Pastor Ralph Posted June 10, 2016 Report Posted June 10, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? Quote
Marie Koons Posted October 1, 2016 Report Posted October 1, 2016 Oh my my, this is a tough one! Can someone explain to me what the word consecration means? I'm not sure if I understand the meaning of consecration. Quote
ducminh Posted October 2, 2016 Report Posted October 2, 2016 Joshua instructed the Israelites to sanctify / consecrate themselves in the preparation for the crossing of the Jordan River. It was a great event for the inauguration of the nation of Israel, the entrance into their promised land. A similar sanctification / consecration can be seen in pagan traditions, for example the preparation for the New Year. The sanctification / consecration must be done according to certain rules that was recognised by a higher authority in the society. Here, we are looking at the sanctification of Israelite people, so we should examine their book of laws. The Israelites were sanctified / consecrated themselves according to God’s laws that were given to them. Now, in regards of Christian churches, those that said God’s laws are no longer applied to them, then how can they sanctify / consecrate themselves to God? Is it valid to sanctify / consecrate ourselves according to the rules invented by the Pastors / Priests / Ministers / Popes? If we want to follow the Almighty God of Israel, which laws should we use to sanctify / consecrate ourselves? Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted October 2, 2016 Report Posted October 2, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? Before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites were to perform a purification ceremony. This was often done before making a sacrifice or, as in this case, before witnessing a great act of God. God’s law stated that a person could become unclean for many reasons—eating certain foods, childbirth, disease, touching a dead person. God used these various outward signs of uncleanness to illustrate man’s inward uncleanness that comes as a result of sin. The purification ceremony pictured the importance of approaching God with a pure heart. Like the Israelites, we need God’s forgiveness before we approach him. Our congregation need to consecrate from sin, go before the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Quote
Delivered Posted October 2, 2016 Report Posted October 2, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? The Israelites were called to consecrate themselves for they are a people set apart, a covenant people whose calling is to represent their LORD who is a holy God, for it is He who will do great things for them. Q. What might this entail? To consecrate or to sanctify means to separate oneself unto that of holiness, to meditate on God's laws to do them, setting oneself apart to God for a sacred purpose and dedication. I believe this separateness is not a physical removal, or a physical washing, but a "spiritual" relocation unto that which sends a sweet aroma up to their God, a quiet time with the LORD. Q. In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? I believe each and every day should start off with that of "Consecration" - That is, we purpose in our hearts to follow after God, that we have a servant heart dedicated to pleasing Him and we meditate on these words, "Be you holy for I am holy" Quote
Eilen Posted October 3, 2016 Report Posted October 3, 2016 The Israelites had to break camp because they had to get ready to claim the land which was on the other side of the Jordan. They could not just remain where they were, they had to cross the Jordan to claim their promised land. My life is full of activities. Sometimes I do not have time to do my daily devotional readings. I just gloss over them without meditating on their meaning. This hampers my following God’s leading. I need to find time, which I have been doing for the past two weeks, to ensure that I spend time on my daily devotional scriptures. I need to really listen to hear what God is telling me. I need to increase my faith and strive to better serve Him. Quote
Eilen Posted October 3, 2016 Report Posted October 3, 2016 The Israelites needed to consecrate themselves so that they could be of clean heart and spirit before the Lord their maker. Consecration might have entailed having a bath which was most likely a luxury being in the desert and wearing clean clothes which might symbolize a new beginning with God. It could also have entailed praying and being anointed by the leader. Might have meant getting clean physically and spiritually. It was a reminder to them that the Lord was their Savior. In order to reconsecrate myself, I need to study and adhere to the teachings of God so as to live a Christ-centered life. I have to surrender my life to God and to serve Him unconditionally. I am trying to do this. I pray about it. Reconsecrating my life requires me to ensure a steadfast faith in the love of God, to live according to his word and to spread His word. The congregation, as I see it, needs to pledge themselves to God not only by word, but by thought and deed. They need to keep his commandments and to surrender their lives to God. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 4, 2016 Report Posted October 4, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? The Israelites needed to consecrate themselves because they were about to embark on a holy mission and of such they were to be set aside for the work of God. Even though the battle is the Lord's, He used the Israelites to accomplish it. As I embark on the ministry of the proclamation of God's Holy Word, I too must reconsecrate. To do this I'd need to set aside the day to fasting and communing with God. As a congregation, they too need to fast and pray; positioning themselves to hear from God and move out into the work of Ministry. Quote
Ganti Vivek Posted October 4, 2016 Report Posted October 4, 2016 Israelites need to consecrate themselves before entering the promised land that is what God wants them to do because they should know that when something they have to possess with the Gods grace they are supposed to sanctify themselves in holiness because to receive something from the Holy God one should be holy, and this is what God wants us to learn from day one. Example Consecrating Church, House, Service items which are used in church.. We should be clean in heart and spirit before God this is what God wants us to learn before doing anything. And about myself I am learning the importance of consecrating to God in submitting myself to Lord in all the walks of my lifewith the Holy sprite's guidance. I need to meditate more on the read scriptures and learn to lead a more prayerful live, trying to live a more holy life in the God's sight and learn to watch and wait to hear to Gods silent words when he speaks. Quote
