Pastor Ralph Posted June 10, 2016 Report Posted June 10, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah’s character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Quote
ducminh Posted October 22, 2016 Report Posted October 22, 2016 Acsah is the daughter of a faithful man of God, hence she inherits the characters, the education of her parents, and the most important one is being faithful to God by keeping His commandments and His law. That is the most beautiful character of God’s saints. In the Old Testament, I know the story of Ruth, the Queen Esther, Rahab in Joshua, and in the New Testament there are Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist, Mary the mother of Christ, Mary Magdalena and her sister Martha, and Priscilla wife of Aquila. They are all the women who has given good examples as faithful servants of God. Note: God’s saints are not the same as the beatified dead people in the Roman Catholic Church. In the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches, “saint” is a title. Quote
haar Posted October 26, 2016 Report Posted October 26, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Acsah possessed great faith in God and in her father that was why she went boldly to request for land. Similar example of a women of great faith are the ones in the Bible: the woman with the issue of blood; another one was the Gentile woman who pleaded for the healing of her daughter and persisted even when Jesus told her that children's food was not for the dogs by stating that even the dogs could eat from the crumbs that felled from the table. Quote
van Posted October 27, 2016 Report Posted October 27, 2016 We learn that Acsah was bold and didn't hesitate asking her father for what she needs, just like her father don't hesitate to ask God. Examples of strong women of faith are Mary of Bethany, motivated by love, anoints Jesus with extravagantly expensive perfume, though the disciples rebuke her for it. The woman with the flow of blood presses through the crowd to get close enough to Jesus that she can touch the hem of his garment. The Syro-Phoenician woman presses Jesus to heal her daughter. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 29, 2016 Report Posted October 29, 2016 She was a strong lady. She also had a good relationship with her father. She knew what she wanted (needed) and was not afraid to ask. The woman with issue of blood, Ruth's mo in law Naomi, Deborah Too many to name--most passed away Quote
Gladys E. Posted October 29, 2016 Report Posted October 29, 2016 Acsah's character teaches us to be bold and have faith and trust on our heavenly Father, and even our earthly fathers. Some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible are Mary, the mother of Jesus, Ruth, the widow with the mite, the woman with the issue of blood etc. Woman of faith that I have known personally is my mother. Quote
JanMary Posted November 1, 2016 Report Posted November 1, 2016 Q4 Lesson 7: Joshua 15:17-19 What do we learn about Achsah's character from this passage? Achsah was an obedient daughter...married the man her father chose for her. (I love that he was her cousin and grew up with him but cousins aren't always wonderful!) She was respectful in getting Othniel's permission to ask her father for springs of water. She was decisive and courageous...apparently set out on her donkey as soon as she got Othniel's permission, and as soon as she got to Caleb and got off of her donkey she asked for a "present"...since he set her in the dry Negeb...and he responded by giving her the upper and lower springs. Name some strong women of faith from the Bible. Mary is the first woman or really young girl who comes to mind. I marvel at her faith in being entrusted with Jesus, when there would obviously be shunning and ugliness toward her for being pregnant and unmarried ..only betrothed. And how she bore the burden of all she went through as His mother after he began His ministry. She is amazing!! She could have said "no"...but yielded to the Lord's plan for her life. Esther is another. She risked her life in order to intercede for the Jewish people threatened with obliteration by Haman. Her whole life Is inspiring! Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Hazel, the elderly woman who was my "mother in the Lord"...who mentored and nurtured me spiritually, and who encouraged me through the years until the Lord took her home...she had amazing faith! We had she and her husband over for Christmas Eve dinner, and she called Christmas morning saying Ferdie had died in her arms after they woke up. She told me not to cry...that he was in Jesus' arms now and he was smiling as he left this earth. She never wavered in her faith no matter what her circumstances were. Doris, a dear friend who has trusted the Lord through tremendous financial losses (and who encouraged me when my family went through similar losses), who forgave the people who cheated her family out of their inheritance, who forgave the Christian people who cheated them out of their family business, and who trusted the Lord during the suicide of her first born son. During her grief, obeyed the Lord in starting a ministry for women in her church (Women of Grace) when she believed she had nothing to give. This ministry is thriving and encouraging hundreds of women. She is the woman the Lord sent to me when I didn't know If I was going to make it through alive many years ago. She has macular degeneration now and receives painful shots in her eye every 5 weeks or so, but ministers to the people in the eye hospital who are frightened and distressed. She (and I) believe the Lord is healing her eyes and her sight will be restored. She is both a woman of grace and a woman of faith! Quote
