Pastor Ralph Posted June 10, 2016 Report Posted June 10, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? Quote
van Posted October 12, 2016 Report Posted October 12, 2016 Rich suffer from greed when they hoard all they have for themselves. Poor suffer from greed when they steal something that is not theirs. Greed affects our giving to the church by not tithing and giving offerings knowing that you have way more than enough to give. Some people don't have anything to give but themselves as a service in the church. Also, it affects our way of giving to the church by thinking that the one in charge will put your money in their pockets and not n the church. Americans are captured by greed because the more they have they more they want. We must repent to God and give what we are suppose give. Also, by helping those less fortunate than yourself. Greedy people look at it as though they worked hard to get without even realizing all of what they have belongs to God. Quote
Gladys E. Posted October 15, 2016 Report Posted October 15, 2016 Rich and poor suffers from greed because they horde everything they have to themselves, they refused to share with others or even help others. If we are greedy in our giving, we won't be able to help our church financially. We will only be able to repent and free ourselves from greed by asking God for forgiveness and start sharing and helping others. Quote
JanMary Posted October 17, 2016 Report Posted October 17, 2016 Q1 (Joshua 7:20,21 Greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power or food. (Oxford Dictionary) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? Greed is a fallen sinful condition, and is not limited by the amount of wealth we have. It's that covetous desire to have or own more than we need. I see it as trying to fill a "hole in the soul" that can only be filled with God. (St Francis said something like: There is a God shaped void in everyone which only He can fill) When greed exists, it can't be satisfied because enough is never enough. It can also be a symptom which comes from comparing with others, and wanting to be "more" than others, and which is constantly exploited in the media as a desirable quality. How can our greed affect our giving to the church? Greed demands more and more, so giving to the church can be seen as "being robbed of what is ours" rather seeing that all that we have is His, and He allows us to keep 90% of it while asking for only 10% as a tithe. Greedy givers will cut it to the exact amount and not a penny more and with a sour attitude if they give at all. To what degree do you believe that Americans are captive to greed? I think we are a very materialistically sick and twisted society, fed by trying to keep up "with the Joneses" through advertising in the media which shames those who don't buckle to the pressure of buying a new car every year or so, and other nonsense. The saddest part of this is living completely miserable unsatisfied lives while striving for more, rather than being grateful for all that God has provided for us. I saw a statistic that shocked me! The poor in America live better and have more than 3/4 of the worlds population. . How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? As with all sin or brokenness, admitting it is the first step. As long as one is in denial, it is impossible to repent! When we can acknowledge that we are being greedy in an area, we can confess it and ask for forgiveness and for His help in renewing our minds with what His Word says about possessions, wealth, power, and food, etc. Like Paul, we can ask for help in learning to be content in any and all circumstances, whether in want, sufficiency or having just enough. (Phil 4:11) Quote
blezed Posted October 17, 2016 Report Posted October 17, 2016 (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? Greed is a human sin that can effect both rich and poor. The rich hold onto what they have and continually look to get more. The poor do not have and can develop a covetous desire to have. Greed affects our giving when we do not give our tithes and offerings as the scripture says. This will affect the growth of the church, financially and physically. There is a large degree of Americans that are more concerned about what society thinks and have become very materialistic. The more we have the more we want. Nothing beats the power of prayer. Quote
Eilen Posted October 18, 2016 Report Posted October 18, 2016 A rich man may store up what he has only to lose it or not be able to enjoy it. I suppose the same can happen to a poor man. Greed can affect our giving to the church because we feel that many of us focus on material things and not on spiritual ones. Our greed wants us to possess material things we do not even need or use instead of giving to the church, the needy. Americans are captive to greed since many think of what they purchase and consume. Many of us like to ‘live up with the Jones’, coveting what our neighbors, friends have, buying extravagant houses, vacations, cars, sending our children to the most expensive schools. They should love God above all things but this is not so in many cases. Many Americans ultimate goal in life is what can be bought or sold. d. We can repent, free ourselves from greed by doing the Lord’s work, admitting God into our lives and refocusing our priorities. God knows that greed leads to actions that are sinful and it undermines true happiness. It drives people away from fellowship with each other and God. As God said, ‘you cannot serve God and mammon’ Quote