blezed Posted October 4, 2016 Report Posted October 4, 2016 (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? 1) The Israelites consecrated themselves because they needed a spiritual cleansing. Purification if you will. 2) The consecration entailed the people washing their clothes and to abstain from sexual relations. 3) Often times we take things for granted and find ourselves doing things in a routine manner. I need to stop and think about the blood that was shed for me that I might be free. Fast and pray and meditate on his word to get my mind right to come into his presence. 4) As a congregation we should set aside time to do fasting and come together and do corporate prayer outside our regular routine. Quote
van Posted October 4, 2016 Report Posted October 4, 2016 The Israelites needed to consecrate themself before they touch the land that God had given them. This had to be done to partake in by things. This would require washing your clothing, if that is the only piece, bath, refrain from sex and pray. I need to stay in prayer more. Quote
JanMary Posted October 4, 2016 Report Posted October 4, 2016 Lesson 3 Q2 (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? They were going to follow the Lord into battle where He promised to do wonders among them. Consecrating or Sanctifying means to separate yourself for a special holy purpose, so this was to remind the Israelites this was His battle, and they were to be His instruments in the battle. Victory would be His, the glory would be His. This wasn't just any battle, this was the entrance into the Promised Land, His gift to them and the fulfillment of His covenant with Abraham. (For all generations of Jews who were to come.) What might this entail? It might entail changing their mindset from the mundane tasks they'd been doing, to reverence for this sacred task, and the acknowledgement that they were not their own, but they belonged to Him through the covenant God made with Abraham. Symbolically they were required to bathe, put on clean clothes. (symbolism for internal cleansing). Consecration is service or to wait upon the Lord. It meant to surrender their bodies for whatever purpose He had for them in this battle. They lived under the law, so it would mean repenting and offering sacrifice for specific sins which took them out of fellowship with God. They were to do no work, and to focus on Him. It meant to abstain from sexual relations, reflecting total devotion to Him and His mission for them without distraction from married love relationships. In what ways do you personally need to consecrate yourself? What would this require of you? “Our entire life is directed toward the service of God. Consecration is not how much we can give to God. It is being accepted by God and being granted the honor of serving Him.” Consecration means that we say, “Lord, You have given me the opportunity and the right to come before You and to serve You.” It is saying, “Lord, I am Yours. My ears were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. My hands were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. My feet were purchased by the blood; they belong to You. From now on I can no longer use them for myself.” (Watchman Nee) This is how I endeavor to live my life: surrendered to Him each morning.....I've known and recognized for years, the reality of not being my own, and that I am His, for whatever purpose He has for me each day. But since our family promise involves entering a "land" He promised us years ago, I think it would be entirely appropriate to have a family prayer time prior to setting foot in the property lines...acknowledging that this land is His, and asking that He guide us in how to use it best for His purposes. I plan to have a small pile of rocks at the entrance, called a Cairn, which is symbolic of the rocks the Priests removed from the Jordan, one for each tribe, and piled them beside the river as a remembrance for what God did on that site in causing the Jordon River to be rolled back while the priests stood holding the Ark while the people all crossed on dry land into the Promised land. Quote
hanks Posted October 5, 2016 Report Posted October 5, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to re-consecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to re-consecrate itself? It was necessary for the Israelites to purify themselves before appearing in the presence of God. What was required was an inward purity symbolized by their outward washing. We cannot approach God casually, we come as creatures before the Holy One. We read in Psalm 24: 3-4: “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.” Our actions are to be righteous and blameless (clean hands), at the same time our motives are to be sincere and our minds uncorrupted (pure heart). In other words, spiritually clean. In the same way, we need to be spiritually clean. Once we have received Jesus Christ as our Saviour we have access to our Heavenly Father. This we achieve through faith in the blood of Jesus. Our sins are covered by His blood and our lives are transformed by the Word. Our congregations must also submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He must be at the head of the church. Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 5, 2016 Report Posted October 5, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? 1.For a Spiritual cleansing. 2.It will help us to gain more power spiritually.I willhelp us to gain spiritually inward. 3.I need to take time out to fast and not go anywhere or do anything. 4.It would require me to separate myself from others until the fast is over. 5.They need to make up in their mind that they are going to be completely real in everything they do for Jesus. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted October 7, 2016 Report Posted October 7, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 2:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? The Israelites needed to consecrate themselves because they would be on a mission for the Lord by crossing the Jordan and taking position of the promised land. To personally consecrate myself for the Lord I would first pray that the Lord would lead me and give direction of his will. To be consecrated for the Lord's mission I would pray and ask the Lord to forgive my sin's that I had committed against him and my neighbors. Fasting would be a great help in my preparation for his will. In order for our congregation to reconsecrate itself for a mission of the Lord, we would fast and pray for his guidance and lead us to accomplish what he has for us to do. Quote
Gladys E. Posted October 8, 2016 Report Posted October 8, 2016 The Israelites have to consecrate themselves so that they would be pure and clean for God to be in their midst. One way to reconsecrate myself is to pray and ask for forgiveness and live the way God wants me to live, and to even fast; the congregation would have to do the same. Quote
