not create the world because he would not have created evil. Paul proclaimed that Jesus Christ, who was also God in the flesh, is the Creator of both heaven and earth. (3) They said that Christ was not the unique Son of God but rather one of many intermediaries between God and people. Paul explained that Christ existed before anything else and is the firstborn of those resurrected. (4) They refused to see Christ as the source of salvation, insisting that people could find God only through special and secret knowledge. In contrast, Paul openly proclaimed the way of salvation to be through Christ alone. Paul continued to bring the argument back to Christ. When we share the Good News, we, too, must keep the focus on Christ. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 21, 2016 Report Posted March 21, 2016 Since Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” we should be wanting to do what the head wants us to be doing. I think that He is talking about both the universal Church and the local congregation. Our ministry should be to help others come to Jesus. That is what Jesus was sent on earth to do. Sometimes we follow this leadership with great confidence and other time we are not so good. We should be accepting all people but sometimes we have our preference of who we accept. Quote
pickledilly Posted April 5, 2016 Report Posted April 5, 2016 As the Beginning and Firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18), Jesus is the source, creator, sustainer, ruler, and unifier of the Church. He ranks first over its many parts and causes its growth. The Church is nothing without Him – just like a physical body is nothing without its head and brain. This relates to the universal Church, but since every believer is incorporated into that Body this also relates to local congregations and the individuals who belong to them. We are powerless, clueless, and ineffective without submission to our Head. A physical body doesn't have the ability to sustain or direct itself without the brain, the head. That is a picture for our relationship to Jesus as Head of His Body of believers, the Church. We have absolutely no ability or power to generate, sustain, or direct our lives and service in the spiritual realm. Everything we do corporately as the Church must also be affected by that truth. Only what Christ generates, empowers, and sustains is of God. Otherwise, our efforts and plans are only of men – and that is vain and useless to His spiritual Kingdom. A physical body can only demonstrate the power and reflect the authority the hidden brain commands. In normal life, no one can see our brains. No one can see the astounding power that is generated in the brain. No one can see the intricate network of communication from the brain and spinal cord throughout the body. No one can see the orders for proper function given by the brain for every single cell and system in the body. But the evidence of those unseen processes is demonstrated in every single thing we do. Every step and every breath we take are controlled by the brain. Our ability to balance, interpret external sensory data, react to stress or threats, sense hunger, think, and speak are all directed by the head. The activities and function of the entirety of the body are simply manifestations of this power. That is also a picture for the relationship of the Body of Christ to our Head. The visible Church represents the power and influence of our otherwise unseen Head. As we rightly respond to that power and influence, we are the demonstration and evidence of His presence and authority in our lives, our congregations, and ultimately, our world. Quote
Godswriter Posted July 18, 2018 Report Posted July 18, 2018 This assertion should cause us to realize that we are all part of the body and we need to build it up and edify it and not tear it down all the time. He is talking about both truthfully. We should be willing to help the needy and the poor. We should be willing to welcome the outcasts of society into our churches as they come in them. We should be willing to doing the work of the One who was originally sent into the world meaning our Lord Savior and magnify and glorify His name through it. We should be the ones who bring honor to Him by how we live our lives. We should not live our lives as the world. But in in a way that is God honoring and completely different than the world. Not well enough I see examples of different churches where they act welcoming and they shun you if you choose leave. That is not the way we are supposed to be as believers and members of the body of the Christ. We are to love each other not shun each other. Quote
Lottie Posted July 21, 2018 Report Posted July 21, 2018 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? I believe that knowing Jesus is our head should cause us to think of the church as a body of believers. Just like a husband is the head and takes care of the spouse or wife. Jesus takes care and provides for us and watches over us. We should have the same care and concern for others as He does. Like the Apostle Paul said we are all a part of one body and cannot operate independent of one another. I believe Paul was talking about local churches and the whole universal church. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church we should conduct ourselves with honor and humility. We should esteem others better than ourselves. We should live as Christ would want us to live by loving each other and showing love to the world. We should reach out to those in the church and out of the church and spread His word. I believe the visible church represents the head by their testimony. It represents Jesus by their very actions and words they speak. They represent Jesus in how they react to their enemies who want to destroy them. They represent Jesus whenever they are out in the world. They represent Jesus whenever they meet the homeless, orphans, and even widows and how they treat them. They represent Jesus in their own homes, schools, workplaces and churches. I think that we as a body have a lot of work to do if we want people to take us seriously. We cannot reach out to others when we are fighting with each other. We cannot make an impact on unbelievers when we fail to help our own or fail to speak out about injustices. Quote
