Pastor Ralph Posted December 16, 2016 Report Posted December 16, 2016 To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Quote
PADODD Posted January 28, 2017 Report Posted January 28, 2017 Reputation glory-Exploits that enhance one's glory Derived glory- Glory that find it sources in another person Inherent glory- Glory that find it sources completely independent of others. Reputation glory is involved when we praise God. For all of the amazing things God does for us, we should always praise him. The inherent glory is within us. The Father and the Son have inherent glory and if they got it and we are believer we have it too. Quote
WinstonY Posted January 29, 2017 Report Posted January 29, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Glory received from reputation is the a glory that we receive from the Deeds that we do. David receive Glory from the Deeds that he did in the army of King Saul. Once when returning from Battle the crowds is saying that Saul had killed his hundreds but David had killed his thousands. This game or reputation and glory to David then to King Saul and Saul became envious. Derive the glory is the glory that you received from association with others who are worthy of glory. If one hangs around a famous person then sometimes their Glory will rub off on you. Moses received Drive of Glory from his association with the Lord and this glory , however , gradually dissipated. Inherent glory is Glory that one has from oneself. And one has that Glory whether it is recognized by others or not. I do not feel that I have any Glory at all except the glory that is derived from my Association with the Lord. This is my glory but I love the Lord my God with all my heart all my mind and all my soul and my neighbor as myself. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Quote
Leslie15 Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? (1) Reputation glory: a person or entity earns reputation glory because of the important or valuable thing(s) they have done. (2) Derived glory: a person or entity has derived glory when they are related to something else that already has glory in and of itself. (3) Inherent glory: an entity that has glory in and of itself as part of it's being; their glory was not derived from someone or something else. Quote
Leslie15 Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 Q1. Which glory is involved when you praise God? reputation glory Q1. Which glory is within you? derived glory Quote
Valteenia Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 Reputation Glory is involved when we praise the God his due credit that is due to his name. The glory that is in us is the inherent glory.....when God manifest himself to us through his spirit or when God is in the church, it confirm with our spirit. Quote
Zilka Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 Reputation glory need time to close in His glory and gets glory Derived glory come from somebody has reputation Inherent glory come directly from Father -Son independent people. I mean Reputation glory is involved when I praise the Lord with one Group And Inherently Glory is within me directly anytime if I call because of relationship with Him. Quote
JanMary Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? 1. Reputation Glory is derived from exploits which enhance one's reputation. God's reputation is enhanced when His wonderful works are extolled by His children. 2. Derived glory is that which is proceeds or is reflected from the ultimate source of glory. Our glory is a reflection of God's glory. 3. Inherent glory is glory in and of itself. God's glory is His alone. 4. When I praise God, Reputation glory is involved. 5. Derived glory is within me. I reflect His glory which radiates from Him, through me to others, as was the case with Moses. I had a strange experience some years ago along these lines. I was walking down a street in a distant town to keep an appointment. As a lady passed me going the opposite direction, and she let out a pleasurable exclamation. I stopped and turned and she had also stopped and was smiling. She said "Wow! You have a beautiful "aura" surrounding you!" I asked what an aura was and she said "You glow! It's visible!" I was stunned, and pleased that we really do reflect His Glory! Quote
van Posted January 30, 2017 Report Posted January 30, 2017 (1) Reputation glory is giving God all due praises because of who He is. We enhance God's greatness everytime we praise Him and witness to others about our great creator. To God be all the glory! Being that God is the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it all glory goes to God. Praising God is one way of enhancing His reputation glory. Witnessing to others is another way of enhancing God's reputation glory. God is so awesome that there is no way possible to even think of weighing His goodness. (2) Derived glory is when you spend time in God's presence through fasting and prayer, His radiance shines all over you. It can be seen by others you come in contact with. Sometimes your shine pushes nonbelievers away from you because they fear what they don't understand. When other Christians see the brightness in your face they will know you were in God's presence. (3) Inherent glory means God doesn't need us to have glory. God is independent and complete by Himself. He has inherent glory whether we praise Him or not. Reputation glory is involved when you praise God. Reputation glory and derived glory is within me. God is so awesome just thinking about His goodness sets your entire being on fire. Quote
Delivered Posted January 31, 2017 Report Posted January 31, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. REPUTATION: The LORD is high above all the earth: He is exalted far above all gods, we can confidently count on His mercy and favor as we seek after Him, He is faithful to keep His promises, praises are on our lips because of who He is. DERIVED GLORY is obtained from being in the presence of God. INHERENT takes me back to reputation; the LORD is high above all the earth, it is His inherent, essential, and characteristic attributes, He is who he is. Which glory is involved when you praise God? For me it is all three, I give praise to God for he is worthy of praise, He is exalted high above all others, and from praise is derived that of his glory, for He imparts to me his inherent Glory of Mercy and Grace. Quote