Divine Posted October 13, 2016 Report Posted October 13, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves?: The Isrealites needed to consecrate themselves because it was primarily commanded by the Lord their God. They needed to be clean because He was going to walk out with them to the promised land. What might this entail?: Consecration might entail, washing of one's body and wearing fresh clothing, abstaining from sexual activity, might entail some Spiritual cleaning as well in the area of fasting and being in a mood of warship and reverence to the Lord God. Might entail singing praises to His Holy name and having a joyful heart. In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself?. Personally I think, abstaining from sex, fasting and praying, singing praises to His Holy name and reading and meditating in His word. What would this require of you?: This will require that I set out specific time for that, I get prepared in my mind and body and also inform my wife about what I am doing. It would need periodical quiet times just with the Lord and being attentive in spirit to get what He might be revealing to me as directives. What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself?. My congregation would need to carry out periodical fasting and prayers. Corporately arranged as a group. We will need to all strive for holiness and to be attentive to any revelations. Quote
PrayingMan Posted October 13, 2016 Report Posted October 13, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? My thought added to the description of what was said they did in Exodus was that they were getting ready for something special. Their encounter with God and what God wanted them to do required they treat this occasion like something special, as we would celebrate a wedding or a special service. It is a good reminder that when we are about to endeavor to join with God in doing something special, we ought to treat it that way, not like it was just an everyday occurrence. As a pastor, I know Sundays are special and I spend more time in prayer for the fact that God's people are coming together to meet with God and I am shepherding them. I give myself even more so in consecrating myself in preparation. More time in prayer and in God's Word and calling others to do the same is good preparation. Quote
Robyn G. Posted October 14, 2016 Report Posted October 14, 2016 They needed consecration because God said so and in preparation for their holy mission. According to scripture, they had to wash their clothes and abstain from sexual relations. When I think of re-consecration, I think of getting rid of thoughts and items that get in the way of being with God or hog our time away from God. This requires obedience, discipline, desire and daily (sometimes more than) commitment/decision making to do what's right in the eyes of God. It maybe as small as shutting off an inappropriate show or song up to changing your routine and inconveniencing yourself to spend time with God building your relationship with him. As God's people, it's much the same as for ourselves, but as a body we need to be more accountable and supportive to ourselves and our brothers and sisters. It's written in the Bible, we are to gather together to grow and support each other and sometimes that involves sacrificing self, for others benefit---though personally I feel I grow when I help others. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 19, 2016 Report Posted October 19, 2016 They were to consecrate themselves to the Lord only. Cleansing of body refreshes. They needed to go in the power of the Lord and be single-minded. Put more time into praying and fasting., Quote
Haar Garba Posted October 23, 2016 Report Posted October 23, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? Because they about to undertake God's assignment and needed to perform it in holiness. In all all circumstances and all times as children of the Holy God living in holiness To ensure I stay away from sin and to run to God for cleansing whenever I fall Confess any known sins all the time. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted November 7, 2016 Report Posted November 7, 2016 Consecration started with move of the camp, The Lord needed to be among His people and they needed a clean camp; the old camp at the Acacia grove may have had too many abominations to clean (in time for the crossing). Israel always needed to be clean ( read consecrated) in the presence of the Lord or where HisPresence is, the ark for instance. Consecration would take place in the form of bathing, washing their clothes and abstaining from sexual relations. For Christians consecration would take the form of confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness, forgiving those who have done us wrong and pray for a renewal of heart so that we can do His will. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted November 7, 2016 Report Posted November 7, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? I would also like to comment on the "reproach of Egypt" statement. Being basically born in Egypt or Parents who lived in Egypt and not being circumcised they had the same status of Egyptians/foreigners viz. not of The seed of Abraham, and by their circumcision outside Jericho, they are now full fledge covenant people, and if I might add with a home. Remember slave or not they had homes in Egypt. Quote
JSF Posted November 22, 2016 Report Posted November 22, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself? They were not just any people on any mission of conquest. They were God's holy, chosen people on His mission of conquest. Therefore, they needed to prepare for it by consecrating themselves. I so agree that we can take the mission of being one of God's ambassadors, either in church work or in daily life, for granted and not pray and prepare and think about the sacredness of it. Quote
Paula Price Posted January 29, 2019 Report Posted January 29, 2019 This is a lesson in how to approach God on a spiritual level. Everything that the Israelites are ask to do by God is a lesson on what is require of God in order to receive his blessings and his protection. In order to be in the presence of God we must be pure, clean , spiritual. The people are learning how to clean themselves, to be sanctified consecrated and holy before God. We can not be partakers of the inheritance if we are dirty, sinfully, unholy or unrighteousness... These are not the same generation that was delivered from bondage in Egypt, remember? They died in the wilderness... this generation has to be taught over on how to please God and what He expects, especially for the one who may not have been taught because the rituals were not passed down or keep, or they may have adopted other tradition from peoples they came in contact with. So God is preparing them and showing them what is required to be His chosen people, so they in turn can teach the world and others who they come in contact with. This whole book is a lesson in faith and obedience. Quote
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