MICHELLE OXLEY Posted September 11, 2018 Report Posted September 11, 2018 The Names of Jesus.docx Quote
MosesSole Posted July 13, 2020 Report Posted July 13, 2020 On 12/10/2015 at 2:35 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? The reference is to the head (Jesus) being in charge of the body (the church) as one would perceive the metaphor of the head controlling the function of the body. In theory, it should be the case that churches should operate under the teaching of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, nowadays churches have become a distorted anomaly of political correct ideologies interspersed with a little bit of scripture and God. Again the application should be for how all churches should operate but there is so little emphasis on the spiritual aspect of worship because so much has become about political agenda. I would assume churches in different location operate according to the mood of its congregation. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? Probably the best way to go about this is to keep a balance between the teaching of Jesus with that of the commandments in the Old Testament. We can only follow Jesus if the preacher in the church emphasize his work. Without a strong Bible-based leader in the church, they're skewed ideas running amok. There is no point to attending church if there is no worship of God and the respect for His laws. Quote
rosegarden Posted August 12, 2020 Report Posted August 12, 2020 On 12/10/2015 at 2:35 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership? a. We should conceive of the church as One (In Christ): Jesus the Head and we the Body. b. Both - We are one , the Church- all together. One God of the whole earth and one body of believers throughout the whole earth. That is how you can go anyplace in the world and meet another believer in Christ and you have the same Holy Spirit working in you and you really connect because we are One body of believers . c. As Jesus is the Head, we are to hear from Him, spend time with Him, as He did in prayer with the Father. We are to live according to the Word of God and are to treat one another with love and care. Hearing from the Head the Body works perfectly and in unison, one helping another with no schisms in the body and doing what the Lord purposed for us to do. Like our human body works perfectly doing what God purposed it to do, every organ, cell, nerve, artery, etc. helping one another and working in unison. d. The Pastor of the local church represents the Head. As he is a man of God and seeks guidance from the Lord, we are under the Pastor and help and minister to the people, such as laying hands on the sick, visitation at hospitals, praying for needs, distributing communion, teaching Sunday school, youth, child care, ministering to Seniors, etc. e. As a body we follow his leadership, we are to respect our leadership, as he is the head. By helping in the ministry, volunteering, helping with connect groups, choir, children's church, communications, wherever help is needed. We are to love and serve one another. We are the Body of Christ and in partnership with God to do the things He called us to do and be the things He called us to be. Quote
Krissi Posted June 1, 2023 Report Posted June 1, 2023 Some Christian denominations are quite hierarchical with lowly believers at the bottom of the pyramid and layers of clergy above them which culminate with the Pope, Archbishop or other titled figure. In a way, a hierarchical church (literally) interprets Christ's headship over the church. Others see Christ's headship in more esoteric or figurative terms, as a universalistic Lord over all. And then, there are those who see Christ's headship as applying in their own lives, churches and relationships: Christ is head over THIS visible church, THIS particular marriage, THIS denominational polity. Obviously, as He is God, Christ dominates all. He is all powerful. The ultimate "head." And yet sin persists and evil never goes away until the end, so Christ's headship has a contingent, not-yet quality to it that I frankly don't understand. The only thing I understand is that Christ is my head. I defer, or should defer, to Him in everything. My role is to die to self and live to Him, to submit my life and dreams and desires to Him in the hope that He makes my life purposeful. I don't know how a body, as opposed to a gathering of saved individuals, follow His leadership. I suppose it's by deference to the pastor and those above the pastor, if they exist, but frankly, I'm not sure. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted January 15, 2024 Report Posted January 15, 2024 Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the "head of the body, the church" affect the way we conceive of the church? ANSWER: Jesus is supreme over all. Jesus is head of the Church because of His primary role in our creation and our redemption. In the title Head, the emphasis is on Christ's vital connection to the body. He is its sustainer, source of growth, origin, and authority. We are Christ's body here on earth and serve "in Him" and under His direction. The point is that Christ not only has priority over the principalities and powers; He is the supreme Head of the church itself. We'll consider the titles Beginning and Firstborn from the Dead. As Christ's Body, we share in his work. Through us, the Church, Christ continues the work of salvation. He speaks and acts through us. Through us, Christ shows forth the love of God for the human race. United with Jesus in his suffering, someday we will share his glory. At the end of time when Christ returns in glory, the Church will be