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Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

When a man and a woman are united in matrimony, the two shall become ONE. While wives submit themselves to their husbands, husbands should in return demonstrate their love by relating to their wives with knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes, husband and wife fall into a situation whereby they try to dominate each other. This happens when they misintepret the word of God concerning submission and not putting God himself as the head of the family. In whatever we do, we should have focus in our lives, that is God. In the marriage covenant, God himself is the Head.

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Relating to your wife with knowledge and wisdom means to understand their (wives) needs. It means to be aware of their vulnerabilities and understand how to relate to them. For both husbands and wives, I believe pride and ego get in the way at times and that only leads to disharmony and stress in the relationship. It will pull you from God


Peter was telling the christian husbands, they need to look after the wife's needs as well as their own. The wife is under the husband. Husband's needed to grow up and be smart with their wife.

When the husband demonstrates that he is looking after his wife's needs, then this leads to a demonstration of love. He shows affection to his wife. Without the wife having to leave any clues.

When the husband looks after his wife and sees what needs the wife may have, not only is this demonstration of love, but it tells the wife that her husband is still interested in her and someone else.

Men may feel that when they dominate their wife, that they are in control. I'm not knocking anybody down. Wifes also feel they have to be the dominate one. This can't be. No one should be the dominate one. Only God should be the dominate one. Any one else is looking for trouble.

The harm this causes, is the undominate one feels they are being riduculed, abused, and in an un-safe environment. It cause the undominate one too feel self-secure. Like they can't do anything correctly.

God wants everyone to be free. If there is domination happening, there is no freedom in the marriage.

  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus relates to women with knowledge and wisdom, so should her husband. Husbands who relate to their wives in this way bring her glory and honor. We all deserve to be loved in this way. When we avoid sarcasm and criticisim when relating to our spouse we are showing courtesy. To be courteous is a demonstration of love. I know my husbands

  • 1 month later...

a. Because by attending to his wife's needs not only honors her as a person made in God's image, but it shows a sensitivity and sense of compassion and understanding about how she feels and thinks, and why she does the things she does.

b. It indicates selfless love (agape) that shows he puts her needs above his own and this is what Christ commanded.

c. Relating to his wife in this way strengthens the marriage bond and he finds that this kind of love will be returned to him a hundred-fold.

d. Because of fear of loss of control, selfishness and ignorance about what it really means to be a man and a godly husband. :D

e. Wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands because they are rebellious and refuse to be submissive as the Bible teaches. Others suffer from a dysfunctional upbringing and background and did not enjoy exposure to the proper pattern for the husband-wife relationship. Still others do so because they have no respect for their husband, a view that may be understandable, but does not lead to a healthy marital relationship.

f. Such attitudes cause hard feelings, resentment and bitterness in the relationship, makine it more difficult for the marriage to survive.

g. This is contrary to God's nature because God is love and the manifestation of that love in Jesus is seen in selfless, sacrificial living with the best interests of the other person always in mind. Domination of another does not reflect an interest in their well being.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom because it is according to the gospel. This manner of living is about love because God is love and it is to the best interest of everyone to live by such standards. I think men try to dominate wowmen to keep them at a status lesser then them and this creates rebellion and disrespect for the man, and tears apart the relationship. Both man and woman where made in Gods image and for one to dominate the other then there is not wholeness in the body of Christ; one member working in harmony with the other.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom to create mutual respect. This demonstrates love becuase they will respect each other. This demonstrates self-interest because it shows his agenda. Men sometimes try to dominate their wives because they think they can. Wives sometime try to dominate their husbands because they don't want to be vulnerable. Harm this does is it upsets the balance God created. Domination of another person is contrary to God's nature because we are supposed to be humble and love one another.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

If we, wives and husbands alike, can relate to each other with knowledge and wisdom then how much easier it would be to live in harmony! Harmony = love. It is in our best interest to live in peace and love with each other. Dominance is not a husband issue. It is a partner issue. Plenty of women I know dominate their husbands. But this is not right on either side. This controlling, dominating nature needs to be subdued. We want to be first and boss over our partner but that is God's place - this is why dominance is contrary to God's nature.

  • 7 months later...

A husband has to become "sensitive" to a women's needs in order to make thier families/ relationship functional. It shows that the husband is willing to set aside his needs and that even though he may not fully understand his wife, he cares enough or cherishes her enough to try to understand.

If the husband meets the needs of his wife, she will willingly and joyfully meet his needs.

Men try do dominate their wives because some of them do see themselves as superior to women. Often times, men who demand respect and who always need to stay in "control" do so because of low self esteem. I think this also applies to women, we do not want to be considered as the weaker partner, and if men make us feel that way we become rebellious. This is harmful because the relationship and the family becomes out of balance. It sets both the relationship between the husband and wife and the harmony in the housedhold up for failure/dysfunction.

