Helen Posted March 8, 2004 Report Posted March 8, 2004 Jesus once told me that I was worth everything He suffered for me. This was years after I had returned to Jesus, having forgotten Him for twenty years, and delved heavily into new age "healing", realising what I had done, and repenting completely. He also showed me that when He grovelled in the dirt and was beaten along the track after falling under the weight of the cross, it was to deliver me from that sin. To find that He considers me worth that kind of suffering is humbling, amazing, astounding. To be loved like that is all one could ever desire on earth. Quote
Gail B. Posted March 8, 2004 Report Posted March 8, 2004 Because my sins were laid on him at the cross/"tree" I cannot only come into the presence of a holy God but the sin that disconnected me from the life of God is now flowing. He has opened the prison doors and I all I had to do is walk out, walking in the newness of life. Adam may have sinned eating of the fruit of the "Tree" of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but through Jesus each of us can eat now of the fruit of the "Tree" of Life. Quote
Berachah Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? The significance is Heaven or hell. My eternal destiny is at stake and without the cross I had no place to exchange my sin for His Love and Mercy. Thank God he poured out His Grace on me and forgave me, unworthy though I was, and now I am His child and born again and free and have an assurance of making Heaven my home. Thank you Jesus! Quote
David Nichol Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 The thought that Christ bore my past, present, and future sins causes me to be very grateful. I deserve hell but He has offered me eternity with Him. I am humbled. I am thankful. It is uncomprehensible to think of the agony Jesus took upon himself for all the sins of the world. As a believer, God is shaping me into the likeness of Christ by his Holy Spirit(sanctification) and part of that shaping involves my need to forgive others, forgive myself, and be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. I understand that it was necessary for God to give His only Son, the perfect Lamb, for the remission of sin. That was His choice and it shows the limitless love that the Father has for humanity. I was bought by the precious blood of Christ and am ever grateful and will do my best to surrender to the perfect will of the Father. What a wonderful place and opportunity to show our love to our Father and allow Him to shape us for eternity. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 Jesus bore my sins in his own body I knowing that I can not live without the covering of "His Blood".Just knowing what Jesus did for me gets me through the storms of my life.There are times I think I am not going to make it,but through prayer,being able to go to Jesus,knowing He understands what I am going through get me through life's situations that I do not understand at times.Going through these tests with Jesus makes me a stronger person and a humble person in which I could help someone else in times of trouble.I know Jesus suffered greater than I have ever suffered,"Jesus is with me,guides me and protects me in life's ways.He is my past ,present,and future.Amen Quote
sunilbernard Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? The significance of this great sacrifice is too great to imagine. I haven't seen the 'Passion of Christ' but heard about the vivid dramatisation of those last hours of Jesus. Just thinking about those sufferings make me shiver. What can I give but my own life as a sacrifice to Him to be used for His service. To escape all that horrible punishment and live freely is a great boon. What more reason to be greateful unto Him and be odient to His will. Quote
gmjackson Posted March 9, 2004 Report Posted March 9, 2004 Every inch of his being took on my sins. He knows me, understands me, and accepts me. To look back on some of the stupid things I did when I was younger occasionally can bring to mind thoughts of shame or sadness. But knowing that Jesus has such enormous love for me and sacrificed himself for me, brings such peace and tranquility. Quote
kitty Posted March 10, 2004 Report Posted March 10, 2004 Jesus bore my sin not what I have done. This being repented. But the sins I have already commit. It doesn't matter how hard not to sin, I am going to sin. Knowing this, Jesus went ahead and became my sin offering on the tree. He knew that I would cuss, lie, and do wicked things. But he had compassion for me that He still went thru the persecution, beatings, scourging, and the nails on His wrists and feet. He became my sacrifice. All He wants for me is to offer him a sacrifice of praise to him. Quote
annk Posted March 10, 2004 Report Posted March 10, 2004 To have a Divine person devoid of sin, die on the Cross bearing my sins is almost uncomprehensible to me. The Sacrifice that Jesus made for me by his suffering signifies that there is a greater power than me ~ one to which I should bow down to worship, love and obey. He took my place on the Cross and set me free ~ ME --- A sinful person, but still one who can chose to live a better life through his suffering. I too must suffer in my life, but I can endure much more knowing that God's grace will walk with me wherever Jesus leads me. Quote
