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Q1. Types of Glory

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1.       Reputation glory is the visible manifestation of God's unique excellent character

 and He wants the glory of His name.

2.        Derived glory  It is a state of absolute happiness, gratification, contentment in His presents

3.      Inherent Glory. is  His intrinsic glory is infinite his greatness, brilliance and magnificence by virtue of who God is. God is God, He is glorious and His glory separates Him from all created beings

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

Reputation Glory comes from the things that one does to enhance one's reputation. Politicians, movie stars and sports figures all perform certain acts which they hope will enhance their reputation. We as Christians are they give glory for God for all those things which he deserves credit for. We do this by offering praise to God and when we witness our faith to God before our friends and our Associates.

 Drived Glory is the glory has within oneself. We as Christians derive our Glory from our communion with and our relationship with God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.


Inherent Glory is Glory that one has within oneself. God is the characteristic example of inherent Glory for he gets his glory from himself.


The only Glory Within Me is the glory which comes from my communion with God my father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.


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1 -  Reputation Glory is speaking from experience of the things God has done for you. 

2 -  Derived Glory is glory that comes from spending time with God in his presence.

3 -  Inherent Glory is glory that is within.

The glory that is involved when you praise God is the 'reputation glory' thanking him for things done in your life.

The 'derived glory' is in me.

Edited by Eager Bver
misunderstood the question
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  • 2 weeks later...

1.Reputation Glory - Is the glory Given to God who is the creator or everything by the creatures that are created by Him like we humans should always give him praises and Glory and on the other hand we read in scriptures that even angles give Glory to God all the time non stop. Example God Got glorified in Egypt in front of Pharaoh and his men by the ten plagues he brought over them.

2. Derived Glory -  Is the glory which reflects like the moon reflects the light from sun similarly when we walk by the word of God, we reflect His Glory. Example Moses face shone when he came down from mount Sinai and reflected God's glory physically but we are supposed to reflect it by our works and deeds.

3.Inherited Glory - It is the natural Glory of God which is within in which manifests and Glorifies itself, weather men glorify Him or not He is Glorious and mighty. 

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Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

Reputation glory: glory from personal exploits, personal  character traits.

Derived glory: glory someone receives from association with someone or something else.

Inherent glory: glory that is in and of oneself.  God alone has Inherent glory.

Praise is reputation glory

Only glory in me is derived glory which I get from what He has done for me.

God bless


Numbers 6:24-26

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  • 1 month later...

Reputation glory is something you earn through various means, such as the valor a military hero earns through bravery on the battlefield where derived glory is something which, really isn’t glory but the reputation one carries simply by people relating to people someone hangs out with, but inherent glory, that, is true glory, a natural glow from within.

As far as the glory involved when praising God, I will have to go with reputation glory because I’m giving glory to the one who deserves it all!

Glory within me, I have no glory within me. My best hope would be to reflect God’s glory.

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On 12/17/2016 at 6:22 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

Reputation glory attributed glory or credit for deeds done, derived glory is something that is absorbed from a source that is considered glorious and inherent glory comes from within when witnessing or a party to something wonderful and glorious. 

When praising God all three types of glory are evident with inherent glory being the result of being a part of something wonderful - when He steps into my orbit, my world lights up. 

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Reputation glory is worshiping God for His attributes.

Derived glory is a reflection of glory from God when in his presence.

Inherent glory is which only God has - independent of people.

When I praise God reputation glory is involved.  I praise God for Who He is (nature).

The glory within me is derived glory because when I am in God's presence, people can see that I have been with God.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reputation Glory – is the kind of glory that is due to God for all the things he has done. This is the kind of glory that is involved  when  we worship and praise him,  when we declare  His goodness and love to others

Derived Glory – is the kind of glory that radiates in us when we are in constant communion with God and had established a deep relationship with Him. We might not be aware of it but other people notice such kind of glory in us. Thus this is the kind of glory  that we have acquired from the source of glory

Inherent Glory – is the kind of glory that is immanent to God regardless of His amazing works. It is part of His being God.


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  • 2 months later...
On December 16, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

Reputation glory is glory that is derived from your own self

derived glory is one that is brought about by what is happening or what has happened

inherent glory is glory that is already a part of what is happening or of a person.

When I praise God it is a touch of all three.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? 

(1) reputation glory - this is glory attributed to a person due to their reputation of great acheivements

(2) derived glory - this is glory one possess by spending time in the presence of God

(3) inherent glory - this is glory that is attributed to God for who He is.  His characteristics is His inherent glory.   

