annk Posted March 14, 2004 Report Posted March 14, 2004 A person cultivates inner beauty by putting her trust in God and letting him be the guiding force in our life. Our actions and words help to show our inner beauty. One gains character again by choosing to follow the Lord's teaching, not those around you. From following the Lord's teachings our values grow and with that comes the knowledge, peace, love and joy and other attributes that abound in and without of our lives. If we aren't true to God then who can we be true to. He who has given us so much and in return asks for so little. You have to be faithful in your love of God and in your marriage faithfulness, love and trust has to be there. I may not have great external beauty, but if I can relate to my spouse as my equal with love and trust. We will success in conquering whatever comes before us. Jealousy has no place in our relationship. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted March 14, 2004 Report Posted March 14, 2004 NKJV)Bible>We are to spend more time developing our inner character than attempting to make ourselves look beautiful on the outside.Peter is not condemning women who where jewelry.He is emphasizing the importance of a woman's character:verse 4:Incorruptible beauty involves inner qualities that do not decay or fade away like makeup,jewelry,and clothes,verse:3:gentle and quiet spirit.Peter encourages christian wives to exhibit attitudes that do not demand personal rights,attitudes that are not harsh and grating but are soothing and tranquil.We should show our husbands respect.Be not afraid,Fear of our husband should not be the driving force that causes a christian wife to practice the principles of godly marital relations. Quote
cct1106 Posted March 16, 2004 Report Posted March 16, 2004 By loving and living the word of God. Keeping his commandements. To not be corruptible, be meek and have a quiet spirit, have trust in God, being subjection unto own husbands. Quote
dantanc Posted March 19, 2004 Report Posted March 19, 2004 The Lord asked us to be salt of the earth. Our behavior should always be tasteful. We can imbibe this inner beauty only by having the holy spirit guidance all the time and bearing the fruits of the spirit. We should completely discard hypocrasy and double standards to devolop inner beauty. We devolop charater when we are obedient to God and superiors, be resposible in the family, church and the society and courageous in all circumstances. In the case of a woman everybody looks upto a woman of character, for guidance and example. Her husband will feel her precious and adores her. Quote
Julie Posted March 22, 2004 Report Posted March 22, 2004 1-2. By putting God first, by focusing on God, and putting their hope in Him 3. For it is doing what is right and not giving away to fear. 4. For what he sees is not made up it is real and it is pure. Quote
MoZes Marius Posted March 23, 2004 Report Posted March 23, 2004 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? Inner beauty is cultivated through dwelling in the presence of God and be filled with His spirit. Character can be gained through being reverent, pure, gentle, and Quite. God treasures only those characters that come from within. It's the reality of womans' inner characteristics that worked out through her life give testimony to the husband. Quote
kitty Posted March 30, 2004 Report Posted March 30, 2004 To cultivate inner beauty, one must yield regulary. Let the Holy Spirit reign in my life on a daily basis. Character is the same way. By letting the Holy Spirit clean my old and dirty nature. He replemises my nature with the characterists of Jesus. Love, joy, peace, patience...the gifts of the Spirit. When I have true character it show the Father, that we want to be in his presense. That we aren't fooling around. We are serious about our intimate relationship. By the Godly characterists, the ungodly mate will see that the Godly mate is not of the world but is apart of God's family. The Godly mate doesn't have worldly emotions. The Godly mate has the inner beauty that comes only from God. Quote
Kim E. Posted April 13, 2004 Report Posted April 13, 2004 To cultivate beauty takes a daily commitment to walk in the Spirit. I believe you must love yourself as God loves you and realize that the other people in you life love you, especially your husband. When you know you are loved and appreciated the inner beauty just comes out in you. You are responsible for developing inner beauty but the people around you must also bear some responsiblity in loving and appreciating you. Your relationships should be nourishing. For me to gain character I had to first become aware of my spiritual need, mourn over my spiritual poverty and abandon myself to Christ. When I realized my life was nothing without Christ, I was lead by the Spirit to the Beatitudes and believe me those are some character building Scripture! I still need character building Scripture everyday of my life. To continue to build character we must remain in the Word and obey God. I believe true character is important to God because it determines what our life and witness are about. Do we stand or do we cave in? Do we rejoice when we are persecuted? It is important that my attitudes and behavior be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. A Christian woman can get and hang onto her husband simply by understanding that you get back what you give. We should love like Jesus loves. Quote
