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Our free will makes it difficult to submit to the will of others.Society teaches us to "be ourselves", to take care of #1.

One can be submissive, while still being able to state opinion about things that exception is taken to, or hoping to offer suggestion for improvement.

Being a follower of Christ precludes us from submitting to things that are contrary to His teaching.

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We find submission so difficult because we don't want to show our weakness, wrongness or at time s just plain old stupidness. 2. No. This is the time to speak out for our beliefs. Submission is wrong for Christians when we are disobeying the teachings of Christ. Our foremost ideal is to folow our Lord's example. If we lead follow his example, others may follow.

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Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans?

Since the fall, submission has been difficult because humans want to be in control. That was what the first temptation was, a temptation to control our own destinies. Submission means giving up control to someone else.

Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved?

At times it does. We can state our opinions if we think something can be improved. But when it comes to being submissive to God how can we state anything that would be an improvement on His plan?

When is submission wrong for Christian?

When it requires us to sin.

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Given that I have a lot to learn in this area, I believe submission is extremely difficult for those who were raised in a domineering and abusive family environment where a choice was not given. Now that my life is my own, or rather that my life is Christ's, I must live making choices in a Christlike manner. Christ has set the husband as head of the family whether or not he is a Christian or living a Christian life. Wisdom and knowledge of the word as well as yielding to the Holy Spirit will give the wife the ability to submit by choice to those things which are in line with righteousness and speak up in love and respect when they are not. There have been a few times when my refusal to submit have caused problems with my husband when I knew submitting would go against the check in my spirit. But I must admit that althoug during these times it was the will of God that I not submit, I also believe that I did not handle my choice in a very loving, respectful or kind manner. This is one of the areas where I know there is room for much improvement. And, there have been times when I have submitted not knowing the will of God and in the end God has blessed that submission and shown me a good end or result. I do believe that all wives should be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit when it comes to this area.

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Submission is so difficult for us humans,because we are humans,and we sometimes have to deal with our flesh.We must humble ourselves,voluntarily cooperate with that person to a certain degree.As Christians we do not agree to do something wrong.There are times I feel you are to be silient when you dont agree.Always give yourself some time before answering or doing what a person asks of you.Seek God for that wisdom and never do any thing to compromise our relationship with God.Show people God leads your life in every thing you do for Him. :)

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Submission is difficult for humans because no one wants to obey and live by God's law regarding husband and wife. Each one feels that submission is a sign of weakness and giving one control over the other.

Subsmission does not require you to be silent when you disagree or feel that something can be improved. You can speak your mind but in a Godly Christian manner. Submission does not take your rights away or opinions away and it does not take your individuality away either. Submission in God's word means respect and honor.

Submission is wrong for Christians when you start forcing your beliefs on someone, when you try and control someone's thinking, feelings, emotions, and beliefs. When you try and take someone's individuality away that is wrong.

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:lol: It is the free will aspect of our being, that makes it difficult for us to be submissive. Submission does not mean that we meekly agree to each and every suggestion, when convinced, we should freely express our opinion. Anyrhing going against the principles laid down by Jesus for us his follwers is unacceptable to christians in our daily lives. :(
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Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

:blink: It is very difficult for us humans to submit to one another, whether we know we are wrong or right. We have this baggage called our flesh which is very proud. When we are prideful our flesh hates submitting or humbling ourselves to one another.

It is better to pray and ask the Lord to work out our differences and to be silent when we don't agree and feel it would be better to do our way. This is the true submissiveness, to submit even when we feel we could run the show better.

Submission is wrong for a christian when it is against Gods way or against God and damaging to our christian walk and also if it is sin. That doesn't mean to go over board and always looking for a way out of submitting.

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1. For sometimes it is hard for us to obey others.

2. By studing this exposition I have found that submission does require me to be silent, for it is our behavior that wins our husbands and others, not out words.

3. Submission is wrong when it is against Gods word, then we are not to be quiet.

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Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Apart from the ego-pride, we also are reluctant to release our personal freedom. To some of us, submission simply means the curtailment of this freedom. As for our submission to God, the desire of the flesh seems to overwhelm us in many instances. Unless we are filled with the spirit of God, submission will deem difficult. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Unless we are under a dictatorial submission, we have no personal nor speech freedom. But other than that, we are still entitled of voicing our comments, especially those that are constructive.

Submission is wrong for Christian when we submit ourselves to something that is of an ungodly nature and motive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When we humans submit, it feels like we are giving in to the other person or God.

Submission, I can argue my husband. But when he makes a decision, I need to respect it. NO matter what. I am under my husband's authority. Even when I don't feel like submitting to him.