When I praise God, all three glory is involved.

Derived glory is within as I am in the presence of God perpetually. 


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  • 11 months later...
On 12/16/2016 at 1:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

God has established His reputation throughout the entire Holy Bible from the beginning to the end.  In Exodus He overthrew the Pharaoh and his people by returning the sea to it’s full strength.  The Israelites saw all of the Egyptians dead on the shore, and Yahweh showed His power and established His Glory.  Throughout the Old and New Testament of the Bible God is proving His Glory.  He overthrows the evil kings while He blesses those that are obedient to Him.  Yahweh is God and there is no other like Him.  God’s inherent Glory is simply because He is God and the supreme being.  We must recognize that God will not give His Glory to anyone or anything else, it is His and His alone.  When I worship God I do it by acknowledging all of His Glory,  we have a great master in God.  A merciful, powerful, truthful, Omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient God in Yahweh.  Glory be to God in the Highest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/16/2016 at 1:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

To help you internalize and apply what you are learning from this study, I have included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip these. It is best to write out your answers, whether you post them or not. However, you can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you will need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

Reputation glory is honor, beauty, and praise earned by what people have stated through the years, you have to earn reputation glory.  Derived glory is glory derived from another source.  Like the mountains are glorious when the sun shines on them in a certain way.  Inherent glory is glory already in something.  It is there weather people acknowledge it or not, like God has inherent glory and no one can take that away.  All three different glories when you praise God.  God has built up a superior glory through his mighty acts.  The Lord God has derived glory as the Church glorifies Him.  God also has inherent glory which He has always had also, no matter what people say or think about God, He is glorious. Reputation glory because I’m a mild mannered person, I try to be good all of the time.  I have built a reputation of being a pretty good man, a man of God. 

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  • 6 months later...

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?


Reputation glory is glory that comes from what someone does.  It relates to their reputation.  God's acts show his reputation glory.  Derived glory is glory that is derived from something or someone else.  The moon derives its light, its glory, from the sun.  We derive our glory from God.  Inherent glory is the glory God has that is independent of whether or not He is honored.   

Reputation glory is involved when we praise God for who He is and what He does.  Inherent glory from god is within us.

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  • 4 years later...

Reputation Glory is when we honor God on things that He has done and continue doing. We thank Him for who He is as Creator of all things.

Derived Glory is when we continually spend our time with God and be consumed in His presence, we indirectly receive His glory ourselves.

Inherent Glory says that God does not depend on us to glorify Him. He is Himself the Glory and when He shows Himself to us, His glory is amazing and overwhelming.

When I praise God, the reputation glory is involved because He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.

Derived glory is within me because I believe that spending time in His presence gives me the fullness of joy that I need. It makes me to be at peace because I know that He is there for me and with me.

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  • 1 year later...

Topic: The Glorious Kingdom in Mount Sinai

Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you?

A1. The difference between,(1) Reputation glory from, (2) Derived glory and (3) Inherent glory; is that with reputation glory, an individual is ascribing credit to God for all the wonderful & amazing things he’s doing or has done and will continue to do.

Reputation glory, affirms and celebrates God’s reputation by giving Him praise, honor and glory. When a person gives their testimony about what the Lord has done in their life, it increases the faith of those hearing the person boast about the awesomeness of their God! This witness or testimony that we share with others, helps to promote, enhance, enrich and spread God’s reputation with the believer and non-believer in the world.  

Derived glory on the other hand, is a glory (from the source) that radiates or reflects unto an object, image or individual(s); like the sun rays beaming down on people lying on the sand at the beach. Moses absorbed some of God’s glory by being in His presence…which caused his face to glow. 

Inherent glory is God’s internal glory, He & Jesus is the very source of glory. Glory is His nature, He is self sustained by His own glory…because He is the very essence of glory. He is full of glory, God is glory personified, He is self sustained by His own glory. He is full of glory, irregardless of anyone ever testifying about His great exploits - via reputational glory or derived glory … because there is no one greater than God Almighty… who is the very source of glory! 

The glory that is involved when I praise God? Is reputation glory and derived glory (e.g. being in his presence…through praise & worship).

The glory that is within me is God’s reflected/derived glory. And also, God’s inherent glory (because Jesus is in me and I am in Him; and Jesus is in God and God is in Jesus)… we are united in a oneness fellowship and union.

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