Rebecca M Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Sin still has power over us because we have free choice and we are fallible. Also, Satan can try to tempt us. We are to die to sin and replace that negative activity with living for righteousness. When we live in Christ and practice the disciplines, we can live out dying to sin. Live for righteousness means focusing on all that is good and of God. It doesn't include fear, negativity, gossip, and unclean living. Those are not of God. Quote
Mrstoler Posted August 25, 2008 Report Posted August 25, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Why does sin have power over us, because we like it. There are some things we don't want to give up. Either is look good, feel good, smell good, taste good or it sound good. We have to make a clean back from our lustful desires we know that is not like God. If we want to gift of eternal life from God we must live in a way that is pleasing to God. We can't fool Him and we need to stop. I know I do. I need God everyday just to stay in His presence. Jesus Christ is the only someone who can help me do that, but I must continually obey Him or I will be lost. Quote
smurf1948 Posted September 6, 2008 Report Posted September 6, 2008 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Because we were born with a sin nature so the power is still in us. We must deal with it like it is dead because it died with Jesus. We can deal with it through Jesus Christ. Living righteous means following Gods word and putting our faith in him. Living as Jesus lived. Quote
Rosie1Rose Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? I have an inherently evil nature prone to sin. Sin is also attractive and easier than living righteously. It is sneaky and not always easy to spot. Because of this there will always be warfare within me. Rom 7 and 8 describe it perfectly. I must become DEAD to sin. See it for the evil it is and what is cost Jesus. I must live so close to God I can hear the faintest whisper and run from it. James says to flee from sin and draw near to God. It means not putting myself in a position where I can be tempted to sin. If I live for Jesus and build a relationship with Him. If I am totally immersed in Him, I WILL be living for righteousness. Quote
paulcrf Posted October 29, 2008 Report Posted October 29, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? Sin will continue to be with us because we are humans. But sin has no more power over us any longer. We are no longer slave to it because we are already slaves to righteousness. According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? To deal with sin is to be alive in Christ so that we will be controlled by the spirit. In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Living for righteousness is living in the spirit. It is living a life in full submission to Christ. Quote
God's child Posted November 27, 2008 Report Posted November 27, 2008 Even though we were saved, by God's grace, from our sins when Jesus died for us, He has not taken our free will or our fleshly desires. We are free from sins power as long as we remain under the cover of God's guidance and protection. I know that for me, if my relationship with Christ is first in my life, I have no desire to sin in the general sense the way you would think of sin as an immoral act against God and my body. I still say things I shouldn't and think things that I shouldn't, so I have to continually ask God to help me in those areas. Living for 'righteousness' means to me that I should model my behavior after Jesus' example and live in a way that would draw those that are lost to Him. Quote
csreeves Posted January 1, 2009 Report Posted January 1, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? We are human so we will always deal with sin. We live for righteousness by daily making right choices and growing closer to Christ. Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 26, 2009 Report Posted May 26, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Sin still has such a hold because we are not truly willing to accept Christ forgiveness. We are still living in the natural flesh. We don't want to let go of the world's ways.We think it to hard to follow Christ. We must deal with sin by accepting Christ forgiveness and his righteousness. We can die to sin by asking God's forgiveness, and accepting his mercy and grace. To live for righteousness means to live guilt free and from doing wrong. To live in God's holiness and obedience. The perfect righteousness of Christ is given to a believer when we accept Christ as our Savior. He is our righteous judge. It means doing the will of God. Quote
kenny Posted May 29, 2009 Report Posted May 29, 2009 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Jesus died to break the ultimate curse of sin, that being death and in doing so He freed us from sins power. The only power that sin still has over us now is that of the flesh. As we grow in our walk with the lord through His grace and indwelling we become more holy. Once we have been called out of the world and start to follow in Christ Quote
John Weir Posted September 19, 2009 Report Posted September 19, 2009 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Jesus 'bore' our sin on the Cross, so we have to identify with that for the atonement of our sin. It is impossible to fully identify with what Jesus did for us by enduring such great suffering, so sin still has some power over us. In Biblical times, the 'scapegoat' was literally led out into the desert to take the peoples' sin away from them. Our 'scapegoat' is now the Lamb of God, Jesus, and we need to understand that He has taken our sin on himself. We are cleansed of our sin by His blood. In practical terms, we 'die to sin' by being Baptized. Our sin is buried in the water, and we emerge as new creatures in Christ. This is one of a number of ways in which we become 'righteous' which means 'sinless'. ' Living for righteousness' is our obedience and reliance on Jesus. It is a daily struggle. We strive for righteousness all the time, and are commanded to live righteous lives which means spending time daily with Jesus, Bible study and reading, prayer and in the company of the saints. Quote
