Pastor Ralph Posted February 26, 2004 Report Posted February 26, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Quote
cabfam4 Posted February 28, 2004 Report Posted February 28, 2004 Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? Jesus's sinlessness is critical in that God's law required that blood be spilt over the atonement for sin. If Christ had any sin, He would have to pay with his own blood. But (praise be to God) Christ was sinless paving the way for those to accepting His gift to be saved. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? I think Christ's greatest suffereing came when God, the Father, had to "look away". This separation came at the cross, when Jesus exclaimed: in Matt 27:46 "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Part of how Christ could have stood such corruption was because Jesus was obedient to the Father. In that obedience, Jesus could stand against the sinful corruption of those that brought this violence upon Him. Quote
sherrylynn Posted February 29, 2004 Report Posted February 29, 2004 The sacrifice for our salvation had to be spotless. A flawed sacrifice would not do. If Jesus were not sinless our salvation would not be granted. Jesus suffered when my sins were poured into his soul because they are filthy as rags. God cannot abide sin, and Jesus, being God would have suffered greatly with just my sins alone which number in the millions but one sin - only one sin would cause Him to suffer greatly. So all those sins heaped on Him would cause great suffering. Sometimes my own sins cause me great suffering and I know I could never endure them without the love of the Father. I think Jesus endured all that sin because He knew the Father and the Father knew Him. He was being obedient to the Father. He came into this world to accomplish what He was doing. Quote
kas Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 God can only communicate to the pure. Jesus could only provide that pureness (sinlessness) because we are born in sin and are prone to sin. The Law showed man that it is impossible for man to be good. Only Jesus could attain salvation for us. I can't even begin to imagine what Jesus went through experiencing sin. A sinless person would probably be extremely sensitive to sin and for all sins to be poured into Him must've been worse than anything physical. I believe it was His love for us and by the power of the Holy Spirit that He was able to endure. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Only a perfect sacrifice could be offered for forgiveness of sins. In the Old Testament, a perfect animal had to be sacrificed. If there were the slightest imperfection, the offering was rejected. Translated to New Testament terms, we all need forgiveness for our sins. Only a perfect person could take our place--as the perfect lamb was used in the Old Testament. A perfect person could not have sinned, or then he/she would not be perfect! No other person has ever been sinless--only the Lord Jesus! No sinful person could reconcile another sinful person to the Holy God! Only Jesus could save us from our sins by taking our rightful punishment--death--for us! I think the suffering of Jesus was intensified to the ultimate when my filthy sins were poured on Him! Physical suffering was horrible, but could not begin to match the terrible emotional and spiritual pain of being made sin--and being by that sin separated from God the Father! How could He have stood that pain? I don't know. I'm sure that was a great part of His desire for God to have another way to bring this about. But, in the Garden, He prayed--with drops of blood for sweat, the pain was so great--that "nevertheless, Thy will be done!" Oh Lord, forgive us! Quote
angelkat Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 To understand the need for a Savior we need to go back into the Old Testament. The day Adam and Eve sinned was the day all were condemend. Therefore in order for us to be made right with God there had to be a sacrifice of the shedding of blood of a perfect lamb. God in his tender mercy sent Jesus to be that perfect sacrifice and He knew no sin, but we are as filthy rags in of our own. When Jesus died on the cross God the Father had to turn away because the sin was so vile to him. That is why Jesus cried out to him saying Father why has thou forsaken me. When he died on the cross the doorway was open for all to have accesss to the the heavenly throne without anymore shedding of blood for our sins. Believing in the sacrifice made by Jesus and trusting in His death and resurection for our sins grants us the right to salvation and to enter into the kingdom of heaven. There we shall sit at the feet of Jesus. To accept salvation we do have to do our part by repenting of being with sin and in rebellion and ask for forgiviness and He is quick to forgive. He will pour out love upon us and draw us close to Him. There is peace which the world cannot give, but can be received as a gift from our Heavenly Father. Quote
millie Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 Jesus was sinless. But he took on my sins when He died on the cross for. Jesus gave me the wonderful gift of salvation. I thank Him for going up on that Cross for me. God so loved the world that HE GAVE his only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. He washed away my sins, with His precious blood. Thank you Jesus. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted March 1, 2004 Report Posted March 1, 2004 Q2a. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? I think if you read Leviticus 4 & 5; you will see that the Israelites were admonished to bring a sacrifice without defect before the Lord for their sins. John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the "Lamb of God!" (John 1:36) Jesus, if he was going to be the redeemer for mankind needed to be without blemish, perfect (sinless) so that he would be a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. He was. Praise the name of Jesus! 2b. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? Look at the sixth and ninth hour of the day as He hung on the cross, Jesus cried out; "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus experienced the darkness and anguish resulting from separation from God that we should be receiving. The best we can say how terrible this was is only by the words of Jesus in Mark 9:47-48 used "It is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where 'their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.'" All we know it will be great distress for those who will be facing a resurrection of condemnation. 2c. How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Knowing the promise that God would deliver Him. Through His faithful obedience to His Father. "Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:9-11) Amen!! So be it!! Quote