Domination is contrary to God's nature because Jesus said that whoever wants to be great among you, must become the least. Jesus is a King and He took on the form of a sevant. We are to follow His example. God doesn't demand respect, nor is he controlling, He gives us a choice out of love. Yes HE wants respect, Yes He wants us to love HIm, to follow HIm and be obediant to Him, but He gives us a choice. And when we choose to serve HIm we do it with all our hearts, with great joy, fully trusting in HIm and being obediant to HIm. I believe thats how a husband/wife relationship is supposesd to work. Someone who demands our love, respect and obediance may get that , more likely out of fear and with a resentful attitude. but they never love out of the fulleness of their hearts. Maybe God understood that and thats why He always gives us a choice. Because in return He will have our whole hearts. And in return His name will be given glory, honour and praise.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

I prefer Peter's word "consideration" or "understanding" rather than knowledge, which gives the impression of imparting knowledge to someone who has not reeceived it yet. Consideration means not taking for granted, thinking and viewing matters from someone's perspective, being alive to their sensibilities and needs. A husband who loves his wife puts her wishes and feelings ahead of his. It is self-interest to the extent that a happy marriage is a much more enjoyable experience than an unhappy one. God wants us to have a happy marriage and lays down rules to strengthen marriage. One spouse trying to dominate another is an act of selfishness, putting their interests first. The kingdom of heaven requires the first to be last and for the master to be the servant. We are treat others, everybody, as we would wish to be treated. That is what Jesus taught. We love Jesus not because we have to but because we dearly want to. There is no coercion in the relationship. Love is a giving of ourselves and an obedience to the object of our love. We should love our wives in the same way so the we are really partners as God wishes and co-inheritors of His Kingdom.

  • 5 months later...

:) A husband should relate to his wife through wisdom and knowledge of her vulnerability as a female and also through the knowledge of her need for love, respect and understanding. When a husband does this it demonstates his love and care for her.

When either a man or woman tries to dominate the other, it shows a lack of respect for the other person and it is very harmful to the relationship. It causes conflict. It is also not pleasing to God, God never intended for man to dominatene each other. This goes contrary to His will.

  • 6 months later...

A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom as a way of being considerate, understanding, and aware of her needs, which demonstrate love. It demonstrates self interest because what helps her, helps him.

I think dominance is a weakness, an insecurity, for either gender. It is harmful because it initiates an inborn response of fight or flight. It is contrary to God's nature in that he gave us free will - dominance is the opposite of free will.


A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom because God commands it. It demonstrates love in the way that I Cor. 13 defines it. If I love my wife with knowledge and wisdom she will return the love.

Men try to dominate their wives so they can have their own way. The harm in this is it is a one-sided relationship with no check and balance a proper relationship entails. It is a selfish relationship that oppresses the talents, gifts, opinions, ideas, and ultimately the love of the wife.

God doesn't dominate us, so we shouldn't dominate others.

  • 9 months later...

A husband should use knowledge and wisdom as a means to give honor to his wife. This shows interest because the husband should try to be understanding and aware of his wife's needs. Both partners will benefit and build strong relationships. Men sometimes try to dominate their wives to show power, sometimes to appear smarter, or just to prove they can. Wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands so they can be in charge, because they don't like the decisions their husbands make, or they don't like being submissive to another perosn. Dominion of another person is contrary to God's nature because God is no respector of persons. We are all heirs of God.

  • 2 months later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

And lift up your voice for wisdom, if you seek after her as silver And search for her as for hidden treasure; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God.( Prov. 2: 3-5).

With these attributes you will help her to grow in her relationship with Christ and show His love through you. You will understand her needs and be more sensitive in meeting those needs. This is what Peter says in ( 1st Peter 3: 7 ) " Husbands, in the same way be considreate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."

Each one of us must love each other as we love ourselves, and respect each other. Marriage is an intimate union where two become one as they are living with one direction now instead of two seperate direstions. They are to be moving Christ-ward together. The problem which both men and women face in a marriage relationship, or any relationship we have with other people in this world, is that we have a tendency to be selfish and self-centered. We want to be # 1. Because of this, the kind of ideal relationship which God speaks of and wants us to enjoy in Christ is often missed because one or both parties are more concerned with self being in control than wanting to be loving servants for one another.

The picture Paul gives is that if we're willing to lay our lives down for each other and accomplish the task God has given, then that relationship can be used to accomplish far reaching goals which extend far beyond the immediate family. And in the process God is Glorified as He is seen working in the lives of Husband and wife as they both submit to one another and Him.


The book ' Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' sets this out well. We are very different. Women are far more emotional and want their needs attended to, solutions, not advice, about their problems. Men go ' into their caves' i.e., the recesses of their minds to solve their problems, and musn't be disturbed while there. This knowledge is essential and it is unwise to be unaware of this. Womens' spiritual needs are approached the same way. Men want more practical spiritual answers to their questions.

