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Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


PART OF KNOWING GOD IS THE CENTER OF MY LIFE IS THAT A REQUEST FOR PROOF FROM MAN IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE.  I know who I am in Christ and my life reflects it.  The evidence is in the light that attracts others to me like a magnet once I start to talk about anything.  Be it in the grocery store, dentist office, and anywhere people gather, the should of my voice (light) attracts with a pleasant disruption.   Reprioritizing my life is not on my agenda.


Q3 (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life?


​I have not "arrived" by any stretch, but I learned years ago that unless He is my focus, beginning when I first wake up to face the day, by spending a couple of hours with Him in prayer, study of His Word, journaling to stay focused, enjoying Him in fellowship, listening to and for Him, my day unravels. At first I disciplined myself to "do" these things for fear if I didn't hold tightly to His hand He'd let me go. Then I learned that it's He Who holds tightly to my hand and will never let me go! Now I meet with Him for the joy and privilege of knowing He's been there waiting with a smile for me to wake up and join Him!


If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster?


​Anyone who knows me for a few minutes knows that He is my joy and center.

My interests and how I spend my time reflect that He is my focus.

My drastically changed life which only He could accomplish through His love and kindness.

My love for people and the joy which only He can give may not be proof, but hopefully would attract enough interest to wonder or to find out Who makes me tick.


What evidence would contradict this?


 ​My first thought to this question was "I make mistakes, I'm not perfect, I still fail and need forgiveness" but those things are really proof that He is my center....that I'm not in denial about needing Him every minute of every day and that I turn to Him quickly rather than trying to hide my weakness and dependence on Him. I died with Him and my life is hidden in Him.


What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


Forty years ago, I could have given a list...but at 73 I've learned that not living with Him as my center is no longer an option!  ​He is my top priority because He has proven Himself to be faithful and trustworthy in every way....and when I was unfaithful and not trusting He loved me back into fellowship with His kindness, grace, mercy and acceptance...and gentle correction. What a Savior He is!!!


Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life?


My Answer: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." (Colossians 3:2-4)


If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster?


My Answer: My words and actions are proof that Christ is the center of my life.


What evidence would contradict this?


My Answer: Unfortunately my words and actions sometimes contradict that Christ is the center of my life.


What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


My Answer: What kind of repentance? The only kind of repentance. Turn back to Jesus, making Him the priority in my life.

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) 

To what degree is Christ the centre, the focus of your life? 

If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the centre of your life, what evidence would you muster? 

What evidence would contradict this? 

What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?

Having said goodbye to our former way of life, and having entered upon a completely new type of life, a life of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, we seek things which are above.

Christ becomes the centre and focus of our life. Our union with Jesus has destroyed the power of sin over us. 

We are still on earth, and battle with sin, but our focus in on heavenly things.

We acknowledge Him in everything we do; grateful for what the Lord Jesus has already done for us.

With the help of the Holy Spirit we have His wisdom, power, and knowledge available to us; helping us to become day by day more like our Saviour.

Our actions should be enough evidence that Christ is the centre of our life. The Holy Spirit will produce character traits that are found in the nature of Christ.

It is by joining our life to His that the fruit of the Spirit grow in us, and will be visible for all to see. 

There must be a genuine repentance, one that will result in a changed life. There will be a sincere commitment to forsake sin, and to walk in obedience to Christ. 



Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4)


Q. To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life?


A. He is the center and the focus of my life in almost evrything. I however want Him to be my center and focus in everthing.


Q. If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster?


A. I seek Hill in everything possible and obey His Word as much as I can. I however sometimes fail but get up and go again.


Q. What evidence would contradict this?


A. In the areas I sometimes fail like anger, resentment and selfish moments as sated above that I sometimes slip but get up and move on.


Q. What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


A. Asking God to forgive and give me the grace to completely turn arround in the areas of my weakneses. 


Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


I find this question hard to answer objectively.


Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life?

I realize that apart from Christ I am nothing, so I make a choice everyday to let his word guide me and to put my hope in him so I may keep strong. I strive to do everything as unto him.


If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster?

I find myself quoting scripture more than anything else. I also have purposed to put others before self just as Christ did for me.


What evidence would contradict this?