perfected. Then we will be gathered in Christ in a love that never ends. Is He talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? ANSWER: It is clear from the Scripture references above that the New Testament speaks of both the church universal (which comprises all of the true believers throughout history, from every kindred, tribe and tongue) and also speaks of local churches (which consist of all of those separate bodies of Christ who meet together for worship, study, prayer and communion, in local congregations). The Universal Church has in it only true believers, ones who have been called by the Spirit to trust in the saving work of Christ, who are kept eternally by the love of God and who will be presented to Christ without spot or blemish. Local Churches have in their membership people who are professing believers, some of whom are genuinely saved, while others are unsaved and are still lost in their sins. Sometimes it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the two, because often unbelieving members exhibit many of the outward characteristics of believers. But the Lord knows who are His. If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? ANSWER: How does Jesus impact our daily lives? When we understand everything the Savior does for us, He becomes the most important person in our lives. Jesus is important to us because through His Atonement, teachings, hope, peace, and example, He helps us change our lives, face our trials, and move forward with faith as we journey back to Him and His Father. One of the reasons Jesus is so important to those of us who sincerely try to follow Him is that all of us fall short and need the gift of repentance offered through the Atonement. 1). Jesus Makes Repentance Possible - Jesus is important to us because through His Atonement, teachings, hope, peace, and example, He helps us change our lives, face our trials, and move forward with faith as we journey back to Him and His Father. 2). Jesus Teaches Truth - You can find the Savior’s “words of eternal life” in the scriptures, the teachings of the living prophets, and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. 3). Jesus Offers Hope - When we face serious challenges, sometimes we find it difficult to trust in the Lord. But trusting in Him brings us the hope we need in order to face our challenges. The gift of the Atonement gives us the hope of eternal life, something we need when we suffer trials or the death of a loved one. They offer a foundation for “happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come,” and they guide us safely back to our Heavenly Father and our Savior. 4). Jesus Offers Peace - We can always turn to the Prince of Peace when we feel alone or overwhelmed, sad or worried, afraid or worthless. We do so by: Praying to Heavenly Father for the Spirit to be with us. Reading the Lord’s words in the scriptures and as revealed by living prophets. Attending the temple. Studying the Savior’s life at church and in seminary. Applying His Atonement by repenting of our sins. Sharing our testimonies of Him. 5). Jesus Sets the Example - Throughout His ministry, Jesus doesn’t just point the way to happiness, He leads the way. Through His Atonement, He leads us to love. Through His teachings, He leads us to eternal truths. Through His perfect life, He leads us to the path of obedience. When we understand that the Savior makes possible repentance and resurrection, teaches vital truths, offers hope and peace, and sets the perfect example, He becomes the center of our lives. And with Him as our friend, we have the courage to cast out fear and move forward with faith. In what ways does the visible church represent the "head"? ANSWER: According to passages of Scriptures, we see how Jesus is the Head of his church. He gives his people life spiritually and eternally and sustains them with his covenant blessings. He assigns their various duties as members of the body, and enables them to do their jobs effectively. He coordinates their work so that the body behaves in harmony, no part jealous of the others. He cares for each member and provides for them as one would his own body. But Jesus isn’t present physically. So, How does He exercise His headship of the church today? There are three ways by which Jesus carries out His headship in the church. Jesus is the head of His church by means of His revealed word. Jesus is the head of his church by means of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the head of his church by means of its officers. Today, headship is under attack in almost every compartment of life. We need to look to his word to discover what pleases God. We should look to the Spirit with expectation and confidence, prayerfully counting on his direction and promises. And we should always work within the structure He has established for our homes, our church, and community. This is what makes us into a healthy body of believers thriving under the care of the loving headship of Jesus Christ. We learn to work together as brothers and sisters who care about one another in this spiritual family we call the church. Since the word of Christ has not changed, it can still do the same today in any place. And when it does, the true church is visible in that place. How well do we, as the body, follow His leadership? ANSWER: What matters most is who we allow to rule our hearts. With that said, we should wholeheartedly endorse Jesus. In our day-to-day life, we often find ourselves confronted with choices about whom we should follow or admire. Jesus teaches us what an honorable leader looks like. He shows us wise, loving leadership. We should compare Jesus to our own thoughts, actions, and character traits. Here are six characteristics of Jesus as a leader: Jesus always speaks the truth. Jesus asks for more and offers more. Jesus values us more. Jesus values all of us. Jesus is motivated by compassion. Jesus forgives. Quote
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