hanks Posted January 31, 2017 Report Posted January 31, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Reputation glory is obtained by notable achievements. We acknowledge and praise Him for the great deeds He has done in the past, and is still doing all the time. By doing this we bring God’s glorious reputation for all to see, and we become part of the light that God gives the world. So, by speaking truly of our Lord and at the same time obeying His Word, we enhance His reputation on earth. Derived glory is seen on people who come into contact with God’s radiant presence. We read about this in Exodus 34:33-35 where Moses experiences God’s derived glory. It is His Glory that radiates onto us while we remain in fellowship with Him. This glory radiates in splendour and majesty through His perfect character. Inherent glory is the glory our LORD possesses because He is God. It is the glory that belongs to Him and only Him. His creation, His moral perfection, His Omnipotence, and all His works declare His glory. We read in Psalms 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands”. His presence is so full of glory that it can only be observed indirectly, as Moses found out in Exodus 33:18-23. By praising God, we enhance His reputation glory. In Revelation 4:11 we read: "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." All things are said to be not only of God and through Him, but for Him. He is the beginning and the end. As His creatures we are to recognize His glory, honour His glory, declare His glory, praise His glory, reflect His glory, and live for His glory. As Christian believers we should be radiating His glory, the derived glory we received from our Heavenly Father. When others see the attributes of God in us, we are actually reflecting His glory, and they are then able to see God’s presence in us. To glorify God, is simply, to obey Him, and therefore display His greatness by our words and deeds. Quote
DawnMc13 Posted January 31, 2017 Report Posted January 31, 2017 REPUTATION GLORY: *When we give credit to God. *When we witness our faith. *Giving God glory for who He is and what He has done. DERIVED GLORY: *Glory that we absorb by being with God that is observed by our changed heart by our words and actions. * A heart that is warmed by God that now radiates His glory outward. INHERENT GLORY: *Glory inherently in and of itself. Not dependent on any recognition of it by others. When I praise God it is REPUTATION GLORY. Glory that resides in me is DERIVED GLORY. * Quote
Eilen Posted February 1, 2017 Report Posted February 1, 2017 Reputation Glory is the type of constant recognition given one due to some personal achievement such as praise for one’s worldly success, one’s constant excelling at some sport. It is the constant acclamation given someone who is always in the limelight, featured in the news, because of what he has done. Derived glory is glory one gets through the association with some renowned source other than oneself. Such as the glory received from being in the presence of God. For example, God’s Angels possess derived glory which they received due to their constant contact with God. Inherent glory is that glory of which one is the source. There are no external factors that contribute to inherent glory. It comes from within. Only God, The Father and the Holy Spirit possess inherent glory. When you praise God reputation glory is involved. We know through the bible of the many miracles Jesus has , His humility, His readiness to forgive our sins. We know of his glory through accounts by the many prophets and disciples throughout the bible. I have reputation glory if I have any at all. People know me for what I do and have done. I am a good teacher and people recognize that. I suppose that I also do possess derived glory trying to be a faithful follower of the Lord. Quote
Debra Grant Posted February 1, 2017 Report Posted February 1, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? (1) Reputation Glory- When we exalt God, we are building him up. (2) Derived Glory- To receive God’s goodness and honor by giving praise and worshiping him. (3) Inherent Glory- God has great beauty built in him that can be seen. It has always been a part of him. Not dependent on any recognition of it by others. 2. Reputation Glory 3. Derived Glory Quote
Hester Brandow Posted February 1, 2017 Report Posted February 1, 2017 REPUTATION: The diamond in the Royal Crown has the reputation of being the biggest ever; the most expensive, the brightest, the most protected, etc I have read about it and heard about it but personally not seen it, but it has a reputation. DERIVED : That diamond, when brought out of security into light one will clearly see the beautiful colourful reflection! We know how a diamond can reflect with sparkles of light flickering all around as it is moved around! INHERENT: That diamond; any diamond, has inherent shine within itself. It's in its makeup! Because it is locked away for security reasons does not mean it has no glory or shine. People know that diamond is set within the Royal Crown, a beautiful, magnificent, most glorious piece of artwork fit for a king or queen, but the diamonds brightness and glory is truly appreciated and seen when brought out into the open where its shine and glory can be appreciated and reflected all around it. Specs of light falling on people and things close to it. God has a reputation from what we read in His Word. Gods glory is derived by what others witness about Him, telling of their experience of Him. God is inherent glorious, even if some people don't glorify Him, others will, even if NO people glorify Him, creation does! He is inherent Glorious! Quote