linda bass Posted March 12, 2004 Report Posted March 12, 2004 It was my sins that were placed upon Jesus as He was hanging on the cross. Jesus loved me enough that He was willing to take the punishment that I deserve for my sins. By acknowledging what He did for me on the cross and by accepting Him as my Savior and Lord, I can know that I will be in heaven with Him one day. Viewing "The Passion" put this into a whole new perspective for me. It's one thing to read about what Jesus went thru, but when I was watching what Jesus had to go thru, it really hit me hard. To answer the question "Who killed Jesus?" I would have to answer "I DID!" Quote
KarenAnn456 Posted March 15, 2004 Report Posted March 15, 2004 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? The fact that Jesus took all my sins that I would ever coment, I felt I worth dying for on the cross/wooden tree, taking all my sins upon himself that I could be delevered from all my sins and be given salvation with eternal life. It is so prescious, that words can not give justice to what Jesus did for me. Jesus knew this was the only way for my true salvation. It has nothing to do with anything I can boast in, only the love, mercy and grace and the suffering Jesus did for me. It's a debt that can never be repayed for earned. The only thing I can do is believe and trust on the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted March 16, 2004 Report Posted March 16, 2004 I have been washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. Because he suffered and bore my sins I can come before the Father, clean. What a gift. Because Jesus bore my sins I have eternal life. His life was the cost for my freedom. He loved me that much. I am so thankful. Jesus loved me enought to do this and make me worthy. There is no way to say Thank You except by the life I live. Quote
Kim E. Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 Well that question does not seem simple to answer. I start out saying I can not imagine the entire scope of Jesus bearing my sin. I believe God has provided for me the greatest gift I can ever receive in my life. I know that I will never be perfect as I walk on this earth, so Jesus bearing my sin is so significant to me. He bears my sin daily. Even though, sin is sin, no matter what, some sin can take time to overcome. Some sins are sins that are generational. There are sins which I may not be aware of that He is trying to bring to light as He helps to transform me daily. He is protecting me as I grow. He has given me the sight to see and to understand the scripture so I can grow in Him every day. If I have truely given my life to Jesus then that will be my priority, to grow in Jesus everyday and to seek to live a holy life. There is nothing I could or ever can do to earn forgiveness so living for the Lord is what He has called me to do. I'm so grateful for this gift of salvation and that He loves me that I can do nothing else. That I am forgiven for my past makes perfect sense to me, but that I am forgiven for the future transgressions is so awesome. I don't want to take that for granted. Jesus calls us to be transformed in His image. He is our priest, so we have someone to atone for us, someone to turn to in our difficulties, and has made it possible for us to approach the Father with boldness even as we are being transformed, because Jesus covers our sins so we can come to the Father. See I told you it's hard to explain something so awesome. It's a confidence, an understanding that only comes with living for the Lord. Quote
jeffmcl Posted May 20, 2004 Report Posted May 20, 2004 The substitutionary atonement for my sin by Christ made it possible for me personally to come into a relationship with God, to be declared "not guilty" of my sin and to escape God's condemnation of those who reject Christ's sacrifice to an eternal existence outside the presence of the Father. Further, it means that I am now set free, not only from sin's penalty, but from the bondage of sin--the enslavement of my will to fleshly desires. Accordingly, I can enjoy a "right standing" before God and am empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk (live) in righteousness. Quote
PressThrough Posted May 25, 2004 Report Posted May 25, 2004 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? I decided to do a word search of the word "significance" and although uncertain of it's origin, it is believed to be of Latin origin from the word "Titos", meaning a christian. Looking in the American Heritage College Dictionery - 3rd edition, it is the state or quality of being significant - meaningful. This word study kindly reminded me, although I did not forget, in this instance that: Me - A Christian, whom God foreknew, took it personally - my sins, upon Himself, because He knows my worth and oh how much love is between us and that surrounds us. He did it to fulfill the law once and for all, that I may be presented at Judgement Day as forgiven and purified of my state of being while living according to my own understanding, that I was once lost in. So there would be no more rememberance of it. That means that I should forget it too, and be the new creature, His child, that He went through this for. My Father Loves me and I take it personally that He did this for me, that I may be free. Hallelujah, oh Praise God. Oh, the pain that He endured for me, is very personal, awesome, and well Joy Unspeakable!!! Quote
spclk22 Posted June 8, 2004 Report Posted June 8, 2004 The sinificance is that he took all our sins and suffered through them so tha twe may be saved. Fo rme it is significant because I can look to God and know that I am forgiven by him giving his son to suffer for us and have eternal life with him. Quote