Dick Ross Posted March 2, 2004 Report Posted March 2, 2004 Only a sinless person could mediate salvation for a sinner with God. Jesus had to suffer immeasurably just from the shear weight of the burden of our collective sin. When He absorbed our sin, God had to turn his back on Him for a short time, leaving Him "forsaken" as He breathed his last.I believe that He could only endure such massive suffering because He knew that only His intersession could make us acceptable to the Father.He suffered for us so we could inherit the Kingdom. Quote
Helen Williams Posted March 2, 2004 Report Posted March 2, 2004 Jesus sinlessness is very important to understanding our salvation because Jesus took on our sin. He was sinlessness, He was tempted but never sin. Jesus always did what God wanted Him to do. When he took on our sin there were a separation there because of our sin. Remember He said Father why have thy forsaken me. This had to be agony, torment and deep suffering. Not because of what He had done but what I had done. It is only by the will of God and LOVE that a sinless man stand this kind of corruption. He bore our sins so we could die to sin and live for righteouness. Oh, God how I thank you that you love me so! Quote
Betty Posted March 2, 2004 Report Posted March 2, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? Because that was the only acceptable way that we could obtain salvation. II Cor. 5:21 tells us that God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins, and then He poured God's goodness into us. What a wonderful exchange for us! In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? He suffered because He had never been separated from His Father; but at the time our sins were poured into His soul, God had to turn His back on our loving Saviour, since He could not look upon sin. Christ was completely alone, hanging there on the cross for our sin. How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Only through obedience to His Father and unconditional love for us. He knew that God was in complete control of the situation, and that this was the plan devised by God for us to obtain salvation. As the song goes, "It wasn't nails that held Jesus to the cross; it was His love for us that made Him pay the cost." Only His kind of love could make such a willing sacrifice! Quote
dcalbreath Posted March 2, 2004 Report Posted March 2, 2004 The sacrifices under the Mosaic law were imperfect and needed to be offered over and over again (Hebrews 9:11-14). Only someone who was perfect could serve as the perfect sacrifice. Quote
djmclaren Posted March 3, 2004 Report Posted March 3, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? The pattern of the Old Covenant was a shadow of what was to come. Col 2:17; Heb 8:5, 10:1 Sacrifices were made of spotless animals as an act of faith pointing to the offering of the spotless Lamb of God. Heb 9:14. These sacrifices could not take away sins Heb 10:4 and had to be offered continually. Even the priest had to offer sacrifice for his sin. The sinlessness of Christ is crucial in understanding my salvation because this sacrifice was once and for all. There is no need for Jesus to be crucified over and over for me. The atonement is complete and finished, there is nothing left to be done. When I come to Christ all my sin past present and future are forgiven. There is no more conscience of sin as He has entered into the Holy of Holies to offer His own blood as a perfect atonement. He now ever lives to make intercession for me. Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? Therefore as this propitiation is perfect and complete I can rest from my own works as I have now entered into the Sabbath of God. Hebrews 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God [did] from his. We have all seen and experienced the pain and suffering and sorrow that our sin has inflicted on us and what it has done in others. What person among us has not wept when we behold the unimaginable grief that sin has caused in this world? Sometimes my own sin causes me such agony and pain I don't know if I can bear it. Have we not heard of those who could not bear it and took their own lives? How can I imagine Jesus having my sin poured into His righteous soul? I don't want to think of Him bearing all the grief and sorrow I have tasted. Now imagine the sin of all mankind being poured into that soul? No wonder He cried Matthew 26:38... My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. No wonder an angel had to come and strengthen Him. One of the most remarkable experiences of my life was when I became a father. It's been quite a few years now, but the memories are still fresh. The love that enveloped me was intoxicating. There is nothing I would not do for my children, nothing I would not endure. I'm sure we have all heard stories of parents who literally went through fire for their children. You ask how a sinless man could stand this kind of corruption, I think love. Love that beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 1Cor 13:7 He could see down the aeons of time Isaiah 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, [and] shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. The sufferings of this present time were to Him not worthy to be compared with the glories that would be revealed. Quote
Suzzanne Posted March 3, 2004 Report Posted March 3, 2004 1. A sacrifice is to be Holy - pure - without blemish. Jesus, the Messiah is the only one who could pay the ultimate price for my redemption. 2. Jesus suffered my sins from the very beginning when He began to sweat blood in Gethsemane ( oil press) and from then on until He gave His last drop of blood on the cross. He suffered all this time. 3. Only through His great Love for mankind. Quote
