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Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

All I can say is if He can do it for me, then I will give my very best to obey. I know my "Father knows best" and I am honored to suffer and endure as He did for me. Thank you Jesus for being the most wonderful, perfect example for us the follow. I love you and give you glory.

Love to y'all,

Patsy in Idaho


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Jesus example tells me that when I suffer I should do so without sinning. I am to emulate His behavior by remaining honest and true to God and depending on Him to see me through and knowing He will give me His peace. And when I rely on Him completely I can endure whatever lies before me. I must have faith in Him that no matter what comes He will stand by me and get me through it. I should not seek to wiggle my way out of it, or retaliate or place the blame on someone else. I must be true to Him. When I think of Jesus character I am humbled knowing I have a long way to go before my behavior will be Christlike, however I will continue to look on Him and His actions as my guide. I will learn and study His life and as I come to know Him more and more my behavior will reflect Him. I think if anything, my behavior will become more peaceful and less aggressive. I will think less of myself.


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation?

If Jesus could suffer and die, and do it without one complaint, without one word spoken against those that crucified Him, then I can certainly live my life, with my little problems, and do it in a way that will bring honor and glory to God.

How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Jesus was without sin, but was crucified, suffered and died. He did this because of His love for me, and because He wanted to save me from my sins. If He can do that for me, I can do my best to live my life as sin free as possible, and try to follow His example of not striking back at those who talk against me. His love for me is awesome, and I will try to honor Him by not reacting with anger, and by trusting God and having Faith in Him. :rolleyes:


I am learning that I must quit being so ready to voice my own thoughts about many situations I find myself in, and do a better job of living in the Spirit. I must continually remember to speak no guile, hold no grudges and make no threats.. Jesus is my safe harbor, and I must learn to sail there in turbulent weather. I will let the Father handle my problems, and concentrate instead on spreading His Word. All glory to God-I am just a servent.


How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus" character in this passage?

I'm changed , in the way, that I do things with more thought and care, before I speak or act. I can usually ask myself, "would Jesus approve?" Christ has helped me to endure way beyond what I ever thought or hoped that I could. I see that I can go through problems and struggles with out giving in to the situation. I think, "for Jesus to endure all for me and you, ...then I can surely go thru my little problems. I find myself less willing to 'speak out', but listening more. I won't ever have to regret those things I didn't say.


Jesus lets me know how much I need him. He came to show me the way. He suffered and he was victorious and I can be too. It is a daily spiritual warfare, but I trust in God knowing that I can be all He wants me to be. I can and will walk in his foostep. I want my behavior to be that of Christ. I will not go wrong when I follow Jesus. There might be times in following Jesus that I may suffer, but I continue to trust him, knowing that God will work it out for the best.


I just saw the film "The Passion of Christ" Last night. The suffering was portrayed much as I had imagined. The bit I really loved was where Jesus cries out from the Cross for His Father to forgive them because they have no idea what they are doing. That was wonderfully acted. He never stopped loving everyone of those brutal soldiers, or even the pharisees who were supervising everything. He really cried out for them. This was a superb example to me, that He was not mowed down by His circumstance, nor changed in His disposition to love.

I want to be like that. I want to have that love that overcomes a multitude of sins, that sees any brother or sister as a beautiful creation, as part of God's whole plan, as redeemable even though the cost is great. Jesus once told me, You are worth everything I suffered for you". I want to see every soul as worth the very life of Jesus in God's eyes, and therefore to be loved as if it were Jesus Himself. "If you can't love your neighbour whom you can see, how can you love God whom you have not seen?"


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

At present, I am not in a position of being treated unkindly. But, if I were, I would hope Christ's example would help me respond kindly and not show anger or be hateful in return. I aspire to be "like Jesus" in my life. In order for that to be true, I must spend time on my knees in petition for patience, understanding and willingness to leave the situation in His hands. I must wait for His prompting as to what I should do and say. Only as I kneel in Gethsemane, as He did, and pray "not my will but Thine, Lord" can I begin to make any true effort to be "like Him!" That is my real desire. That is often the place I fail! Lord help me to be more like You!