hanks Posted November 2, 2016 Report Posted November 2, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Definitely knows what she wants – very much like her father. There are so many good examples of strong women of faith. My favourites would be: Abigail (David’s wife), Deborah (prophetess and judge), Esther (became queen of Persia), Hannah (Samuel’s mother). In our local church I met a true woman of faith. Her name was Gill. She suffered from a brain tumor, and despite several operations and treatments which adversely affected her, she never complained and was always rejoicing in the Lord. Both my wife and I would look at her and compare our small problems with what she was going through, and realize how trivial our troubles were in comparison. She was truly a shining light in this troubled world; a true believer who has gone to be with our Saviour. What a woman! Quote
blezed Posted November 2, 2016 Report Posted November 2, 2016 (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah’s character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Acsah's character was the same as her father. She process boldness and faith. Other women of strong faith were: The woman with the flow of blood The Syro-Phoenician woman A sinful woman that anointed Jesus in a Pharisee's home out of thankfulness and lov Mary of Bethany The persistent widow Ester Ruth Rahab Deborah Strong women I have know personally, my mother, daughter, mother's of my church and many more. Quote
Ganti Vivek Posted November 3, 2016 Report Posted November 3, 2016 Acsah's character is that of bold and God fearing in nature all this she has observed in her father when she grew up and inherited these qualities, and after getting married she had show these qualities when required, like her father had asked from God and inherited the land what he wanted to possess, similarly she also didn't hesitate to ask the land what she wanted from her father, we should learn to how God fearing people grow in the word of God and inherit and get fulfilled God's promises in their life. Ruth we see her faith in the God of Israel and she does not want to leave her mother-in-law and stay back in moab, by her faith later days she was blessed by God and the Lord the saviour came from her, Esther who was orphan and spent all childhood in poverty and simple living, became queen by showing faith in God of Israel under a king who is a gentile and she risked her life to save the jews. Others are Mary mother of Jesus who had dared to take the blame to get pregnant before marriage for the sake of mankind salvation. Women who was suffering with the flow of blood, had such faith that just by touching Lords garment's corner edge she got healed. The sinful women who had anointed Jesus with the perfume and wiped His feet with her tears in the process she got her sins washed away for her faith and she is remembered till today, and there are many more Godly women strong in faith. We generally come across more women having greater faith in God who lead their families into salvation, and also are prayer warriors in the churches. Quote
Eilen Posted November 3, 2016 Report Posted November 3, 2016 Acsah was a strong, persistent woman who took charge. She had great faith in God’s promise of the land to the Israelites. She might seems a bit covetous not being satisfied with the land given to her husband Othniel ans asking her father for more. Mary, mother of Jesus, Queen Esther, Rehab, Ruth. Maya Angelo, Shirley Chisolm, Angela Davis, Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted November 5, 2016 Report Posted November 5, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 3:04 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah’s character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. From Joshua 15:17-19 we learn of Acsah's character, she has faith in her father Caleb to give her what she needs. She wants him to give her the upper and lower springs of water for the Negeb was a desert area. Other strong women of the bible are Debra, she became a judge for Israel. She commanded Barak to go up and defeat the king of Sisra. He would not go unless she went with him. Easter, a Jewish girl that married the king of Shushan where the power of Media Persia existed. Through her the Jewish people were spared from genocide caused by the hatred of an old enemy. The only strong women I know who is strong in her faith is our Pastor's wife, a strong prayer warrior and believer in God's healing power. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted November 6, 2016 Report Posted November 6, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Othniel became Israel’s first judge after Joshua’s death. He played an important role in reforming Israel by chasing away an oppressive enemy army and bringing peace back to the land. Thus Caleb’s legacy of faithfulness continued to the next generation. Ester, Ruth, Rahab, Deborah and many others Quote
PrayingMan Posted November 7, 2016 Report Posted November 7, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah’s character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Her faith was learned and experienced through her father. It is important that we pass on our faith and trust in the Lord to others. I think of Mary, mother of Jesus who received the blessing, though one of hardship and trial, to become the mother of Jesus. Ruth stepped out of her own culture to trust in Naomi and Naomi's God. Naomi's faith must have been evident to draw Ruth to commit herself to Naomi. Priscilla in the book of Acts who served the Lord faithfully working with Paul in planting churches. Over the years I have seen the faith of many women in the churches I served, faithfully serving God and changing lives. Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 8, 2016 Report Posted November 8, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. 1. Acsah is a woman who will not be denied her full inheritance. She is a bold woman. 2. Deborah the Judge, Abigail was the wife of a wicked and self-centered man named Nabal and she caused peace between other men. Timothy’s grandmother Lois, and mother Eunice had unfeigned faith. 3. Pastor Jefferson who would tell anybody and everybody about God and relate what he tells her to tell them boldly.Delores Jones will tell a person what God says and what is needed for them to be saved and stay saved. O.R. Cannon was a bold woman doing what God wanted her to do. Sis Celeste Cobs is bold doing whatever she could for someone to get saved and relating what God tells her.All these women knew what it was to be a prayer warrior. Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted November 13, 2016 Report Posted November 13, 2016 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally Acsah is a woman who will not be denied her full inheritance. She is a bold woman. Deborah the Judge, Abigail, Eunice, Ruth,Deborah and etc Quote
