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  • 3 months later...

God’s protection and his heavenly host have never been given to those who reject his commandments and his laws.

Lev 26:27  And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me;

Lev 26:28  Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

Anyone who is sensible can perceive that the heavenly host is not defending or protecting Christian churches.  If it happens otherwise, then the book of Revelation is false.  The reason is clear, because Christian churches are walking against the Almighty God.

Therefore, I cannot expect to see the heavenly host to fight for me if I do not keep God’s commandments and his laws


Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

The significant is that you know that God is with you.  The battle is not yours, it is the Lord's.  We must listen to his directions, and follow them carefully.


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?
Joshua 5:14

The reply of the Lord to Joshua was brief but urgent. Remove your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy. In the presence of the holy God all my battles will be Lord's.
Joshua's response was startling and revealing. Something occurred that convinced Joshua this was no mortal soldier.  There was a flash of revelation and Joshua knew he was in the presence of God. It was clear that Joshua was talking to the Angel of the Lord, another appearance in Old Testament times of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.



  1. That you will definitely win the battle because God will fight your battle for you.  ‘If God is for you, who can be against you.’ Romans 8:31.

  2. To trust and obey his commands, be loyal to Him and have the faith in knowing that you have nothing to fear.


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? 

I wish I could answer this. What I see is God being with Joshua for the purpose of establishing His Kingdom on Earth. Yahweh was with Joshua for his whole life. This was a very special circumstance. I reckon 99.9% of us don't experience the Commander of God's Armies giving us victory in this life. For many of us, the Christian life is a continual battle that we never seem to win. In my own circumstances God "gives me this day my daily bread" . . and not a crumb more. Here's the thing: When we're out of step with God . . and let's face it, we all are . . we don't get our heart's desires because our hearts desire selfish things and our motives are wrong. Many of us, myself included, always feel like we're under God's rod . . We're being disciplined for our disobedience . . at least that's what it feels like. Are we alone in this experience? I've read many of the posts on the forum here over the years and there are stories of unbelievable problems that folks have to live with and they only have God's Grace to help them bear up under them. No less a person than Saint Paul had innumerable troubles in this life. But his reward was in the NEXT life, as he often declared. For a lot of us, our troubles only begin when we accept Christ! The preachers who teach that Christianity is the way to material riches and prosperity couldn't be more wrong. But we are rich in God's economy. We've been bought with a price we couldn't pay and could never afford to pay. I think we need to have more faith that God has won the battle and we can claim victories at the times we need to. Just how much help God gives is entirely up to Him.


 If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

My job is to let Him do it. Too often we try to be the commander and view God as our genie who will come to our aid and give us victory. God operates in His own time and according to His own plan. What I have to do is be available when needed to do my part. 


On 6/10/2016 at 3:50 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?


'I'm not sure how to answer this. In the passage it was clear God was with Joshua as long as Joshua was fighting God's battles...  God is with us as long as the reason is just. How do we know if our cause is just? What if it's not? Are we sunk without aid?


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) 
What is the significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with you? 
If He will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

We cannot lose.
We will have complete faith that our Lord will give us victory “the battle is the Lord’s”.
We put our complete trust in Him and do not lean on our own understanding. At the same time, we acknowledge Him in all our doings (Proverbs 3:5-6).
It is only when we submit to His throne that we are able to rule ourselves.
This is in stark contrast to those who do not feel responsible to anyone. 
History has shown they become despots – cruel and oppressive dictators. 

On 6/10/2016 at 2:50 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?


The significance of the Commander of God's army being with me gives me great relief and faith that he has not abandoned me in time of trouble.

When the Lord of the Host fights my battles for me, than my job is just a mop up operation. 


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with you?

He has promised in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave me nor forsake me....not for one second am I alone, whether I feel like I am or not.  Psalm 91:1 says that I dwell in the secret place of the most High (each believing child of God dwells there) under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. In Isaiah 54:17 He promises that NO WEAPON that is formed against me shall prosper or tongue that rises against me in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. This peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (those in whom the ideal Servant  of the Lord (Jesus) is reproduced; (amplified) This is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me (this is that which I impart to them as their justification, says the Lord.") 

I may be attacked, even viciously, and have been a time or more over the years, but I am never left alone to do battle. He is always with me, and has promised victory as the outcome. Those battles prove His faithfulness, and rather than defeat, form His character in me. So it's a win / win though painful during the fight. I've learned over the years that He's longing for relationship, and that is what battles and struggles produce as I lean on Him in trust. 

If He will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

My job is to trust, rely on, and believe in His faithfulness, and to stand and not run, knowing that the armor He has provided (Ephesians 6) covers only the front of me as I face the enemy,. and that His truth and His faithfulness are my shield and buckler. (While standing, I am to pray and seek His guidance and wisdom about any actions on my part and to obey whatever He shows me to do.)

