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:huh: Sin has power over us if we only let it.Some of our suffering is the direct result of our own sin.So always remember."Take It To The Cross".

In Romans 6:8 Now if we died with Christ,we believe that we shall also live with him.:verse:11.Likewise you also ,reckon yourselves to be dead in-deed to sin,but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.~~Since believers have died with Christ and have also been raised with Him~~

>Paul now urges Christians to consider them-selves "dead" ..."to sin".

Live for righteousness means being owned by our Master.Christians are Gods children,having been set free from sin and having become a slave of righteousness.The Believer should serve righteousness just as we served sin before trusting Christ~~"The result will be "holiness".Amen

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Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

Sin still has power because of our unwillingness to submit completely to His will. As long as the flesh is alive, there is bound to be strife between the flesh and the spirit. Whom we feed and support will win the battle. :rolleyes:

Dealing with sin is simply dying to it. Buried and rise up in Christ. Baptism signifies that process. If we really die to sin, then there is no question of sin rising its ugly head in our lives.

Living for righteousness is living for Christ as He is our righteousness. Because in Him we have been made right with God and made presentable in the sight of God. :D Hallelujha! What a great privilege to live for the King of Kings and live as His children.


Sin has a power over us that can blind us. Satan is still loose and and blinding christians and non-christians. We must die to sin and live for righteousness. To die to sin is to speak the truth even when we want to lie. When we know the consecoinces may want us to lie. To live for righteousness means to live a holy life. Not to lie, cheat, go over the speed limit. To live by the law and rules of the house, school, and work.


Satan is still present in our lives ~ we still have free will to chose our path through life. We must lean to Jesus to guide us, to help us overcome outr temptations. Christ must come foremost in our lives. 'Live for righteousness' means to me to cast off our old ways and ideas and prepare to follow jesus wherever HE may take me. :D


Eventho Jesus died to free us fom the power of sin, we must continue to live in a sinful world. So even when we try not to sin, we often find ourselves failing because we are only human.

Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

We are still living in this world of flesh and blood, with Satan tempting all. When we walk in our flesh, our emotions start ruling over us and we give power of the flesh to sin. We don't have to because Jesus died and took all our sins and we don't have to walk in the flesh, we can walk in the spirit; keeping our eyes on the Lord and trusting not in ourself but in Christ Jesus. Live for righteousness is choosing to remain in the spirit and bring glory to God through Jesus and have faith and trust in the righteousness of the Lord to keep me in His ways.


We live in a fallen world and sin is all around us trying to entice us. Satan has been defeated but not vanquished so temptation is always there.

When we are tempted we have to stand firm. James tells us that we are submit ourselves to God. "Resist the devil and he will flee from us." (4:7) If however we do fail, then we must immediately repent and ask the Father to forgive us.

To live for righteousness means I am always striving to live a life of obedience to God. A righteous life is characterized by godly behaviour.












  • 3 weeks later...

We have inherited selfishness from our ancestors. It is whats' wrong with human nature. You don't have to teach a baby to be selfish, they just are. This is an unpleasant fact which man does not want to face but which the Word of God clearly states. We are not carrying on a worldly war, we are constantly struggling against the flesh. It will always be so. But we have the blessed assurance that through Jesus Christ we may be transformed. We cannot face sin in the typical worldly way, we have the divine power of Jesus Christ to confront and conquer our sin. We can find Scriptural solutions by staying in the Word. We can die to sin with truth, love and righteousness. We must live the truth of the Scripture, love unconditionally, and be obedient to Gods Word. We must have faith and prayer. If we rely on God to lead us and pray for His will to be done in our lives then we have assurance that we will break down strongholds of sin in our individual lives. To live for righteousness is to be obedient to God. It is not making excuses for our weaknesses anymore and justifying our failures. Live for God to be at work in you. Show tenderheartedness, acceptance and forgiveness for Christs' sake.