Santhana David Posted February 1, 2017 Report Posted February 1, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between :- reputation glory - 1) This theme of GLORY is witnessed when we assert God’s greatness by our witness of His very standing in our lives and truly bear witness to others around us on the deeds of our God. derived glory - 2) This type of GLORY in one which we, the people of God receive from our ability to create a close spiritual union with our Creator God. inherent glory - 3) This is the GLORY which belongs to the intrinsic nature of God’s awesomeness and being. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Reputation GLORY is accomplished when we praise God. Which glory is within you? I believe that I only possess derived glory given us by the Almighty. Quote
blezed Posted February 2, 2017 Report Posted February 2, 2017 Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Reputation glory is exploits that enhance one's reputation. Derived glory is glory that finds its source in another person. Inherent glory is glory that finds its source completely independent of others. When I praise God, reputation glory is the glory involved. I am in my own little world and not concerned about what others are doing. Quote
rosegarden Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you 1. Reputation glory – when we honor God for who he is and what he has done, by telling others about him and by our praise and worship to Him. 2. Derived glory – As the moon has reflected the glory from the sun, we reflect God’s glory as we spend time in His presence. 3. Inherent glory – Yahweh – the Father and the son have inherent glory. - When manifested to humans, his glory is overwhelming. a. Reputation glory b. Derived glory. ? Quote
misssuzy165 Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 On 12/16/2016 at 2:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said: To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Quote
misssuzy165 Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 Reputation glory-we give glory to God's name because he is great and worthy to be praised. There is no God like unto him, when I think about his goodness and all the things that he has done for me, I lift up my hands and give praise to the only wise God. Derived glory-the more time I spend with God, reading, and studying the word along with fasting and prayer. God began to manifest his glory in my life. Inherent glory-God is self-sufficient, inherent glory is what he is, it's part of his characteristics, and his attributes and his nature. If man doesn't glorify and praise him, he is glory all by himself. When I praise God, reputation is involve. I am glorifying God for who he is, and what he has done for me. I am giving him honor, praise and admiration for just being God. Derived glory is within me When I began to worship him and to study his Word, GOD began to manifest his glory thru me. Quote
haar Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 (edited) Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Reputation glory: Is the glory accredited to God by His might exploits/ works. Derived glory: This is the glory attracted from a source by way of contact with the source of the glory such as that of Moses when he communed with God. Inherent glory: Is the type of glory God has within Him. Nothing we do can add any anything to this glory The glory that is involved when we praise God is derived glory while inherent reputation is in us due to the presence of the Lord god in us. Edited February 3, 2017 by haar Did not answer the last two questions Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted February 5, 2017 Report Posted February 5, 2017 On 12/16/2016 at 1:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said: To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? God's reputation glory is the glory he get's when he does amazing things such as getting glory over Pharoah and the idol gods of Egypt. His derived glory means the glory or credit he gets for his work in creation that exhibits his handiwork. Inherent glory is that which God has because of who he is. Also the glory he has when he manifest himself to mankind, this glory is overwhelming. The glory that is involved when we praise God is for what he has done for his people in the past and in the present. This would be reputation glory. The glory that is with us is delivered glory. Quote
Tellnorm Posted February 5, 2017 Report Posted February 5, 2017 Reputation glory: Attributed to exploits or achievements Exaltation and un ending praise is the appropriate response to God's reputation glory. Derived glory: All life on earth exists because of the sun's energy. The earth's unique capacity for life is contingent on the sun - not in and of itself. Inherent glory: Attributed to God alone. Not dependent or reliant on externalities. Reputation glory is involved in praise and worship. I am privy to His reputation by faith in His Word. I have derived glory from God. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 6, 2017 Report Posted February 6, 2017 Reputation glory is one that when you do a good job then your reputation glory is recognized. Derived glory is when we associate ourselves with somebody and they are an outstanding person then through that association we have derived glory. Inherent glory is when somebody is glorious even though some don’t recognize it he still has that glory. The glory that is involved when I praise God is derived glory and the glory that is within me is reputation glory. Quote
Robyn G. Posted February 9, 2017 Report Posted February 9, 2017 1) Reputation glory- is glory due to things we have done. It is based on acts, actions and reactions. 2)Derived glory- is glory with association. We become more and take on the attributes of those we associate with and have relationships with. 3) Inherent glory-is glory God has being God. Whether someone praises God or recognizes His glory doesn't mean He doesn't have His glory---it is there regardless. I believe we should use all 3 to praise God. God should be praised for being God (inherent), having a loving relationship with us (derived) and for all He does for us because of His love (reputation). I believe derived glory is in us, for because God chooses to reside and have the relationship with us. We do not have the glory without accepting and allowing God to have that relationship and dwell in our heart. Nothing we do can ever earn the glory and also nothing we do can prevent His glory. Quote
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