I feel I do not spend enough time talking to my children about Jesus.


What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?

I need to reprioritize and spend more time with my children talking about Jesus. He needs to be the focus of my entire family.


Christ is the center of my life and I depend on Him wholeheartedly. I don't rely on my judgment because it always had came out wrong. To prove to another person that Christ is the center of my life will be shown in how I live because Christ is my life force. You have to repent and mean it in your heart. Otherwise, repentance will not work. God knows our heart and thoughts.


Christ is the center of my life and I depend on Him wholeheartedly. I don't rely on my judgment because it always had came out wrong. To prove to another person that Christ is the center of my life will be shown in how I live because Christ is my life force. You have to repent and mean it in your heart. Otherwise, repentance will not work. God knows our heart and thoughts.


Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?a

It was hard to have Christ as the center of my life especially after being born again. Over time I have learned that he is the very focus and center of my life, through prayer and faith the Lord teaches us that without him we are lost on our own, which is not a good thing. He provides and I obey to the best of my ability.

The proof that Christ is the center of my life is the joy, peace and love I get from him. As a witness I can offer many things the Lord has done for me and the prayers that were answered.

The evidence that might contradict this is that there are sins that I still fall into at times. Though not like when I was of the world, sanctification takes place everyday.

Repentance is the only way to re-prioritize one's life, this is true felt sorrow for offending the one you love, Jesus my savior.    


I want Christ to be the center of my life--I want my focus to be on Him.  I'm still growing!!

Great question--and convicting. I would say whatever I'm doing well is only because Jesus directs me.

My whole life doesn't point to Him.  :-(

Keep taking look at and assessing my priorities.

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life?

If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


While Christ Jesus came in the "likeness of men" (Philippians 2:7) we are stuck for the time being, not just in the likeness of men, but AS men (and women). And as men and women, we are subject to our carnal minds that often rule us. Though we may love the LORD and desire to serve Him, which is only natural for a born-again believer, our flesh rebels and sometimes wins!


Just as the Apostle Paul said about his own struggle with sin as he said, "For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice." (Romans 7) we have the same struggle. It is our nature as carnal beings.


Like so many others who set apart the first fruits of their day for the LORD, in prayer, bible reading and study, how could that ever be enough?

But if Paul struggled, knowing as he said, sin dwells in us, how can we not have the same struggle?

Paul asked, "who will deliver me from this body of death?" then he tells us Who our Deliverer is!! "I thank GOD, through Jesus Christ our LORD!"

Christ Jesus stands between us and the wrath that we deserve.


When we examine Jesus in light of His Word, we can see His relationship with GOD the Father as He walked in the likeness of a man. Jesus said that He came not to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28)


In Colossians 3:1, the apostle uses the word "IF", "If then" (when?- the moment you were born again!) "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of GOD."

Then the imperative, "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."

That is not a request or a suggestion. He is saying that "if" (there's that word if again!!) if, we have been raised with Christ, that is, if we are truly born-again we must do as His Word commands, and that is, we seek those things that are with and in Christ, those things not on earth but in heaven. We set our minds on those things.

Then Paul continued saying, we are to "put to death" (mortify) those things in our lives that will bring GOD's wrath, "fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desires and covetousness, which is idolatry."  (Colossians 3:5-9)

How can we, how can I, do this?


Paul tells us in Romans 8:1, "there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."

He tells us that we are "debtors" but not to the flesh, but to His Holy Spirit Who dwells in us, enabling us to put to death, to mortify the deeds of the flesh. (Romans 8:12-13)

If we are truly born-again, walking according to the Spirit, subduing our flesh, allowing Him to rule and reign in us, He will, by His Spirit, help us in our weaknesses, (vs 26) allowing us to obey His command to put to death those things which are an abomination to GOD, enabling us to "put on" (clothe; sink into; adorn with) "the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him Who created him" (Colossians 3:10) ...we will have "put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering" (vs 12..... letting "the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to GOD the Father through Him." (vs 16-17)


And those things that we have "put on" will reflect Christ Jesus in everything we say and do! Those are the testimonies that can be seen by others. For our assurance, "the Holy Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of GOD." (Romans 8:16)


And as Paul also says in Romans 8:29 , it is GOD's will that we be conformed to "the image of His Son."