  • 1 month later...

a. Paul describes how we still struggle (war) with our flesh and our Adamic nature, though Christ lives in us by the agency of the Holy Spirit. When we come to Christ, we also begin a lifelong journey toward a likeness to Jesus, which is called sanctification.

b. We must yield to the Holy Spirit's prompting and leadership when dealing with temptation and sin. He will not deviate from God's Word, so believers have two sources to use as a check and balance to ensure that the internal promptings we receive are of God. In this way we are assured of being able to live in His will.

c. We die to sin by refusing to give our selfish desires and appetites control over us when they tempt us to act contrary to God's commandments for living. We die by submitting to the will of the Father (His Word) and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

d. To live for righteousness is to earnestly seek God's will as revealed in the Bible and as led by the Holy Spirit. It means walking in the light of His Word on a consistent basis--to immulate Christ in our daily lives. Paul says to "strive for the mark."

Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

If "one" is still struggeling with the power of sin in their life after having received Jesus as their Savior, then they are still operating according to the flesh and understanding thereof. We don't deal with sin. Let it die by putting it off, have no concern with it, and forget it, and move on in The Holy Spirit, leaning on God' understanding, and depend on The Holy Spirit for specific guidance. Rejoice and be Happy in The Lord. Live the Will of God, with God!!! Hallelujah, Amen!!! :D:lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Sin is so powerful because we aer by nature sinful since the garden of eden. It is something we must learn overcome and not let it take over our lives. We must rid ourselves the old self so that we may be reborn and live in Jesus name. We die of sin by being baptized to rid our old self and live for righteousness when we are cleansed by the washing of our sins.

  • 3 weeks later...

we must draw close to Jesus at all times.to keep away from the temptation of sin,as we love and serve him more the less sin has the stronghold over us,we must seek him in prayer,be with fellow christians etc

  • 2 weeks later...

If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, sin has such power over us still because we have free will. According to 2:24b, we must deal with sin by living in righteousness and die to sin every day. In practical terms, we can "die to sin" by the choices we make. In everyday language, "live for righteousness" means that we are to do what we know is right according to the word of God.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

Wow, what a question! This topic has been heatedly debated in my circles for years. I will just relate though what personal experience has taught me. When I first gave my heart to God some of my sinful life just fell away so easily. Other sins were much more tenacious. To "die to this sin" I did much praying and asking God to take it away. And I eventually overcame that sin (acholohism) but it didn't come easy and it didn't come quickly. It took about 3 years of God bringing it to my attention daily with me sometimes accepting and other times rejecting His counsel. God Himself will bring attention to the areas of our life where we need to change. And he will work with us till this is accomplished. I think the problem is usually that we have difficulty surrendering to His suggestions. Dying to sin means surrendering to God and His will. To live for righteousness is based on this same surrender. Basically, sin has no power over us unless we let it.

  • 7 months later...

Because our Spirit is willing but our Flesh is weak. It is our earthly fleshly humam desires that get us into trouble. We always have a choice, sometimes its just easier to give in and follow our flesh (what we want.)

We must die to sins and live for righteousness. We have been set free from living under the bondage of sin. So stop sinning. It takes some thought and effort on our part. Be conscious of what you are doing, thinking and saying. Exert some self-control.

We can die to sin by asking God to help us with the things we are struggling with. Putting scripture verses into memory is also very helpful when faced with specific temptations. By purposely staying away from the things, the places or the people that do tempt us to sin. By asking God to renew our minds, adjust our thoughts and our attitudes daily.

