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We should look respectable. When we desire outer adornments that take priority over God we're commiting idolatry. We should dress in a manner suitable to what we would wear if Jesus were present because HE IS. The balance is to look good - and be Godly.


Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

We should want to bring beauty into our world--not sloppy nor dirty ugliness. But, we should not spend our time making ourselves "fashion pieces", nor trying to pretend we are young again! We are to project the inner beauty that comes from knowing and following Jesus. This does not fade with time, but as we grow in knowledge of His unchanging love for us and His values, inner beauty grows and shines forth as physical beauty never could!

The balance? We need to care for our bodies as the temple of the Lord. Whatever time is necessary for presenting Jesus in our lives should be done. More than that is just pride and a desire for pointing to ourselves. I agree with Kas--be as we would want to be if Jesus is present--which He is. :lol:


The scripture tells us to dress in modest ways by example of our hair, clothing and cleanliness. We should dress not to draw attention to our outer looks, but to our enter beauty through Christ. We need to dress age appropriate, not try to act younger or older. Be mindful of make-up, clean hair and in all manner of dress not to draw undo attention on ones self. Think when you buy or pick clothing to wear, is this something I could be glad if Jesus was standing face to face with me. If not you need to change your style, because Jesus does see you and if you are a child of God you need to keep that in mind. When people see you they should see Jesus. That does not mean you can't buy a nice dress or wear a pair of slacks or shorts. It does mean to dress modest!!! You should not show off parts of the body that are meant for private married purpose or in other words be like a prostitute. We are to draw Jesus to the people not be in any manner offensive and drive them away from our Lord. One thing I would like to add also is if you have not dressed before in a matter in which you think Jesus would like you can change that. We are not prefect people, but we are forgiven and there is always room for change. Let today be a new day and a new start if you think you have not dressed properly.


I believe that in each generation it gets harder and harder for women in America not to submit themselves to society's standards of beauty. That being said, it was still obviously a struggle in Peter's day as well. (There is nothing new under the sun...)

Peter entreats us to focus on the inner life, the matters of the heart, and our relationship with God. If all (or even most) of our attention is given to our physical body, we quickly become shallow, vain, and competitive. But if our attention is given to Christ, our relationship with Him, and other matters of the heart, then all other things quickly come into balance. We will not forsake our appearance, for we will know that we are truly loved and accepted by grace... we are someone worthy of care. But we also will not make our appearance of chief importance, for we will understand the truth of God and the lies of this world.


Why should women try to look their best?

I think it can be Christ honoring if done in the right manner with the right attitde. I'm of the old school that you should go to church looking your best and not just throwing on a pair of jeans but to dress nice because you are going to worship God. In the same way my husband wants to come home and find someone who cares enough about him to look her best.

How can trying to look their best divert women from what is important?

By putting more focus on how you look than what is important (like character).

What is the balance.

Do everything in moderation, the Lord is at hand. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face and the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

God Bless



Is this a safe topic for a man to comment on? :) All of us, but especially women, struggle with this question. There should be a certain level of neatness, style and cleanliness in dress, but we differ on exactly what that looks like. My wife tends to "dress up" more for church than I do. I think the clothes need to be appropriate for the situation and environment. We have a lot of people come to our church that have never been in a church before and also do not have a lot materially. So we tend to be very informal so they will feel comfortable. Other people obviously don't see it that way, but that's OK.

Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

a)First I believe that what I say here applies equally to men and women. Being a man and somewhat conservative at that I suppose the question that pops up is for whom the woman is trying to look their best. Males, (and I speak from some considerable experience) are sight stimulated. The Bible does not say anything about looking your best for human consumption. It talks about looking your best for God. Keep our eyes fixed upon His face to be pleasing in His sight. I suppose this could fall into the same category of seek first His kingdom and righteousness and this other stuff will be added unto you. I personally think (to my own peril) that the simple dress of the Amish for example is not too far off. Although some cultures take it way too far, we see that they understood (even as our own progenitors did) that it does not take much to encourage sexual **** in men. Today that notion is chauvenistic and archaic. Why is it that hundreds of years of culture and experience can so casually be cast aside? I think out of respect and love toward their male brothers (not to mention respect for themselves and God) women should dress and adorn themselves so as not to be a stumbling block.