If we know we are doing the right thing (as Jesus did), we will bear any persecution because of our desire to serve the truth. Since this is a fallen wrold, we cannot always expect other people to act with integrity. Our responsibility is to live as Christ did.


I was betrayed by my Bishop and did not get ordained. The Lord said to me, "Say nothing. You cannot vindicate yourself, only I can vindicate you." I am still waiting for vindication but I trust God to keep his promise. My call to ordained ministry was a valid one and God has not changed his mind. I believe that God will release me in his perfect timing.

This experience has given me a whole new perspective on suffering and waiting in silence. I have learned to trust God in every situation in my life. Jesus died for me the best I can do is live the best life I can for him.


1. I have learned that when trouble, illness, or adverse situations arise, God may not take them away, but He will always be with me "thru' it all", and again, He may take the problems away.

2. I'm learning to lean on Him, I'm learning to trust Him in every situation, and once I have given over to His will....I am learning to LEAVE it with Him...not keep "taking it back" and re-hashing the situation.


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation?

Christ speaks to my situation in that anything injustice I feel I receive at work pales in comparison to what Jesus suffered in the hands of sinful men.

How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

My behaivor will be different in that I will consider my words and measure them so as to not sin with them. I would not be in a position to retaliate but my sincerist prayer is that somehow God be glorified in my trust of Him.


Doing the will of our Father. As Jesus did and submitted to. The will of the Father. Humility... how can we be right in our own eyes and say we are right in Gods eyes if We do not obey? Consider it all joy my brethren. Because of the sufferings we can relate to the Christ who suffered and died for us. Our lives are but a blink of the eye compared to the glory of the heaven that awaits us. We suffer but for a time but joy comes in the morning.

Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Verse 21 starts "To this were you called..." The Bible is very definite about one thing that we will have trials, sufferings and persecutions. Our task is not to try to find ways out of them or how to avoid them, but to submit to them and allow them to have their perfect work in and through us so that God may be glorified. Even Jesus learned obedience through the things that He suffered even though He was the Son.

David stated Psalms 119:67 "Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word." It was the unique sufferings Jesus endured that brought salvation to all mankind. God has a purpose for our sufferings, and what will that be? Oh the joy and expectancy when we enter into these times of trial and suffering, knowing that we are fulfilling God's purpose in our lives and furthering the kingdom of God. Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus exemplified complete trust in God's providence Isaiah 53:7 "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth."

From what I see in Jesus' character, when I enter into trials, I will look beyond the pain, grief, sorrow, injustice and see Jesus seated at the right hand of power. Oh God do not let me draw back. Jesus willingly endured grief for the glory that lay ahead.Isaiah 50:6 "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting." I pray that God would help me to have such an attitude.


I have come to find out, I, by myself, am not capable of true love, right behavior, forgiveness and patience..etc.

So I depend on Jesus, to do these things in..and through me.

When faced with situations and people that seem to get the 'old flesh' riled up, I stop and ask Jesus to let me see the situation or person, through His eyes...He always does.

Jesus says to us, 'Suffer these things, for awhile'


"As I dipped my piece of torn bread in the cup of dark purple juice and placed it in my mouth. I tasted the ripeness of the fruit and savored the texture of the bread. "I will remember, Lord." I spoke the words in my head, silently thanking Jesus for the sacrifice He made for me on the cross.

Within a minute, the aftertaste of the juice distracted my communion meditation. It was more bitter than usual and I thought about taking a sip of something else to remove the flavor from my mouth. Should I grab a mint, or some water?

Immediately, the Lord spoke to my heart: "Suffer with Me awhile."

Tears filled my heart as I realized how quickly I wanted to remove the unpleasant taste . how fast my thoughts drifted from the suffering of Christ to my own comfort.

On the night of His betrayal, Jesus asked Peter, James and John to watch and wait for Him while He prayed. During the time when our Lord was "overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," His closest friends couldn't keep awake. Three times Jesus returned to find them sleeping.