We demonstrate love towards one another by respecting each others needs and being considerate. Jesus showed us how to do this through patience, concern, understanding, compassion and consideration for one another.

Self-interest in this respect is loving the other partner for our own sake. Our interest should be genuine spiritual concern for the other partner.

Men are by nature controlling and assertive and will try to dominate the other partner, the wife. This leads to major problems in the marriage and often to split ups. Both parties need to show restraint and consideration. Wives need security and love or will try to dominate their husbands.

God's nature is one of loving kindness. Domination is not showing this. Genuine love and concern towards the other partner is what God is asking for. Self-interest in the wrong sense will negate this.

  • 2 months later...

The husband need to know everything he can about his wife, so that he will know how to treat her. The husband shows his wife that she is very important to him because he want to know everything he can about her so that he can make her happy. When the husband seeks to know his wife it shows that their marriage is very important to him. When the marriage is healthy he is healthy. Some men are thought this as a young boy. Others dominate their wives because their is something broken in him. Some women dominate their men because she may have been taught it. While some are just selfish and want things their way. This causes hatred and in some cases violence. God is not a dominating God. He is a loving God. He is the one that took us as His own and the way He loves us is the way He want us to love others. His word proves who God really is. That is love.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature

He should relate in the knowledge & wisdom given by God through the scriptures on how a woman is to be treated.

We are to love them as God loves his children. This will show reverence and respect.

We try to dominate each other because of our sin mature. We don't like to be controlled but in control.

God's nature is for us to be loving and caring for each other.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

We are told in the Bible to have an honest opinion of ourselves and not to esteem ourselves higher than we should. We are also told to think of others before ourselves.

By relating to his wife with knowledge and wisdom, a husband is telling her she is important to him. He is treating her with respect and dignity and in a way that reveals Christ to her. He is saying she matters to him and he wants to know her better.

By trying to dominate another person, the one controlling is saying you are not good enough. I will change you to what you should.

It is making a liar and a mockery of the God who created that person in His image. It pulls people down and destroys their belief in them.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

Q? Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom?

Ans: Wives are weaker partner and they are equal to husbands spiritually. Husbands should be aware of female vulnerability and physical needs.

Q? In what way does this demonstrate love?

Ans: By showing respect and honor as equal in terms of their standing before God.

Q? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest?

Ans: Husbands want their prayers to be answered by God. Hence, they should treat their wives with respect.

Q? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands?

Ans: When husbands does not perform his role as a provider, protector, priest, or leader of the family, the wife has a tendency to take over the role assigned to the husband.

Q? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

Ans: Men were created first by God. Women were created from men. Hence, women are supposed to be supporter to the leadership of the husbands. But some husbands are confused of their role as provider, protector, leader, and priest of the family. In effect wives carry the role of the husbands to take the lead in family affairs.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

Wisdom and knowledge come from God and when a man relates to his wife in this way he is demonstrating his love for her just as Christ loves him.

It shows that he is interested in her as a fellow heir in Christ and a fellow human being when he treats her with respect and love with the wisdom God has given him. She in turn will freely give to him the things he needs in order to feel loved, needed, and respected. (HENCE-self-interest)

I think some men try to dominate their wives because that is what they saw their own fathers do to their mothers and some even use the Bible to justify why they dominate because they take the verses out of context instead of seeing the truth in God's word.

I have seen marriages where the wife has taken on the leadership role and neither one seemed at peace. I think sometimes a wife dominates because the husband is unwilling or feels unable to lead his family, so he finds it easier to let her have control. Other wives could use dominance in order to keep from feeling like the victim.

When this happens with either spouse there is no balance in the relationship and no true feelings of love, respect, honor, of being cherished, or even liked as a person and it totally goes against God's design for a holy marriage union and ignores the truth of God's word that we are both joint heirs in Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

The husband is the head of the household as Christ is the head of the Church. The husband should be led with wisdom and knowledge from Christ to lead his wife with the love of Christ by having daily time for prayer, bible study, having time for their relationship time and only unto her, and by providing for her in all ways. Domination from wife or husband is not listening to God but putting their own self interests before God's wisdom and knowledge.

  • 4 months later...

Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

As the head of the household the husband needs to be the one who leads the way and in order to achieve this he must gain knowledge and wisdom to impart to his spouse. Today this is accomplished through prayer and communication with God through the reading and study of His word. I believe that knowledge and wisdom from God in a man gives the wife a feeling of security and the man direction in his life.

The men and women who try to dominate the partners are those who don

Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature?

They are to understand the wife's needs and to be sensitive to her needs and her understanding. It demonstrates love because he is showing his wife that he cares and understands her needs, willing to help her by sharing in her needs. I think men and women try to dominate one another because they think one is weaker than the other. One wants to be in control over the other for selfish reasons. This does great harm because it destroys the respect and love that we are to have for one another. This is contary to God's nature because we are to like him. We are to have the respect and honor that Jesus had.

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