b)The Bible tells us that we all walk in a vain show. Everything we do is to impress people, to get them to like us, to attract attention. I personally am fascinated by what God has made. I love my wife so dearly and marvel at God's creation. I truly am humbled.She is perfect and beautiful and I am captured by her love and beauty. She doesn't have to do anything to make me love her or attract me. However seeing her dress in nice clothes and maintain herself gives me joy because it tells me 1. she cares about herself and how she appears to others 2. she is loved and that inner beauty is enhanced by the way she looks after the outside. I really think that there is a direct relationship between how we look outwardly to how we look at (and after) ourselves inwardly.

There is a lot of pressure in this society especially on women about outward appearance. I have a teen-aged daughter. It is all directed toward the outside. Somehow we need to break with the world's expectations for us and dress and look the way that is pleasing to God.


We should our bodies find. We see that our body is the Temple of God. We need to dress appropriate. We do not need to be showing parts of our body to the world.


We as women should look our best because this is a reflection on God, our husbands(if married), and even ourselves.

If we only dress up the outside, the inside is left undone. We need to focus on the inner beauty because this is what's going to last. We have to keep all this in perpective.

When we cultivate our inner beauty, our spiritual life, we come shining

through with a beauty that last. This pleases God and our husbands.


1. It reflects back to my husband and my God.

2. When too much is centered on "looks" we become short-sighted.

3. By yielding tothe Holy Spirit and letting that Spirit reign in our lives.

Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

Why should women try to look their best? A woman who is a Christian should try to look attractive, not to attract men, but to show her dignity which comes from God. There is as much a sin of pride in trying to look plain in order to impress people with ones piety as in any other self righteous activity. Jesus said," It is not what goes into a man that defiles him. It is what comes out of the man". In like manner, the dress does not determine the righteousness of the person. It is the character formed inwardly by the Holy Spirit in ones life.

How can a woman be diverted from what is important by trying to look her best? We live in a culture obsessed with external and transient values. Those who try to follow the "in thing" are never satisfied. Women today who have their toes and feet trimmed in order to follow the fashon trends are allowing others set their values in life. What will happen when these horrible looking shoes are out of fashon and then they are captured by the fashon that calls for square toed shoes? The flower fades and the grass withers, in like manner todays fashons are thrown into the furnace of time.

Only that which is of God will last. God alone gives beauty that will not fade. I know, God has given me a wife that has inner beauty. Neither outer adornment or the lack thereof changes the purity of her heart and spirit.

What is balance? Balance in dress is not to be overly concerned with external pressure brought to one by trends. Dress as to be comfortable with ones self and pleasing to ones mate.


Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

Woman is also a creation of God. When God creates a person, He does with utmost care. The fairer sex, which is more in the limelight, should go all out to reflect God's creative powers. A husband looks at his wife and is satisfied if she presents herself in her best attire and demeanor. To honor her creator and be a source of joy to all beholders, a woman should be at her creative best.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, it is said. That being the truth, women should try to look thier best to everyone. Wearing hep clothes and looking stylish may appeal to some. Looking modest and simple may appeal to some. But this will take time and labour. All that time, money and labour invested in herself will leave her with little to do other important things like being God's servant and use her services for mankind.

But beauty that comes from the inside, like Godly character and radiant beauty of the Spirit filled woman will appeal to all. Above all, God approves her style. That is the balance that has to be struck. Dressing modestly will not invite lurid comments. And her natural beauty enhanced by the spiritual beauty is the thing to be most desired.


Why should women try to look their best?

I think it makes us feel good about ourselves when we look clean and neat, and it certainly pleases our husbands. Since I have retired, I don't dress like I did when I was working, but I still want to look good for him, even if I don't see anyone else all day.

