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When is submission wrong for Christian?

When it goes outside our beliefs. We have to be faithful to the end.
We know what pleasing to our Father. 
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Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Nobody wants to submit or obey the other they feel that they are being talk to like a child. No you can speak about things, but if it's not getting anywhere a Christian would just don't speak. Because it can get out of hand and that isn't Christ like.

  • 5 months later...

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

For human submission to others is hard because we want to be in control of our circumstances and try to make things work out for our own purposes.

When we don't agree to things that are against God and our moral standards, we should speak up and not perform the actions whether verbal or physical. This disagreement is principle to our Christian standards and beliefs.

As Christians we should submit to our masters, spouses or employers. However, it would be wrong if the command was not within Christian beliefs and morals. It would show that we are not true followers of Christ if we refuse to submit to commands that were within our duties to perform.  

  • 6 months later...

Why is submission so difficult for us humans?  The word “submit” is undoubtedly one of the most unpopular and problematic words in the Bible because it implies inferiority and subservience to someone or something.  In today’s world there’s a great deal of emphasis placed on equality in almost everything and, that little 6-letter word implies surrendering to the will of another which translates to weakness.


Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved?  ? When is submission wrong for Christian?  I’m not one to quote the words of other men, ordinarily I opt to quote scripture.  In this case I’ll make an exception because it answers this question much better than I can.  “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) 


Committing oneself to changing or improving a bad situation is our obligation as Christians.  When we encounter things of this world that are completely at odds with our Christian values, it’s our duty to speak up with determination and commitment.  Recently, our own government has opted to legislate good and evil and when there is a conflict between man’s law and God’s we have a duty to God to speak with one voice and make it known and not stand meekly by!

  • 5 months later...

Q1. (3:1)

- Why is submission so difficult for us humans?

We like to dominate, or to gain ascendancy, to be the boss. We can also be just plain obstinate, or “touchy”, and don’t like being told what to do.

- Does submission require you to be silent when you don’t agree or feel something can be improved?

No – submission is a practical choice in order that things can be most affectively achieved.  In an orchestra each instrument has its part and voluntarily submits to the conductor. In God’s order the husband is given the place of “rule”. As with the conductor he will often learn much from the expertise of a musician.

- When is submission wrong for Christian?

When it involves sin i.e. doing what is plainly wrong.

  • 6 months later...

. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

We live in a world where we are taught to stand up for our rights.

No.We stand up for what is right.

When we do something contrary to our belief.


  • 2 weeks later...

Clearly, this was a problem from the beginning-before the 'apple incident'. It has been exacerbated by "the desires of the flesh; the desires of the eyes and pride of life" - the world in which we we are "in." 

On 3/4/2004 at 9:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

1.  Our fallen nature is naturally rebellious and wants to be in charge!

2.  No, We are to communicate, and to work together for mutual benefit and well being, willing to compromise and to relinquish the need to be "right" or in control. If in the final analysis, we can't agree, the Bible tells me to let my husband be the deciding factor in the matter.

3  It's wrong or sin to submit to being asked to do something illegal, harmful, or detrimental to well being or health.

On 3/5/2004 at 5:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is so difficult for us human because of our ego, we are too proud to submit to our fellows human. It is capital NO, submission does not silence us especially when its leading to sin.submission is very wrong when it requires us to commit sin,

On 3/5/2004 at 5:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is so difficult for us human because of our ego and nature of been the image of God, we are too proud to submit to our fellows human just because of pride. It is capital NO, submission does not silence us especially when its leading to sin. Submission is very wrong when it requires us to commit sin,


The reason that submission is so difficult is because we think that we have to be in control all the time. But by submitting is doesn’t mean that we have to agree with everything especially if we think it will improve the situation. We should never submit if it is against the biblical believes.


Q1. (3:1)

Q.  Why is submission so difficult for us humans?

A. We are by natural independence inclined . Further more, pride makes us to feel like belittling our selves when we submit to someone else.

Q. Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved?

A. No. When we feel that submission will make us sin against God, we should politely decline to submit to any authority because the Lord God is the highest Authority.