charisbarak Posted October 19, 2016 Report Posted October 19, 2016 Rich and poor alike can show greed--either by stealing what belongs to someone else or stealing from God--not giving to Him. We want "things" and we work more & more to try to get them and for their upkeep and not giving to the Lord. I think America is a greedy nation. "Things"-- having more & more are putting America into the bondage of greed. Even America's poor think they are "owed" free money--that they deserve it and often lie to get more & more benefits. The only way out are changed hearts--God is in the business of changing hearts. Quote
hanks Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? I feel that the really poor are suffering from need rather than greed. However, they can, like the rich become infatuated with what they do not own, instead of seeing how gracious our Lord is in supplying what is legitimately theirs. Although riches in themselves are not a bad thing, they often take over our minds and lead us away from our Lord into an idolatry of things. We do seem to forget that great wealth brings with it great responsibilities; as a Christian it has to be managed as a steward for the Lord. After all, it all belongs to Him, and what we accumulate here on earth has no value in gaining eternal life. I don’t know about Americans, but here in South Africa we are driven by greed and corruption. It has reached such proportions as to even threaten the stability of our country. Here we seem to measure greatness by one’s bank-account, instead of measuring by what we are, and not by what we have. We have Christ, and this is more than enough. But greed destroys any joy we might have as a Christian. We need to evaluate our lifestyle from an eternal perspective; it is only then that we will find our values changing. And we can truly say like Paul: “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content" (Philippians 4:11). Quote
Ganti Vivek Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 Greed has no class both rich and poor suffer from it the poor thinks he has nothing or less and wants more and the rich keeps accumulating for his luxury and the generations, Abraham was blessed by God as one of the richest person during his time but we find him humble and faithful to God and also in hospitality to strangers who visited him, Abraham has started to give tithe to God through king of Shalom Melkisedek, by doing so he has set an example. As Jesus says where our wealth is our heart, so will distracts us from God on to the worldly things. Lord says if we accumulate wealth here in this world thieves will steal and the moth may eat away but accumulate one wealth in the Gods kingdom where there are no thieves nor Moth. How do we do this is by giving for service and spread of Gospel and also by giving it to poor and needy, orphans and destitutes etc, Our greed will effect our giving not only to churches but ever the concept of giving and sharing with others because greet always has selfishness to self position. We should understand that by giving to God is who is the provider in fact he will bless our hands and everything by many folds in Malachi 3:10 God says " I will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room to receive it. " Not only Americans most nations and people are filled with greed and are captivated by it as prisoners who are not able to come out of this bondage, one should ask for knowledge from God to understand his word and to obey because if we are busy accumulating wealth here in this world we will miss the place in the eternal kingdom which is built with only Gold and precious stones. Rev 21:18 " And the building of the wall of it of was Jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. " It is important for the christians to free themselves from all forms of greed which will not lead us to eternal kingdom, when we repent and pledge ourselves to live as Christ has shown us, we can overcome the greed. Because one cannot serve two masters at the same time, God and the devil. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 2:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? Whether rich or poor, covetousness is greed. No matter how much material things we want and acquire, these things will not do us good. Material things will not determine our life once we have passed away. Material wealth can not benefit the Kingdom of heaven, instead we have robbed God, because our greed has put our wealth in the place of God. These things have replaced our spiritual life and kept us in bondage. American's are indeed captives of greed, we had developed a society of luxury and material things. Because of our wealth we want every convenience we can imagine. We even purchase things that represent our status in society, freely we buy things but refuse to refuse to give God that which is His. Unless we repent by confessing our sins of greed to God, our congregations will never be released from this burden sin. The Lord does want us to live free, not to be burdened with material things. These things will require all our attention and thus we ignore God. Quote