Live for righteousness means to make right choices to do the things that we know please God. To pursue God. To be obediant to Him.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins and to bear our sins. He takes the burden of sin off us the moment we accept Him in our hearts and as we live our lives thereafter. His death and resurrection means that we know that Satan has been defeated but he still conducts a rear guard action in the world. So the Devil still exists and is active in trying to turn man away from God. We must in our lives turn away from sin actively. We know there will be temptations and the Devil will use every deceptive art he has to break down our defenses and sow doubts in our minds. We must actively put our lives in control of Jesus. We must obey His commandments and the teaching of the apostles faithfully and diligently. We must actively cultivate a godly and righteous life by living completely through the Word of God. Following what it says in every aspect of our lives. In the Scriptures it gives us all the techniques and methods to keep steadfast in our faith and when we slip or lose ground to get back up on our feet and to regain territory. We must keep the Scriptures in mind by regular study and mediation. We must put its teaching into practice so that we become completely trained in the Scriptures. We must use prayer in our fight against the sinfulness we have rejected. The support of fellow believers, the pastor and elders helps to focus on what we should be doing and away from worldly, fleshly things. Prayer meetings and communual worship support this. We must in our daily lives become citizens of the kingdom of heaven and strangers to the kindom of the world. To live for righteous means to live, as far as is possible like Jesus. That is what He wanted his disciples to be.

  • 5 months later...

:) Sin like anything in our lives can only have power over us if we let it. Many times we allopw things in our lives. We should always at all times be God inside minded, then we can live unto righteousness. The bible said in Matthew 6:33 that we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (His way of being and doing right).

If we seek God first in all things, then sin will not get a qrip on us. We must crucify our flesh (our way of thinking) all sin begins in the mind first

  • 6 months later...

Sin has power over us because we are weak and the devil preys on that. To deal with it, we must take up the cross daily.

We "die to sin" by building up a relationship with God, making the commitment to put Him first in our lives, and bearing the cross daily to follow Him so that we are "living for righteousness".

  • 3 weeks later...

Sin still has some power in my life because I'm still in this body and in this world. I'm still growing spiritually. I still have selfishness issues in my life and old habits that rear their head now and again. Paul said to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. The desire to sin has diminished greatly in my life. However, there are times when the old sin nature battles with me. When I sin I ask forgiveness and keep moving forward.

To "die to sin" for me is turning my back from sin and staying focused on the things of God.

  • 8 months later...
Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?
Well, maybe for some, sin does not have power but in general, man was born with free will and just like God's grace is new every morning, Satan tries to trap and hurt God's people everyday all day. In our human selves, temptations and other sin can catch some off guard and Satan can bring things to us in subtle ways so we don't even know sometimes that we are engaging. That is why we must make every effort to keep our eyes upon Jesus, pray daily and ask for His guidance, protection and forgiveness. When we die to sin, we are simply recognizing that our sins died with Christ and in Christ, we have freedom. To live for righteousness means we must make the effort to do the right things and embrace the examples that Jesus showed us. It is a struggle and the Bible speaks of long suffering but the promise that Jesus is with us always and will never forsake us is a major blessing...a wonderful covvering/hedge of protection.
  • 1 month later...

Sin has so much power over us still because we let out hearts and minds stray form God. We allow the devil to come in and wordly things keep us from God. We can die to sin by confessing and repenting, keeping our nose in the Bible, and continually keeping our minds on God. Living for righteousness means talking and walking the Christian life. Everything we do should be to glorify God.

  • 2 months later...
Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?

Sin still has the Adamic power that controls the flesh part of us. These are the things that Satan sends assigments out to tempt our habits and self. We must resist the enemy and he will flee. The word says pick up your cross and die daily to the desires of the past things of the flesh. ( Gal. 5 ) Allow the Holy Spirit to be in control with the fruit of the Spirit. Also pray continpusly in the Spirit. Ask for the mind of Christ. The enemy will battle us in our thoughts. Declare the blood against Satan's ploys. Submit to The Holy Spirit daily. read the Word daily. Getting washed and cleansed by the washing of the word. Jesus is the Word.

  • 2 weeks later...

Because we are 'in the world' but not 'of the world'. The ruler of this world is Satan and he looks for any opportunity to influence us. Although we have free choice, Satan's way looks very appealing, and we can easily succumb to it. Through obedience to God and living a righteous way of life, and being 'in Christ' we deal with sin.

We die to sin when we are baptised and come up out of the water. Our old life passes away and a new life begins.

We strive to live for Christ, with Jesus in us. We follow His example of 'righteousness'.

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