Q. When is submission wrong for Christian?

A. Submission is wrong if doing so will violate the principle of righteousness or cause us to sin against God.



Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Because of our sinful nature. Pride and haughtiness arise easily in most of us. We don't like people ordering us around, telling us how to do things and how not to.  On the other hand, the opposite of these two is humility, a rare quality that we all need to work hard to cultivate and maintain.

Submission does not necessarily mean you have no voice and can't make suggestions for improving something once in a while. But, we cannot make it a habit of always wanting to put in our two cents worth. We have to dutifully submit to our superiors because this is the will of God.

If and when what we are asked to do goes against God's word, we are to obey God as ruler rather than men. For God is the Highest Authority. 


Q1. (3:1) 
Why is submission so difficult for us humans? 
Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? 
When is submission wrong for Christian?

In married life, a husband is expected to give leadership, exercise authority, and obey God. This authority which God has given him must be used lovingly for the wellbeing of his wife, and family. His wife should strive to uphold her husband and help him in his task. With her talents and abilities, she is God's servant in fulfilling her role as her husband's helper. So within the family we observe that both husband and wife are equal as human beings, but the differences are in their respective functions and roles. But in practice this does not always work because of our selfishness and the tendency of one partner trying to dominate the other. It being all about ME, instead of the marriage. Marriage is about team work not about submission. Submission would be wrong when required to disobey a plain command of Scripture. Here we are to take a stand against breaking any of God’s moral laws. 


Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is difficult because we, as humans, are very independent. It seems that God made us independent creatures so he could, for some reason, love us more. Adam and Eve were, at first, submissive to God. However, Satan convinced Adam and Eve that it was cool to be  independent  and to strike out on your own. Young people from that time when they come of age still want to be cool and independent and to strike on their own. Jacob, the grandson of Abraham was also cool and independent and went his own way but God called him back and Jacob became Israel the father of the nation.

It is not cool to remain silent as evil and wrong Deeds are performed period we have an obligation to speak of for the Lord in such situations. The Bible has many examples of those who have done this.


(3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is difficult for us because we don't like being told what to do.  It is hard for us to give up that control.  Submission does not required you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved.  Submission is wrong for a Christian when someone is trying to get you to go against God's word.

On 3/5/2004 at 0:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is difficult because we ultimately think we know better, our pride is hurt when we are told we are wrong, or simply when we are told to do something that we ourselves hadn't thought of. I had to deal with this first hand at work when my boss called me out on something I should have done, but only did half way when he was expecting me to do it all the way. He came up with a better idea and had me complete the task while he was watching. It was super embarrassing, my pride was hurt, and it made me feel incompetent. In the same vain, my husband and I who have been separated twice are now back together and most recently, we had a discussion on doing devotions together, He immediately declined because he assumed one thing when it wasn't so. He had a different idea, and even thought it made me sad and in previous years I would have fought him tooth and nail for him to see my POV, I simply said ok. I've learned you have to know what battles need to be fought and which ones require you to not make a bug fuss. You also must voluntarily place yourself under your husband. It doesn't mean he is right or that you can't voice your opinion. It just means you are choosing to defer to him as it says in the Word. Submission is wrong when it goes against our beliefs, our ultimate authority, God.


Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?


1. The flesh dose not want to obey anyone unless it is in agreement with what is to be obeyed.  

 2. No, it does not. You must voice your opinion in a nice christian way.

 3. When you are asked to commit sin.



As a flawed human, I want to be in charge & independent. I feel I know best, so being submissive goes against my human nature. Jesus didn’t remain silent & submissive when He saw something immoral or illegal occurring i.e. sales in the temple.  Also, He recognized wrong living, but forgave & gave instructions to not sin anymore i.e. the woman about to be stoned. Submission would be wrong if by submitting I would do something against what I would do would be against my faith & what Jesus teaches. 

On 3/4/2004 at 11:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission is difficult for us human's because we have too much pride to submit to the Lord, we would rather do things our own way.

Even though we are submissive to the Lord we should not be totally silent when we agree or disagree with the things that are taking place in the church or in our community. Humbly we could express our opinions, but remembering we servants to the Lord.