Gann Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Q4.(2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power us still? The only way sin can still have power over us is because we have failed to completely die to sin ourselves. We still hang on to the flesh and its desires and that's what gives sin power over us. If we could just grab hold of that perfect love that Christ has then we could walk just as He did and without sin in our lives. But we must continue to strive for that perfect love in our lives and walk in His footsteps daily. In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In order to die to sin we must be willing to give up pride and selfishness and allow the flesh to die and continuously seek after the love of Christ in everything we do praying to the Father that He would help us to be more like Him everyday and that He will take control of my life that I will please Him by the things that I do. In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? To live for righteousness is to live everyday seeking to please the Father praying that in someway we can glorify Him in my daily actions and my conversation. Always thinking of doing that which is right and good according to the will of God. We live that we may please the Father and that is only done by being obedient and doing those things that are right and good. Quote
hanks Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Sin still has power over us since we all were born with a tendency to sin; not only in our individuals acts but also in our attitudes. We are all sinners and it is only by the grace of God that we are saved. When we become believers the Holy Spirit helps us in our fight against sin. We will begin to sin not so often, and when we do, we immediately repent and ask for forgiveness. Jesus Himself bore our sins so that we might Quote
cindyloohoo41 Posted May 31, 2010 Report Posted May 31, 2010 On 2/26/2004 at 6:14 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Satan is always at work, he doesn't want God to win so daily he gives us struggle to try to get us to give up and turn to those sins. We must live for Jesus each day. Start our day's with the Word and not only read it but devour and ingest it into our lives so that we may, as Jesus did through the Father, resist the temptations of satan and win against sin. Again the only way to die to sin is to live for Jesus. Each moment of each day He must be with us in our hearts and minds so that we can overcome difficult situations. To live for righteousness if simply to live for the Lord in all we do. Living with hope and joy and not clinging to past sins, because they were "bore" away long ago by Jesus death on the cross. Quote
royk Posted November 28, 2010 Report Posted November 28, 2010 On 2/26/2004 at 6:14 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Jesus said, "remain in me and I will remain in you" this is not easy in a fallen world; weI slip up or foeget during a situation and don't bring God with us in all our events. We are destined to fall into sin when we are not looking at Him and for Him; we are not letting Him in. We can only succeed hy staying colse to God, and relying on Him Quote
Stan Posted July 26, 2011 Report Posted July 26, 2011 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? This question tears at my heart, Jesus died for me the ungodly, He made me a new creation, why do I still sin on a daily basis? I want to live for Christ, I pray Psalms 51:10-12 daily but as fast as I enter the world I find my self failing, it must and can only be that the devil is still in control in the earth. I must continue to seek God's forgiveness through prayer,continue to study the word,believe that His grace is what saves me not my works,that He die for all my sins not just the first ones. I must continue to seek Him first even when I fail, I must continue to try and submit to God then the devil will flee. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted August 11, 2011 Report Posted August 11, 2011 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? Because we still inhabit the tent of the flesh. Our brains are still working in our bodies. As we seek renewal of the mind we are inhibited by our flesh. That will not change while we are alive in this life. We can become more sanctified, and that should be our goal, but we can never truly be free from sin's influence in this life. Thank God that Jesus lives to intercede for us with the Father. According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? We endeavor to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ for starters. We need to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ. A good thought to have uppermost in our minds is this simple prayer that I got from another online devotional to which I subscribe. It's this: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me. Try thinking that prayer in your mind when tempted to sin, especially habitual sin. In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Live to do the right thing in all circumstances. Shun evil and go after good. Grab righteousness with both hands. Quote
wifee Posted February 24, 2012 Report Posted February 24, 2012 4a)Jesus paid the price and has had the victory over sin, but we are still in a spiritual battle against the temptation of the world and our human sinful nature as a result of the fall to knock us of course encouraging greed,pride and other sins to rear their ugly heads. b)To be spiritual healed and freed from sin’s power, we must confess our sins,take up our cross,leave be hind our sinful ways and follow Jesus with a new life in Him where ever he leads us. c)I was buried with him in my baptism as an infant,saved by his sacrifice, this has been confirmed as an adolescant personally committing my life to Jesus and now I’m living for him each day in Christian ministry with Jesus as my strength, power and guide trusting Him each day. Quote
