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Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Since Christ bore the burdens of ALL our sins and suffered for ALL of mankind for ALL time, that means He offered an exchange of His righteousness for my sins and suffered for me personally.

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Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Jesus is the Ultimate Sacrificial Lamb of God who gave His life for the sake of eternity. This of course includes me and my generation before and after. He died and suffered for us ALL. I am indeed forever grateful for what my Savior has done for me. All Glory and Honor be unto Him!!


Jesus suffered and died to show me his true obedience to, and love and trust in God, and that God is there to carry me through all things. He showed me that life is not always going to be easy by his suffering , but that if I am true and obedient to GOd to the best of my ability, I am receiving favour with God. In times of distress or unjust accusations against me is God Not always closer to me ~?? His strength and love is guiding and in many instances carrying me through the difficult times.


Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

:o He suffered for me so that my position could be exchanged. He became sin so that I, who am a sinner could become one with Him on the cross and thereby come out victorious through even as He came out victorious over sin and death on the cross. His suffering makes me to treat suffering as a privilege to bear for His name's sake.


Since I have been saved I have believed that Jesus DIED personally for me, but I had never really contemplated that he SUFFERED personally for me before last week. As I watched the movie The Passion of the Christ and saw Jesus unmercifully beaten trying to walk the path to the cross and still being beaten, I sat in numbness of what my Lord had gone through and how they would not stop, and felt him speaking into my spirit "I did this for you." Only then did I realize and there are no words that can express.


I know Jesus suffered for me personally because I am a sinner.Jesus died for me and shed his blood,suffered a death by the way of the cross,a cruel death.There is not enough words in my mouth that could express what Jesus did for me.I will praise Him and thank Him for He washed away my sins and gave me new life.Amen


In the past Jesus' suffering only meant that he healed me, forgave me and is interceding for me. But since I have seen the movieBook of John and The Passion, my eyes have been opened further. During the movieBook of John. I saw how Jesus moved around the crowds and had compassion on them. Even when he was tired. During the movieThe Passion, I experienced some pain during the movie, by the time the movie reached where Jesus was being beaten, I was not in pain. I had also passed the time for me to take pain medicine.

These two movies have opened my insight as to how much Jesus suffered. I am thankful that Jesus went thru this and took my place. He didn't have to do it, but He did anyway. What words can express How much Jesus loves us to suffer for us. There isn't.


Every sin I have committed from the time I was born until the day I die was accounted for on the cross. I know what a burden it is to carry my own sin around on my shoulders, the shame, grief, sorrow, pain - and then the great relief I have when I confess them to the Lord. I then imagine Jesus bearing the burden of the entire world's sin, past present future, and the immense pain, sorrow, and grief it caused him until the great exchange took place.


Not only did Jesus suffer the physical cruelty of the crucifixion, He suffered spiritually as well by bearing our sins in His body. This means that every sinned I ever committed or will commit was laid upon Jesus as He was hanging on the cross.

I saw "The Passion" recently and during the crucifixion scene I was thinking "He did it all for me. He went thru all that torture and suffering for me."


Jesus bore our sins in His body

all of His senses took part and

He remained pure.

Because of this great suffering

a new covenant was made and

today by God's grace we can have

a relationship with Him, the Creator

of all. Through Christ in the cross

redemption took place.


Jesus carried MY sins as he hung on the cross. We are all so used to saying "Jesus died for the sins of the whole world." I am a part of "the whole world."

One Good Friday I was given a nail and I went up to the Chancel and hammered it into a wooden cross that way lying there. My sins nailed Jesus to the cross.


He took my sins the ones I personally commited upon himself as if he committed them and he suffered the suffering the sinner must suffer for their sin if Jesus is not allowed to do so by our belief and he died an horrible painful death for me so I would not have to go through hell.

  • 2 weeks later...