jeffmcl Posted May 20, 2004 Report Posted May 20, 2004 a. A person cultivates inner beauty by allowing the Holy Spirit to have control of his/her life and pursuing the development of the fruit of the Spirit (Christlike character). b. Character is gained by yielding to the Holy Spirit as one goes through their daily life and encounters trials and tests that God allows to be put in our path to strengthen us. He teaches us first, then he tests us with trials. These build true character and are part of the process to mold us into the image of Christ, God's Son. It is precious to God because it is a family likeness! c. By building this kind of true character, a Christian woman's example will eventually influence an unbelieving spouse in such a way as to "win him over"--not only to that Christian spouse, but to Christianity. If the unbelieving spouse is converted, then the marriage is further strengthened and established in Christ. Quote
PressThrough Posted June 1, 2004 Report Posted June 1, 2004 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? Inner beauty comes from being secure with who you are as a child of God'. Character is built up by perseverance under pressure. Perseverance shows God a steady persistence in adhering to your purpose in life; which is to Glorify God in all circumstances. This state of Grace also shows stabilty to the husband. Quote
peggysue Posted July 4, 2004 Report Posted July 4, 2004 a person who loves God will try to be caring nurturing etc whether male or female,but if a wife has these values and the husband takes notice of these good qualities in her it can make him come to learn about Jesus Quote
heatherdills Posted July 16, 2004 Report Posted July 16, 2004 A person cultivates inner beauty by being kind and gentle. One gains character by being true to God and themselves. True character is so important and precious to God because we are living as He created us to be. Character can help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband by showing him there is more than the physical, which will fade away in the end. Quote
mollymadhat Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? Inner beauty is cultivated with surrender and obedience to God. It also comes from the practice of giving of your time and energy to others without a selfish or angry spirit. I have often thought about the text of 1 Timothy 2:15 "But women will be saved through childbearing..." I think it speaks of the giving up of self that is required with child rearing. This giving up of ourselves is what develops character. This unselfish character is so precious to God because it is the spirit of heaven. This character helps us with our husbands too because when we are lovely to be around then they will want and enjoy our company. Quote
N.I.C Posted May 18, 2005 Report Posted May 18, 2005 A person cultivates inner beauty by tending to it, through prayer, devotions, bible reading, fellowship with other Christains, exc. We can also cultivate our characters by caring for and tending to other people's needs. Even simply by using our words to encourage, edify and exhort our families and others. I think that we gain character by doing the things I already mentioned. I also think that we gain character through life's experiences and challenges. I believe that God is more interested in what is going on in our hearts. A persons character ultimately determines his/her own actions. It answers the question why we do what we do. Character can help a Christian women win her husband because somehow He will see God's character beginning to take root in our lives. He will see the peace and joy and love tht we have and He will desire those same qualities too. (In a sense this type of inner beauty is what draws others to us and God.) Quote
steve.c Posted June 11, 2006 Report Posted June 11, 2006 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? We cultivate inner baeuty by accepting the ways of the kingdom of heaven and turning away from the kingdom of the world. If we follow the attitudes Jesus taught us to adopt we will cultivate inner beauty. We will become righteous and God's love will shine through us. The application of God's Word in our lives builds up our character. Following His Word is an act of worship every waking second and as we obey we are moulded by Him so our characters improve and become more Christ-like. The goodness that comes from Jesus when the Holy Spirit shows itself within us will earn the respect and admiration of a husband. A righteous wife, I have a righteous, Christian, loving wife, strengthens a marriage and binds a husband closer to her. It is a wonderful experience to have a wife through whom God is so obviously working and who gives such praise to God. Quote
L. Turner Posted December 6, 2006 Report Posted December 6, 2006 A person cultivates inner beauty from abiding in the presence of the Holy Spirit. You gain true character by yielding to the Spirit if God, thus allowing Him to govern your life. I believe that true character is important to God; because it is a reflection of Him. When a christain women demonstates the beauty and character of God, her husband is well pleased with her and he will desire to stay with her. We know that the bible says that in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of Joy, so when a woman demonstates God's character it will bring pleasure to her husband. Quote
Jewell Posted June 13, 2007 Report Posted June 13, 2007 By growing in the Spirit, getting closer to God, reaching out to and cultivating those things that are the fruits of the Spirit. True character is what we are, inside, to the depths of our heart and soul. It's that heart and soul that's important to God. If it's not there, it's not true. A husband will know by her character that she is a good person, someone he doesn't want to turn away from. Quote
Craig Posted June 20, 2007 Report Posted June 20, 2007 A person cultivates inner beauty through establishing a vigorous relationship with God through daily Bible Study and application, prayer and service. By taking on the characteristics of Jesus Christ. Character is gained by applying the Word of God to our lives. True character is important and precious to God because it reveals a real transformation of the person toward Christ-likeness. Character helps a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband through love, Godiness and integrity. Quote