This week during an "viral attack" on my computer which left me unable to even turn it on, He advised me during prayer to "wait on Him". This morning was the third day of waiting and I was getting frustrated. I was supposed to send out 22 reminder emails the day it "died" , and then magically He did the work without me having to pay someone or do anything. It just turned on!  Very strange, but I saw that this was another lesson in trust, and one of patiently waiting without fear. (Which is a struggle for me whenever money is required, that I don't have!) 




Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

Jesus will fight the battles for me, but it is up to me to proceed by faith that He is with me as I follow Him.  


Q2.   When the Commander of God's Armies is with me  and fights the battles for what more on can expect in ones life than that but is not easy for the Lord of Host's to simply come and fight our battles for this we are supposed to do and live like how Joshua i.e, have extreme faith in Him, live by following his commandments righteously and set example for others God shall come down to help us. And when we leave our battles be fought by God There is no doubt nor second thought about victory, but should try to win not the earthly materialistic  battles but win battles here to enter the eternal life as said in Col 3:1 seek those things that are above. My Job is simply lead a faithful life in all situations courageously.


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander

of God's Armies being with you? If he will fight your

battles for you, what does your job consist of?

1.God is a Mighty Warrior, who will judge righteously and

punish wrong

2.Praying,getting his word deep inside of me. Seeking him and

obeying him.


The significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with us is that the power to defeat the enemy is available to us(believers). We need not fear. Although God supplies the power-we have to actively engage in the battle knowing that His power is with us. 


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

It gives confidence, assurance of God's presence to fight with/in/for us to give us victory over our enemy

Following Him, listening to what He wants us to do ourselves and doing what He says/ commands

On 6/10/2016 at 0:50 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?


The significance of the Commander of God’s Armies being with you is having the victory even before the battle begins.  As God fights my battles, my job consist of trusting in His power to deliver the victory.  In the midst of it all give His worship.


It is the fulfillment of God's promise to never leave us or forsake us.  If God's for us, who can stand against us?

Our job is so simple, we make it hard.  We just have to trust and obey.  However, we so much can't stand to give up control.  We're supposed to submit and seek God's will for our lives.  We achieve this through prayer, study and fellowship.


Q2. (Joshua 5:14) What is the significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with you? If he will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

The significance is the commander of the army is with me I am protected. My job is to worship , thank Him and acknowledge His presents


Just like today, salvation is ours but we have to take/access it . Like the the land of Canaan  it's Israel but they have to " set their foot in it (have to want it). The Commander of God's army is their and is neutral to the point that Israel/ Joshua obey God's command and be courageous to do as he commands even though they do not understand or the commands don't make sense. The battle is the Lords, His promise is sure and once "we" obey I surmise the Commander will no longer be neutral, the Armorites/Jericho, who has " reached the height of their iniquity" will receive their just punishment.

  • 2 years later...

"No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you; Be strong and of good courage...for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you; turn not from it to the right hand to the left, that you my have good success wherever you go. this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you SHALL have good success.  Have I not COMMANDED you??  Be strong and of good courage, be not frightened, neither be dismayed. for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go..."     these are Gods words to Joshua.....he is to lead the people and to instruct them also to do the same as God has instructed him.. it is a command.... to be strong and very courageous.... and to do all that the book of the law has instructed....( to walk in his word and do his will.)  This is what is expected today as it was then... they were written for all who believe in God and seek him.   God fights our battles... the battle is not ours to fight... we are to be strong and courageous and to do what he commands us to do.....  our battle is to be obedient.. not to worry or fear.....but to trust and obey.....(Joshua 1:5-9)

  • 3 years later...

Q2. (Joshua 5:14)

What is the significance of the Commander of God's Armies being with you?

If He will fight your battles for you, what does your job consist of?

I am not alone nor am I in command.  I am fully protected.  The battle is not mine, but the battle is the Lord's.

Listen to what He instructs me to do. Being obedient to His commands.


  • 2 years later...

I just checked my info to figure out what question I should be answering and realized I skipped this one. So, out of order, I'll answer it.


God fights my battles for me when and if He chooses to. That's all I know. I may be one of the "Blessed Christians" for whom He fights or one of the "Sufferers" who don't feel His presence or victory. Since I don't know what He'll do, my role is to submit. To accept my condition whatever it is. To carry on as if there's a purpose to suffering. To hope for a happy ending in this life, for a change in how He regards me.

Maybe these words are NOT intended for us but only for Joshua? Just yesterday when I was reading Spurgeon, I wrote these words in my devotional notes:

Spurgeon: No promise is of private interpretation: it belongs not to one saint but to all believers. All the promises of God are "Yea" and "Amen" in Christ Jesus, and as He is ours, every promise is ours if we will but lie down upon it in restful faith. Use thy LORD's words as thy pillows, Lie down in peace. Dream only of Him. See the angels coming and going upon Him between thy soul and thy God, and be sure that the promise is thine own God-given portion and that it will not be robbery for thee to take it to thyself, as spoken specially to thee.

IS THIS TRUE???THIS IS THE CRUX of the matter, Lord. Is his a valid hermeneutic? How can I take another’s promise as my own? Aren’t there promises for some people at some times, not me?  PLEASE help me understand this. Please give me wisdom.

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