Commissioned Posted November 18, 2016 Report Posted November 18, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 4:04 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah’s character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. From this passage Acsah is seen as a young woman who submits to her father. She knows that her father loves her and will give her what she ask of him. Acsah knows what is necessary for her comfort and she ensures that she gets it. In the Bible there are many strong women of faith. Sarah, Deborah, Esther, Elizabeth, and Mary are a few of the strong woman of faith in the Bible. My mother is also a strong women of faith. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted December 5, 2016 Report Posted December 5, 2016 Like father like daughter. It's really good when you have children that are faithful, that you don't really have to worry about their soul. They become a source of strength ( in the gates/ church) to you giving you more opportunity to serve the Lord. I have read some some commentators have her down as greedy, but Achsah is far from this, she is a woman suitable to the times and would be great help to husband and father alike. I want to respond to those women/ woman who anointed Jesus. I have attached a table which I think shows that it was only one woman who John has identified as Mary Magdelene. Despite the differences, the place of Bethany does not change and indeed it is either a Pharisee or a Pharisee named Simon. Writers do not all write the same things and I believe this is God's way of dispelling collusion. I agree with the other women who are mentioned as strong faithful women including Jochebed, Hannah, Lois and Eunice. jesus's Anointing.xlsx Quote
Irmela Posted August 25, 2022 Report Posted August 25, 2022 Q4. (Joshua 15:17-19) What do we learn about Acsah's character from this passage? Name some examples of strong women of faith in the Bible. Name some strong women of faith you have known personally. Achsah was obedient to her father and submissive to her husband. She first asked Othniel's permission to go to her father and ask for a field. Boldly she then asked her father for what she needed for her possession to be of use to her. As she had desert land, she would need springs of water for it to be of use to her. Many come to mind and have been mentioned. Sarai, who followed Abram and had to be strong for all the others in their following who were with them, it was not just Abram and Sarai, but all their slaves and those families as well. I guess she failed when she gave Hagar to Abram to have a child with to whom she could then be a surrogate mother; Jochebed, who hid her baby and then later put him in a basket among the bulrushes, and Miriam who as a young maiden waited to see what would happen to her brother and then boldly asked if she could get a nurse for him (that must have taken some faith to do). Deborah, who judged Israel at the time of Barak; Hannah, mother of Samuel who in faith brought her son to the priest, to live in Shiloh Naomi who was prepared to walk back to Bethlehem alone Ruth, who left the familiar behind and trusted herself into the hands of the God of Naomi Esther, the orphan who followed Mordecai's instructions. Later she put her life at risk to save her nation. Jehosheba, wife of Jehoiada the priest, who took the infant son of Ahaziah, Joash, and hid him from Athaliah (the wicked queen). She sure had to have faith that God would help her in this undertaking, and so also the unnamed person looking after him. Mary, the mother of our Saviour. To go through with everything, knowing she would be shunned, misunderstood, and dispised in her society. Mary Magdalen and the other women who followed Jesus. Lydia, who assisted Paul and other believers. Timothy's mother and grandmother, Eunice and Lois. My own mother, knowing that my father had died, that her two youngest children had died and that her oldest son was in such a bad way that his death too seemed immanent, could still request songs to be sung at the funeral that attested to her faith. How Great Thou Art; Nothing Between Lord, Nothing Between. Yes, hard times did not make her lose her faith but sooner strengthened her and drew her closer to her Saviour. There are others. Quote
Krissi Posted January 18 Report Posted January 18 Achsah's so-called “full” inheritance is the land she had been given before she asked for water – the springs were in addition to her inheritance. In other words, she asked for more than she was entitled to. She must not have felt that her inheritance was enough, or, maybe, she could have been looking to the future and staving off any problems that could arise if she didn’t have a stable source of water on her property. I’m looking for property right now so understand how important is a source of above-ground water, particularly in an arid desert. The strongest woman in the scriptures I can think of is the woman who simply wouldn’t stop harassing the judge until he ruled justly … in her favor. This had nothing to do with her gender but much to do with a tenacious personality and ability to cling to what God could do if He so chose. Quote
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