When I think of Jesus suffering for me personally my mind goes to the Garden of Gethsemane. I feel a powerful personal connection to Jesus in the Garden. He felt the anxiety I feel, He is deeply distressed and sorrowful in His soul, He knew the terrible agony and separation that awaited Him on the cross. Right at that very moment I feel that Jesus identified with me, a sinner, completely. He felt what it was like to know the Fathers will for Him but felt the anxiety of the conflict that goes on inside us personally about the will of God for us at times. Gods' will for our lives is not always easy for us to accept. He did the Fathers will and went to the cross to die for us. But we know that daily we are confronted with different decisions we have to make and sometime we make the wrong choices. For example, when someone needs our help in some way and we say "no, I can't do that" or "I don't have time right now", "I just don't have enough to go around". I feel the Spirit right at my side sometimes telling me, "don't say no". That's how personal it gets for me. I try to remember Jesus in the Garden when I feel anxious about the will of my Father for me. And these things are small things compared to what Jesus suffered and felt. I love to have Jesus that close to me. "Not my will, but thine"

  • 4 weeks later...

Salvation can only come to individuals - not to groups as such. It involves personal repentance and personal submssion of the will to Jesus, personal acceptance of His Spirit in our heart and personal decision/determination to follow Him in obedience. All this has to happen before we can become a member of the body of Christ. Since Adam, Noah and Abram, God deals with individuals who will receive Him.

So Jesus' suffering (blood) cries for personal response from me - just as God heard Abel's blood crying out to Him for vengeance. We can only respond as individuals, not for or on behalf of another or others.

Jesus suffered that I might live by faith and receive His promises personally, that I might intimately know the cleansing of my sin, and become increasingly sensitive and accommodating to His Spirit, growing in Him to my full potential, operating in all the good works that He has prepared specifically for me to walk in.

  • 1 month later...

Jesus suffered for me personally in that he suffered the physical pain and torment of physical beatings, scourging and crucifixion. He bore shame and humiliation as he was unjustly betrayed, tried unjustly in a kangaroo court, spat upon, mocked and ridiculed in public. But he also suffered the greatest indignity and torment as he willingly bore my sins (and the sins of all mankind), though he himself was pure and sinless.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Jesus suffered for me through beatings, slanders, scorgings, and apostacy of those who knew the Truth.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus suffered for me so that I may live eternally with him in heaven. Even though we are by nature sinnfull. It is the death of Jesus that sets us free if, we choose to live in the example Jesus did in his life.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

According to 2:21 Jesus suffered for me personally not only in the physical pain of His death, but also in the spiritual as well. Christ not only took our physical troubles for our healing, but took all of our sins and troubles and paid for them with His life!

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Jesus suffered with physical pain and emotional pain for me. He suffered without retaliation, quietly. He did this as an example of how to respond to suffering.

  • 6 months later...

:D Jesus closed the gap between God and I. Jesus saw a list of all the sins I would committ in my life time. He knew that the penalty for sin was death. He knew I could never lead a perfect blesmish free life because God cannot look at sin and that there was no other way for me to have eternal life with Christ unless Jesus stood in for me and paid the price for my sins which was death and for His own Father to turn his face away from Jesus.

Jesus suffered for us in more ways than most of us will ever experience in our lifetime. Without Jesus we could never live an everyday ordinary victorious life. We have been made heirs with Jesus. Whatever HE had we now have. Not because of anything we've done or deserve but because JEsus shed HIs precious blood for us. Jesus suffered spiritually,physically, and mentally. THe bible states that His body was broken for us. My King was mocked, abandoned, abused, tortured and left to die in pain hanging on the cross until He breathed His last breath. I cannot imagine what He endured. It certainly puts thing in proper perspective, doesn't it!

  • 1 year later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Iknow He called me personally. His voice came through the scriptures clearly as I was reading in John l5. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. The ord Jesus Christ us as individuals as indicatedin the lies of many Old Testament and New Testament Saints. In Insaiha we read I have called you by namee I know you are mine.
  joanharmelink said:

Iknow He called me personally. His voice came through the scriptures clearly as I was reading in John l5. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. The ord Jesus Christ us as individuals as indicatedin the lies of many Old Testament and New Testament Saints. In Insaiha we read I have called you by namee I know you are mine.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

Jesus must have known the sins, my sins included, that He was dying for. This must be so because His was not a generalised sacrifice but one that is personal to me. He died for my sins. He knew the grief it causes His Father for us to be separated from Him by sin. The torments, the insults and the unthinking cruelty of His trial and execution have a spiritual parallel. This is where Jesus suffers for each of us personally. It is why we cannot, having turned to Him, turn back. We cannot add new grief to that which He has already suffered.

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