Christian Girl Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband?I think one cultivates inner beauty by focusing on God and walking in His way...having a What Would Jesus Do" attitude, studying their Bible, etc. God looks at the heart and a pure heart is precious to God. The Bible teaches that if a man is not a Christian, he can learn about godliness from his wife's Christ-like manner. Yet I know for a fact there are times when a man, whether he considers himself a Christian or not can know that he has a godly wife and still allow Satan to enter in so in having godly character and cultivating inner beauty, do it for the Lord...your personal relationship with Him. Do not depend upon that to win and hold on to a husband. Good character and inner beauty should be a desired part of a person's Christian life to be peaceful and pleasing to God. Quote
Robin D Posted April 9, 2008 Report Posted April 9, 2008 I try to cultivate inner beauty by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my life. Being humble, gentle, honest, loving, obedient, and forgiving are all qualities that I believe are so important to have peace with God. Character is important and precious to God because with it, others might be won to Christ. Character can help a christian woman win her husband because he will want these lasting qualities in his wife. He also might realize the effects of these qualities in her life, and want the same thing for himself and his children. Quote
Tabatha Posted June 13, 2008 Report Posted June 13, 2008 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? What is this inner self, or as the NAS puts it, " the hidden person of the heart? Paul alludes to this in ( 2 Co. 4:16 ) " Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." Essentially it's the real you which will live forever. And now in Christ you are a new creature fit for His Kingdom because we now are clothed in His righteousness. And so Peter is saying that this inner self, this new creature in Christ, should be the one taking center stage to honor the Lord so that the world can see clearly Christ at work in your members. This inner should effect the outer in such a way where the inner is seen. This includes everyone who is a believer in Christ. Our entire lives should be an act of worship before our God and this is what Peter wants us to see. Peter says this unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." unfading beauty " is better translated, " imerishable Quality" The idea is to contrast the outward beauty which is perishable with that quality which will last forever. That is what God places great worth in . We don't want to measure the standard of a gentle and quiet spirit according to man's evauation but we want to know what God says of the matter and we need to know that God deems it precious in His sight when we walk according to His ways in the power of the Spirit. This is what the believing wife is being told regarding her unbelieving husband as well as the other situation of two believing spouses. In either case the inner beauty should manifest itself for the sake of the relationship which by it's very nature is a picture of the relationship of God with man in intimate communion. In a marriage relationship the two become one. In Christ we are one in the Spirit. We are bound to our loving God. Christ is in us and we are in Him by faith. He is building charactar through this process. Not just for the world but for the family. All of the above can become contagious to the unbelieving husband as well as the believing husband and children. It cause a Godly atmosphere Quote
John Weir Posted June 23, 2008 Report Posted June 23, 2008 Having the 9 fruits of the Spirit is how we cultivate inner beauty. In the world in which we live it is most difficult to have these fruits because of the pace of our lives, our assertiveness and wanting to be in control. Only a strong relationship with our Lord, a daily time with Him of studying His Word and prayer will produce these fruits. 'We sow thoughts, and reap action, - we sow action and reap habits, - we sow habits and reap Character.' What we think about determines our feelings and we tend to act on our feelings. If the habits we have are pure and righteous, we will have a Godly character. True character or our inner beauty and truth and righteousness will mean that we have respect and fear God. We will then praise and glorify His name and this is what he wants from us. A husband needs the support of his wife but only where there is mutual trust and Godly love. Her character, of respect, submission and love will win his love for her. Quote
Mrstoler Posted September 2, 2008 Report Posted September 2, 2008 A person cultivates inner beauty by the divine instruction of God. By submitting to the will of God. Also by treating others the way that you want to be treated. True character is important to God because as we go through life we must represent God to the world. We cannot represent God by having bad character and claim to be christians. Quote
smurf1948 Posted September 10, 2008 Report Posted September 10, 2008 Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband? By letting the Holy Spirit work through you with his fruits. By being a Godly person not living of the world. God wants you to be one of his children. Children are precious to a father. You can only have this through true character & a Christian life. He sees the inner beauty and character she has and desires that for himself. He knows this is the kind of woman tht he wants for his life mate. Quote
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