I believe submission is wrong when an unsaved person makes a decision that is against God and what God expects of us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, considering that we are all selfish by nature we are going to have some problems with this stronghold of sin. Submitting or subjecting ourselves to each other has been made out to be such a negative relational character flaw in this society that people are believing it and insisting on their own way. I don't think of submission in relationships to be negative. My submission is a measure of the degree to which I am submitted to Christ. What a relief to be free and to be what I was made for. I was made to be helpful, so, no, I don't feel that I have to remain silent if I think things can be improved or I don't agree. I am not a rival, I am a helper. This submission does not make me weak, it strengthens me through Christ. Now if someone suggests that I disobey Gods' Word then I will take a stand if necessary or I will walk away, because then I am submitting myself to God first in all things.

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  • 1 month later...

a. Submission is so difficult for us because of our human pride. As used in the context of the present passage (3:1), submission requires us to subdue our pride, but we want to be our own God, just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. Our sinful nature includes a propensity to rebel against any authority or rule over our lives.

b. Submission as used here by Peter does NOT mean we have to be somebody's doormat, nor does it prohibit us from voicing our opinions or exercising basic human rights as creatures made in God's image.

c. Submission to another ends when it requires one to violate God's laws by committing a sin, or to be subject to violent, abusive behavior. As our author of these lessons says, "our submission to Christ takes precedence over submission to any human being."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Mental and Physical Abuse, that is lies, head games, beatings, rape (to name a few). And mostly someone pretending to love and follow Christ just to win your heart and then turn away from Jesus after the marriage ceremony and start treating you like crap because they think you have to take it and even telling you that they really don't believe in Jesus - afterwards, makes it difficult to say the least in submitting to the person behaving in this manner.

I don't think silence about something that can be improved is being submissive. There is a time and place for every conversation. If "one" is not aloud respect in giving their opinion, then that sounds more like oppression to me and not submission.

Submission is wrong when the provoking of it causes "one" to get out of line with God.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We find submission difficult because we don't look at doing it voluntarily. But more as a task that is not as understood to us. THis does not mean that we keep quiet we must still stand up and correct people so that they may learn to follow God in the right way. Because it is not right for us to be submissive whe it will lead us to sin against God. We must still remain true to our faith and do what is right to lead an example for ohters to live by.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

I think submission is naturally hard because basic human nature strives for control. Submission does NOT require you to be silent when you don't agree with something but it DOES require you to compromise with your mate even when you don't always agree.

I have found from experience that when I disagree with my husband and I state everything I think about it and he still disagrees - then if I am just quiet and make up my mind to accept what ever he decides then MANY times he comes around to what I was thinking...my being quiet gives him a chance to think over what we discussed. He then doesn't feel defensive and angry. This of course doesn't always work and I just have to accept when I don't get everything my way. Also remember your mate needs things to go his way too!!

But submission is wrong for christians when it will make you go against your moral beliefs or against God's will. My husband is not a christian and I know the heartache of disagreement over moral issues. The best thing you can do is to decide what you must NOT COMPROMISE and then calmly tell your husband what they are. Then just be consistant! Eventually your husband WILL get the message that you will NOT compromise on those matters and the tension WILL ease up in your home.

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  • 6 months later...

Submission is so difficult for humans because we all want to do our own thing and live by our own rules.

I believe that at times submission does require us to be silent when we don't agree or feel something can be improved. It's all about choosing your battles. It's knowing when to speak and when to keep silent. Knowing when to stand up and face oppostion and when to sit quietly and pray.

Submission is wrong for Christian's when we have to compromise our faith, our belief's, our values and our morals. So basically it is wrong when it is contrary to the Word of God.

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  • 1 year later...

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Because of our human sinful nature wwwe do rebel against God and His will He haas planned for us.

we believe that we are maaturre enough in our faith that we can know what is best. We are selfish people and think we know all the answeers. Pride makes us believe that we have all the right and best answers. WWe ate told to submit to those who are in authority as long as they are submitted to God's will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

We are naturally self-centred and self-willed. We like to do what pleases us. However, the Christian life is different. We must submit totally to the teaching of Jesus and His apostles. Instead of a life centred on self we must have a life centred on Jesus. Submission is not natural. Like breaking in a horse we have to overcome its natural instincts of preservation so that the horse can become under the control of the bit and obedient to the rider's aids. Our conversion and growth in Jesus is the same process. Yes, submission means accepting your status in the world without complaint. This is silent submission. Grumbling, nagging. gesturing or grimacing is not submission at all but a way of fighting back, a way to protest. In the kingdom of heaven we are to be last, serving, meek and humble and, in being so, submissive. The only time we do not submit is when submission requires breaking God's law. He is our ultimate authority in life and death and nothing must cause us to disobey Him.

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  • 5 months later...

:) I believe that the idea of submission for humans is difficult because it implies giving up something. It also implies that that you will be subject to the dictates of someone eles.

No, submission does not require you to be silent when you disagree with something or feel that something can be improved upon. Submission is wrong for christians when it violates the laws of God.

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  • 6 months later...

Submission is difficult because we are raised to be independent, thus relying on someone else or someone else's decisions or directions seems wrong.

It doesn't require silence, voicing a (difference of) opinion is part of freedom and the free will that God gave us.

Submission for a Christian is wrong when is goes against God's commandments and Christ's teaching.

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