How else could there be proof to others that our lives are centered on Christ Jesus? 

We are to display those things we have "put on"  (Colossians 3:12-17), and in a way, display the absence of those things that we have "put off". (Colossians 3:8)


A long time ago, I had a "change of mind" about Who Jesus Christ is, what He had done, for whom and why!

In other words, I repented, which is a change of mind, and I turned from rebellion against Him to submission to Him.

On my knees I laid my life at His feet, I put my eternity into His hands.


Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:14 both say that it is through His blood that I have been delivered from the power of darkness, conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of GOD, and have received redemption and forgiveness for my sins (past, present & future).

Knowing this, though my motives are not always pure (Proverbs 16:2-3), though the words of my mouth (Psalm 19:14) and the meditations of my heart (my mind) are not always acceptable to Him, I try to be diligent, beginning each day in an effort to keep my focus on Him, by and through His Word, strengthened and empowered by His Spirit Who dwells in me.

In that sense I am, as Paul did, forgetting the things of my past, even yesterday, but reaching for those things that are in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14)

And I do tremble because I desire above all things to be an obedient servant to Almighty GOD, which is only my "reasonable service" (Romans 12:1-2)

In that trembling, in that reverence, there is joy (Psalm 2:11), even though I know that as long as I am captive here on earth, my efforts will be meager and often I will fail. But I will never stop trying.


Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, 

the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person 

that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would 

you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of

repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


1. Jesus is my everything because I pray and am obedient to his word

and study his word to know what he expects of me.


2. I would be an example to the world and witness to them as God lead.


3. Learning to love others more than the normal. Making a mistake

sometimes that I do not intend to do.


4. "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you

died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who

is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

(Colossians 3:2-4)

Having said goodbye to our former way of life, and having entered upon a completely new type of life, a life of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, we seek things which are above.

Christ becomes the centre and focus of our life. Our union with Jesus has destroyed the power of sin over us. 

We are still on earth, and battle with sin, but our focus in on heavenly things.

We acknowledge Him in everything we do; grateful for what the Lord Jesus has already done for us.

With the help of the Holy Spirit we have His wisdom, power, and knowledge available to us; helping us to become day by day more like our Saviour.

Our actions should be enough evidence that Christ is the centre of our life. The Holy Spirit will produce character traits that are found in the nature of Christ.

It is by joining our life to His that the fruit of the Spirit grow in us, and will be visible for all to see. 

There must be a genuine repentance, one that will result in a changed life. There will be a sincere commitment to forsake sin, and to walk in obedience to Christ.

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


Jesus is God in the flesh. And it was in His real human body through death in that body that Jesus accomplished the greatest of all spiritual tasks: our redemption. What is more, Jesus Himself is the Creator of both material and immaterial worlds, and holds authority over each. We Christians find our fulfillment in Jesus and in relationship with Him. There is no "higher knowledge" than knowing Jesus, and no spiritual secrets that are not unveiled in Him.

Paul explains true Christian behavior—putting on the new self by accepting Christ and regarding the earthly nature as dead. We change our moral and ethical behavior by letting Christ live within us, so that he can shape us into what we should be.

Paul applied these basic truths to our Christian lives. Spirituality is not withdrawal from this world, but is living Jesus' life in the world. What a privilege to help our group members discover the characteristics of true spirituality, and to help each see how he or she can live in intimate union with Jesus.Holiness. Repentance is necessary in our lives, holiness involves joyful commitment to God and to good, expressed in all we say and do.



Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?


I try to make Him the total centre of my life. Wow, I do not know how to prove to another person that He is the centre of my life except by the way I live and treat other people. The contradiction would be that I do get angry but then I never said I am perfect. I am also just learning and a work in progress. I am but a toddler when it comes to my faith. Everytime I get angry I repent afterward and ask God to help me not get so angry. I am much better than I used to be.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?

Christ the center, the focus of my life to the degree that it began and will eternally remain the life He lives through me.  To prove to another person that Christ is the center of my life, I must show them that my life is controlled by His will as I obey His commandments.  This will be contradicted when I’m not walking in love.  A humble life with daily repentance is necessary to keep prioritizing my life for Christ.