Nic Posted February 25, 2012 Report Posted February 25, 2012 If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? I believe that sin still has power because we live in a fallen world and Satan has been given power over this world. Also, I believe it is because our innocence has been lost so that even though we may be free from sin we are not free from the knowledge of sin and the pleasure even though temporary that it brought. According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? According to this verse we must die to sin. In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In order to die to sin we need to confess them, ask Jesus to forgive us, accept His forgiveness and ask Him for the power over sin. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you away from sin and to strengthen you in the weak moments. In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? This means living above sin. It means daily striving to do what is right in the eyes of God. It means asking God to help us to be like Him pure in heart. Quote
Craig Posted July 19, 2013 Report Posted July 19, 2013 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Because we have not taken Jesus's death on the cross seriously and personally enough, sin still has such power over us. We are often still too comfortable with sin. We are to deal with sin by dying to sin and living for righteousness. In practical terms we can die to sin by picking up our cross daily and following Jesus. There is no easy way to die to sin. Sin consistently knocks at the door of the heart. To live for righteousness means to deny sin in our life; to permit God's Word to awaken in our hearts, and to walk away from the satanic world system. Part of suffering is combatting sin in our life. Quote
van Posted May 22, 2015 Report Posted May 22, 2015 Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? IF WE LIVE LETTING CHRIST LEAD OUR LIVES EVERYDAY WITH OUR MINDS STAYED ON HIM AND HIM ONLY THAT'S HOW YOU LI E YOUR LIFE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. IT'S NOT EASY THAT'S WHY I KNOW FOR A FACT I CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT CHRIST HOLDING MY HAND. HE IS THE DRIVER AND I AM JUST A PASSENGER. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 6, 2015 Report Posted November 6, 2015 On 2/26/2004 at 6:14 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean? Jesus died to set us free from sins power, but because we still live in the flesh in this world of sin we are still capable of sin. When we become aware of a sin we committed, we are to repent and stop sinning. We are to live a life of righteousness as Christ did, but in the flesh we are still tempted and have trails. By Jesus wounds we are healed, looking forward to eternal life with God. By believing in Christ and what ha has accomplished on the cross, we too have died to sin, it no longer has it's power over us. We are to live for righteousness, we are forgiven for our sins and eternal life is ours. We are dead to sin and should live a life of holiness (righteousness) as Christ lived a holy life. Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 We are all endowed with the gift of free will and have the ability to choose between right and wrong. Simply put, sin still exists and has power over us because we continue to make poor decisions with that gift. Satan can’t “force” anyone into sin, all he can do is suggest and put the temptation squarely in front of us. All he has to do then is sit back and allow our free will to do its work. Giving in to that temptation because of poor decisions on our part is the reason sin has such power over our lives. Jesus Christ was perfect and we should all strive to be perfect too, but… we are human and in our humanity we are imperfect beings. Jesus took away our sins when He died on the cross and Peter said that we died to sin because of that supreme sacrifice. By his wounds we’ve been healed and that makes it possible for us to achieve something reasonably close to the perfection that God expects. But, only if we make good decisions. Resisting Satan and making good decisions requires prayer for strength and guidance and when we fall short, contrite prayers of confession and repentance. Righteousness is what distinguishes we Christians from the unbelievers of the world. God’s redeeming grace through Christ Jesus is empowering so living for righteousness to me is simply living my life in a manner that glorifies God, by doing good works and obeying the will of God. “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them”. (1 John 5:18) Quote
David from NZ Posted November 18, 2016 Report Posted November 18, 2016 Dying to sin and living for righteousness is a choice we each have to make. God has given us free will, so we can do whatever we like, but He prefers us to live righteously and follow His way, because He knows that we will be happy and at peace if we do. Sin inevitably leads to misery, sooner or later. If we choose to follow God's way, we die to sin. However, it is a choice we have to make every day. It is no good to make the choice once (when we are baptised), then forget it as soon as temptation comes along. Quote
elaineer Posted June 1, 2017 Report Posted June 1, 2017 4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mea --- Because we are still living in the flesh,we will always be tempted by the evil one. ---we must confess our sin and repent of it. ---We must listen daily to the Holy Spirit God placed in us to guide us. ---To live as Jesus taught us. Quote
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