Submissions would be wrong for Christians when we asked to go against Gods moral commands.



Simply put, we follow the world, and the world tells us we don't have to take anything from any body if we don't feel like it. The world tells us that there is a way out of marriage and when we believe that, we don't have to work hard at it. Even if the word submission or it's meaning is obscure in English, Christ gave it measure in Eph 5:22 "as to the Lord". There must be no presumptions, no pre-meditation about marriage except that it is a journey and not a destination. Most men even Christians don't appreciate what being head of the home means. I chose the word appreciate over know or understand because it is convenient to  twist the meaning when each wants their own way. But not understanding what head of the home means makes an instant rebel ( or later) of a wife. We have to learn that sometimes puts a smarter, wiser, person in our life, so that we can learn all the fruit of the spirit as part of our, molding , or refining or our pruning. Finally we don't make the connection to two becoming one; a husband and a wife were not made to stand as two individual forces, but one and, should not try to live their lives as two individual but one collective force. Children go astray or maybe test you as soon as they detect that you are not united in judgement viz mummy would appprove of something that daddy normally wouldn't.

Should I walk away or stay silent? When I was in the world that was an fair enough easy question. I would voice my opinion  and sometimes I would be silent or silently arrogant or walk away. But having to deal with brethren now is most difficult because no matter how I deal with it, I walk away in sin. Most of my life I've had to walk alone in my convictions and today I don't know how to feel about brethren who does not in my "judgement" does not have zeal for the Lord or the house of the Lord. It's a work in progress.

Submission is wrong, when you put anyone or anything before Christ


Submission for some is the loss of thinking & acting for yourself.  It causes pride being hurt and feel a loss of control.


No, not remain silent, but speak with respect.


It is wrong for a Christian to submit to sin, spiritually to anyone but God and those He has put in authority.


Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Because of live in the world but we believe our kingdom of God Jesus Christ so we think in two Situations of life.

Yes,Submission require us to be silent for controll our Emotion and share with our God.

When Submission is wrong, come to Jesus communicates, He helps us in all situations only believe.....

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1.  a.  We are struggling to submit because we don't do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Anything a Christian does on his/her own is always difficult.

b.  No.  However, my talking should be geared toward correction/improvement.  I should be respectful in doing so.

c.  The balance is that external beauty is good but when it is placed over the internal then God's glory is not in it.  Whatever one does as a Christian must always reflect the glory of God.

Q2. a.  It is because of the fear of our persecutors.

b.  Fear is the cause.  We don't focus on Christ but our fear.

c.  All four are most needed.

Q3. a.  To cultivate inner beauty the woman should be: 

1.  Respectful.  God requires humbleness of us in order to  lift us up.

2.  The woman must practice faithfulness which expresses her purity.

3.  Meekness is also an integral part of this business.  Your Christlikeness should be seeing through your quietude

b.  We gain character by  allowing the spirit of God to control us.  Being saturated with the Holy Spirit, fruits of good characters that God desires of us will surely develop. 

c.  Godliness is enshrined in true character.  A peaceful, righteous, kind...God can never support the contrary.

d.  When the Christian woman's character finds its strength in courage, no matter whatever difficulties she faces from her husband she  will win his love.

Q4. a.  He should do that because women are weaker but spiritually equal with man. 

b.  It shows love because their home will be peaceful.

c.  It expresses the biblical principle that the man and woman are "one flesh."

d.  Men who practice dominance in their homes, do  not consider God in their relationship so they do as they feel.

e.  In the sane vein woman try to dominate their husbands either based on their social statuses in the society. Those who do are not godly women.

f.  It harms both the relationships between the husband the wife and God.

h.  God created all men equal so anyone who practices dominance over others dishonors God's plan for  equality.

Q5. a.  God will not listen to their prayers.

b.  The wife's sin will set a barrier between her and God.  He will not listen to her.



  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Submission so difficult for us humans because we feel we are giving another rights over us.  Submission does not require us to be silent when we don't agree or feel something can be improved.  Submission calls for us to speak up with grace.  God's word tells us to let our words come forth with grace.  It is wrong for Christians to submit to sinning of any kind.

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