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Christ's example to me is I know he suffered.He suffered a great death to give me life.I know there are times I will suffer.I know there will be storms in my life.I must trust God in every part of my life.God will calm the storms of suffering.I will claim the inner peace.AMEN :D

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:blink: Jesus rises above the level of those, who are torturing him and even went the extent of asking for forgiveness for them from the Father. He has always kept in view the work for which he has come into the world, with unwavering intensity and application.

:o We as his beloved followers, having accepted him as our personal savior, should endeavor to follow the example set by him to us - " love your enemies and those who persecute you". :lol:





I must learn to give it all to Him. To trust Him completely and pray and live in the Spirit. I am still on milk because I have not applied Jesus' teachings to every aspect of my life. I must remind myself in everything to think according to His truth. My behavior has changed and is changing to be more dependent upon Him.


Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Christ has set an example for me to follow. Whatever action or reaction I want to take will be governed by Jesus' example. I would tell myself, "What would Jesus do?" if He is in my situation. It is not easy most of the time but I learn to strive towards that goal.


Christ's example shows me that by retaliations, angry words and wanting to get even that I am lowering myself to a level that God would not want me to travel. Silence can be a very quieting way of settling disputes. Jesus's character in this passage tells me to think before speaking and action -- showing love is more beneficial than those other emotional outbreaks. Most important I have to trust God to help me work out my problem or hurts.

This 'silence instead of words' works so well in our household. After 23 years of marriage my spouce and I have had no real words of anger with each other. However, at times I get very stressed and overtired with work and responsibilities in the organizations that I am involved with in the community. My own peace is not there insted I am just thinking I have to get this done. When he (my Husband and friend) sees me becoming very tired and stressed he becomes very quiet. No words are spoken but his actions relay to me that it is time to look at my situation and become concerned about my health. In him I trust his judgment. His quietness is his way of showing his love and concern for me. In this same manner I must Trust God to lead me , In his (God's) leading me I find peace once again.

As you can see I am a week behing in the Bible Study and the above situation is just what I find myself in. No time for me and what is much worse no time for God (or so I think). Today shall be a day of slowing down and reflecting.

Peace to all as I sit and look out the window at the snow that has fallen overnight. Our world today from where I look out is like a clean white sheet. It is one of beauty and peace. One that makes me know there is someone much greater than you and I who reigns over us, loves us and keeps us completely under His wing. Thank you Lord for being there for me. Amen :)


As I read this passage again and the previous replies, I came to understand that I have been placing blame on a company for something that resulted in my circumstances and therefore suffering--but not in silence. When the circumstances occurred I had given over to the trust of my Father but as the weeks have passed, have placed blame. God is calling us to a higher level now. After seeing the movie The Passion last week and realizing that Christ did not ever complain, I turn aside from the ways I have had over the last few weeks, ask for forgiveness and go forward in silence trusting God for any suffering I may have. Thank you annk for the previous reply. I cried as I read your answer. I am a few weeks behind in this study, but I realize now, that is God's timetable that I should be here now. Isn't He wonderful? He never sleeps and his timing is perfect.


Jesus' behavior tells me that I need to keep going until my graduation comes from this job. My job was a God given job. To shine the light into the heavily darkness. By seeing Jesus' actions, I see that there are some areas that need work. And there are some areas that are really good. Jesus is the first example and only example that I need to focus my attention on. When it comes to unfair co-workers who are higher than I and managerment, Jesus is where my attention will be seeking and see how he faced an issue.


I recently saw "The Passion" and it made me appreciate even more what Jesus went thru to save me from eternal hell. It's one thing to read about His suffering, crucifixion, death, and resurrection in the bible. It's a whole different perspective when you're actually witnessing what took place over 2000 years ago. After watching the scene where Jesus is flogged without mercy with a cat o' nine tails and the graphic crucifixion scene, it made my current trials and afflictions seem petty in comparision.