PrayingMan Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? Rich and poor have a desire for more than what they have. Neither are content. A poor man without money can love money as much as a man with lots of money. Greed and the love of money can compromise their faith in God. You see this in how much time they spend on trying to get more of what they don't have. Greed makes us stingy. We withohold from God justifying that we need it more than God needs it. The justification is false as God does not need our money, but He does know we need to be generous, not stingy. Hold loosely to what we have because we are not the owners, God is. Americans are known to be generous, but it may appear to be more than it actually is. Though we give a lot to help others, the percentage of what we have and that which we keep for ourselves reveals how greedy we are. In the incident of the widow and her two mites, it was not how much she gave that measured her trust, but what she did not hold back. The rich gave more dollars, but held much more back for themselves. She gave all she had and trusted God for what she didn't have. We should learn that lesson of generosity and faithfulness. Quote
DawnMc13 Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 Greed demonstrates our sin condition. Wanting for ourselves over others can infect rich and poor alike. The rich suffer from self-reliance, not seeing their need for God and that all things come from Him and the poor suffer from covetousness...wanting what they see their neighbors have...not just what they need. Their focus oftentimes is also on themselves. When we in the church give out of obligation, or guilt we are not giving freely from our hearts in response to God's love and blessings. God looks at our hearts. Our motives. The American Dream is one of success as it relates to money, possessions and our own comfort. It's message is ever-present all around us from birth on to the point where it's a normal condition in us. Until we see sin as sin, we can't confess it and turn from it so it's vital to be in the word, spend time with God and let His truths teach us His ways. Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 24, 2016 Report Posted October 24, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? 1. When we put material things ahead of God. 2. Robbing God in tithes and offerings. 3. Clinging to that which belongs to God for our personal use and unwisely benefiting others. 4. Admit the greed, repent,and ask God for forgiveness. Quote
haar Posted October 25, 2016 Report Posted October 25, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? We all have the Adamic nature that covets and desire after the flesh. This can lead to greed irrespective of our social status and go about looking for more. Have mercy over us Lord. Our greed can cause us to under pay of fail to pay our tithes and offering as we hoard and keep back even what belongs to the Lord God. Most people in many nations [not only Americans] are captive to greed because of materialism and selfishness. We all need to confess the sin of greed and to repent of the sin and start paying the right tithes and offering by the power of the Holy Spirit. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 26, 2016 Report Posted October 26, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 0:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? It is possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed. The rich seeks more and the poor desires to have what the rich has. Our greed can affect our giving to the church when we hold back on the tithe and offering. Americans are captives of greed to the degree that they seek richest more than they seek God. Finding themselves in the marketplace beyond the normal requirement and less in the presence of God. We repent and free ourselves from greed by gravitating daily to the presence of God rather than to seeking more mammon. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted November 6, 2016 Report Posted November 6, 2016 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? When we don't understand God and didn’t take his commands seriously . It may have seemed a small thing to Achan, but the effects of his sin were felt by the entire nation, especially his family. Like Achan, our actions affect more people than just ourselves. Beware of the temptation to rationalize your sins by saying they are too small or too personal to hurt anyone but you. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted November 19, 2016 Report Posted November 19, 2016 I'm not sure I agree with the word ' greed', but I prefer the word used by Achan himself, covet. Covetousness is sin and is not always motivated by greed per say. I think James explained this phenomena in Jas 1:14 Achan allowed his desires to entice him and then conceive giving birth to sin. Maybe he wanted to be a big man in the tribe, maybe he just wanted something for his wife, whatever it was it cause him to sin, I am not minimizing the sin I'm just saying it may not exactly be greed but he sure did covet. Our giving to the church again cannot simply be explained by greed. I believe in Israelite Society inheritances are known so if an inheritance is not shared there may be a valid reason why the man was disinherited, but seeing that Jesus understood his motivations, Jesus gave a most appropriate answer and one that he could have shared with the multitude. Poor giving to the church basically has for me two reasons: lack of trust that God would supply our every needs and our spiritual maturity. in 2 Cor 8:7ff Paul says that as we have abound in the gifts of the Spirit/church, we should abound in the Ministry of giving also, there should be an equality between what we received from the Church and what we give back to the church. Covetuousness may work out to be greed but is sometimes not the motivation for not taking God at His word, and this is not particular to America, not since modern technologies. The world tells us the lies that anyone can be rich or any one can be who or what they want to be, giving us real life glimpses of affluence, popularity, prestige and glamour, whether some of these things are good or bad, what happens next is that no one wants to remain at the bottom of the "food chain", figuratively speaking, so we strive not to be left out, forgetting that most of these things are superficial in the sight of God. When the Lord spoke to the seven Churches in Revelation he was, to me, indicating the cycles some churches/ congregations would probably go through in their life time. Some may recover and some may not. As Christians we must we remember to whom much is given, much is expected. We can Honour God no matter what strata of the society we come from because He rewards effort, if it is we are given one talent, He would not spect us to provide 5 more, he knows our capability. One can only know these things if one gets intimate with His word because this is how He speaks to us, The Bible, all The Bible was written for our learning. Quote
Francina Posted January 31, 2022 Report Posted January 31, 2022 Both the rich and the poor may suffer from greed. The rich may not be satisfied with what they have and continue to want everything for themselves, even stealing from the poor. They may also not want to share what they have. The poor may also be greedy by stealing what does not belong to them . The book Malachi states that we must tithe but in most cases we don't do that. We give very little to the church although we have more. People are only concerned about themselves and do not care about the church We must obey all the commandments that are given in the Bible. We must not only say we believe in God but our actions must show that we have repented. Quote
Irmela Posted August 9, 2022 Report Posted August 9, 2022 Q2. (Joshua 7:20-21; Malachi 3:8-9; Luke 12:15) How is it possible for both rich and poor to suffer from greed? How can our greed affect our giving to the church? To what degree do you believe Americans are captives of greed? (not an American) How do we repent and free ourselves from greed? Some of the rich suffer from greed in that they never seem to have enough. The more they have, the more they want. Then you get those that don't really have but get themselves into debt by trying to live up to the Jones's. The poor can also desire what they cannot afford and then attempt to get it by stealing. The greed can blind us into thinking that there will not be enough money till the end of the month if we give from what we have, to the church. The other thing we can get tripped up with is that we do not know what they will do with the "hard-earned" money. Acknowledge the sin of greed and repent from it. Then act on the decision to change. Quote
Krissi Posted January 8 Report Posted January 8 Greed is an attitude. It's not a mere desire for more, more and more. Anyone can have that attitude. When poor people cling to the little they have, they’re not trusting God to resupply their need – they’re greedy out of need. When wealthier people stuff their investment accounts, garages and vacation homes, they too are not trusting God to return to them what they’ve given away The principle (as I poorly understand it) is to empty our vessels quickly so God will refill them, thus ensuring a divine supply. The more we retain, the less we are trusting Him to care for us in the future. I must confess that I’ve emptied my vessel of most everything and am still waiting for God to refill it, as promised. At times, I fearfully doubt in His willingness to notice my need and fulfill His side of the promise All people are captives of greed to some degree or another. This has nothing to do with being from one or another country. All income groups, too, can be captive to greed. My solution to greed, coveting and fear/lack of trust -- which as I mentioned hasn’t “worked” yet -- is this: Just give it away. Empty your vessel. Let God refill it. This is the principle of Divine Supply – the more you keep, the less you’ll get from God; the more you give, the more opportunity God has to supply your need. Quote
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