Then He said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." Matthew 26:38

For those three disciples, it was sleep that drew them from Christ's request to keep watch with Him. What is for me? What keeps me from obeying Jesus' requests? Oh, the easy ones I have no problem with. It's the ones that infringe on my comfort that I wrestle with the most.

Someday, we'll get to enjoy heaven and all its perfection. But for now, the work God's calls us to do here on earth is often uncomfortable, physically tiring and emotionally draining. On some days, obedience to the call of God means downright dirty and difficult work.

While my flesh would prefer a cushy assignment, I don't want to shake the nail- scarred hands of Jesus, the hands that touched lepers, the hands that stroked the head of a broken sinful woman, with hands that have never gotten dirty from life.

Moving from service in comfort to sacrifice builds spiritual character and maturity. But more than that, our hearts unite with Christ as a suffering servant"

amen.. !


How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

"I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ who lives in me." That is the heartbeat and passion for my life. That others wold see Christ living in me. We see the great love and compassion of the Father lived out through the Son, and we should live by that example. Those around us should see and be impacted by the great love and grace of our Heavenly Father as we submit our lives to Him and are used by Him to touch the world around us. Do I always succeed, of course not, but then I know I have a heavenly Father that is loving and gracious and will forgive and accept me as His son. Just as the Prodigal Son crawled back to the Father begging him to just amke him a lowly servant, so at times, I find myself crawling back to the presence of the Father, begging and pleading for His forgiveness. Each and everytime, my "Daddy" shows me His amazing and wonderful love, wipes away the dirt of my actions, clothes me in the richness of His holiness and love, and welcomes me back. What a great and awesome God we serve.


Christ suffered and died for me. He gave me the most precious gift that of life. My desire now is to give back to him. Live a life pleasing to him. Honor him in all that I do. I want to be more like Jesus. He is my life. Praise God forever more.


Christ was judged fasely, convicted falsely and yet he did not threaten or complain. He also suffered and did not threaten or complain. Doing all these things he left us an example.

Regardless how I am treated and judged by others, I will continue to standfast and live righteously. Not going to let what others think of me change the way I live and think. Going to turn the other cheek.


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Jesus Christ's utmost sacrifice is above comparison. Nobody ever did that kind of sacrifice for anyone. When that kind of behaviour is before us, how can we ignore it when He told us to be like Him in longsuffering! If we are truly what we call ourselves, then there is no question of regret or remorse when suffering for His name's sake.

Emulating Christ's behaviour is the utmost for a Christian. There should be no second thoughts about it. The pattern set for us is quite clear. Give God the preeminance in our lives. Love everyone as Jesus loved us. In face of trials and tribulations, bear patiently for the reward that is going to be given to us later in Heaven. Live in constant fear and reverence for God. Encourage each other and lift up the fallen. Above all, love Jesus. :D


How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Christ's example show me that I must always be yielded to him and my flesh must be crucified daily. I must let Him live His life out through me and not yield to fleshly reactions which are selfcentered. I see in Jesus the need to grow in Him and be more like Him each and every day. I have not arrived and there is so much more of me that I need to put under his dominion. I must come to the cross daily.


If Jesus could suffer and die for me why can not I try my best to be what He want me to be. I am trying to live my life pleasing to him. He bore my sins on that cross. That is why I do not mind glorifying His name. I give Him the Honor because what He done for me.


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Christ's example speaks to me in a way that sometimes makes me ashamed of myself. I have been hurt many times over the years, and I have not always reacted in a Christ-like manner; however, as I get older, I realize how much I need the patience and strength of Christ to overcome these situations.

My behavior is definitely different now that I have come to recognize that with the Holy Spirit living in me, I am able to respond to hurtful situations so much better than before.

When I read in this passage about how my Lord and Saviour was so meek and humble in the face of persecution and suffering, especially when He had done no wrong and was just being obedient to His Father out of love for me and everyone else, it convinced me that God is in control of the matter. Because of this, I must strive daily to deal with people in the same loving manner that Christ did.

Paul reminds us in Romans 8:18 that what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory that God will give us later. That's what I am looking forward to -- It will be worth it all when we see Christ!! :)

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