All that time is enemies are beating Him, spitting on Him, striking Him, riduculing Him, etc., yet on the cross Jesus asks His Father to forgive them. What an example for us to follow.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

The fact that Christ was crucified and suffered on the cross for my sins, yet did not cry out, retaliate, respond to his taunters, reminds me of what a truly amazing, and awesome God he is. Particularly after seeing the Passion and having the visual to go along with this passage, I am much more mindfull about accepting responsibility without making excuses and I am trying very hard not to blame shift.


Here is where the separation from pretenders

and contenders takes place.

Here is where all the whining stops and the

action contrary to our own nature begins.

If you truly believe, then it is time to pick up

the cross and follow HIM.

The deceiving has to stop

and the surrender must take place

The bondage of self must end

so the freedom of the spirit can begin.

Jesus does not ask for much

He just wants everything.

May God richly bless you for today.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is where the road hits the rubber so to speak. We are told explicitly that we will suffer and be persecuted as Christians. Personally we can feel the bitter sting of opposition against us. It is not just people that we battle against, but satan. While I admit I have wanted to lash out when in situations like this, I have turned to God and prayed about situations that will make me angry or hurt. I have Jesus to guide me, his example is forever stamped upon my mind and is immediately in the forefront in situations where I don't know how to react properly. I'm human and I have been made angry and resentful but I don't know how someone can get through life without the divine presence of our Lord. I can't imagine how it would be anymore without knowing He is here to guide me. I have looked into my own heart and the Spirit has helped me discover the reasons why I'm so weak. The Lord is with me working through the pressures in my life. I am confident that my faith will keep me secure in the knowledge that God will give me the power and love that I need. I remind myself that these pressures didn't come to stay they "came to pass". If you wait, it will pass. Paul says to wait in cheerfulness, triumph and quiteness of heart. I'm going to keep going to Christ to work out my pressures and help me grow. I want real transformation, not just a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

  • 1 month later...

a. Fortunately, I am not currently being subjected to unfair treatment in my vocation (vocational ministry), but I do encounter it in my human relationships all the time, as we all do. Sometimes we encounter it even in our own homes or in our relationships with close friends and family. Christ's example serves me well when I successfully resist striking back, because often the situation is later resolved without harsh words, anger or hurt feelings. Then I am glad I did not retalitate.

b. I must continually keep in mind this example of Christ's behavior in this passage and in a similar passage in Phil. 2:5-11 (The Kenotic Hymn) because if the King of Kings and Lord of Lords can so humble himself in obedience to the Father, then so must I!

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation?

I must not be shocked or moved off of my foundation in Christ by the insults and physical violence of others, for I have been called into this; for Christ also suffered for me, being an example to follow. Suffering will come as a result from being different (set apart unto Christ), and I am to count the trials as Joy, for Christ is being built up in me as a result of enduring in all humility.

How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

I will be humble, with a servant attitude; being found blameless of slanders as a result.

  • 2 weeks later...

Christ example helps me to realize that I need to make sure that I am not trying to get even when someone does something to me. To trear others as I want to be treated and in a way tath would be pleasing to God.

I am going to work on making sure that everyday I am acting more pleasing to God. Trying not to let myself be tempted to fall into the same way as others would act.

  • 5 weeks later...

Christ's example speaks to my situation becuase it makes me want to trust God. My behavior is going to be different because of what I see in Jesus' character in this passage in that I am going to try to stay calm and not let people get to me. I want God's grace and spirit with me at all times, especially at work because that is where I am most vulnerable to attack.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Christ's example lets me have peace. I realize that I don't have to FIX everything! I don't have to make sure every one is fair to me. His example gives freedom. I can trust and not be afraid. What's more free than that!

  • 6 months later...

To be honest this particular lessons is one that I really needed to hear and is an area in my life that I need to improve on BIG TIME. I have a very hard time keeping my mouth shut and watching over my words when I am faced with oppostion about my faith. You're right there is a "GREAT" satisfaction in telling someone off and "putting" someone in their place, so to speak. I always think that I need to defend myself and the reason for my beliefs in God. But I've learnt that I'm going about this in all the wrong ways.