I start every morning talking to Christ and doing a bible study and reading the bible. So I try to keep him in the center of my life. The only proof that I would have is my works. I also have my notes that I could offer as proof but my works is what really counts. It proves that I try to follow Jesus and that Jesus is in my heart. I guess the evidence that would contradict this would be somebody that I made mad. I am not good at apologizing.

  • 2 years later...

For me Christ is the Only one that inspires me to do what I do daily as a Christian. I focus on Him daily with prayer and Bible study and devotions. I also am working to recover from an eating disorder as well. I am in full time ministry as well. I also write for Him as well. I would say that I have a ministry I am in full time, I am a writer for Him, I am in recovery for an eating disorder all for Christ’s glory There is nothing to contradict it. For me it is daily repentance to keep me abstinent and away from food as an idol.


Right now, Christ is not the center of my life like He should be. I struggle with addiction to sweepstakes and sometimes it consumes me. After I fail to spend time with Him or the time is too short; I struggle with doubts, fears. I struggle to believe He will come through for me. 
I would show them the Bible I used before and how it’s marked up. The various books I have on the book shelves. The music that I am listening to.  
The amount of time I spend on the computer vs the time with Him. What I spend my time doing. The complaints I make about God or other people. The way I treat my own family at times. The money I spend on a Christian’s things and money I give to my church or others 
I need to admit and confess that my sweeps have taken over my life and take first place in my life. I have to admit and confess that I don’t trust Him as I should and that I doubt that He will come through for me and that I have failed to let him be the center of my life. 

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
On 12/10/2015 at 2:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Colossians 3:2-4) To what degree is Christ the center, the focus of your life? If you had to prove to another person that Christ is the center of your life, what evidence would you muster? What evidence would contradict this? What kind of repentance is necessary to reprioritize your life?

a. When Christ came into my life, I became a new creation.  I don't even remember my old self.  I am not what I should be but He is very much a part of my life and is changing me daily.  I am thankful that this Bible study is great tool in learning about Jesus.  He is the center of my life because His Spirit lives in me.  

b. Because my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I am to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, (Galatians 5:22)  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)

c.  Continual sin and living for self and living like the world.

d.  I think laziness.  I need to take more time to spend in fellowship with the Lord because when I do, the day goes by more smoothly and I hear from Him more as I go about my day.  

  • 1 year later...

I try my best to follow Jesus and seek to please him and the plan he has for my life. I not perfect and I am definitely growing and training. I depend on Jesus and but there is always room for improvement. Without him I can't fulfill the destiny he has for me. The evidence I would have would be my lifestyle in front of people and behind closed doors and any fruit I'm producing. God can give a person discernment to see if I'm truly being honest.


Repentance- I would need to repent of any dead works and repent of trying to control my own life and allow Jesus to run it. Not half way run it but Fully run it.

  • 11 months later...

Christ is the centre of my life to the degree I permit. I could list things I do and think which would allow me to say that Christ is of primary importance, perhaps even my centre, but this would be wrong and prideful. It's better to talk about failings which are primarily in my thoughts and mind. Controlling stray thoughts -- anger, bitterness, doubt -- is very difficult for me.

I'm hypersensitive toward my own sin and have spent many hours and days reflecting and repenting. The priorities I have now are probably His will, though I'm not joy-filled. God is asking me to give everything up. Everything I have loved. My dreams, aspirations, goals, friends, love, desires ... they're being crushed, one after the next.  Suffice it to say that there isn't a lot of joy in suffering even though I am certain I'm being obedient in the big-arrow aspects of life.

I pray this time is one of preparation for something joy-making and even fulfilling in the near future, but am no longer sure I will ever experience a happy ending short of death and eternal life. The fact is that Christian history is full of martyrs and sufferers, people whose faith was stretched in times of pain. Many of them simply died as they suffered. This is reality. Historical reality.

The "bubbling, joy-filled life" of which Pastor Ralph speaks is not true in my life. God has chosen to give me a different path. This is not due to my disobedience or flawed character but His will. God sometimes wills suffering and pain.

His will may not be all bubbles and joy but unmitigated pain, disappointment and suffering.

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