peggysue Posted June 26, 2004 Report Posted June 26, 2004 that I can be made whole,be in right standing with the Lord,have a loving relationship with him,free from bondage of sin Quote
heatherdills Posted July 9, 2004 Report Posted July 9, 2004 The significance to me personally that Jesus bore my sins in his own body on the cross is that He loved me so much that He wanted my salvation even though He knew I would fall short and waiver. Quote
mollymadhat Posted October 5, 2004 Report Posted October 5, 2004 Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? When I meditate on how Jesus personally bore my sin on the cross, I feel so dirty and unworthy. This makes me want to do better and be more pure. I think I take this forgiveness for granted. I am remimded of Galatians 5:1 :" It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. " LETS NOT LIVE IN SLAVERY BUT LET US REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE VICTORY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!! Quote
N.I.C Posted May 3, 2005 Report Posted May 3, 2005 It means that I don't have to suffer or pay for any of the sins I committ. It means that every sin of mine was taken out on Jesus. HE was brutally beaten and trotured and every bruise and every wound that was broken open was the penalty for each sin that God knew I would committ. JEsus paid the price for ALL of my sins. He took them and made them HIs, so I could be set free. JEsus took all of my shame and all of my guilt, He took all of my fears, my failures, my faults and my weaknesses and placed them on HImself. I should have been the one to pay the price for my sins, I should have been beaten and trotued and left to die but JEsus graciously interceded for me so that I could have an Awesome relationship with God and so that I could have eternal life with Christ. God now sees me in the same way as HE sees His own son Jesus, Holy, Righteous (right standing with God) and faithful. God will never turn his face away from me, He will never take his Holy Spirit away from me (as long as I repent and ask forgiveness of my sins.) These are some verses that I found and cherish with all of my heart because I once had so much sin in my life and I had gotten so far away from God that I thought that He could never forgive me (or maybe it was that I felt that He shouldn't.) I felt so ashamed, so lost, guilty, and condemned. I never thought that I would ever find my way out, but somehow God has brought me here. And most amazingly to this study in particular. Thankyou Pastor Ralph for making this study available for everyone. Jeremiah 3:22 "Come back to me you faithful children and I will forgive you for being unfaithful." Isaiah 1:18 "NO matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you clean as freshly fallen snow." Romans 8:1 There is no condemnation for thos ewho belong to CHrist." Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 25, 2006 Report Posted May 25, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? Quote
joanharmelink Posted May 25, 2006 Report Posted May 25, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? It is a gareat comfort to me as far as the east is from the west he remembers them no more. tho your sins abe as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. It was for me died an d He paid the price and H prayed Father forgive them for they do not kow what they do. It is finished me me a nd I am free to serve Him with mu whole being. It was for me He died so thaat I may live and experience life more abundantly. Quote
steve.c Posted June 6, 2006 Report Posted June 6, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? It is not a simplistic question at all; it goes to the heart of my belief. When I contemplate the cross and the enormous suffering of Jesus, I then have to reflect why He suffered. He suffered for me and for my sinfulness. The sacrifice is personal. It is an act of grace because it is undeserved as much as the forgiveness of my sins is undeserved. He volunteered to substitute Himself, He who is sinless and pure, for the sinner in me. It is by His body I am forgiven and, through my rebirth in Him, it is in my body that He now lives. The personal sacrifice for me on the cross, the body which suffered for me in such an excruciating pain, which He shares with me through the Lord's Supper, shows His love for me and God's love for mankind. Through that mutilated body comes salvation and an escape from sin and death. It is an amazing gift; an amazing sacrifice. I must never forget this for a minute. Quote
L. Turner Posted November 14, 2006 Report Posted November 14, 2006 This maybe a simplistic answer, but even without a great deal of thought, the significance of Jesus' taking my sins upon His body and dying on a cross for me, could be no greater expression of His love for me. The degree that He would go to so see me complete, nothing missing nothig broken, is truly beyond anything I could ever dream of. This maybe a simplistic answer, but even without a great deal of thought, the significance of Jesus' taking my sins upon His body and dying on a cross for me, could be no greater expression of His love for me. The degree that He would go to see me complete, nothing missing nothig broken, is truly beyond anything I could ever dream of. Quote
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