When I feel pressured to just let any words come running out of my mouth, I'm going to remember all 5 of these last points. I am going to shut my mouth and pray. I am also going to spend some time in prayer asking God to help me to be more aware of the words that are coming out of my mouth and that He would place a guard over my lips.

  • 1 year later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

It is why I am a Christian. Reading the Bible convinced me that it must be the Word of God and that Jesus was the Son of God because of the goodness and holiness that radiates from Him. People who decry the Bible and try to find textual inconsistencies simply close their minds to the wonderful message and the essential truth that shines from each page of the New Testament. The more I read and study it, the more I know it is so. The example of Jesus shows how self-regard comes in the way of placing Him at the centre of our lives and really following His teaching in everything, yes everything, we do. Of course, I have answered back, given tit-for-tat and threatened some revenge or at least had the pleasure of fantasising about some vengeful act. How different is Jesus. With every justification He did not speak ill; He did not deceive or misrepresent the facts; He did not retaliate, He was the model of meekness and humility; and He did not threaten. At His trial, He remained silent, except to admit who He was. He put all His trust in God, His Father. What an example, which I must strive harder to follow. This will be a subject of my prayers.

  • 5 months later...

:) Seeing how Jesus handled abuse, persecution and being insulted has really opened my eyes and brought a better understanding of how I am to handle things as a christian and a child of God.

Jesus didn't sin with words, retaliated or threaten. He just trusted in His Father to rught all wrongs. I know that I must learn to do the samethig an dnot be so quick to defend myself as I call it.

  • 6 months later...

Christ's example is what I work on to follow - to be more like Jesus.

I wear a cross necklace to remind me of what Christ has done for me, to remind me of the type of person I want to be, and to make it easier to be that type of person.

If I am going to honor God, then it's got to start in my behavior and if I'm really serious about wanting to be a new person and set that example, it's harder to do wrong when I wear that reminder.

But in the end, the person I really am is the one that shows when no one is watching.

  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus' example speaks to everything situation. I permit Jesus' model to be my model and I seek to adjust my behavior accordingly as Jesus would. Not always easily, but it is the goal.

  • 9 months later...

Christ's example is a model for me in all situations. My behavior is going to be different in me monitoring my thoughts and my attitude. I will take more time to think before speaking, so that my words might always honor God, and show my love for others.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage?

Our lives are to reflect the new life we have in Christ which God has given us. And part of this obedience, this holiness, is seen in the way we treat each other. (1Peter 1:22 ) " Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart."

Loving our brothers and sisters in the Lord is not an option, but it isn't to be a chore either. In fact it should be a part of the way we love our God. We're told that the first and greatest commandment is to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind.

But there is a second like unto it...... love your neighbor as your self. The problem which many in the church have with this second command is that it's to much work. And so what you have is people going through the motion of obedience in this area and this is where hypocrisy is seen by the world.

People can tell the difference between genuine love and performance oriented tolerance in the guise of real love. And I believe that the reason people can't truly love their neighbor, which certainly includes other Christians, is because they have never really been loved and don't know how to love.

That doesn't mean that we look forward to injustice done to us, it simply means that when those things are beyond our control and we have no godly recourse we are to endure for Christ's sake and honor Him in situations that offends. That's the tough part, but if we will remember, that whatever we do in life we must be doing it ultimately for our Lord.

What a lesson this is for all of us. We as people don't normally take insults in stride with out wanting to get a jab in ourselves. Our first reaction is to retaliate with words of our own. Insults are demeaning, they're hurtful and the best defense to such things seems to be to make the other person feel just as bad.

But Christ doesn't retaliate. Like a Lamb that was led to slaughter He didn't open His mouth. This doesn't mean that when we receive insults that there may not have appropriate responses. But those responses shouldn't include sinful responses.

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