How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

By spending too much time on themselves outwardly when they could be using that time to nurture their inner spirit, which is much more important.

The balance can occur when the woman realizes that inner beauty surpasses outer beauty every time. I have seen spiritual women with no make-up on and were dressed modestly who were much more beautiful than the fashion-minded women. It's not wrong at all to dress nicely and be in style, but don't spend all your time and money on clothes just to impress other people.


Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

The questions seem to point us to what I call moderation. I am not an expert on womens attire, but I do feel it should be acceptable to the Lord and not something that is conspicuously calling ones attention to self. This shows the heart of a person and in todays society there seems to be a tendency to not dress up at all. Go causual. I think there is a modest and moderate standard al of us can follow and we have a general conception of what that is. Some guidelines however must be in order for the leadership.


Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best?

Everyone wants to look presentable to the world, and should dress in a way that would be pleasing to their husbands, but more importantly, pleasing to God. But to spend more time on our outer appearance than we do on our inner self, is not obeying God.

How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important?

If you spend all of your time on your outer self, you have no time to develop your inner beauty, which is the beauty that is appealing to God.

What is the balance?

When you spend time on your inner beauty, it will show on the outside. When you love God, you won


A woman should try to look her best because good grooming is important. It reflects not only on her, but also on her husband and her God.

A woman needs to strike a balance between dressing like a fashion plate and dressing like a slob. Modesty is the key, but that can be accomplished without looking like some frump. A Christian woman should never dress in a sexual or sensual way.


A Christian that makes an effort to look good reflects glory to the Father. Overdoing in this regard, however, detracts from His glory, and shows us to be vain. I think that a balance is achieved when an effort is made to look physically attractive, while most of the effort is used to cultivate an inner beauty.

It is the inner beauty that is the true self, the lasting self that glorifies the Father.


At all times we should be clean and neat. Looking your best maybe your "comfort' zone. Your appearance can also reflect back on your attitude about yourself, your family and your home. Spending too much time on your outward adornments takes away from the time you can spend with your loved ones and in your community. It also makes you self centered and eventually develop an attitude that "I can't possibly do that" or 'I am too busy.' I feel the balance , And as I grow older I feel that as long as I am neat and clean ` And not spending time on makeup (of which I rarely use) and trying to keep my home immaculate ( I do agree that it needs to be clean and well lived in) gives me more time to work in the church and in the community. The balance is to organize your life so the work of the Lord is foremost. From this the rest will 'fall in place'. Having support from my family is also important to me.


Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best?

So that it reflects well on their families and themselves as Christians.

How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important?

Some women spend so much time on being outwardly beautiful that they spend no time on being inwardly beautiful.

What is the balance?

Put spiritual beauty first. Let inward beauty radiate to outward beauty. Certainly be careful not to dress scandalously.




A Christian woman should dress with modesty and be that representative of God on this earth. If too much time, however, is spent pursuing clothing, jewelry and makeup, and this area is out of balance in a woman's life, other things will suffer. I believe that pursuing God will show forth God's glory from the inside, and we can still be attentive to the way we look keeping our spiritual and physical lives in balance.


I think we should try to look our best out of love and respect for our creator. We are created in God's image and if we fail to respect that image we are no longer honoring Him. We are diverted from what's more important when we place the priority on ourself rather than on God. When we spend too much time, energy and resources on self we show disrepect and dishonor to God. The balance would be to place God first in our lives while maintaining our health, wearing modest attire and adornments and always giving thanks and praise to Him.

:rolleyes: Women should not be obsessed with fashon,but neither should we not bother to take care of ourselves.I believe most husbands would want their wife to take care of themselves and look their best,not going overboard as to speak.A woman has to balance their life with a good attitude about themselves and their inner spirit.Looks is not every thing it is what is inside a person that counts.I do believe you should take care of yourself because it does make a woman feel better about them selves .Most women want to please their husband,and I like to look nice for mine ever so often,making me feel loved when he says Im beautiful,and I know he means the inner self as well as the looks on the out side . :)

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