Julie Posted March 3, 2004 Report Posted March 3, 2004 Sin separates us from Our Father, without Jesus' sinlessness we would be forever cut off from God. Again Jesus not only suffered a gruesome brutal physical death, He bearing my sin experienced the Father's wrath against sin. He who had known nothing but a perfect relationship with God became conscious of the break in that fellowship, what worse fate could there be? It was Jesus will that He be a substitute for us, how Jesus stood this corruption only one way LOVE. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 4, 2004 Report Posted March 4, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? The sacrifice had to be pure and without blemish or it would not have been accepted by God. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? I believe that His physical suffering was beyond our imagination, but His spiritual suffering had to be worse. When our sins were poured into His soul and He was separated from God, even for just a few minutes, that was devastating to Jesus, who had lived a sinless and obedient life up to that point. How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Because He had so much love for us in His heart, and He was being obedient to His Father. He knew why He had come to earth to live among us, and He was doing His Father Quote
Helen Posted March 4, 2004 Report Posted March 4, 2004 We are in this sinful condition as a result of one man (Adam) choosing not to trust/obey God. It would have to be a better man than Adam to lift us out of it! God Himself, in human flesh, alone, could do the job. Satan won with Adam, bringing the sinful nature upon all mankind. To overcome the power of sin and death, a man can't be submitting to it. Therefore it had to be the sinless Son of God winning the Victory. It would have to be the biggest shock unimaginable when sins were poured into Jesus' soul - completely foreign to Him. Jesus could only stand it because of the glory that was set before Him - because He saw the finished result, and for love of His Father and of us. In His final prayer before the cross in John 17: (1) He asks Father to bring Him into the glory (2) He asks that His disciples see His glory. Luke 24:26 Jesus speaks of Christ suffering to enter His glory. 1Peter 1:11 speaks of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that would follow. In other words, Jesus had a vision of what He would achieve, which could only be achieved by way of the cross. Quote
dantanc Posted March 4, 2004 Report Posted March 4, 2004 Only Jesus pure and holy can atone for the sins of mankind. Nothing else can be acceptably to the righteous and holy God. When Jesus took upon himself on the cross the sins of human race, he was cut off from the fellowship of his father and sacrificed for the same. This seperation was a great spiritual agony for Jesus, besides the unbearable physical torture he was subjected to. Quote
cct1106 Posted March 5, 2004 Report Posted March 5, 2004 When our sins were poured in his body he took on all of our sins. He was sinless and righteous and in that respect he partook on our sufferings and sins in order for us to be clean and righteous. A sinless man would do what he's suppose to do but it would be hard. There's no other perfect but the Father. Quote
gatetrek Posted March 5, 2004 Report Posted March 5, 2004 Jesus' sinlessness is very imporant because there must be a holy sacrifice for the sins of the world which also includes mine. So without a holy sacrifice than there would be no salvation for anyone. Jesus suffered for mine sins by being separation from God for the very first time and also experiencing the weight of our sins for the first time. This separation from God was a very painful for Jesus. How did Jesus stand this kind of corruption? He know that he was doing God's will for his life and his love for us and God also help. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted March 6, 2004 Report Posted March 6, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? Anything tainted with sin cannot approach God. It cannot be in the presence of such holiness. Only one who is sinless, therefore, can mediate for us since we are all tainted with sin. Only with Jesus' witness of the Holy Spirit in us as our advocate, can we stand in the presence of holy God. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? It shames me to think how Jesus must have suffered spiritual separation for a time from the Father while on the cross because of my arrogant separation from Him for so long. How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Because He was sinless, His obedience was perfect. He resigned Himself to obedience to the Father because of His focus on glorifying God. Quote
Jen Posted March 6, 2004 Report Posted March 6, 2004 Why is Jesus sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? As the other person pointed out in the Old Testament times it was a lamb without spot or blemish which would be an acceptable sacrifice for our sins. When the time was right God provided the permanent sacrifice for my sins Jesus the precious Lamb of God. Only God Himself could fulfill the requirements to be the atonement for my sin. In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul. He experienced separation from God with whom He lived in perfect harmony, never lonely. Now He was alone in the anguish of physical pain but also receiving no comfort only the wrath of God being poured out on Him in whom was no blemish or sin. It must be like falling into a cesspool of such filth. That's what I am without God. How pitiful are my sins and everything about me without the righteouness of God in me and His strong hand on me to keep me from sliding right back into the filth. What a pitiful person I am without Jesus. How could a sinlessman stand this kind of corruption? He is God! God Bless, Jen Quote
missionslady Posted March 7, 2004 Report Posted March 7, 2004 Jesus sinless nature is important to our salvation because only a pure holy person of God, such as Jesus would be accepted. He was sinless, he was innocent. He was always wanting to please his Father. Do his Fathers will. His sinless nature is our example of what rightousness is. He died to give us life. To give us salvation. Praise you Lord !!!!! He was the sacrifical lamb. Who bore our sin and shame. We ourselves, not one of us could do it. Quote
MoZes Marius Posted March 7, 2004 Report Posted March 7, 2004 Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? Our Salvation did not come cheap and trivial. It cost an innocent blood, the blood of the ultimate sacfricial Lamb that which without spot and blemish, for our eternal salvation. It's heavy enough pain to see the depiction of suffering that Jesus endured for our sins, but it's even harder for that shoulder of Jesus of which the burden of our sins rested upon. Although Jesus might have endured such physical torturing, but spiritually His soul suffered unbearable pain due to the feeling of being abandoned by the Father because of the effect of our sins. No ordinary man can stand this kind of corrunption unless He who is filled with the spirit of God and in full submission to the will of the Father! Quote
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